People still care about this joke of a killer? Just move on to other stronger and better to play killers.
Yeah, they definitely would, but stealth killers are like only 5 out of all 30.
I like liminal spaces but they wouldn't fit DBD in anyway. First of all the whole premise of liminal spaces is built upon psychological horror, while DBD focuses more on the slasher/serial killer genre. The closest thing we have to psychological horror in DBD is the Silent Hill chapter and while I liked the adaptation it…
It's a mid tier killer with no addons and a suboptimal build against a (probably) SWF with coordinated builds and strong items. This looks more like a MMR mismatch than something about the balance of the game.
His teleport is clunky and his anti-loop is just another zoning power similar to half of the killers at this point.
These killers aren't strong because they have mobility. Wesker and Nurse barely move faster than a 115% when using their powers. Put Nurse to traverse Mother's Dwelling and you'll see she saves like 3-4 seconds compared to no mobility killers. These killers are strong because they have strong chase power. That's exactly…
If they have AFK crows they go into hook, otherwise I leave them.
I swear I've seen this guy comment the same thing in like 5 other updates. While I disagree with the base healing nerf, the game won't be dead because of that. Also lmao for thinking being able to completely counter a killer because you randomly brought an item is a good mechanic.
I'll guess it will be another DS situation. Killers won't expect anymore because the usage rate will drop a ton, but when it hits, it hits hard.
There was never a point to boons, the whole mechanic needs a rework. Due to the nature of being easily replaceable you can't give them strong effects otherwise they are overpowered (which was the case of CoH, especially in the first interaction of the perk). Imo boons should be gone after the killer snuffs them once, and…
We're going back to the meta before 6.1.0: Deadlock, Corrupt and No Way Out. Basically gen lockdown instead of gen regression, which imo is way healthier.
I'm fine with nerfing self healing, but they should at least buff altruist healing to compensate, and maybe consider making a weaker version of Bond as basekit.
What's the FOMO in this? The hat looks stupid.
This is why 90% of my DBD time recently has been on Twitch. The occasional fun match doesn't excuse the other 10 horrible ones.
Just tunnel dude, no need to do a 3000 word essay justifying it. But don't expect people to be nice to you in chat because it's not fun to go against.
Hopefully not. Just scrap the whole idea and make yellow moris basekit so the animations are more common.
At this point they should just get rid of the pre-game lobby and load players straight into the match. You can't see other players loadouts anyway so why bother wasting time.
This kind of question is pointless because the game has way too many variables to reach a conclusion. Survivors can vary from a full 4 man swf with meta builds and a Coldwind offering to a solo team in Midwich. In the same way killers can vary from a meta Blight to a Trapper with yellow perks. In general I'd say both sides…
If it means not having to deal with 30 minutes long games, I'd love to see her getting nerfed to uselessness.
Sucks to go against, especially with the stupid brown addon that breaks pallets (seriously, that should at least be a purple). I'd rather get demolished by an Alch Ring Blight in 5 minutes than spend 20 minutes getting mentally tortured against this killer. Haven't bothered even spending my shards on her.
As a brazilian I already hate how mainstream media thinks our country is made only of forests, soccer and hot women with revealing outfits. For a game that seems to pay so much attention to representation this is a pretty lame one. This chapter is a hard pass.
So instead of fixing audio occlusion and survivors being silent while slugged which have been broken for YEARS, they decide to change something literally nobody had a problem with. Lmao.
Eruption wasn't the only Incapacitated interaction. Twins and Pinhead use it too. In my opinion it should be restricted to powers only.
What makes holding W strong are huge maps. You can't hold W for too long on Coal Tower, but you can in Mother's Dwelling. If anything, making survivors slower would just kill the concept of looping and make them hold W even more.
You set a 3 gen with her drones, get rid of pallets in the area and then proceed to get free hits while never engaging in any chases. Repeat until the server closes after 40 minutes or survivors give up out of pure boredom. Hope you enjoy it.
If being fun to use was the major reason then perks like Head On, Blast Mine and Flashbang would be used just as much as Dead Hard, and they aren't.
Feels like a nerf to me honestly. Just like Mirror Myers he'd only be viable on indoor maps, not having a red stain or terror radius is not a huge deal like he thinks it is. The only redemption of Ghostface on big and open maps is being able to 99% people.
No, it stopped being fun like 3 years ago.
Even if you bring back old Billy he's never going to be popular again. What killed Billy were two things: changing his animations a few patches before the nerf 2) new maps. Literally every map since Midwich has been terrible for Billy, INCLUDING the map reworks which added a lot of random junk that makes steering around…
While being way weaker than Nurse or Blight these killers are infinitely easier to play. Just look how every Knight just insta-drops their power at a pallet until you go down, no brain thought.
But that's the problem, how do you even make perks that are as good as Sprint Burst, Dead Hard, CoH, OTR, Windows, etc? The line between a perk being useful and OP is very thin and devs need to be careful with it, especially on the survivor side where people can repeat the same perks. Just for example, Eruption went from a…
Sure, then remove it so I can hook every survivor in the basement then.
Because you have to take into account that 4 survivors can bring in the same perk, so when a single survivor brings it, it probably won't be that good.
The perk is fine balance-wise but very boring to go against. DBD is supposed to be a fast-paced game but then you get into hit range as killer and you have to wait the survivor to do 10 spins before finally he finally decides to use his DH. It's very boring gameplay imo.
He's fun to play against, but playing as him feels like crap.
The shack there is bigger than it is on other maps I think
don't care, funny scottish man with a cane goes brrrrrr
Knight is instantly S tier with this change
The devs know that Hex perks suck, hence why the latest Hex perks (Plaything, Pentimento, Face the Darkness) all work differently from traditional Hexes. With almost every match having one or two Boon users, I think it's time to give killers a way to activate their Hexes again. Maybe after 4 hooks the killer gets the…
They were funny for like two days and the rest of the event survivors were only using them for the free health states and to completely counter some killers.
I honestly don't understand this "FOMO" mentality. Skins don't have any kind of impact on gameplay. If this was about, for example, a killer stronger than Nurse that would only be available for purchase during a month I would understand it, but skins have literally no impact on how the game is played. Are you guys also…
More like incentivizing people to go back to other killers lol
If you reduce the range you're literally buffing the perk. There's a reason that tier 1 and 2 have bigger ranges. At least try to think about the perk a bit instead of rushing to cry on the forums.
The problem with this is that you think going higher on MMR is a reward when it's not. In fact, you'd be rewarding things like face camping Bubba and 4 man slugs by giving them easier games by making them lose MMR. Also saying "killers would tunnel less" is false. The easiest way to get 12 hooks is to tunnel someone at 5…
Baseline regression is so bad that this is far from being an issue. After one full minute of regression you only take off 15 seconds of a gen, and even then for some reason gen tapping still exists so you'll rarely get that much. I agree stacking slowdowns and Eruption as a whole need to be looked at, but this isn't the…
The problem is not when, it's where. Survivors can see the trajectory of the patrol you're setting AND the detection range of the guard. You can't make skillful plays at all with this killer because any survivor with a brain will just hold W to the other side of the universe while you're setting up a longer patrol, leaving…
Survivors should not be able to see the orb and the range of the patrol, it's stupid. It's like if survivors saw a red line trajectory to where Huntress is aiming her hatchets. You can't make skillful plays at all with this killer, because if you try and make a creative patrol path the survivor will just hold W to the…
The only way you'll see this happening is if DBD2 happens, which I find to be extremely unlikely.
You can't "set up" a stun. It depends on the survivor dropping a pallet on you. You might get value from it once or twice per match but once survivors realize what you are doing you're just down two perks. It's kind of why Enduring + Spirit Fury is also a bad combo.