Give me a labyrinth and a Minotaur.
He said a good go to for weak killers. I'm sorry that when you get tunneled that they're not playing by the rules in the survivor's guide for killer. Now give me better incentive not to take the easy win. Explain to me why the killer should burden himself by forcing himself into a disadvantage? Some killers don't care…
I think the survivor should simply invite the killer to the discord chat. 100% problem solved.
Aw snap are we going fishing? Snubbish tone: I too feel that the twins are a bit overpowered. In fact I feel like the killer was catered just to kill the survivors. Please nerf
Could killers have a perk that specifically counters DS. Like I don't know, maybe it extends the time before the DS counter shows up. that way if you're conveniently near a hook you'll have time to put them on but if you got to drag them across the map you wouldn't be so lucky. I'd give up one of my perk slots for this
If you're trying to say that the grind for all the perks in general is way too long then I agree. Get rid of all the useless perks. Reduce the grind. Trying to get perks in this game is like playing a JRPG. Might be around the thousand hours or more to get what you want. Edited Oh I'm sorry I meant to say viable
I'm sure that killers wouldn't mind if we could prevent matches from ending under 5 minutes. I don't really care what they do. I just like to see another means to slow down the game besides having optimized meta perks and being able to use those perks in such a fashion that it doesn't require you the killer to have more…
Introduce a perk that reduces gen repair speeds while in Chase
Like anything that would decrease survivors repair rate while in chase. Like one long chase feels like players get 3 free gens. Under two minutes.
Perk: Cursed Run While in chase the entity attempts to help you by reducing incoming repairs to generators while your hunting. Level 1: 20% Level 2: 30% Level 3: 40%
Is anyone on often enough to keep tally of how many tunneling post are made by survivors who want to live versus killers who want them dead?
To remove generators from the map and simply have a contest of how long can you survive.
Nothing wrong with a viable tatic. Just more banshee's wails from my perspective. Anyways,maybe BHVR can offer more incentive to a killer to want to change targets. This is my suggestion. BHVR may not even consider this an issue.
See when I read the title and then the post I thought to myself "I think he meant to say viable"
Talk about hitting a nail with a hammer.
Yeah one chase and the game's already half done that sucks dude. Because you're not running an optimized build people are like "you ######### up" I say we introduce a mechanic that slows down the repair rate of generators when you're in a chase as a perk.
That feeling when you know survivors are able to to do 4 gens under minutes.
My thoughts "I disagree."
Chucky mode without terror radius though. Until you hit somebody. Make him the fast though for quick ambush then force the switch after a successful hit?
Usually play 1 game then get off. Grinding in this game is awful. Make the blood web cheaper please.
Imagine if you could invite a friend to play as victor
Dolls could be like traps. Map has a few randomly scattered but you could place a few to mess with players.
Might be what makes it terrifying. You can't see him coming.
What you meant to say it was like a professional NBA player versus the Harlem Globetrotters. With so many tricks to allow for a comeback, that NBA player found a hard counter.
Please give the killer an option for a microphone but not the survivors. I would like to taunt.
Let's be honest we would all like if the blood web cost less. Better add-ons more often. Less perk grinding more fun? Would it be really that bad if we lowered the cost of everything inside the blood web. While maintaining the amount of blood points you gain each trial?
Can we just make ds checks super difficult (near impossible) while we're at it?
I kind of just like to die on hook thing seems fairly safe and quick. No ban for trying to escape hook. I know the killer won't care. Whoever started this post thank you I just come to conclusion that there was another option besides leaving
If I need to leave the house in a rush. I would prob need the feature. Sometimes family comes first so it's inconvenient when things do appear. However you can't just get rid of the option. All you've done is make me have to alt f4 instead. You seem salty
Yeah baby give .us another killer to bypass pallets with short teleports
If a hook is being camped why would a survivor bother trying to save that person when they can just win the game. Like how misguided are you to try to force the save?
Licensed killer Chucky. I kind of like Myers make his terror radius small.
We can get rid of keys while we're at it
Yeah I see complaints for this all the time. Getting DC for random reason. But it's so uncommon even though I see it on the forum all the time. no worries bro behavior will probably just tell you to play different game.
Well leatherface typically wore different faces to express himself. I would definitely like to see him wearing faces of the survivors.
You know I slug. That's because I don't want to deal with DS. Or sometimes I can get a two for one deal
Ahh Licensed killers, they will never have "Good" cosmetics. Like myers could have a super high quality mask Like Leather Face in a business suit.
Honestly I think it needs a buff. imagine not having the first hook and just killing the first survivor that you down. Like 100% improvement
Tunnel and guarantee yourself at least one. Ez fix. Your net gain went up 100% from 0%
Hell yeah! Lets buff the nurse bois. She need more movement speed.
I enjoy the perk that keeps ruin going like the Energizer Bunny. The extended lifespan on it simply is priceless. Do what you want though. But a lot of us find that undying is absolutely worth taking due to how much time it makes survivors waste. And time being one of the key components in this game shows it's worth and…
I think by the time you get here three of the games practically over. Quite often all
I don't think people like being that sweaty all the time.
Some killers actually care about pip. Others want to kill entire enemy team dead for the satisfaction, regardless of getting enough points to pip. Which kind of killer are you?
Survivor handbook for killers I've got here says that killers can't keep fun things. Something about forever sweaty. I'll get back to when I manage to translate more.
It's because killers won't follow the survivors guide to be a killer. Shucks mister guess you'll need to just play a different game to get over it.
According to the survivor's handbook this is just another perk that killers are not allowed to have it's here on page 52.
But the survivors wrote the handbook The killers have to follow the rules that they've set. Proper etiquette and whatnot.
But, but, but the survivors handbook for killers it clearly states you shouldn't.
I call it one and done. This will take the place of a mori. It's a perk that allows you to kill the first survivor that you hook. This would eliminate the add-on and just change it to a perk I was going to say if there was a disconnect then it resets. If that first person quits.