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  • Thank you all for the responses. Ill try the perks that Verconissp suggested first and apply the tips in this thread along the way. Im always open for more perk builds.
  • You could try uploading the video file to youtube and linking the youtube video in your bug report.
  • Mori's give killers a chance to bypass a pallet/flashlight rescue on last hook to secure that kill, as well as avoid DS with it if the survivor happens to still have it. They still have functionality and on top of that mori's are just cool lookin', so I think they are fine.
  • LT walls on both sides. Then the standard one. Even with the pallet gone the long walls are the most annoying to me as killer. If there is bad RNG and there are strong tiles right next to it... I cry.
  • Anything that messes with the game that is not intended by the developers can be classified as unsafe.
  • Creepy 😱
  • Definitely Noodle legs for me. It always came out of nowhere too. Made me cry of laughter and caused me to go down allot.
  • My take on basement Bubba is that its only really strong if survivors actively drop gens to try and save the person in the basement But if Bubba plays against a team that knows that saving that person in the basement is useless and focuses on gens, then basement bubba gets no points and is basically wasting his time…
  • Whaha I mean this is very much possible.
  • Just for fun :D Turncoat You lurk in the shadows, ready to scare your teammates. You are a creative soul and a twisted one at that. You start with 2 tokens. Press the Active Ability button while standing still to consume a token. Turn into a cosplay of a random killer for 10/15/20 seconds when uninjured. When under the…
  • Its a "use at your own risk". Anything you change in your files can be picked up by EAC. If EAC bans you there isnt much we can do for you. We dont recommend altering your files in anyway.
  • Awake survivors will not see it blocked, since they cant see the fake pallet at all. When they fall asleep is when they will be able to see the fake pallet blocked. Illusionary Doc pallets will also be blocked, but as soon as the survivor gets to the pallet the pallet will disappear
  • Yes it affects them. If Freddy has the fake pallet addon and Hex: Blood Favor, then the fake pallets will be held up by BF if they are in range.
  • I feel like Nea has some great outfits to work with. So based on cosmetics I would suggest her. My heart goes back to Adam as of late. The Bearded Diety-head from the greek collection was a great addition to him. Also not gonna lie I switch mains all the time too, so I feel the struggle there.
  • Like @Echorion has mentioned, if you want to provide additional evidence to your in-game report you can do so here: attaching the video proof you collected and all the offender's information. As long as you reported them in-game it doesnt matter what platform they are on.…
  • Constantly waving your arms on hook is a signal that the killer is camping. This was the default back in 2016 and was universally accepted as such. However the meaning has slowly been changing over the years due to miscommunication. So for me its always been "the killer is camping, do gens", but I have been trying to read…
  • Medkits especially the green one. I just love the fast healing it gives. The Commodius Toolbox is a really close second due to its many charges and has quite the bit of variety.
  • Dont worry, slugging is not bannable and since the person will bleed out on the floor after a few mins it does not fall under keeping the game hostage either.
  • The healing noises are one of those noises that can be heard during a chase. Which would explain why you got found on the tractor. However there could have been multiple reasons why you got found. The killer might not have giving you the full reason on how he found you or he might have confused you with another survivor (I…
  • Happy holidays everyone. May your days be cozy and comfortable.
  • In an active chase sounds like footsteps, grass/corn, and breathing are usually masked by the chase music. If the killer isnt in an active chase you would be surprised by how much these sounds stand out.
  • Bans from the Official Dead by Daylight Discord server can be appealed by contacting the staff member that issued the ban. You can DM the elemental bot, as your ban should have the person listed there. You can find more information here:
  • You should be able to get the Demon Slayer Feng Min outfit in the DbD in-game store right now for 21 500 shards. If you dont see it in the store try to restart your game, it should show. If this is not the case then you might already own the outfit, since this outfit was in a past rift.
  • In general the alphabetical order of the perks should make it easier to find the perks, but after all this time with having the green perks at the back I struggle to find them now. Not to mention the last few seconds in a lobby I suddenly forget the whole alphabet as I frantically click the 'next page' button trying to…
  • Out of the options you put down I personally like to earn them. May that be through Events or the Rift or other. I like to get them by just playing the game and focusing on reaching a goal (which is getting to lvl70 in the rift right now). However I do buy most of my outfits through Auric Cells, since I'm a huge cosmetic…
  • When the survivor is in their second phase you will be able to mori them. It doesnt matter if you hooked them twice or if they reached the second hook phase on their first hook. If the spiders legs have been triggered you will be able to mori them.
  • Its been going okay. I have the feeling that if the loop is small with allot of corners its easier to dodge the pounce. Corners really mess with him I feel. But in the open I have been having a rough time dodging his pounce.
  • If the people you have been playing with are actively grieving and working with the killer/survivor to gain an advantage then a report is appropriate. To provide further evidence to that report you can send your video to the support team here: An in-game report is mandatory and…
    in Teaming Comment by Inji December 2020
  • For prove thyself to work they will have to work on the generator together. A perk that works specifically against that is Discordance. You can try playing with that and push people off of generators when they are working together. Some people will notice that you have the perk equipped and start working solo. See if you…
  • Teaming with the opposite team to gain an advantage is against the game rules.
  • The feedback section is the section where feedback on the game can be seen by the devs. The general section is for all other things that you want to discuss. Feedback and/or suggestions dont get "banished" to the feedback section. This is the section where it is the most appreciated, since that is what the subforum is for…
  • Pizzaaa!! 🍕 However you havent told us what your favorite food is @Elena. So what is yours? :D
  • Please go to the bug report section and search for similar bug reports and vote the bug reports with your issue up. Voting the issue up will help ensure that the bug is being seen and logged. If you cant find your issue then go ahead and make a new bug report with details. You can find the bug report section…
  • Play allot of Nea due to her colorful cosmetics. I do switch between survivors at times. Others on my list of favorites are Adam, Feng and Claudette
  • I moved it to ask the community for you so no worries But Slay is completely right about what he is saying. The PTB is not part of the live build and everything that happens on the PTB happens only on the PTB. Items/offering/bloodpoints/pips dont affect anything on the live build. Its only for testing purposes.
  • Glowdette sounds so much better. Personally never heard of it being used that way, but the pronunciation rolls a lot better then Brightdette does for sure.
  • It definitely depends on how the killer reacts/interacts with you as survivor. DS can get unused most matches if the killers play in such a way that you wont be able to use it. Which then results into a "wasted" perk slot. You will never know who you are up against and what their playstyle is gonna be. (kinda similar how…
  • Thats a long time. Dang.
  • Ye I get what you mean. It definitely has a different vibe to it, I think due to all the different assets that they made for it. What I like the most about that map is the gallows. Its so unlike any other thing in the realm of the entity and how the bottom opens up and you fall through when you finish the gen there. Also…
  • Hex: 3rd Seal. Disabling aura's can get really strong. Especially on indoor maps. Combining it with Haunted Grounds for extra snowball. Windows of Opportunity. Knowing exactly what pallet is still up or used and what windows are near can really help finding your way out a sticky situation.
  • Im closing it on request of the OP
  • I would pick Oni, since he can be strong and he snowballs really well with his power. Nemesis is one of his perks that can be quite fun in chases. He kinda plays similar to The Hillbilly If you like more stealthy killers Deathslinger might be a better choice for you, since his TR is slightly lower then normal killers due…
  • I mean sure. This was just my build that I like to use on Legion based on the question in the title. Just for fun. Thought maybe it will benefit others with a similar playstyle like mine.
  • There has been some bug reports about this totem in the bug section. Duplicate posts make it harder for us to keep track of bugs. If your issue has already been reported (which this one has), voting the post up will help ensure that we see it. You can vote on those posts in the bug section here:…
  • I use "Bloodhound, KnockOut, Nurses Calling(or I'm all ears), Deathbound (or BBQ)" build at times and here is why: Bloodhound: For the sheer reason that most of the time people stay injured and with the blood being bright I can basically find them fairly easily if they are trying to hide from me. KnockOut: Having people on…
  • This bug has been acknowledged. Feel free to vote your issue up in the bug report section here: For more information about how to vote and how to report here:
  • Felix is definitely a snack in that outfit. I totally agree and thank you I wish you all the same @megswifey
  • Ye The #intothefog hashtag can be used by anyone who wants to the considered for the Fog Whisperer program. You can include it in your social channels. You can find more information about this in the FAQ on this page:
  • I can see you have already made a bug report about this issue. Which is the right course of action. Thank you. If anybody else has the same issues please vote your issue up in the bug report section here: More information about how to report and how the vote you can find…
  • We have been getting some bug reports for this specific issue as well. Please search for this bug report and vote the bug reports with your issue up. Voting the issue up will help ensure that the bug is being seen and logged. You can find the bug report section here: And…