Yea you're probably and I get it, they want to entertain people and that is okay but going into a match with the attitude "it's not going to work out whatsoever" is just not fun to watch. I can appreciate bad plays with funny edits and find them highly enjoyable but just complaining all the time is just not cutting it for…
I main claudette as a survivor and I know this is an issue. I don't play her with the p3 skin but when I'm killer I can barely see her if she is hiding somewhere.
Oh yea I could imagine it's great with infectious fright^^ So you know where to walk next aft eryou hook someone or maybe bbq.
I mean it can be cute if you hook the obsession right after the hit. You might have like 10-15 seconds without terror radius but it only work with the obsession so idk ... ^^' I think it would be cool if the perk would transfer a debuff to a survivor you hit. The survivor can't go down for the duration of the perk but…
Maybe but that's not a fair way of achieving points lol
The perks are decent enough :) I think corruption is a great substition for Ruin if you want to be a little saver and infectious fright is pretty good too =) Not so sure about the survivor perks but Poised is definately a good perk !
Well, I actually agree with you. A few tweaks would already help him out but the devs said they are going to rework him "soon" soo... I was wondering when that is xD
I see, well then I will just do that =)
I rate her 6-7. She can be extremely powerful in open maps. She suffers on maps with a lot of windows etc. but other than that she really is strong. Run around charged up, unload in their faces, 1 hit down. What are loops? =P
there are dailies with seconds for example if the game wants you to get chased as kate denson for X seconds or cooperate for 180 seconds etc. etc.
Dude it's probably a visual bug!!!! It was minutes before and if you chase for 2:15 it still says 2 minutes. There is no in between. It's only 3 minutes if the quest is fully completed. Why is everoyne acting crazy because of a funny bug lol
It's not an edit LOL it's probably a bug or something since it's on PTR I just found it funny...guess I'm the only one x_x
No, that's how it came up as my daily lol I was a little suprised too
The wells are actually only visible to the killer once the survivors used them. That makes it even worse than the boxes xP
And again 3 kills => black pip Is it possible that I get less chaser points as The Plague if I put them into broken state and then hit them? It makes the chase a lot longer if her ability doesn't count as a hit for Chaser. That would suck though. I got all survivors at least once and the 3 who died hung 3 times. This feels…
You want respect for Freddy? I think survivors don't have respect for any killer lmao
Oh yea I totally agree. I had several games where survivors thought it's so funny to hide with 2-3 people somewhere until I find them. I remember the devs said something about changing the end game to make it more exciting and finish the game quickly. Well, that was MONTHS ago. Same with Freddy rework ... I mean I like…
They do. Holding a game hostage by not leaving is reportable. I reported this several times before and they even ask for more evidence like videos, pictures etc. ; if the devs wouldn't care, they wouldn't ask for it.
I don't think this should be the way to solve this issue. It's smart of you to pick whispers for that but I think it's a problem that is inherently wrong and needs a fix by the devs. They mentioned some changes about the late game in a update video some weeks ago. I hope they make it reality soon enough and you can pick a…
"Just push them out maybe?" I'd love to push them out but they were hiding After a few minutes I left both exit gates to them but they still refused to leave. So I watched a twitch stream and checked in every now and then until they left.
Got it!
Yea pretty much^-^
Me too, everyone keeps saying they look different but to me they always look the same lol I don't know why, I would never mistake kate for anyone else; she looks very feminine like feng min too but nea and meg look pretty much the same to me lmao it's really hard to tell why
What's the point of being a killer if you can't kill anyone ... The Legion should join the survivors where they came from originally lol
They could add a DLC included exp bonus for the 2 purchased characters for idk let's say 1 week or so. Legion and Jeff's Bloodweb costs only 50% until you hit level 50 for the first time. That would be very nice, but who are we kidding, they want us to play the game so that won't happen l-m-a-o
Still waiting for a The Legion Nea-Skin
I was joking like The Legion in their current state are a joke. There is a new Legion trailer on youtube though that shows how The Legion kills with 1 stab :D
Unfortunately not. All the hopes and hype for the killer really let me down when they released them. The guy/girl outfit changes are lazy (only the chest changes .... lol), the killer is too stressful to play for what you get in return, the new survivor looks alright but overall this chapter just lacks flavor. A bunch of…
Okay, but in what game does anyone ever play a killer without add-ons especially if they main the killer ^^''
Black Box + Dying Light + Remember me (+ NOED) though =P
Oh, it's a ear????? I thought it's the entity whispering into the wind xD
Mend+Heal =30-40 seconds recovery? NO!
Right, honestly I think he could be stronger if they would add additional effects to the number of survivors that are currently in the dream world, so it is worth it to get them all in. To this day he is my favorite killer and I think his bad reputation and non understanding of his kit/add-on makes him "bad". When I see…
Yea it actually does :D
Correct, I get a lot of games where I play vs 3 survivors only because at least one of them wants to die right at the start (I suppose they collected their serum and want to leave). Not the greatest event game design ...
He obviously bought the outfit. it takes a lot of games to get all 60 vials, I'm happy if I manage to get one of those skins <3
It's extremely unlikely to get 1 Vial every game
First of all punishing streamers with high viewer numbers would hurt the player base. Dead by daylight is still growing in popularity and becoming bigger. I get what you mean but simply teabagging a player is not enough to ban someone. It's rude but not probably something you would ever get banned for (I imagine). Also the…
That's correct. Increasing the chase duration for a "Escape" reward could help. You merely look at a survivor and the chase starts, once he/she runs around the corner the chase is already over and they get +250 "Escape" points. That's how survivors gain extra points for simply running out the gate. Increase threshold to at…
I thought this is one of these QA questions for the devs =)
No it's 90% of the time to tea bag and have some fun because the game was over so fast. I can understand if they stay in if someone is on the hook or they don't know where the other survivor is. But if all remaining survivors gather around the gate and try to hide behind walls or brushes just to waste the killers time, I…
haha ye Trapper is well swole :D
what avatar is that xD
I'm pretty sure it's not what the devs want but I think it's pretty clear that during BP events nobody will get banned for it. Other than that I wouldn't do it if I were you
Well, I only do dailies when it's on a character I like so joke is on them xD I just re-roll every day
Camping does not suck if it ensures the only kill you might get in a game or if you have gens very close to the hook
I don't have a recording device :ohnoes:
Yes I did but I don't know if that even helps x_x