Having the same issue of Cross Progression not being an option. Guess I'll wait until it's fixed
Ok. I'm gonna screenshoot tomorrow then compare to the day after that and make sure I'm not crazy, because I havent noticed any additional BP/Shards
I don't know but it should be nerfed honestly. Either some kind of cooldown or reduce the amount of time Tinkerer stays active. It sucks but some Killers just make it way too oppressive (Blight) and some of these same Killers can't really be changed without ruining them so I'd rather the Perk get some changes.
Honestly, it only feels oppressive against really high mobility characters IMO. I will say, Tinkerer needs some sort of cooldown, like 40 seconds
Yeah no. Y'all are not about to complain about WRAITH of all people for being OP. What's next, "Trapper is OP"? Smh
NOED. Not because it's strong like some people seem to think but because it's just annoying to get hit by out of nowhere.
Blight was already strong without it. He doesn't need j-flick. Plus, it's incredibly unfun and takes the skill away from Blight.
I was gonna respond but I forgot switching tabs closes this so my long ass response is gone do just gonna give a speedy response.... Forgot Nurse free cuz console. Many powerful Killers still require money. Shards take forever to accumulate enough to get new Killers on time anywhere close to their release. Quite a few of…
Yeah, there's either far too many pallets or far too little pallets (which is why competitive DBD will never work).
I was expecting this to be more unrealistic but I kinda agree. The three OG Killers are just simply not the best with them just refusing to give them straight buffs (Wraith seriously didn't need to have the nerf for leaving cloak because he got buff. Trapper is literally straight RNG to the point where a little bad luck…
I disagree. I think it's a pretty fair chance it could be either.
That would do what exactly? A trap is a trap lol
Tbf, I didn't even know about the Doctor visual rework.
I think the Killer may be Jack Baker or Mr. X honestly. I guess we'll see.
I don't agree exactly. I could see them letting DBD use Lady D after the game has been out for two months and to promote their game in the process (as they seemingly gave Felix a Chris style outfit in the teaser) Also, they aren't lending the actual model as DBD creates their own. I just don't see Lady D realistically…
Only when it's SWF or you get a Killer on a map that's SUPER bad for said Killer. Otherwise it's pretty even despite what Killer or Survivor mains say.
Would also like to point out that in the teaser, it sounds like Molded noises.
I think Lady D could be a skin for Plague but I don't think she be a Killer, primarily because of the dress offering no realistic mobility other than walking.
Sounded like Molded in the trailer so potentially Jack Baker. It could've also been Lickers or some weird sounding zombies as well which open up the possibility for other Killers. Nemesis is easily the most iconic followed by Mr. X. I think it's more likely to be Mr. X than Nemesis both based on size (Nemesis would be the…
Did you forget the title of your post? Lol
Tbh, I see a lot more whiny Survivor mains than Killer mains. Most Killer mains are relatively chill right now besides the few that will always whine. ~ From someone who plays both often
A Killer's ping doesn't matter anymore I'm DBD. It's either you or the servers having bad connection. The Killer would actually have a harder time hitting you if it was there connection but look completely normal to you. Considering it's Freddy, it's probably his lunge hitbox you're thinking about. The lunge hitbox doesn't…
Honestly. A decent Nurse who you can fool can be fun but playing against a super sweaty Nurse (Who often slugs within the first minute of the game) is probably my least favorite experience in this entire. I have much more fun playing mouth breather Meg without Iron will against Spirit far more than I do against a good…
Three times max. It's actually working as intended (anti-tunnel) and the random full health Survivor I grab off a gen won't hit me with a 59s DS.
Mixed bag. Sometimes I'll get Survivors who are VERY clearly outmatched by either me when I'm playing as Killer or by the Killer when I'm playing as Survivor. I'm not talking like simple mistakes either, I'm talking like obviously inexperienced playstyles. Also, the punishment of "losing" seems to be overboard. I die/no…
This is a stupid take. You can no longer critique any movie because you aren't a director. You can no longer critique someone's acting because you aren't an actor. You can no longer say anything negative about government decisions because you aren't a government employee. So on and so forth. See how bad this argument is?…
Same, I always play well so I don't have to worry about "console player lol". It's weird that this mentality exists because every console player I've played with/against have been 90% good but PC players are 50/50 in my games.
Sometimes yeah. I don't understand why DBD doesn't have a text chat on Console considering numerous do... Although, the ability to completely dodge some extra toxicity is nice.
Oni. Every Oni I've come across just infinitely slugs and its annoying. Like, what do you gain ending the game in 2 minutes because you decided to slug everyone first chance you get? (I play almost exclusively solo as well, so teammates will just give him his power for free and group up even though you wanna split up…
Still bad. The yellow bottles are useless in chase and doesn't at all change the way Survivors play against and counter Clown. Using yellow bottles out of chase is often to your detriment and leaves you with less for a chase.
Yeah, they could've stopped it instead of fully commiting to it but they decided to be stubborn... Also, that's not how coding works anyways. The old UI system doesn't just vanish or doesn't work anymore. They can revert it, they just don't want to.
I honestly would've preferred it to have an infinite duration if being chased and it deactivating if the Survivor performs any action other than vaulting/pallet dropping or another Survivor is hooked. A truly anti tunneling perk that would eliminate the abuse of the perk and also drive home that this will punish Killers…
Oni. Every time I play against an Oni, it's always slug, slug, SLUG. I can't imagine it's any fun trying to slug the entire team 1 minute into match. If not Oni, then Bubba. Bubba just annoys me now that he can chainsaw until he reaches the end of the map now lol. Not to mention, Bubba players play in incredibly annoying…
Instead of responding, you have to pretend like nothing valid was said and get pressed for nothing. You seem pretty immature tbh ❤️
Sorry but no. I'm at Red Ranks and I play Killer often. I know exactly what tunneling is. A lot of Demos will immediately teleport back to hook, ignore everyone else just to chase me, eat the DS, and continue. Doesn't matter if gens are flying during this or if someone is trying to take a hit. This has been my overall…
Drop the "I" and your good
I hardly see Iri heads OR Freddy lmao. I genuinely don't remember the last I've seen one. It's almost always Bubba, Spirit, or Nurse with the occasional OG Killers and Hag popping up.
Just coincidence. Plus, Demo has a pretty small playerbase. Personally, most Demos I've gotten have just tunnled me or someone else into the ground, eating the DS and all
Trash bait ngl
What rank are you? I also have a sneaking suspicion that they didn't actually tunnel you
Haven't seen NOED in months tbh but it really doesn't need a nerf lmao. Just do bones. If you're at a point where the games over for NOED to even activate, you've probably already pipped anyways.
It seems you're new and thus made this... questionable post. Maybe you worded it badly and meant looping around the hook person but I doubt it. Of course, this could be bait.
Another entitled player crying.... Next!
Spinechill because they the early warning can be really strong, especially when paired with Sprint Burst and up against a Killer who uses stealth. Sloppy on M1 Killers as it punishes Survivors who heal all the time and makes chases much shorter if Survivors choose not to heal. Corrupt in general as it makes it incredibly…
Facts. Every Rank 1 game I've ever been has had DS in it but Lithe is a rarity because everyone uses DH or SB. They really need to look at Ranks 1-10 because hardly anyone uses Lithe in them and that's when balance actually matters. I'm sorry, Rank 15s will lose because of their lack of skill and not because of balancing…
Once every 5-10 games for me. It's not a big problem, at least for Red Ranks.
Just look a gameplay in general for literally any DBD content creator ever. Most High level Survivors use it as a "You can't touch me for 60 seconds unless you wanna lose all your pressure. Next excuse please
Of course you disagree with the DS changes and the agree with Iri hatchet changes lmao. DS is for tunneling but it definitely isn't used that way and that's a fact. Anyways, tunneling/camping can be countered in other ways and tunneling/camping hurts the Killer when someone ACTUALLY does it since so many people don't…
Oh nooooooooo! Games aren't easy for you and you can't have 3 gens done in a minute and a half :((( GG EZ BABY SURVIVOR LMAO