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  • At the the gist of it, she is just a m1 killer. Holding shift W while the other guys are doing gens is enough to win against her. Yes, its boring.
  • It is really difficult to estimate how many subtle cheaters there are out there, but they do exist, and they are not an insignificant amount of players. You have to be experienced and be engaged in a chase (sometimes on explicit tiles) to be able to notice it. Example from last week: 1 guy it took forever to catch up to…
  • Dont worry, BHVR understands your concerns and they have taken action. Thats why they will buff power struggle and boil over, 2 perks that can be used to bully the killer (especially in SWF) next patch.
  • I experience the same thing as the killer in the video. I have a low ping and on a regular basis during my games m1 hits to a down get validated away to either a pallet stun after the down or to a dead hard and grabs get validated to a m1 by survivor that have double or more than my ping (i have 40 ms ping). The thing is,…
  • I started to play some games again as killer. I understand that getting hit after a palled stun and through dead hard was very frustrating for survivors and i am glad that they fixed that. But now, even though i have a low ping (about 40ms) almost all of my hits through pallets get rolled back, i get a lot of rolled back…
  • A high skill kilelr should not always win or 4k, but he should feel like he can make use of his skill to achieve good results (shorten chases, apply good map pressure to gain more time etc). As survivor, it feels very rewarding if you have good position, camera movement, you run the loops close and achieve the fast vault.…
  • I feel too many survivors, mind you not all, just want to humiliate the killer to feel good about themselves. The teabagging, flashlight clicking etc., during the game and in the postgamechat, if many escape they often write gg ez and make fun of me. If i kill all or many they insult me as sweaty and because i used some…
  • Although i haven't removed dbd from my pc yet, after several years of playing (2k hours), i stopped to play since a few months ago, just playing a few games every other week. People already mentioned it: Some maps are just too problematic (either too big, too many busted windows/ strong tiles like cowshed/haddonfield etc)…
  • I am a hillbilly main since a very long time (rank1 forever). I already knew that he is not viable (after the nerf) against good survivors, but since the newest mmr test, i get constantly matched against good teams (most of the survivor that i can check the profiles on steam had several thousand hours). I get only a few…
  • It is so frustrating, against good survivors with a m1 killer, you basically have to catch them 3 times during looping before they go down( the 2nd time you catch them during a loop because you made a good mindgame/moonwalk, whatever, they will use the deadhard for distance to still reach the vault/pallet). I think many…
  • Its a sweatfest and my main/best killer, can't compete. I already knew that current billy is not viable against good survivor, now i could experience it in several games. Playing with billy against 4 good survivor (from 4000- to 9000 hours in their steamprofile) on new coldwind or haddonfield, they are stacked with…
  • Uncapping the fps doesn't let you do gens faster, doesn't make you run faster and make your chases longer. Altering the resolution to something the game and devs didn't intend to (isn't in the options) increases your fov and has a direct effect during chases, as you can see the killer on some higher tiles where you…
  • To be truly good and gain an understanding about the game you need to be good with both roles. My killer experience has made me a much better survivor and vice versa.
  • Wow good argument, really. So you dont know and write comments just for the sake of it. I ll tell you the problem with stretched. As killer, you know some tiles the survivor can't see through and above. The killer can try a mindgame (doubleback, moonwalk) to get a hit or get them to drop the pallet earlier. Now, if you…
  • What advantage do these people gain by uncapping their fps ?
  • It doesn't matter what the result is, there are rules and they are cheating by gaining additional fov, that can make the difference if they can see the killer at some higher tiles or not. People like you that defend cheaters are really annoying.
  • Those survivors are a bunch of cheaters. With stretched you gain additional FOV and can look over tiles you normally can't. Any good survivor/killer knows that this is a huge advantage, loops where the survivor can see above/through means that the killer can't mindgame. It really annoys me when people defend this obvious…
  • I played nemesis today and a survivor got downed two times by a zombie, he was not afk and not in a chase with me (rank 1 killer). The zombie ai is more intelligent than some survivors you face/or have in your team at rank1 games. That should tell you all you need to know.
  • He applied pressure even in the first minute. He chases survivors away from gens multiple times but does not commit until later, first real chase he switches the target after guy uses balanced landing to get to a gym. The killer correctly switches aggro to protect a nearly almost finished generator. But the ace runs to the…
  • It wouldnt have made much of a difference, but trapper needs one of his iridescent addons, bloody coil, or iridescent stone, to be at least somewhat viable against a good team in my opinion. Like, at least you would have been able to put your power to some use.
  • I don't blame some survivors with little hours that think some perks like pop are op. They have no killer experience. Think about it. How long does a chase last, then you need to pick up the survivor and carry the guy to a hook. Then you need to run and find a gen with a lot of progress and pop it. Do you understand how…
  • But if the killer does that, he will not get a advantage of the aura reading some people say should get nerfed. So in this case he wastes a perk slot for perk that gives some bonus bp, which doesn't affect the survivor at all.
  • I am a rank 1 hillbilly main. The new maps are to blame too. Like the new RE map, billy has 0 mobility advantage on this map. Seriously, billy has so many bad maps: there are many indoor maps where his power doesn't give him a mobility advantage. There are maps where there are barely any tiles he can curve and most new…
  • Problem with a speed increase would be, a lot of tiles (shack, TL,) or a lot of pallets are balanced around a certain speed, so that mindgames are possible. I think those are the greatest tiles. The killer has to make mindgames, double back, fake to get an advantage, or at least to make the survivor drop a pallet earlier…
  • I think your argument is weird. I would argue like this: First of all, not every SWF is strong, quite on the contrary. Not even every SWF is on comms, and even if they are, they can be on different skill levels. So the assumption that SWF equals the highest skilled survivors is just wrong. I regulary face SWF teams that…
  • I don't understand people that want a bbq nerf. First of all, it has several counters (beeing inside 40m, hiding in a locker, hiding your aura behind a gen). It rewards the killer for going on chases and hooking all 4 different survivors (a slugging killer won't benefit from it, you only get your stacks of bonus bp if you…
  • I want tinkerer and noed nerfed. They are really unfun and bad for the state of the game. Noed could do with some rework, and tinkerer oh boy. If a strong killer with mobility uses it to protect a good 3 gen setup during the game, unless you have a really top soloq suvivor team, you are out of luck. Problem is, tinkerer is…
  • It is the current state of balance. If you don't play a top killer with meta perks and you face good survivors (that know how to loop, spread and do a gen each) 3 gens will pop after you end your first chase. You will get maybe 2-3 hooks and 1 kill if you camp the last guy. But, even as a rank 1 killer, you do only very…
  • The last two chapter were all really bad. Twins were a atrocious killer to go against once people started to slug and camp with them. The only exciting thing about this chapter was the perk smash hit, unfortunatly they introduced a pallet bug, so it was impossible to stun the killer for a really long time. No new map.…
  • Agree, when a survivor tries to be annoying and bodyblocks you with BT just count down the bt timer before hitting him. Try to block any nearby vault or pallet by standing in front of it, then facecamp and tunnel him out of the game. Next time, that survivor will think twice about doing it again.
  • Tinkerer and ruin(undying) is only really strong on very mobile killers. I actually think that you can't finish the gens with ruin up against a good freddy/spirit/blight, you have to destroy the totem (at least in soloq). I almost always run tinkerer, although i think it is not a good perk for the health of the game. Why…
  • I am a hillbilly rank 1 main and i agree with the starting post. Instasaw billy was a problem, his charge time reducing addons. Billy got hit so hard, the overheat, the grunt, wonky hitbox, most of his new addons are a joke (only doom engravings and spiked boots/boots are useful). He is surely among the killers with the…
  • You couldnt make this up. The last two days, during the time skill based mmr was activated, i only got beginner survivor as opponents with my rank 1 billy, like only people with 0 to 20 hours for the most part, real beginner. Now that skill based mmr is deactivated, i get people that have over thousand hours and know how…
  • Same with me, hillybilly main rank 1 , only played beginner today.
  • It is different for people, is that so hard to understand? I am happy for you that the system works for you and you are having a good time. For other people it doesnt work at all, myself included. To your question, i don't know why i am getting so bad matchmaking either, the devs took a stance of not sharing information…
  • Exploit the system? This mmr matches me consistently against complete beginners with my main killer (rank1 billy that i play a lot). First time today i even played several people with 0 hours. I slugged my way through countless lobbies today, no change in the matchmaking. For some reason, god knows why, this mmr seems to…
  • The devs said that the MMR already collected data in the background for a very long time. It doesnt need time to kick in (if you play a role or killer that you already played a lot recently). So the whole argument of giving it time to adjust is wrong. The only case where it needs time to adjust is, if you play a role…
  • Chill on the MMR? I played a lot of games today, and for my killer (only played my main killer, rank 1 billy) the mmr is so bad, i get constantly matched against real beginner with barely any hours. I slugged my way through countless survivor lobbies, to end these miserable games as fast as possible. I am playing still as…
  • I could be one of those survivors, i got a lot of killer of your rank (i am rank 1 survivor) today that had no chance. As killer (also rank 1) i get matched against complete beginner almost all the time. The mmr seems to work good for some people, and for some, like you and me, it is much worse then the old rank based…
  • The more games i play, the worse it gets for me( i 4k every game in a few minutes today). Now i get people with literally 0 hours in DBD (no idea what they do, no perks). The survivors i chat with in the postgame chat don't understand the world either and are frustrated...
  • So i have started playing a few games with my main killer, rank 1 billy. I only get complete beginner, best they have managed so far is finish 2 gens, most games have been 0 gens and 4k in a few minutes. Why should i continue this nonsense, it is boring for me, i know that it is a horrible experience for the survivor i go…
  • Because ranks correlate with skill. You basically never see a rank 1 survivor that are really bad. Most red ranks, even at rank 4, at least try to do gens, at lower ranks, you see more people urban evading, doing dull totems/chests, beeing immersed. Same on killer side, almost all red rank killers know how to loop the…
  • The dbd devs said that the mmr already collected data in the background for a long time and that it could predict the outcome of a match in a consistent manner. So if you now play a role (survivor) or a killer that you played a lot in the recent time, the mmr should have collected enough data in the background already to…
  • I am happy for the people that the mmr is working well. As survivor i now get extremly weak killer( they dont know how to run tiles, some of the games they didnt even manage to land a m1 the entire game during many chases...), and with my main killer i get extreme beginner (last match the survivor were ,rank 15-20, one had…
  • I played many games today, and although i didnt know that the new mmr was active, i noticed that something with the matchmaking was wrong. I got many weird , in a negative way, matches (only played surivor ). I am sorry if i sound too negative, but i played like 15 games , and almost all were matched very unevenly(i had…
  • I think that is a really interesting idea, i like it a lot!
  • Although i put most of my hours in billy, legion is probably my second most played killer. On big maps against good survivors he is completly lost. He has no chance against a good group of survivors that do gens anyway. Still, the smaller the map, and against the average solo q team (red ranks) he can apply a lot of…
  • Bbq is a very good perk even for survivors. It encourages the killer to go for hooks and then to leave the hook (if he sees a aura he knows where he can go to start a new chase). If bbq for killer and kindred for survivor became basekit, i think it would be a more enjoyable game for both sides.
  • After the billy nerf i played against a sky billy once (legacy with 4k+ hours) as survivor. He flew across the map and showed me some amazing ramps and curves, best onei have ever experienced, but even this hillbilly god couldnt down me with m2 (because i play a lot of billy myself, i know his limitations) and had to…
  • I still play a lot of billy. He does well in soloq, so does every other killer (even at rank1, most survivor teams are not good). He has his mobility and potential oneshot if you catch a survivor in a deadzone. His chainsaw is also good for zoning pallets and you can still curve on some tiles (i usually run doom engravings…
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