After this broken disaster why would Capcom let them touch anything else?
I will never understand the cult like defense these devs have achieved. It's actually scary.
Game is broken. Let's fix thr PTB bug that let's people mix cosmetics instead. Because priorities.
It will happen before the servers shut off, when the servers do shut off it will be prematurely because the game was broken more than it worked.
There is a difference between "I don't like it" and " the game worked but has progressively gotten to a state that is doesn't and the devs don't care."
If I paid for a product I am entitled to it ######### working. That's kinda how this works.
It'd not just fixes, it's overall game performance. Optimization that was promised and never delivered. As for this current patch, there was no map for an entire year, a 2 week long PTB, then another week of the map being disabled. 3 weeks and not a single ######### fix except for legendary skin mixing. But sure keep trying…
What do we want? For them to actually fix the mother ######### game. 5 years of "we are looking into it" enough is enough.
How about a petition to fix the damn game
Lmfao, how the ######### do legendary cosmetics mixing make the game unplayable? Well they prioritized that and the game is still #########. Half a decade of them ignoring the bigger issues and you still think this way.
They have had 5 years of patience, ######### that. It's not just the map. Its the last 5 years of broken promises and no actual effort to improve the damn game.
The Dev team slowly killing this game. Definitely the worst killer we all have to go against.
The game running like complete ######### is more frustrating than being tunnled.
The entire game if they don't ######### fix it soon.
The game ran fine before the latest consoles. Jfc idk why people think last gen games suddenly start performing worse on less gen consoles for absolutely no reason other than "nExT Gen iS hErE" No, it's because the devs are ######### up.
Sounds like a case of git gud. Worry about how the games runs like ######### instead of complaining about how a C tier killer maybe B tier at best is OP.
Not to the extent that game becomes unplayable. Stop the boot licking.
Git gud
Easy A tier if they remove the speed boost off infection.
This is just a really unfunny joke right?
I suggested that earlier, must be careful about the words I use, I said the dreaded B word and the post was removed and I got a warning.
I like the optimism, but hell no.
Dead By Daylight happened.
They must have thought the game was too playable before so they just shut it down entirely.
Even ignoring the fact that games that are far more demanding run on the Switch, that does not chamge the fact that if for some reason DBD couldn't run on the Switch ( it can they just don't want to optimize, the ######### barely runs on other systems) then they should not be SELLING it as a finished product.
Jfc dude, Warframe runs on the ######### Switch. It is BHVR.
Then they need to get help from other devs who have done it before.
If the game was actually playable I might be able to have an opinion here.
Lmfao, I got a ban warning for suggesting a boycott on all future DLC until we get the promised optization that never came. BHVR never ceases to amaze with thier shittiness.
Yong Yea, Jason Schreier
That's ######### stupid. If BHVR sells a product on any system it should ######### work. And right now it seems like it's not working on any system.
Because they don't care
Also the game will die if nobody can play the damn thing. It's hardly playable as is. It won't survive another patch at this rate.
Wrong, other games have fixed thier foundation. BHVR just doesn't want to do it because they can't charge you for it
Stop buying DLC until they optimize this ######### show
Not a good excuse when the game is a hit and they are making good money.
When people paid money for the game they better fix it right ######### now. 5 years is ######### long enough. Enough adding ######### to the game when the base game is broken to hell. Boycot all future DLC.
On Xbox, same #########. They need to fix this is absolutely ridiculous.
It's not perception, people are playing this ######### right ######### now and it's broken as #########. Games where nowhere near this bad before, you have got to be delusional.
If this becomes the norm the decrease in playerbase will be better evidence.
It's not fixing anything. Both sides, killer and survivor have been dog ######### games. As killer it's a steamroll or nothing. As a survivor the people you are paired with are so vastly varied in skill and experience that it's actually ######### painful to sit through and play. The number of one hook deaths experienced as both…
It does not work fine, im not going by ranks in my games I'm going by the ability of the players in my games and how fun those games were to play. The answer to both is ######### abysmal. Que times were not even quicker they took just as long.
Oh you poor slow child. It seems as though the killer as taunting you seeing that the other survivor was downed. He can't exactly save you in that state. Generally when they pick you up and drop you it's to increase the time it takes to bleed out. The dude was being toxic. As for dying on the first hook. That's seems to be…
It is bound to happen, it shouldn't be every single ######### game though. Waterboarding is a more acceptable form of torture than playing this game in the ######### state its in right now.
It won't work, this has been the least fun I have ever had with the game. In fact there was no fun to be had, fun was sucked out of the equation all together. Being waterboarded would have been more fun than suffering through this bullshit.
Proving it how? By providing the absolute pinnacle of ######### games that were so ######### unfun that waterboarding would be a more acceptable form of torture than watching your 2 braincell survivor buddies ignore you on hook because they are afraid to leave lockers.
As killer every match was a landslide either for me or for them. The amount of one hook kills I got was stupid. Hook one and chase another, and the other 2 dont even attempt a rescue. As survivor I would be in a match where all my teamates couldn't loop for more than 10 seconds while the killer couldn't even touch me. If I…
Every game was terrible
By playing the game and having every match be complete #########
How, as killer every game has been a 4k landslide or a 0k gen rush fest. As survivor most of my teamates can't loop more than 10 seconds and seem lost. A thing I noticed playing as both killer and survivor I'd that people have not been unhooking, the amount of kills I get off of one hook today is stupid. This MMR system…