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  • nvm, you reverted back to old MMR, and solo lobbies are unenjoyable again. It's not just killers strong, but other teammates when playing as solo don't cooperate as well, which leads to a lot of time waste. it sucks that the only way to win as a survivor against red rank killers is to play SWF.
  • EXACTLY. Ghostface gets a guaranteed exposed status on a survivor. Bigest crutch advantage for a killer. That's not how ghostface is supposed to operate, he's supposed to stalk stealthily, when a survivor is unaware.
  • Actually it's not, the killer can interrupt your hatch escape mid progress.
  • You don't seem to get it, you can just watch noob3's videos of him playing as gf, gf's expose timer doesn't get reset, whilst a survivor's reveal time does, so gf just breaks LOS briefly then goes back to stalking the said survivor with less time require to get him exposed, in other words, gf gets a guaranteed one-down on…
  • I just want his stalk ability to be fair. It's clear that he's supposed to stealth-stalk you, not so aggressively out in the open, kinda like Myers can. For those who don't know - Ghostface's expose timer doesn't get reset if he breaks line of sight with the survivor he's stalking, he can then start stalking him again and…
  • Rn I see major issue with him is that he gets a guaranteed exposure on a lone survivor because ghost's expose timer doesn't get reset, while he can make the survivor's timer get reset by briefly getting out of sight, and then going back to stalking the survivor until he gets the exposure. What's fair about that? Even if…
  • His stalking needs fixing, it needs to be fair. Survivor's reveal can get interrupted and his reveal timer gets reset, whereas ghostface can just continuously keep stalking you, and eventually gets an exposure on a survivor.
  • Am I correct in understanding that survivor's reveal timer gets reset, whilst ghost can simply hide behind an object, and continue to stalk/expose without any expose timer reset? I was playing against gf, and from various streamers it's evident that ghostface gets a guaranteed expose status on a survivor even if the…
  • There's no way to counter hallucinations that appear within 5-10 sec (or at least that's how it looks like to me), so the last survivor alive gets screwed, with an already difficult escape opportunity.
  • If killers get penalty because survivors use DS, then that's BS. But DS is the only the anti-tunnel perks when you play solo, it'd be unwise to remove/rework it.
  • They neeed to rework azarov's maps, they're way too open, which makes it too easy for nurse.
  • DBD is an old game (from 2016), the amount of players is not as big as it used to be, so additionally filtering out lobbies for players is just gonna cause longer wait times. Neither CS, nor other games restrict by "rank", but rather by ping. DBD should do the same, open the ranks and only restrict by ping (which btw needs…
  • I already told you why it won't be implemeted: swf Here's some guy who managed to spectate survivors/killers using a glitch, and he'd tell his friends what killer is doing, which gives advantage to survivors and completely nullifies stalk killers.
  • Then his base speed should be scaled back to 4.4 m/s? You can't have all the cake, m8.
    in Legion Comment by kabarekabal May 2019
  • There's much simpler solution, just give last survivor either +15% buff speed to opening exit gate, or cut down the door opening time down to 15 sec.
  • Incentivizing & encouraging not to DC is smarter than punishing for DC. Right now, the safety pip is too much to the right, meaning you need to some of the 4 emblems, so if you get downed and then sacrificed, you de-rank. What's stopping you from dcing if you get a feeling the game is going to be quick and you're going to…
  • There's a very simple and even a fun solution to this that many not only see as a compromise, but as a novelty feature: introduce 2 killer games specifically for swf mode. So swf survivors can only match up with swf killers, so a separate lobby for them. And the amount of survivors from 4 to 10 (trust me, 8 is too low,…
  • It'd also allow for abuse/exploit, since swfs can co-ordinate. I believe that's the main reason they wouldn't allow it.
  • @Aari_Piggy66 >"you have to actually work" that's the thing, at games under rank 7, there's no opportunity to do "work" because killers know what they're doing, and with 20 sec default opening gate, it's nearly impossible to escape during endgame. There should be better chance of escaping, the stats would probably be below…
  • And it was, killer through game process, such as chasing survivors and being able to roam freely, was likely to find hatch first, and then he'd camp nearby or if he has certain perks - could quickly find the remaining survivor. It wasn't easy before to escape through hatch with a pro killer. Now it's nearly impossible.
  • "then figure out the shortest path between gens that leads away from the killer, and run from gen to gen, popping it" only someone who's ignorant of game process in higher ranks would say that, once a killer, such as nurse figures out where you are, it's game over for you. There's no "running around popping gens", the…
  • That would mean to stop issuing "fun, cool" cosmetics such as Pizza delivery for Ace Visconti character, "cool, stylish" haircuts/clothing for near etc. Instead clothing more suitable for stealth/outdoor gear. Also, repairing gens all the time is tedious and boring already, it's time for a new objective like hide and run…
  • Well in that case his speed should be reduced down to 4.4 There's already unbalanced nurse killer, which everyone's using along with perks like hex ruin. There's no need for more.
  • OP, matchmaking that accounts for build system, perks, is too complicated. There's much better solution, DBD is getting old, so players diminish in numbers, therefore just do whatever devs think is good for rank match making, but(!) allow any rank to join any game if such a player was in searching status for too long, as…
  • His base speed was increased now 4.6, with missed attack, you'd still be able to down whoever you're chasing, because the injured survivor needs to mend. So, basically if you're not noob, you have a guaranteed down on whoever you're chasing, which tbh makes it unfair to a survivor being chansed, as there are very few…
  • Or as it happened in my case, once she learnt that the gate was progressed a little bit, she just camped around, knowing I wouldn't have time to go for another gate and open it, as the endgame timer was running out.
  • Can you tell me logically, why should a survivor be screwed completely after endgame has started (2 min rundown), to have an RBT on him placed by pig (which could be done deliberately, for instance Pig can down and then wait a little if she knows last gen is left), so that the survivor has to first get healed, then run…
  • What?? They didn't nerf legion, increased feral frenzy time makes it an already hard task to escape (no looping/vaulting) from legion next to impossible.
  • If you look at stats, Nurse highest dcs from survivors. That's because her blinks are way unbalanced, if you're halfway decent, on most maps, you can quickly win the game, which is frustrating to the survivor players.
  • Some killers can easily camp from distance - Nurse, Wraith, Cannibal, Hag etc.
  • tbh, legion was brought down to a level he should be, if you hit several targets, survs are kind of screwed. Most killers are way unbalanced vs survivors for average players.
  • What do you mean "rarely" works? It's much better than Freddy's sleep, because it takes longer, and you're kind of exposed because the jigsaw box locations are known to killer, plus if you're running out of time the ticking can be heard from a distance. Like I said, it's already next to impossible to escape for an injured…
  • How did they abuse it? You shouldn't judge it by select pro players, this solution will work out normally in general ranking games, wherein strangers play with each other.
  • >In exchange for that, after 60s in a chase, the Survivor gains the Exposed status effect. You had me until this. You propose stealth, and then suggest the opposite of that? No thanks. There are way too many perks/addons that remove stealth option for survivors already.
  • Much simpler solution: keep current unbalanced settings of survivors vs killers in invite-only mode, whereas in general ranking mode, nerf the killers, who're way unbalanced to play against for stranger-survivor players.
  • @OP: "When killer is in terror Radius of the hook then hook progressions stops until the killer is outside of this radius." Easily surpassed by tunneling at a distance with a direct sight, and being able to quickly come/kill the injured surv. and place him again on the hook. E.g. hillbilly, spirit, nurse, wraith etc.
  • For all the dismissive comments from players who have played this game 1+ year. I started not so long ago, and I can say with 100% that majority of survivors lose vs killers. Killer players have huge advantage in that they don't need co-ordination with teammates in order to have a chance at winning. A lone killer who…
  • Hex ruin should have a time period for which it works in order for it to be fair to newbies/average players. Pro players know how to efficiently find and destroy a hex totem quickly. And they understand the importance of it, having had huge experience playing the game. As for hook camping, the simple solution would be…
  • Agree with OP. I notice that a lot, like at least 30% of the games, which is far too many. A simple solution to this would be to have slower entity progression the closer the killer to the hook is. Like, entity wants the killer to go hunt, not wait around. Often killers combine tunneling with hex ruin, which almost always…
  • DBD devs would know the stats of the plague vs suvivors, in majority of games, imbalanced killer makes it too hard for average players. The game should be catered to them, not the minority of survivor-friends who use mics and can coordinate the game efficiently, which is how survivors are supposed to be, whereas a lone…
  • Have't read everything. But regarding gens, you're making it too complicated. This game needs to be oriented for the general population, not select geeks. Plus, making it too complicated just makes it a pain in the neck, rather than an intellectual challenge. Per stats, which the devs of DBD can confirm, killers have…
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