Also not working here either, on PS5. Very frustrating.
Same problem here, completed the ritual several times, no credit for it.
A lot of times you may think you've been slugged when in reality the killer has lost you in the grass. It happens more than you think.
A lot of salt in here. That's why casual players like me are playing less and less. Going against red ranks SWF squads using voice comm as a LVL 16 killer is sooo fun. But they're not toxic. Just afraid to play against someone of comparable skill LVL. There, let the hate and insults commence.
SWF using voice com will always have an advantage over even the best killers. To argue otherwise is to ignore reality. There's nothing to be done for it.
Survivors who use DS shouldn't ######### about killers using NOED. Get over yourselves and have some fun, it's only a game. }:‑)
Express any opinion, expect to receive snarkiness. Sad but true.
My experienceis the opposite. I'm a lvl 15 to 17 killer (usually) that constantly gets paired with lvl 2 to 5 swf squads. Thats a lot of fun for a casual player. Not.
Also, don't hit the survivors, either with your main weapon or special power. They hate that. Opening the exit gates for them and then allowing them to leave is also a nice gesture.
Playing in the geographic centre of Canada today, had no issues.
Killers get nerfed nonstop, no one cares. Survivors get nerfed, everyone loses their mind. There's no gun to our heads, we choose to play. Many a time I get spanked as a casual lvl 15 killer playing red ranks swf squads and I ask myself why I subject myself to this torture, but I always come back. That's my choice. If you…
If you don't have the decency to play the game in good faith, to the end don't play. Whether killer or survivor, play to the end or just don't play. Simple as that.
Not over powered on the least. The time and patience it takes to get those add-ons to pay off is crazy. That Myers worked for it.
Well, I used to play (as killer) all weekend, for hours. Now, 3 or 4 games are more than enough. The honeymoon is definitely over.
Enjoy your longer wait times as more killers leave the game.
As more players leave, matchmaking will become more lopsided. Eventually, most casual killers, tired of playing against toxic af red ranked swf squads will just quit.
When I'm a casual player, killer main, rank 16, and I have the "fun" of playing against hard core swf squads ranked from 3 to 10...well, that doesn't make me want to shell out more $$$$ for dlc. I wind up with an unfamiliar killer that we really don't get the opportunity to learn because of the broken matchmaking. We've…
I swear, some of these challenges have very little rational thought out into them.
Oh, this is rich. Survivors will be freaking out over this, lol!!!
Pretty soon killers killing survivors will be bannable. Better keep an eye on the updates.
When there are no more killers left, who will you nerf then?
Nope, survivors are just as toxic as ever on spite of DC penalties.
Been waiting for disconnect penalties for a long time, even as a casual player. It's about time, thank you, Behaviour.
How to be bullied on the internet: Express an opinion. Wait.
The bias against swf is that the voice com gives a huge advantage, period. If you want to play swf without voice com, the way the game was intended, fine, go nuts. But if you need that advantage in a 4 vs 1 contest, maybe you should all take your own advice and "git gud". (Btw, that's sarcasm.)
Do not feed the trolls.
Shhhhh about the traps. If you talk about them too much, the devs will take them away.
So tired of nerfing killers and their perks. I may just be a casual player, not a hardcore expert player, but we bought every expansion pack, a ton of cosmetics, and every week we play less and less. Once we quit completely, we're not coming back, and the game will have lost not only the revenue from us, but a couple of…
This whole community has become too ######### toxic. Say goodbye to the casual players.
Fun? Fun does not live in this house, lol!
I've noticed I haven't been playing nearly as much as I used to. I wonder if that's true for other killers? Keep nerfing, see what happens.
"baby killers"? I thought insults and/or name calling was prohibited under the forum tos... They were right. This community is toxic.
As the fun factor goes down, there will be fewer killers, longer wait times and even worse match making.
The enjoyment level of playing killer is diminishing. Not sure how much longer killers will keep playing if it's not fun. This game needs some serious balance or it will soon be a memory for casual players, being played only by hardcore SWF squads against masochistic killer mains.
Killer: losing survivors because they change direction, or crawl away after I down them. I get distracted easily. Survivor: can't lose a killer to save my life. Once they see me, I'm done.
How to get bullied on the internet: (1) Express an opinion (2) Wait
Omg, is this real? Pretty soon it'll be, "The Trapper's traps are too good at trapping, ban them!" Or maybe we could paint them bright yellow or orange and add a blinking hazard light?
May as well ask "why do you SWF?" Perks (and Mori's) are there to be used. You don't like them, don't use them. You don't have to hate on players who do, that's just another sign of the increasingly toxic community. I'll use any perk that's useful. You don't like it? Sorry, not sorry. Just play the damned game, Sheesh!
Nerf the hooks. About half the time I put a survivor on one, they disconnect!
No to Wrong Turn. Too mundane. Give us Hellraiser, Maniac Cop, Pumpkinhead, or Dr Satan first. Or even some classic Universal Monsters. I'd like to play as a vampire. Just no more hillbillies, no more knives.
And that's why I disable messages.
What about Saminations videos? They're freaking hilarious! "Hey, you're wrecking my trap museum!!!". 😂😂😂😂
Camping is not a reportable offense. It's your choice to camp or not under certain situations. Turn off messages to avoid hate from angry opponents.
Dr Sleep is little Danny from The Shining, all grown up. Not sure how this would translate to DBD, I'd classify this under "highly unlikely". ;)
Absolutely. Not only does it prevent snotty messages from survivors, but certain security risks.
Sorry, but when playing as a 16 killer and going up against 3 to 10 LVL survivors, I think this matchmaking system has bigger fish to fry.
If anything kills this game, it'll be casual players such as myself who quit playing after getting sick of constantly playing against much higher level SWF squads. Who needs it? When the fun ends, the customers leave.
This is a joke, right? Troll bait? You're complaining someone took you off the hook?
How about Leslie Vernon from the slasher mockumentary Behind The Mask: The Rise Of Leslie Vernon? Bet they could get the rights to him for a song. ;) I'd also love to see killers based on Universal's classic monsters, Dracula, Frankenstein, etc.
Usually play killer, but as a long time Supernatural fan, I just dont think I could hook Sam and Dean...curses.