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  • yeah absolutley, i'm a killer main, but i play survivor some, and trying to get cakes has been super sad.
  • yeah I think it's because they share spawn rates with the anniversary items like flashlight and med kits and stuff. at least levelling someone from 1-50 feels like i get about as many anniversary items on survivor as i do on killer, it's just that for killer there is only cake.
  • The game can't tell that kind of stuff, no game can/does. if you just stop sending messages to the server, it could be because there was an internet outage, it could be because your computer crashed, it could be an internet outage, or it could be that you task manager force quit the program, it could be because you pulled…
  • while it's true that you are certainly better than a rank 20 killer on a killer you've never played you are also for sure drastically worse than your actual rank. IMO put them somewhere in the middle. Also I think the change would make me substantially MORE likely to play killers I don't know that well, i hate playing…
  • yeah totally agree on the BP for the hooked person, it's on my list of changes of I'd make to make camping feel less bad. I do not at all favor the removing of BP or ANY punishment for camping. There are too many variables wh ere IMO, camping is a totally legit option, no system involving punishments will hit only…
  • yeah i don't like any solution that rewards bad plays by survivors. IE in this case, if I hook someone and someone walks up in front of my face and unhooks them that's their fault not mine, it sucks for the guy who got unhooked but it's not the killers fault, the killer shouldn't be punished for it.
  • See, that's an actual rework, you're taking away the thing you don't like about him but giving him other ways to apply pressure/win. I like that idea, if he's got fuel to fill up he gets a mini Pop effect and gains fuel back, also gives two axis to balance him on. he's got gen pressure and one shot down potential.
  • i've read the entire thread, your reworks are just nerfs. Making him do something to power up to a one shot kill, and giving other status effects. That is a straight up nerf, all status effects are worse than "downed", downgrading his insta kills to broken or whatever isn't much of a rework. I have even replied to you in…
  • you so far have not been asking for a rework, you are trying to make him strictly and SIGNIFICANTLY worse.
  • well again, you are massively misrepresenting what happened. He did not press a button and kill you. Hi held a button for several seconds, moved slow for those seconds, and made a ton of noise giving you warning. I agree that what cannibal did probably didn't take a lot of skill, but it sounds like you messed up pretty…
  • For sure, the problem is the game also isn't fun if i'm better enough than the killer, or if one of my allies is too much better/worse than the enemy killer. Even if you remove all the games where i just get wrecked, still a majority of the ones leftover aren't super fun because I barely interact with the killer. And worst…
  • Yeah the problem to me is that the number of games where I get to do that stuff is very low. Killer too bad? I loop them for like 10 seconds and they leave, or they lose me immediately. Killer too good? they catch me immediately. Heck some games I don't even SEE the killer because they refuse to give up chasing another…
  • Sounds to me like in this particular scenario there's a couple possibilities. 1: there's a bug and you weren't getting terror radius or chainsaw revving sounds in which case let's find and fix that bug as a suggestion, not gut bubba 2, He had stealth somehow, and chainsaw is bugged to be silent, let's fix that bug instead…
  • I mostly agree, survivor is incredibly dull to me, the only fun parts are h iding from the killer and getting chased from the killer, occasionally saving allies from the killer. with gens being the ONLY true objective though, the fun interactions basically only happen with killers of exactly the right skill level for your…
  • well it's a permanent instant down the requires several second to charge up while simultaneously slowing the cannibal down, makes a bunch of noise, and requires them to not hit any obstacles. if you stick to areas with walls and windows you're fine, and if you get caught in the open before he starts revving try and get to…
  • It sounds like you have a pretty different experience with cannibal, his one shot down is threatening but it has lots of counters, and his lack of strengths other than the one shot down really puts him in a pretty middling spot. Like I said, I think it's going to be hard to win a lot of converts if your conceit is that…
  • yeah but you are strictly making cannibal worse by making him have to earn the right to on ehit kill, even if you make the chainsaw do broken status effect or something when it's not one hit killing. You are going to have a hard time getting support for making a killer strictly worse outside of like, spirit and nurse. for…
  • So what compensation will he get for earning this one shot down. As has been said in this thread, he's already largely considered a middling killer. If you want to make his one hits significantly worse he's going to need some other buffs to keep him at all competitive. Unless you think he's actually secretly top tier, in…
  • I like this solution a lot, I do think on the killer side the number one feel bad moment is finding your first survivor quickly, and having a good chase on them, and still losing 2-3 gens before the hook happens.
  • it has a charge time where he's super loud and moves slower than usual, he can't just whip out the chainsaw, if you got caught by surprise by cannibals chainsaw that's on you.
  • As far as promoting game health, I do not think it's healthy for the game to incentivize the killer to leave the hook if the entire team is around hook. I am both pretty sure BBQ prevents FAR more camping than it causes, if you can't "staying around hook until you see someone you know as there" as camping, that's camping…
  • Killer main chiming in here, I actually disagree with the core premise. 90% of survivor messages in post game are positive. either simple GGs, or "good try that was a tough game" when i get stomped. Occasionally accused of tunneling, but even those exchanges are short. It's actually weird because some of the most tocxic…
  • you can still have crappy business practices even when people don't HAVE to buy your product.
  • I don't have strong opinions cannibal, but i think he's largely considered a pretty mid tier killer, not great, not horrible. BBQ though, I think is widely regarded as the most well designed perk in the game. It does everything you want for the health of the game. It rewards killers for not camping/tunneling, It telling…
  • my idea for an anti camp perk, inspired by leons flash bang. A flash bang that charges based on time allies spent hook, it charges faster the longer someone stays before getting unhooked. Once used it's a fairly long blind/deafen(no stun because i don't want it knocking people out of killer hands in the late game), and…
  • This thread comes up a lot, and it should it's a legit issue. I mostly think you can't solve this problem by just nerfing killers, or p unishing their rank/BP. Basically every survivor suggestion that tries to fix this problem has a TON of ripple effects that are going to nerf killers who are not face camping, or hit…
  • don't forget hatch spawn, that's ridiculously luck based for BOTH sides
  • basically no one i know DCs from games for any reason. To be frank I think the people who want DC's both over rate how many people "leave the game because they can't DC", and miss out on the point that THAT'S GOOD. I don't want to play with someone who's going to dc in the match, I would rather a smaller community with…
  • Oh really? I though tit was if you didn't tap gens/totems, learn something new every day.
  • Don't birds start appearing and teling you where they are if they haven't done anything in a few mintues?
  • I am totally fine with the suggestion of seeing peoples pings. I will add to the pile of evidence though, as killer when there's lag I find it much harder to get hits. It's true that if it LOOKS like I get a hit I pretty much always get it, but other players do totally warp around, which can be hard to target/track Not…
  • @Firellius "So far, the idea hasn't been very complex. Slow the hook progression if the killer is too close to the hook, unless the killer is in a chase or the fifth gen is done. Shouldn't be too hard to signify either, we have a UI element for the hookstate progression that's visible to both survivor and killers, you can…
  • So i think the big disconnect here, is that for killers, every solution to camping survivors seem to favor is "make the game worse". NONE of these threads that get popular have solutions that won't hit legitimate non face camping killers, and none of them have solutions for new/bad killers. You have to think like a game…
  • the problem isn't that it can't tell the different between a leave match button or disconnect/crash. It's the people can force close the application or pull their internet cord, or disable their lan connection etc... No game does this because the level of control the game software would have over your computer that point…
  • I think it's pretty unfair to be paranoid about this one. a million games have reporting and auto ban systems that have basic sanity checks for false reporting. I don't think it's a big deal for them to go "we are adding a system that exists in tons of games and works fine".
  • I think they kinda already do this through dailies and tomes, though less aggressively than you're suggesting. I don't mind extra blood points being tossed around, but i'd rather them just make less popular killers more appealing. Like no amount of BP is going to make me play trapper because he's both not my style AND…
  • @flawedspecies I think i have pitched my ideas in every single thread like this, i even made my own thread so i could just link it as opposed to retyping, and it's pretty rare i get any responses. and if you don'ot want people to get defensive you can't lead your posts by constantly calling killers skilless and toxic(even…
  • I can't claim to know what another person thinks, but i do think th ere are certain scenarios where gen rushing is largely how you describe face camping. Skillless, and unstoppable without perks(or even with sometimes). The big one i run into is, sometimes all 4 survivors just spawn in different corners of the map next to…
  • That's the whole point of what a lot of us have been saying. It's context sensitive, and that's why you can't just "remove the problem". There is a counter to camping(from the survivor team, not the individuals). Recognizing that you're in the situation and doing that counter is not 100% of the time though. Sometimes…
  • It's not objectively evil because the game doesn't teach people not to do it, and it's not even always strategically always wrong too do it. ESPECIALLY for new players, you come in and you have all your garbagy starting killer perks, and you hook someone. Are you evil for sticking around? Why wouldn't you, you don't know…
  • survivors can overcome camping without perks, by just doing a bunch of gens while the killer camps. It sucks for the person on the hook(which again is a problem i agree). But when your talking actual game balance you have to remember it's 4 v 1. a single survivor is not supposed to be able to counter the things a killer…
  • one of my pitches for a resolution to this problem is to give kindred BBQ and Chili levels of bonus blood points to heavily incentivize at least one survivor to run it. I don't think that's enough by itself but i think it'd be a big help
  • I mean no, it's not designed for that, as the people who designed it have said tunelling and camping are fine, and the games base rules have a way for you to die in one hook. Like it's okay to not like camping(I don't like it either and have pitched many ideas for discouraging/fixing it). But you have to stop pretending…
  • I think that's a little bit of an unfair response, literally the best killers in the game get gen rushed sometimes. If the survivors get spawned on opposite sides of the map and just all jump on gens it's REALLY hard to be able to do much about it if they are even half decent at looping. Also think it says a lot about the…
  • okay @Marik13 i know you were joking but " Or better yet, how about for every teabag the survivors do at exit gates, killers get an automatic Blood Warden effect where if a survivor is hit they can't exit and they now need to run out and lose the killer again?" sounds hilarious, make that an unseeable offering or something…
  • I feel like it's pretty unfair to take a perk that discourages camping for blood points, and gives you information on players far away from the hook and say it "encourages camping". It discourages camping in 90% of all scenarios, and in a very small minority of situations it let's the killer know that they are in a…
  • Yeah, they definitely can and IMO should figure something out for that, I think it'd be a lot better for players in general.
  • Yeah i used to be on the "gen times are too fast" boat, b ut after talking about it with some friends and seeing what high tier players had to say about it. I think the problem is more "most killers can't deal with 4 survivors hanging out on complete opposite sides of the map doing gens" and "sometimes the game spawns…
  • yeah, i think the bigger problem is actually possibly a technical one, I obviously don't know their infrastructure/code base, but it might be hard/error prone to have a state where players are graded as a team for pips/blood points, but can leave the match after they die. It would mean delayed pips/BP gain, but the…
  • yeah totally agreed on basically all points. No solutions that hard nerf/remove the ability to camp seem good/not abusable to me, so the right way to go is incentives. Which means you need to give as much possible gain for not hooking as possible, and enough knowledge to want to try and get that gain. I also think giving…
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