This idea has been brought up many times. The major issue with this and why survivors as an example are just skins is instead of meta perks you change it to havi g meta characters which means less variety of who you see in a match. Then of course brining out a licensed character with great talents would be seen more as p2w.
Atm no one knows how the incentives are calculated. Is it on personal mmr for each side. Is it mmr for all combined in general for each side. Is it for each server in a region or are all servers in a region put in one pot etc. Without knowing how it works anything is speculation on why it's showing for one side where you…
The hatch was designed to help end the game quicker. It also fits into the lore as the entity feeds off hope. They tried no hatch and it just prolonged games a silly amount. They didn't quite understand how stubborn players would be and it did take a longer time than needed to fix the hatch standoff to what we have now.…
They removed repairing speed in the new description. It states it only affects healing, chests and totems now.
You cannot mod the game to do what you wish. It's a live online only service and no modifications which affect the games files are allowed.
I feel the xp is better as a queue incentive afterall they removed the BP perks as they did not want players to feel they should have to use them and now those players may feel they have to play a role they don't enjoy as much or lose out on something they had in the past. Since BP is the main grind element it makes sense…
In reality the just need to make the old BP perks base kit. These helped with tunneling and many like myself playing killer used this as a goal to reach. You could even add stacks to killers for snuffing out boons, sacrifice on 3rd hook. Survivor make stacks earned by unhooking, taking hits, destroying totems/setting up…
That is impossible as people can just unplug the ethernet then to DC in games to bypass the system. If people live in an area with bad internet and ping then unfortunately they should not be playing online games as their situation ruins the game for all the others Involved. Sounds harsh but it is what it is. You may be…
I really dislike this "grind" change. It's not a reduction in grind for players like myself who play a 3 or 4 characters and have them maxed out already. There is not point p3ing a character I don't play to get the perks. Even new ones being released as the last 8 chapters apart from some perks. Removing the bloodpoints…
Whatever you wish to do. All I was stating is its probably going to end up more of a grind waiting as he would have 3 Perks unlocked for each one he p1's and he may only want one in regards to your comment about it being quicker with the upxoming new system. Of course he will get them all playing but that would happen…
P1 only unlocks tier one of the perks on the character. You wiill then have to find the other 2 tiers via the bloodweb on your main. You only get the full tier 3 perks when you p3 a character. That is why right now it may be less of a grind as you don't have to go the full way to lvl 50. You can get the teachable to unlock…
Well that depends on the perks he wishes to get. If they are on 4 characters he could have got all the teachables before at lvl 40 for each one and farmed them on his main. Some of them also could have been on the web at lvl 30. At best its 7 more bloodwebs to get them on the Main and at worst it could be 17 as right now…
Kindred, BT, Botany and COH or change the last two for Inner Healing and Detectives Hunch or Iron Will. My build won't change much with survivor apart from WGLF being taken out and being replaced by Botany.
Removing the bonus from the perks is great but removing the bonus from the game is not. All they had to do was make the effects from BBQ and WGLF base kit so you earned the bonus the same way. Getting to lvl 50 costs the same with the old or the new system but with the opportunity to earn less per match. Playing one to…
What seems to be is that possibly the team who was working on this grind/prestige change did so with the extra BP from BBQ and WGLF being around or another means of earning the same. That could be that perk changes had not been finalized or they were told about other means of earning the same such as the BP incentive to…
This just creates a prolonged match. This was thought about but a survivor in that scenario can just walk about the map touching gens and hide when they see Or hear the killer. Without tracking perks the match could go on for a silly amount of time. You underestimate how much survivors would hide and move around trying to…
I wonder what the overall planned chnages to gain more bloodpoints are. I hope it's not just play the side with less players as that is not a great change to those that dislike one side. I also hope it's not just offerings as its just swapping perk variety for offering variety. A base increase would be nice over time imo.…
Not stacking won't help as in most cases even with current BT the unhooker or others would take a hit first to get the speed boost and then the one with BT or DS would try to block and take a hit. While it removes the BT into DS scenario (tbh in most cases having both did not matter as one was enough to get out) it still…
Of course it was and I am happy with that change but not the stun of 3s. The issue is they did not change the end game issue. They swapped the meta from DS to OTR. 80s endurance after a hook still means an extra health state and you get the speed boost from the hit. Why fix the issue with one perk and make another do the…
I do find it strange that they removed DS from end game, reduced the stun time and then just changed OTR to different version of what DS was so end game stays the same by changing one perk. It makes me think if the people working on the perks spoke to each other or if they were each given some and asked to change them up.
With the new system you can prestige a character as many times as you like. When you prestige you won't lose your perks anymore, the character you prestige teachable perks will appear on all all the other characters. The level tier of the perks depends on the prestige level. So p1 tier 1 perks, p2 tier 2 perks, p3 tier 3…
Removing it won't help as that will upset the killer players as the system was designed so the killer could setup for the match. Locking in survivors only will upset them as they may be dodged making there wait times longer. It is why the only way to appease both is to create a lobby system where survivors are locked in…
I dont see why you mentioned survivors complaining about killer perks when quoting me, if you read my post you would see I said each side should be able to use what the game makes available to them. Both sides complain about things they don't like and always will you just have to learn to ignore them and play how you wish…
The reason last minute switching is allowed is due to lobby dodging when survivors bring items. The only way to fix this is to have lobby leaving penalty which many would argue against and I don't think the devs wish to do hence it is not there. Each side should be able to bring and use what the game offers. Perks, items,…
No it only blocks communication.
Buying a perk just means it can appear in the blood web like any other one. It has the same chances as every other perk to appear so it's all down to rng.
It's a given in my post that they could not change characters as its how players generally quick switch since it the fastest way to do so. My point was without making a change like this i can't see them disallowing quick switching as the killer can dodge a lobby. My post was about how I see this as the only fair way to…
It would be if we had load outs we could save 😉.
This needs a lobby fix for both sides before they can remove last second switching. This was never a thing until killers started dodging lobbies due to items. This can't be removed without fixing the dodging issue as each side should be able to play the game as it was intended with everything at the game offers. The only…
Because in the entity's realm they make the rules. It's the same reason every survivor no matter the size can lift another off a hook at full stretch. Then we have double floor drops like in Hawkins where you would not think someone would just stagger and sprint after a fall like that onto concrete.
In this scenario do not worry about pips. As I said it's about not earning blood points for the killer so it may dissuade them from doing it in the future. Doing gens and getting out is the quickest way to end a game like this as I know it's not fun so there is no reason to extend the game. With MMR hopefully coming soon…
The argument does not mean that you gain lots of blood points and pip. You just want out the match asap without rewarding the Behaviour. The main point in doing this is about denying the player who does that blood points and pip and hopefully it shows them its not a great strat.
It's not what should be happening as killers should be able to set up. To fix this both sides need to be locked in at 30s and if anyone leaves they get a lobby time out of say 5 mins. Survivors cannot change items and killers from 30's to 10's can still change perks. This give 20s to set up for what is being brought into…
Nope as a hostage situation has to be an instance where the game cannot end where as with this bug it will last 2-4 mins due to the egc.
These posts always come back to the old Legion bug for some reason. The old Legion bug was completely different from this as it was game breaking and lasted the whole match. This is an end game bug when the egc is active so the game is already on a timer and will end. They have banned for both killer and survivor bugs in…
I doubt it as its not game breaking. I can't see them banning players for a bug created by them which overall is an irritation, the egc timer is going down so the game will end.
Choose additional player report information from the drop down menu.
The game hasn't changed from that aspect no. If anything there are less pallets on most maps and some are are smaller than in the past not much of course. The main reason survivors do objectives faster is for a couple of reasons. For a long time many killer players said do gens if the killer is camping. Then with the ruin…
These forums never cease to amaze me. For years looping was frowned upon and dubbed ring around the roses. Now some players are adapting to less looping and more juking by running to another area while the killer still expects the survivor to be there. I thought this is what the player base wanted? I don't understand the…
It's not quite that simple as adding clocks like they are now still wastes lots of time so it would still be a huge slowdown as its something that needs to be done. Come across multiple survivors you effectively slowed the game down by an large amount due to rng or making them wake up. That would be a similar mechanic to…
I feel the main issue with old Freddy was once in the dream world he slowed down everything to a crawl. This had Implications on other things such as slowdown perks or speed up items. It was also complete rng with his power on if you could get out the dream world as it was dependant on a skill check or finding another…
There are a few ways of tracking survivors while injured with the sounds of pain being only one of them. Scratch marks Eyes on target Blood Crows if disturbed Footsteps
Nope never used it. I have always liked the not knowing aspect of the game.
At this point I would say just remove breakable walls. They simply don't work in game how they are implemented. They were meant to be a way for killer to chose how to open up the map but in reality they don't give a choice for the most part. You either have to break them or leave up a strong loop or its silly to do so as…
I like that they went with iconic RE characters. Nemesis I will say I am a little dissapointed in. His power is ok but I feel its not much of an RE power but one which fits the game. Survivors I really like how they look and Leon or Jill was who I was hoping for. To have them both is great. The map well it looks amazing so…
I would add on a large part was the simple mechanics of the game. It was easy to pick up and play even for the most casual of gamers yet hard to master for those who stuck with it. Many have a love/hate relationship with the game so the devs did something unique no other game released could as something has kept these…
It's the never ending cycle of nerf this or that for both sides, some are less noticable as something else is talked about more. Once a change is made they move on to the next thing. For survivor it was DS over DH. After the DS change DH took its place for top spot. The same happened with Freddy and Spirit. There were more…
It's says rank progress +2 but the bar itself is showing you are 1 short of a double pip and you got gold in one emblem. One of these then has to be a visual bug.
I doubt it as with licensed pay only killers they need to be lower tier than S as people will scream p2w. They also tend to err on the side of caution with killers and perks so they are not too strong from the release to gather data first as it can sometimes take a few weeks to make any significant changes.
The hag one is probably just binding it to the mouse wheel. No need for a macro on that. Using 3rd party software for them can be bannable so if they use macros it's generally ones which are build into devices such as keyboards and the mouse. Survivor ones are normally just to bind a key where it will do struggle…