Oh that's interesting. Not really sure how I feel about it. While I do think getting camped is pretty trash, sometimes you have to secure a kill and if Survivors are clouding the hook, I don't really think the hooked survivor should be given a self-unhook just because the Killer is defending the hook from others. We…
They tried this whole stopping the timer thing before. Survivors just used it to troll each other by keeping the person on the hook indefinitely. Not a good idea.
I play solo most of my games, sometimes with just one other person. I don't typically find it any easier or harder personally but I've also been playing since Day 1. As far as the "team win" situation, I'll almost always go out of my way to save someone if I'm solo, cause there's a higher chance they'll help me out if I…
I almost always run the Head On + Flashbang build because it's absolutely hilarious. I also deserve whatever tunneling I get afterwards. Good thing I'm typically capable of escaping, but the Killer is the one who really dictates who lives and dies at the end of the day, unless you've got a godlike squad that can save you…
Just a case of the DBD community being how it always has been even after 7 years. Never change DBD, never change. (I still love this game)
I swear if they don't give him voice lines and have him voiced by DC Douglas I'm quitting the game lol I want him to shout "FOUND YOU" whenever he finds someone in a locker lmao
I run Blast Mine on my main build for the luls. I've never really used meta perks in the first place.
No, Wesker is a very charismatic person and can get people on his side pretty easily, he doesn't have mind control powers.
Just played against a Legion that was using Thana and the add on that makes you Broken after you mend. Pain
Played 2 games with meme Jumpscare Myers and got both 4ks. Probably because they were playing super altruistic. I legit had no idea what they were doing lmao
Ah rip
A few years back, a group of dedicated players made an effort to test how strong SWF was with or without communication. They did 100 games with comms, and 100 without. They considered 3 people escaping a win, and this was back during when Rank 1 was a thing. I don't remember the exact results, but they had over 90 wins…
In what ways were they abusing Endurance? You can't even stack it like in the PTB.
Believe me I won't. I'm like a pointy rock, always in your shoe and never moves.
I've been at this song and dance for a long time. I could care less what my ratio on the forums is lmao again, feel free to check my achievements. I hardly play Killer. I don't even have some of the easiest achievements for them lmao if I was a Killer, you'd think I would at least have Outrage, but I don't.
You can check my achievements on Steam then. I don't even have the achievement for injuring 100 Survivors after they throw a pallet. I don't even own Spirit, and I can count the number of times I've played Nurse on one hand lol Don't be upset that I don't conform to the mob mentality that is Survivors. Sorry I'm actually…
Sounds like the Survivors are playing overly altruistic. Only one Survivor should be attempting to make a play in the basement. If you the Survivors keep funneling into the basement instead of doing gens, what do you expect the Killer to do? This same exact scenario has been happening since the dawn of this game. This…
Probably because other people keep making the same tripe threads. If people keep saying the same stuff, I will as well.
How is this any different than when the game came out? The basement is the most dangerous place in the game. These kinds of things have been happening for 6 years lol
I mean you can believe whatever you want. Most of my thrill in this game comes from running and hiding from the Killer. This is something I've been hearing since 2016, that because I call other Survivors out on their nonsense, that suddenly I'm not a Survivor main. Is it so hard to believe that perhaps, just maybe, that I…
Never used DH or DS, so it doesn't bother me in the slightest.
And a better Survivor will always find an opportunity 😏
As a solo Survivor main, cya. Game feels just fine to me. Also as someone who's been playing since 2016, I've personally seen Survivors crying wolf far more than Killers have on the forums, but this is anecdotal evidence and doesn't really mean anything. Most of the toxicity I've seen in this game has came strictly from…
What I meant was walking mid-chase after breaking line of sight in order to run down your exhaustion timer. If you're really good at looping and mind-gaming, you can get 2, maybe even 3 SB in a single chase. Of course this actually requires some skill, which old DH didn't.
Besides, you can already kinda do this if you're smart with how you 99 it in a chase.
I love DR on Dredge, since it combos well with his power and sometimes I can get some really cheeky locker grabs with it.
As an avid user of Sprint Burst, being able to activate it whenever I want wouldn't be a good move in terms of balance.
If you notice that there are other survivors around you when you hook, that's their fault for keeping you around the hook, that's not camping. If they unhook in your face and you decide to go after the one they unhooked, that's not tunneling, that's punishing a bad play. If you aren't near the hook but you find the injured…
"Death of survivors, perks are bad." And yet here I am playing with Sprint Burst, Adrenaline, Blast Mine, and Urban Evasion (or Stake Out) and still doing just fine.
Ah yes, I escape a lot, therefore, I must be facing bad killers. It can't be at all that I'm actually good at the game. Escaping every game will put you at high MMR, since your MMR raises only when you escape, so you're contradicting yourself here. You're much more likely to get camped and tunneled at low MMR. As for…
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
Survivors have pretty much always cried wolf at just about any changes that have come to the game at any point. "This will kill the game. Survivor side is dead. I'm quitting DBD. I'm only playing Killer from now on." After 6 years none of this has come true. The HUD changes the devs proposed look interesting, but I could…
Been solo'ing pretty much exclusively since 2016. Even played to (old) Rank 1 without any perks several times. Game is fine, just do better.
I never cared about BP, so it won't change how I use it. Then again, that was when I used to play Billy. Now I really only play Dredge and Legion, neither of which I use BBQ on in the first place.
I've been having a blast with Blast Mine (heh), Quick and Quiet and Head-On. 4th perk right now is Iron Will before the nerf, but traditionally I would run Sprint Burst or Adrenaline. The 75% to grunts of pain nerf to Iron Will doesn't bother me, since going in a locker will still most likely have you completely silent for…
Considering I solo q without any of the perks that are getting changed, I think I'll be fine. Sounds like your friends are getting carried by their builds, as opposed to actually being decent at the game.
As someone who solo-q's like 95% of the time, I gotta say. Game is fine. I didn't play this game for 3 years and had no problems getting back into the swing of things, and none of the perk changes affect me because I don't use any of the perks anyway.
Normally I'm on the side of Killers when it comes to changes in this game, but this is just silly.
Big sad.
Might as well just give the Survivors 4 base hits and remove Endurance completely at that point.
If they're gonna die on the hill of not giving back OG Legacy to the ones who lost it because of the way they saved data, what makes you think they'll change this?
3.56 minute heal time lolwut
An easy solution would be to either make Endurance proc Deep Wound, and you cannot use another Endurance effect until Deep Wound is mended, or have a debuff like Exhaustion so you can't use two Endurance effects in a row.
Thanks. Just decided to come back out of curiosity, but if my save is gone for the 2nd time I'm peacing out and never coming back lmao
Who actually cares?
You must be new lol
If it's something you can use in the game, it isn't toxic.
I'm not really sure to be honest, I was trying to think of that myself. I considering maybe anything that could affect any time related activities, like the EOG, or something that potentially gives the killer a small slowdown under certain circumstances to emulate his power.
F.E.A.R. is a game series. Also, I heavily support this. F.E.A.R. is awesome and Alma or Paxton could easily serve as a decent Killer, and the Pointman a good survivor given what he's been through.