New killer suggestion: The Surveyor
Dead by daylight New killer and survivor suggestions Killer #1 Killer Name: The Surveyor Overview: The Surveyor is a relentless and keen killer who loves to torment unsuspecting survivors to their point of death, with the help of her crows. Weapon is a scythe Atributes: Map pressure 10% Tracking 80% Chase: 10% Difficulty…
The Killers
Idea new killer : The Werewolf
Name : The Werewolf (Anna) History : The history of Werewolf goes back to the Colonial era of the USA. Anna was a young woman with no history, she liked to wander through the woods looking for a quiet place, far from the war. One day soldiers arrived in the village killing everyone, Anna's family was horribly killed. Some…
Survivor Concept - Richard B. Riddick
Image Source : https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Riddick Name : Richard B. Riddick Known as : Riddick Possible Killer DLC : Lord Marshall (The Necromonger) Possible Map : Crematoria Lore idea : Riddick was born on Furya. Before Riddick's birth, a Necromonger officer named Zhylaw (who would eventually become the Lord…
A Boxing Survivor?
My friend, Pogiforce, and I have theory crafted a survivor who used to be a boxer. They were at the top of their game, or so they thought. Suddenly, everything gets ripped out from under them when it's revealed that their coach was rigging the fights after a bout with a gambler who bet that they could last for 5 minutes in…
[ART] Neko Adam and Jeff!!!
Star Wars themed perk icons
This is still work in progress, but I wanted to share what I got for you. These are Star Wars themed perk icons for both Killer and Survivor. I won't do all perks since many of the vanilla icons are univeral (f.e. Adrenaline or Self Care). The perks' background coloring in the picture is for my other (complete) Icon…
Information is everything. you could see the aura of the obsession as long as you are looking in there direction. the obsession can see your aura in return. any aura the obsession see is shown to you every 15/12/9 seconds for 4 seconds. this perk deactivate for 40 seconds when the obsession is hit. this perk deactivate…
Chapter:The Dark Void
his is not the Xenomorph Or Predator New Map:The Lunar Base New Killer:The Alien New Survivor:Bucky Denisse Killer Info & Perks Power: Gatherer:In the Gatherer State you move at 3.8m/s but gain the ability to stalk.You will stalk to fill your Meter Up Hunter:Once the Bar is Full press the Power button to Activate The…
Common Old Boot:Slightly Reduces Recoil Half Used Shell:Adds 1 Pellet Per Bullet. Broken Sights:Shows the cross-hair. Weights:Sightly Increases the movement speed while charging the shotgun. Uncommon Sturdy Boot:Moderately Reduces Recoil. Modified Shell:Adds 2 Pellet Per Bullet. Dumbbell:Moderately Increases the movement…
OUTLAST CHAPTER (in progress)
First I would like to say that I come from Germany and originally wrote this text here in German, I translated it into English with the help of a translator. Please tell me if you don't understand something so that I can explain it better.I upload this here because the English forum is much more popular than that German.)…
Yui Kimura -new cosmetics concept
it would be very nice to see yui skins with this makeup
New Chapter: Flames Of Justice (work in progress)
New Killer: The Pyro Power: Flaming: When you kick a generator your fire will set it alight, causing it to be on fire for 60 seconds. If a survivor tries to work on the flaming generator then they will get the burning effect (much like the deep wound effect, it has a timer until they will be put into the dying state. But…
New Killer: The Ballerina + New Chapter: Ballet of Blood
The Ballerina Backstory: Lili Somorjai loved ballet dancing when she was very young and this love and passion for dancing was picked up from her mother, the only parent she lived with. Her mother was once a successful ballerina and before she had Lili, she was on top of the ballet world. Although her mother had no choice…
A Mori for every rarity
Common Mori - Kill One Survivor if they are the Last Living Survivor. Uncommon Mori - Kill One Survivor if they have been Hooked Twice. Rare Mori - Kill One Survivor if they have been Hooked Once. Very Rare Mori - Kill One Survivor Ultra Rare Mori - Kill Two Survivors if they have been Hooked Once.
Yui kimura With make-up
First of all, sorry for my English. It's not my native language. Second, this is the link on Twitter if you guys can help me get noticed by Behaviour: https://twitter.com/tiagosansil9/status/1299493564703965184 And third, I hope you guys enjoy it. Tell me what you guys think.
How I think You can make Chucky work.
Killer: Chucky and Tiffany (The couple) Gender: Male and Female Nationality: American Weapon: Knives Physique: Slightly Shorter than average movement speed 115% Power: Chucky and Tiffany are Truly Evil's Greatest pair, doing everything together and feeling each others presence when apart. The Player Can only be 1 of the…
New mechanic (Portals) on large maps.
Dead By Daylight has a design problem with some maps are still too large, and there are assassins who waste too much time scrolling so I propose a new portals or doors mechanic (Similar to power Demogorgon) and only for killers, with this solution not need rework maps. Maps are square so could be added 4 portals on walls…
One think that i miss in DBD is Movie inspired costumes, for that i created this Freddy Costume
(Fun Concept) I created a concept for Joker in DBD, don't take it serious,imagine how cool would be
Kate Denson cosplay
Dead by Daylight Chapter XVIII - Deadly Shadows
Killer: The Shadowman Terror Radius: 32 Meters Movement Speed: 4.6 m/s Height: Tall Backstory: Lester Shaw was once a popular Detective usually called by people even for the most difficult crime scenes. He became so popular due to his high capacity of understanding people's feelings and the ability to simulate in his mind…
Killer Concept - The Nosferatu
Image source : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/e0zxWw Killer's name : Orlok or known as Count Orlok / Max Schreck Known as : The Nosferatu / The Vampire Possible Survivor DLC : Thomas Hutter / Ellen Hutter Possible Map : Carpathia Mountain Castle / Transylvania Lore Idea : Orlok is a vampire who came from Transylvania,…
Dead by Daylight Chapter XVIII - Deadly Shadows
Killer: The Shadowman Terror Radius: 32 Meters Movement Speed: 4.6 m/s Height: Tall Backstory: Lester Shaw was once a popular Detective usually called by people even for the most difficult crime scenes. He became so popular due to his high capacity of understanding people's feelings and the ability to simulate in his mind…
Chapter XVIII- The Lumberjack (Fan-Made)
Chapter XVIII: Deep In The Woods Introducing: The Lumberjack Michael Shaun was never a normal child. As a child, he suffered prejudice, the school children looked at him with disgust. His skin color has always bothered those around him. His safe haven was his mother who loved him and protected him at all costs. Since he…
New killer design. - INCENDIARY. (In the flame Series.)
new map design - PUBLIC APARTMENT. (In the flame Series.)
Dead by Daylight: Supernatural DLC - Sam + Dean Winchester
I suck at Photoshop literally haha. But I made this as a potential Wish List item for future DLC. Now that we're dabbing into the video game industry who says we can't dab ourselves into the TV Series realm? I'd love to see Sam and Dean be in a Chapter for the future of the game. They'd make awesome Licensed additions to…
Hex Perk idea for the Hatch
Hex: Curse of Benedict. Once the Exit Gates Exit Gates are powered, if there is a Dull Totem remaining on the Map, this Hex is applied to it. Entity blocks the hatch and reveals with a white aura (The hatch cannot be open with any keys). The Auras of any Survivors located near the hatch are revealed to you. The Hex effects…
Fan-made Fallout Chapter
Hey Guys I've been working on this for about a month now, and I've gotten a lot of feedback, lore isn't a huge part of DBD so i didn't invest to much time into it , and this was of course for fun but if you have any feedback leave it in the comments, ill probably respond , i hope yall enjoy!!!!! New Map - Vault 111 New…
Killer Suggestion: The Risen
Concept: A reanimated skeleton warrior. Appearance: A skeleton wearing at least some parts of old armor, but still revealing the fact that they are nothing but animated bones. Weapon: An old sword or other weapon. Power: Gravewalk The Risen can descend into the ground and move undetected, except for a directional…
SCP Concept Chapter
Prologue Before we begin I just wanna explain that this is for fun. If we did actually get a SCP chapter I would lose my ######### and buy it instantly, but I understand there are far more well known and preferred licenses than SCP. I should also mention that I made this a little bit at a time, so it may contain a few…
The Bloodsucker (New killer idea)
Everything below is inspired by Darkest Dungeon lore. All materials including pictures, quotes, etc are taken from the original game and darkestdungeon.gamepedia.com. P. S. please excuse my english, I'm not a native speaker.
Making Legendary Add-Ons
What if each killer had one add-on of Legendary rarity? What would each of them do? I think it would be fun to come up with possible effects for these hypothetical add-ons. I'll start off with a few of my own, but I'd love to see what you guys can come up with. If you want to post one for a killer already listed, that's…
Weekly Bloodhunt
Just a thought, this could help out new and current players alike, a weekly bloodhunt. New players can progress a tad faster and this can help current players prep for a new chapter more effectively. I’ve seen some games use this quite effectively. As someone who can’t get on and play more than a few games at a time this…
Yui new skin, is beautiful
Chapter Concept: Mob of the Dead
Note: This is an updated version of my Warden killer concept that was also turned into a chapter. Enjoy. NEW KILLER Name: The Warden (aka Brutus) Realm: Alcatraz Island Map: Cell Block Weapon: A Police Baton covered in barbed wire Movement Speed: 115% (4.6 m/s) Terror Radius: 36 meters Height: Tall Killer Power: Lockdown…
so, i came up with archive kinda...
long time ago, i made this post. sounds exactly like archives. i think.... i should get something for this! Ill accept a position in dead by daylight! Thunx! P.S. i really need a job, post is kinda a joke, but i really would take something if taken seriously....
Spirit change idea
An idea of change for the Spirit : Normal speed; 4.6 Power Speed; 9.0 With this new power she can : 1) moves faster, allowing it to move across the map in a few seconds 2) completely invisible. Radius terror becomes breath (WIND, 24 meters from the survivors?) 3) The use of its power is unlimited (but with a small reuse…
Community Challenge - Design An Archive Challenge
Inspired by a similar post about designing perks. The community often complains about challenges. Some are just play a game of killer or play a game of doctor. Some are too hard like sacrificing 4 in basement or using iron maiden and taking someone out of a locker. What challenge would you like to see? Be creative and try…
So I had a killer idea... (part 4)
Lol who TF reads these New Killer: THE WARPED Alisa Mathews was a the quiet kid. The kid with few friends, the kid who never raised their hand in class. She wasn't depressed, no. She wasn't paranoid people wouldn't like her, she had no scars to hide. She just liked being in her own head. But one day, her head started…
The Illusionist (The Magician Chapter) Killer Concept!
The Illusionist idea was actually thought up from a dream I had after many nights of streaming Dead By Daylight lol The Illusionist was a Magician that once served in a traveling Carnival around the world. Oddly enough every location the Carnival set up people have gone missing, never to be seen again. The screams heard at…
Character Idea - the fae
Hi! Here is an idea I came up with for a killer. I feel like dbd would benefit from a more interactive killer, also one that isnt licensed that is more accessible for people who can't spend auric cells. A female killer, a fairy-like being. She has a soft and gentle aesthetic and she produces a light singing in her terror…
Implausible Pain: New Chapter Concept
This is my first concept chapter without a licence associated with it. Let me know what you guys think. Map: Cult Base A map set in Prague. The above part is the streets of the city. With some small interconnected tunnels showing a cults base of operations. Survivor: Gary Hughes Lore: A Welsh man living in the Czech…
Killer Concept, The Fisherman
The Fisherman An Aquatic Killer. Able to injure survivors and control the map from a distance. With his 3 teachable perks: Fish in a barrel, Hook, line and sinker, and Hex: Davy Jones's Locker, allows him to lure in and trap survivors and gain control of the match when putting survivors on hooks. Stats: Average height 32…
New Killer Perk: Big Mistake
If you are blinded while carrying a survivor, drop that survivor in the dying state. With a 60 second cooldown, this will reset all their recovery and wiggle progress. Also with a 60 second cooldown, the survivor who blinded you becomes exposed for 15/20/30 seconds. (Please note that even while the perk is cooling down,…
JACK THE RIPPER - Fan Made Chapter
Fan made Chapter: -Cries in the night- DISCLAIMER - READ FIRST. This contains some mature and unsettling content that some may find disturbing. Read at your own risk. The events in the chapter are fictional, as the identity of Jack the Ripper was never really discovered. This is my own take on the Ripper. Full Chapter…
So I had a killer idea... (Part 3)
New killer: The Beast Veman de la Nochez was a spanish conquistador, and a good one, at that. He raided countless villages, made a fortune that grew each day, and slaughtered hundreds upon hundreds of innocents. But his superiors didn't seem to care. So he slaughtered, pillaged, and converted day and night, barely stopping…