New Killer Idea: The White Demon
Hey guys, so like I mentioned in the title, I designed a new killer and his three perks, hope the DBD team can take a look at it and maybe make it into a real new killer haha. And feel free to give any advice share your opinions! Guys I'm not native English speaker so if there's any grammar mistakes please forgive me XD.…
Moved: So I just went ahead and made Wes's perks.
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Sprint burst / vault changes for killers.
Add sprint burst as a perk for killers but while sprinting you cannot vault windows. Or while sprint bursting as a killer you cannot injure a survivor and only grab them. I think it would create an interesting sub-set of meta game perk potentials. Another idea is have bamboozle act like spirit fury. After going through a…
Every Playable Killer combined into one monstrosity. [OC]
New mori idea for the Trapper and Wraith
I understand moris would come last but for the future lets hope! Trapper is short and sweet. He stombs your spine and lifts your head up by your hair or neck for anyone who is bald lol he then quickly opens and sets his trap under your head and slams the survivors face into the trap and thats the mori for him. Quick and…
New Offering idea(Plz leave Feedback)
Yellow offering: lights up one dull totem on the map Green offering: Lights up two dull totems on the map Red Offering: Spawns 3 additional totems and lights up all totems on the map
what is the Dead by Daylight developer's email
me and my friend came up with an idea we think the developers might like and i was told to put this in here if you steal i will sue the idea: character: Father Time power: reverse time for a short period of time(killer included) killer will raise left hnad which will have a pocket watch in it and the hand of the pocket…
New survivor perk idea(Plz leave feedback)
Masochism* the pleasure you get from pain fills you with unbridled vigor. every time you take damage you have a 5/10/15% chance of being healed. this perk would provide a chance to leave you in an injured state after taking a hit from myers t3, ghostface, hill billy and leatherface.
New killer perk idea (plz leave feedback)
Corrupt Interception: This perk makes all totems unable to be interacted with by survivors for 120/180/240 seconds
New spirit chase music?
The official dbd team made a comment on this video asking if the creator could give them permission for the custom made chase music?You think this could be added into the game?I'm very positive it could. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaRLW4ZS4Jk
Warframe survivor: Gauss
Survivor: Gauss Survivor bio: Speeding through the massive planes of Eidolon and crossing the vast Orb Vallis Gauss is a master of speed and agility and he demonstrated these skills of speed and acrobatics on Ceres when he and his fellow Tenno took the tower of Altra from the corrupt Orokin. he proved himself on the…
Yautja (Predator) DLC? The Disgraced
I would love to have The Predator in the game. The Chapter would be called "The Disgraced". My idea for why one of them is in the realm is because it was a Bad Blood Predator lured in by the Entity as the greatest hunting trophy in existence. The Predator and the Entity had clashed in battle only to win thrusting the…
Suggestion for a future Killer: The Thing
The Thing (from the 1982 movie) can be found around the forum with a few mentions, but I hoped to make a detailed case for its potential implementation as a future chapter. Hey, I registered on the forum for that exact purpose! This'll be a long one, so let's go. The Thing would make a great stealthy killer with unique…
Army of Darkness
I like the evil dead and I play as ash because I love him as a character and I think it’d be pretty cool to make a new costume of his the knight armor he had in army of darkness. I know his apocalyptic costume just came out but it’d still be cool to see the medieval costume. The only problem I can see with this is not…
Killer Klowns From Outer Space Chapter Idea
Aliens made to look like clowns, traveling the galaxy in search for food. One day they found a source earth; targeting a little town called Crystal Cove. They nearly wiped out the entire town until 3 heroes defeated them right as the clowns were about to be destroyed the ship vanished ending up someplace they had never…
The Keeper/Executioner
I think it would be really cool to have the locker head guys from the evil within in the game. I just think that he/it looks really awesome. Passives: 0 terror radius and a dimmer red stain except when in chase. When in chase, The Keeper gains a 16m terror radius and a normal red stain. The 16m terror radius persists for…
New (But not new) survivor perk idea: Light Sense
Hi. I made a post about a perk called Light Sense, but now I have art for it :D. Its my first one there may be more to come. If you didn't read, here is what it is. Light Sense (Rare?Very Rare/Very Rare) When a generator gets completed, you see all other survivor's auras for 15 seconds. When the last generator is completed…
Moved: Survivor perk idea: holy bindings
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Leather-face Ultra rare add-on: Friendly Face
If leatherface putting a mask on doesn't work, then why not put one on his chainsaw too? That is what the survivors are running from after all! Leatherface covers the chainsaw base with a survivor face and TREMENDOUSLY reduces the noise made by the chainsaw and reducing his terror radius to 0 while the chainsaw is charged.…
Killer idea, Mrs Trunchbull from Matilda
> Mrs Trunchbull is sadistic principal from the Movie and book Matilda who hates children and rules over teachers and students alike. She will torture and have possibly fatal punishments for even the slightest missdeeds. She once through a child by her pigtails to a bladed fence only to be saved by Matilda's telekinesis.…
New offering [Key nerf]
Killer Offering (Burning Key) - Burning this offering grants you the protection of keys opening the Hatch "In the end there is always no escape from death"
Negan from the walking dead as a survivor or killer?
I dont know if Negan would be a survivor or a killer because on twd negan is an enemy and weilds a bat named Lucille. But negan could be a survivor aswell because he could survive a zombie apocalypse.
Killer Change ideas
Hello, dirty survivor main here, Here some killer change ideas. Nurse: If the nurse's landing point is right in front of a pallet, and a survivor times the pallet drop perfectly, the nurse should be stunned. The stun will not reset the nurse's position. The nurse will simply remain at the location of the pallet, but you…
Summers are so bare... Heres an event idea...
Summer 2020 Event: Summer Slasher This event is cosmetic heaven for all, with New cosmetics for almost every character. I will only name a few character cosmetics below, because it would take me a very long time to right it all out. New Survivor Cosmetics: Feng Min- 'One Piece' shirt item (Im no monster people, its a blue…
Moved: Killer idea, Mrs Trunchbull from Matilda
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Moved: Which licensed Survivor eould you want Next?
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This spirit change will make her fun to go against
(This song isn't made by me fyi) imagine hearing this masterpiece while going against the spirit, i wouldn't mind facing her 10 times if i can hear this amazing song (btw the title is meant to be some sort of a clickbait :>)
Devs I beg and so do other ppl
God pls add this it sounds so eerie and great and just Y E S
New Killer Idea - Tall Man (Phantasm)
My idea is to create the killer from the Phantasm franchise. The player would control the tall man who would have a very slow movement speed and a poisoned dagger in case survivors try to harass him. If a survivor get's stabbed he begins to move to dying state and must find a highlighted mushroom on the map to prevent…
New survivor perk idea: Suspicions
You are knowingly able to know if Danger is present. When the killer is within 20/26/32 meters from you hear (a sound of some sort)
New Ultra Rare pig add on idea
dunno the name, but Tremendously increases movement speed while crouching Tremendously increases time to ambush Tremendously increases the time to go out of crouch
Cool licenced survivor ideas
Shaun - Shaun of the Dead His perks allow him to increase his own and the teams survival chances. Perks: 1. You got red on you - Your aura is revealed to other survivors when you are injured and more than 50m away from them. 2. To the Winchester - You're compelled to lead the group to safety. You and survivors within a 5m…
New Killer offering (Key nerf)
Killer Offering (Burning Key) - Burning this offering grants you the protection of keys opening the Hatch "In the end there is always no escape from death"
New killer perk idea: Surroundness cleared
Whenever a generator is completed your FoV is increased by 3 degrees and your aura reading range is increased by 4/6/8 meters
New Chapter : The Bee Movie
New killer: Kenny the tennis master weapon: winter boots on his hands ability: brochure gives the tennis master the ability to die. Dying gives you 1 million bloodpoints and kills every survivor in the trial, and makes them derank to 20 and you to 1. “That’s where uh, I usually sit. Right there.” - Kenny Perks: ”he hit his…
Pennywise Power Suggestion
We All Float Down Here: The Pennywise starts the trial with five balloons. Balloon count can be adjusted depending on various addons equipped. Pennywise can place these balloons in certain areas of the map where Survivors are most likely to counter them. Unaware of a Balloons presence will start a timer on when the Balloon…
Killer idea: The Infected
Killer: The Infected Movement speed 115%, TR 24 meters Nickname: Patient 0 and Patient 1 Lore: (Based towards Patient 0) Patient 0 never was named, he woke up in a laboratory next to Patient 1, they became great friends, but Patient 0 was taken out of the containment and tested upon, one of the tests went wrong and he was…
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
If we can get Ash, Bill, and Stranger Things Dlc then I know we can get Buffy. Let’s make it happen! 😁
New killer chapter concept: Slender man From the abyss
From the abyss.( note this is a refined reposting of the chapter because it was previously deleted). Killer- Slender man/ or demon. Height:Tall Speed: 50-150% Terror radius: 0-300meters of whispering Power:Mysterious appearances You start the match undetectable. You emit no Global terror radius or red stain, and are immune…
Pennywise Perk Concept Art -Fan Made
I was going to go on this whole Pennywise what if set up but hearing from HybridPanda that theirs a really good chance that he will be coming soon (Seeing as multiple BE staff just followed Stephen King at all at once.) I figured Official Perk Images for Pennywise is very likely drawn up and ready so I just gave up as soon…
New killer perk idea: Satans Ring
Bad things happen when you enter the ring. The 3 closest generators to you will have penalties when trying to complete them and those generators are highlighted in White. You have a token for each of those generators up. For reach token up. survivors suffer a 3%/4%/5% speed penalty when trying to complete one of those…
Survivor Suggestion: James Hollow
James Hollow: Spending his entire life as a obese nerd in his mothers basement, at some point in his gaming he died of a heart attack and awoke in a new realm. Description: Obese, Blond hair, Fedora, kind of looks like a thumb. Perks: SweetRoll: Activate-able Perk. You're obeseive eating causes your body to be big and…
Zombieland Concept
Their was an idea... To bring together a group of remarkable people... This isn't that idea. Sorry my idea isnt Marvel Comics, its the Zombieland Movie Franchise. This is a standalone survivor, similar to Ash's situation. Who, you may ask, is this survivor? Its the poster boy for the series, Columbus. Columbus Perks:…
Moved: Perk Buff Ideas
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Erro de conexão
Alguém sabe como arrumar isso, estou tentando entrar no desde bytes aylight só que depois que eu aperto espaço ele dia que tá com erro de conexao
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jeepers creepers chapter idea
New killer the creeper Stats Terror radius 32m Height tall Movement speed 4.11m/s Ability Living statue 6 scarecrows or coat hangers will spawn randomly can be moved when holding power button you can teleport to them has a short cooldown or activate witch causes a clone of you to spawn and wander a 25m radius around the…
it chapter
2 new killers The deadlights Stats Terror radius 38m Height average Movement speed 4.11m/s Ability Mask of fear You take the form of the killer the highest w/l survivor has been killed by the most when you hit a survivor your form breaks and they become your obsession in your true form you can place the deadlights when a…
New survivor perk Idea: Edulcorate
(Uncommon, Uncommon, Rare) everything has has to be cleared. When sabotaging 4/3/2 hooks this perk activates. When sabotaging a hook while this perk is activated you see the auras of chests and totems within 16/24/32 meters from you for 10 seconds. When you sabotage a hook this perk deactivates. You make no alerts when you…
NEW SURVIVOR: LARA CROFT PERKS: Lara is all about survival. Playing with the monster that is hunting you. SURVIVAL INSTINCT: You sense when danger is coming near you, when the terror radius begins. See the killer for 5 seconds/10 seconds/until the killer gets within 8 meters of you. Survival Instinct activates every…