Pacing of a game
How long is the average game of Dead By Daylight supposed to be? It hard to know because due to perks and killers it fluctuates. A nurse game with the best perks against solo queue survivors can be 5 minutes while a skull merchant game can be 15 minutes. Slow down perks, i.e. Pop, Pain res, Dead mans, all significantly…
Can you report people who intentionally grief and stream their content?
I don't even know if this is reportable but it seems like this person is intentionally creating miserable matches every time with the purpose of griefing rather than playing with good intentions. Long story short, the old story of a slugging Nurse with infectious that intentionally bleeds everyone out every single match.…
a year of tickets and the game is still dropping frames to 20 fps even when i set it to 120fps lmao can you please fix this???
Hi. i wanted to know when stranger things chapter will be discounted? or it will not
What DLC is better?
In terms of killer, survivor, killer perks and survivor perks which one of these two DLCs are better to purchase: -Forged In Fog Chapter(Killer:The Knight, Survivor: Vittorio Toscano) -Portrait of a Murderer(Killer:The Artist, Survivor: Jonah Vasquez) I just wanna know for the money I would spend on these which one I get…
Unknown exclusive dlc cosmetic?
In the patch notes bhvr says that there is a known issue that the dlc exclusive cosmetic for the Unknown was not unlocking and that it was fixed in the 7.6.1 hotfix. Does anyone know if this is active on Playstation or when it will be active? I want to buy the chapter but I’m afraid I will lose out on the cosmetic. Thank…
Cross progression
I love your game only thing that I dont is play station + every month I need to pay 6€ or even 72€ for one year. When will we be able to play without it on console? Thanks
Iridescent OSS Report
The Unknown released yesterday, and upon reading through it's Add Ons, I realized that the Iridescent OSS Report doesn't state that the Killer becomes Undetectable. I thought that it does tho. Can someone clarify if this Add On inflicts the Killer with the Undetectable Statuseffect or not? Thank you in advance
Am I the only one having a lot of troubles with this update?
My game sends me error messages every time I search for a match, it doesn't crash or anything, but it's really annoying, or sometimes it sends me to the loading screen for a good chunk of time. And then I see streamers playing just fine, so I wanted to know if it was just me or if this was a server thing.
When will we get cross progression?
PlayStation + is such a scam! Every year I have to pay 72€ (from now on) just to play online. I already hated to pay 60€. What do I get by paying for it; online and a lot of games I will never play. I would be fine to buy the characters again (that I bought in the ps store) if I get a 50+% discount on everyone I’ve already…
Ps4 turned game on and got no grade reset blood point reward? on the 13th?
Not sure where to post but the time of turning game on was 11.15 am?
If I move from Epic to Steam I can keep all my stuff and progress?
I own the game on Epic, was free years ago, but didn't play much since I didn't have enough storage space to install all my favorite games and other ones at once. Anyway, last April I got upgrade and started to try DBD. I really liked it! I didn't want any extra for the game, I was happy with the Prime Gaming Tome I earned…
How does "Staring down the Unknown" actually work?
The subject line speaks for itself. Mainly I just want some clarification on the mechanics of "staring down the unknown" to remove the Weakened status. How long does it take? Does it work like Revealing Ghostface, where you have to have the killer centered in your field of view? Any and all input would be awesome since the…
No heartbeat sound
Hello forum! I bought a new laptop (asus tuf gaming a15), steam platform, in the settings I selected the display of the heart on the survivor. Everything is displayed correctly, but there is no heartbeat sound. Before that, I played on ps4 and another PC and there was no such problem. All the sounds in the game are at…
Is Sable's mug a one time sale?
Wondering if there is an immediate need to pre-order or it's something that will always be available in the store.
Meg was down, then she wasn't?
Can someone please help me understand this game clip? I was playing The Shape, and came upon a Meg doing Shack generator. She ran out of Shack, and I hit her in Tier III power and she was down on the ground. But then she wasn't, and somehow she was back working on Shack generator? Game Clip: Star Master guy | Xbox Please…
connection problems
Hello, I live in Russia and close to China, and I often face ping your 200. I have to use third-party programs to lower it at least to 120/130. but now after the game - crashed and no longer does not allow you to enter, referring to the Internet, although and input lag turned off, and vpn and other programs that could…
BL bug or not?
Hi guys, I was using the perk Balanced Landing and I had the exhaustion status almost gone (99.9) when I vaulted the window from a high place. I was making the falling sound as I was going down (the exhaustion bar went away while I was in the falling animation) , so when I landed it triggered BL and got the speed boost. Is…
What about those T-shirts from Meet your Maker collaboration?
So I bought that other Behaviour game, Meet your Maker, just so I could get those T-shirts from the collaboration, but I didn't know the codes were available for a limited time... Anyone know if they're coming back anytime soon?
Excess Access Violation.
The question i have is in regards to the title: excess access violation error, I’ve only had this on & off (happening more as of recent) where I will be mid game or in the lobby and without warning the game closes, I’m booted back to the desktop and the “excess access violation” pops up, I’ve played the game for probably 7…
Trap Door
Remove it please especially if I earn my 4k! The hide and seek is getting old. Especially when they are on death hook and they Tbag and wait until you are in view just to jump in.
How did this Nea enter the dying state?
This is one of the most baffling things I have ever seen. This Nea randomly went down. She screamed and triggered the generators I had marked with Eruption to explode. I do not remember hitting her off hook to make her mend. I generally try to avoid camping and tunneling and in circumstances where I do return to hook, I…
DC'ing after unhooking or killing surv
This has been happening a lot recently, but when I unhook a survivor or kill a survivor, there's a chance my game will freeze and then disconnect me. Seemingly nothing is wrong with my internet as everything like Discord, browser, Steam, run just fine and don't DC me. I'll get told that dedicated servers stopped…
So I've asked reddit this same question but how does the penalty time decrease?
I've been having crashes and I just want to know if I wait out my disconnect timer and don't play for a few days will my penalty timer, which is currently at 48hrs decrease down back to minutes if I just don't play for a few days because I don't want to crash again and have it go up to 72?
How were the floor plans of the buildings created on the official wiki?
On the Garden of Joy page, there is a 3D map labeled "Layout of the first floor of the Mansion." https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Garden_of_Joy How was this created? Does anyone know someone knowledgeable about this matter?
Iridescent Shards for All Things Wicked?
Hi Everyone! I'm relatively new to DBD and All Things Wicked will be my first non-licensed chapter. Will Sable and the Unknown be available for iridescent shells on March12, or just auric cells? Thanks! o7
Do you think we will ever see Five Nights at Freddy’s ever come to DBD?
Ik it’s very popular and I feel like since they added Chucky and made him work that they can add anything or anyone and make it work. I think it would be so cool to play at Springtrap and the survivors could be Mike and Vanessa from the movie. Of course the map could be BHVR take on the pizzeria.
Knight Build - Feedback/help
Hey ya'll! I've recently started to main the Knight besides Doctor so I wanted to ask for some good Perk build and addons for the Knight! Currently i'm using: Pop Goes The Weasle, Discordance, Dead man's switch and no way out for perks and for addons: call to arms and ironworkers tongs
About the new regression kick system
So, now theres this new system where a gen loose 5% of his progression after a kick For some perks, like trails, it only deactivate when survivor get rid of the regression (they don't delete this perks with just tapping the gen) but, what about call of brine? The 125% continue if the regression was not stopped totally? Or…
space bar on skillcheck not working
space bar on skillcheck not working
Is it normal to have games where survivors completely outplay you?
I'm asking specifically about killer games where survivors just get all the gens done, are much better at you in chase, to the point where you can't catch them, and you end the game with 1 or 2 hooks. I only have around a couple hundred hours in each role, but I watch videos and read about strategy because I like to deep…
How did I revive without Unbreakable?
In a match I was just able to get up from slug without Unbreakable perk. I had some status effects when it happened. Is there some perk someone else was using to make it possible?
To Alan Wake or to not Alan Wake?
Up until now I used to own every single killer and survivor but recently I feel like I don't really wanna spend money on the game anymore but I really enjoyed Alan Wake and would like to own him in DBD but then again I don't want to spend money (yes I know that he's like 5 dollars but in my country that's almost x4 the…
Auric cell price increase in Brazil?
Recently (early February), the prices of auric cells increased in the Brazilian store and I haven't found anyone online talk about it. As far as I'm aware they haven't increased in America or European stores but I may be wrong. Just as an example, 1100 auric cells before were R$ 19.99 (£3.99) and now they're R$ 29.97…
Did the developers change the generators?
I keep forgetting to ask this since it’s been going on for a bit now. I remember before the only times gens regressed was when using certain perks, I think pop goes the weasel is one of them but I’ve noticed now they regress even when the killers aren’t using any gen related perks.
What Changes Would you Make for Knight?
I Would make Map of The ream and Call to Arms baskit as both give incentive's a multitask playstyle, As well as giving him incentive's for longer hunts and disincentivizing his 3 gen abilitys
Repeating maps
I keep getting the same maps over and over again, even without map offerings being used. I had thought that this was made impossible, or am I just getting screwed by rng?
Is singularity working as intended?
I have not played DBD in a while, so after my absence I thought to play some singulairty cuz I thoroughly enjoy the killer. But I've played three games with him and found this 'bug' but I really don't know if it is or isn't since no one else is seemingly talking about it. Basically when using the biopod and attempting to…
Skull Merchant Mains where you at?
I play her often, P19. What’s your best tips with her you would suggest if any? I’d love to hear your thoughts? Maybe a favorite build you enjoy that has good synergy or what’s your favorite add on combo? 🥰
A little bit more brightness?
Hey there. I got a new Geforce 3060 and played here and there some matches but hoooly moly it's dark. It's nearly impossible to see a survivor who hides in a corner in the basement and that wasn't the case with my old gpu. Is there anyway to up it a little bit? As a killer I really don't wanna ask a survivor for a spare…
Anyone else losing internet connection while playing only DbD?
Hey I am having an issue for over a week that I randomly lose my Internet Connection while playing Dead by Daylight. This is only happening with DbD otherwise everything runs smooth. Whenever I am losing connection, it's visible for me on my windows taskbar. I really don't understand why this is happening and I am just…
On which date does the new chapter drop?
Unlocking perks at prestige 3?
In game it says you need to reach p3 to unlock perks for other characters, but I've gotten a few survivors to just p1 and the perks still unlock for other survivors. Why is that?
Can Xeno see flame turrett blue beam?
Just wondering, because if they can it seems like it has a major drawback that Xeno can see where you are doing a gen from a distance?
Skull Merchants Drones
What’s the radius on the drones? Were they the same range before her rework?
Q's regarding iron Maiden Skins and event
Q1: Are the Iron Maiden skins going away on March 12? Q2: Are there plans to fix the Oni's Eddie skin (specifically he is holding the sword backwards) Q3: What does the Iron Maiden event entail?
Unable to heal downed survivor?
I was just in a game against Chucky and unable to heal a downed Billy. Never seen that before. What was the reason?
Can you give me some advice for this challenge?
This one I'm really not strong with deathslinger... In fact, I'm not strong with range killer ( I play Oni a lot, that's not the same) And when, the game want me only to face decent or strong survivor, and the rift seems bugger because some times, I got them when they are healing but it doesn't count apparently I was…
What are some some struggles that killers face?
Admittedly. I haven't played a TON of killer. I've played up to gold I/iri 4 a few times, but I don't normally play it as much as survivor because it feels too boring and easy, and usually I play with my friend. That's just how it is for me I understand it's not like that for everyone. I was having a hard time with…
Iridescent Shards Prices in Shop
So a good friend of mine wants to buy the Teddy Graveyard Trickster Skin (Domrebel Collection) really badly. It came out on 9th of January if I'm not mistaken and BHVR stated a while ago that from now on all non-licensed skins will be available for Iridescent Shards four weeks after their release. But now, almost 7 weeks…