Why does it exist?!
Racoon city, it's a bad map. Pardon my words but like why are their so many pallets and vaults. I can't get a ######### hit in before I get 18 stuns. Lower the amount of pallets or something, do what you did Haddonfieldand make it smaller. Just fix ur map please bhvr
Why does DBD make my computer restart/bluescreen?
Asking for a friend, who has consistently had their computer restart or straight up bluescreen when trying to run the game. It works normally for a few seconds/minutes, and then randomly crashes without warning. All her drivers are up to date, her PC has good enough specs to run it, she's tried everything apart from…
What can I do, as a M1-Killer, about Holding W?
Last couple of days I tried some new Perk-Combinations with M1 Killers (in low-, mid-MMR games I guess). Everytime I don't use a Oblivious or Undetactable Perk/Item Survivors start running the moment they hear/see the Terror Radius. They don't loop or take any risk. They just run straight from pallet to pallet to window…
Is replying to my own comments to make them appear bannable?
Any plans to make more DBD board games?
Just recently discovered DBD has a board game. I want it. I want it mass marketed. I can't seem to find where to buy it anywhere. And I want the collector's edition. Pls make more. Thanks.
Killer perk idea
BHVR should make a perk that makes a pallet breaking sound when interacting with a pallet to make it as if you are breaking a pallet but your not. so you could catch the survivor off guard. sounds kinda dumb but it would be a cool meme perk
Blight: Look angle vs Turn rate
Adrenaline Vial Increases your maximum Look angle during a Rush by +20 ° Reduces your Turn rate during a Rush by -0.5 °/s. I don't understand the difference between Look Angle and Turn Rate. Blight's wiki doesn't mention anything about a 'look angle' and only mentions Turn Rate
How do I change my nickname?
Is it possible to report a player after a game/continuing?
I had a match against a player and they said some horrible stuff in the end-game chat, but I had clicked on "Continue" right as I saw it. Their steam profile showed that they were a TTV-er, so it was even on their stream that they were telling me to go end myself amongst other colourful things. Is it possible to report or…
What is Your Favorite Non-Meta Killer Build?
To reiterate the question, what build for any killer do you have the most fun running? (Emphasis on fun) I'm getting bored of running the same old meta perks like PainRes, Pop, Deadlock. I'm also getting bored of trying to focus my build entirely on securing a 4k every match. Lately, I find getting 1 or 2 kills while using…
My game crashes
I play on pc via xbox. The game crashes every 20 minutes. The logs are encrypted so i don't have a clue what to do.
Is it possible to get rid of the ban in dead by daylight? I really want to play.
Fix terrible fps + input lag on PC?
Hello, I play dbd on my laptop with a NVIDIA Mx350 GPU which is not the best but I was getting it to work after watching Kyto's dbd optimization guide a few months ago. I am on Windows 10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-b6NloBtqf8&t=926s I limited the game's fps to 30 and everything was pretty smooth and my input lag was…
Do Sole Survivor and Hope work when the killer closes hatch?
I'm wondering do these perks require all 5 gens to be complete, or do they also activate when the gens aren't done but killer closes hatch as the last survivor?
What does each Killer and Survivor do in their spare time outside of the Trials?
So, we all know that whenever a Killer or Survivor finishes a Trial, they all spawn at the campfire, but why? But also, while all of them are waiting at the campfire, waiting for the next Trial to begin. What do all of them do in their spare time? Do they spend their time talking to their friends and reuniting together? Or…
What’s your favorite Gen Build? (Survivor)
Interested in trying a Gen build. What do you like or find effective?
Server issue icon?
Any fix for this issue? My ping is good but i keep teleporting every 2 minutes, making the game unplayable. I'm talking about the icon with 2 squares. The issue started yesterday.
Elodie's orange shirt
I dont have this shirt (and I want it), I heard that I have to buy her Chapter in Steam store to unlock this. But I already have everyone except Twin in this bundle. Do I have to buy a whole bundle for the price of 2 full Chapters just for this shirt?
Will The Community Be Compensated For Shop Price Changes?
With shop prices changing, I was wondering if we would receive compensation for the prices being changed since some outfits have inconsistent pricing. I feel like I would have waited to make a few purchases had I known that the prices were going to change, and just finding out about this has made me concerned that I might…
Any console Oni Mains here?
Can you flick with him? I can only do a sharp 90 degree. Is be just easier on PC?
Can Hatch spawn on the second floor of maps?
Can the Hatch spawn upstairs on maps like Ormond, Hawkins and Midwich?
Problem with my settings
Every time I start the game, the graphic settings resets, also I want to change the lenguage to english but at the restart that doesnt do nothing and everythings go back to defaul.
Who waaaants to be my Duo when 2v8 comes out? 😍
Onyro main - need another killer to be my duooooooo 🥰 Merciless applicants only :p
New Rift/Tome date?
Anyone got a date for the new Rift/Tome release since the last one ended the other day?
Survivor's marked by Ghostface question
Just wanted a quick verification. After fully marking a survivor without being revealed, that marked survivor will not be able to reveal Ghostface, and only that survivor will hear and see his terror radius and red stain? Which would make something like Olsen's Journal addon make sense (marked survivor's are oblivious) The…
Packet Loss?
Anyone ever suddenly get packet loss but only when playing DBD? I can't figure out ######### is going on. I even have an app looking at my internet to see if its dropping but it isn't. It would sometimes have no impactand just show the yellow icon. Then it started doing the teleport crap in game when showing the red icon.…
What are counters to slugging for 4k?
I constantly get trapped in slug-for-4k matches as a survivor and I don’t know what to do. What are some options? Is there anything optimal?
Should Purple Medkits guarantee two full heals?
My most played/prestiged character, Killer or Survivor, is Cheryl. She's prestige 39 and has 37 purple medkits. I have consistently put bloodpoints into her for around two years while benefitting from the Blood Moon Event and the Anniversary event. Still, I only have 37 purple medkits. At least 25% of the Blights I verse…
Did they give Singularity a change and I missed it?
I can hear globally when a biopod gets nuked by an emp, I didn’t use to be able to.
Why do people complain about this so called Tunneling?
So, for the past month or so, I've been thoroughly enjoying Bubba. I've gotten many complaints over messages saying that I'm either 'camping' or 'tunneling' on account of going for the damaged survivor when they get off the hook. Also, telling me it's typical for a Bubba to do this sort of thing, having no surprise in the…
Good Builds for Singularity for high MMR?
I’m P22 with him and I get a lot of SWFS. Trying to see what builds synergize well with him. :) Thank you!
Game Freezing.PTB
Faced with such a problem. Sometimes, when loading into a match, the game freezes. The match doesn't load, and other players are shown that I'm disconnected. When I played the main game, not the ptb, everything was fine. Has anyone had the same? is there any fix for this problem?
How does the Entity communicate to Killers and Survivors to do its bidding?
I only just thought of this question just now, but how on Earth can the Entity communicate to its Killers and Survivors? And how can they understand what it is trying to tell them? I mean, if you take a look at the killers' universal perk called Whispers, right? Well, that's what I think it is called anyway. However,…
How does the Entity views things from its perspective?
So, this isn't usually a common question you would come across with, when it comes to Dead by Daylight. But I've been quite curious about this for quite a while now… So the biggest question is, how does the Entity view bugs and glitches are happening in the Trials? Us, as survivors or killers, would see this as a bug,…
Bloodsense Maps - After Event?
Will we be able to use these maps after the event like we can use firecrackers? Or will they all deactivate when the event ends?
Ghost Face reveal distance?
Does anyone know the max distance from Ghost Face to reveal him from stealth?
seasonal codes for badges/banners
I dislike how easy it is to miss a code in this game, I missed one of the badge codes for blood moon event, and now it's no longer redeemable (BloodFest) Will this code become redeemable again on the next Blood Moon event?
Outta Nowhere Achievement
Hitting 40 survivors with basic attack while you are Undetectable should work on Scratched Mirror Myers or if you are using Trail of Torment I would think, right? I tried a few matches but none of these attacks counted, it only seemed to count when I was playing Chucky who I assume came out with this new achievement. Am I…
In your experience, do time-limited cosmetic from redeemable codes ever return?
I just only recently found out that there is the blood droplet badge which was redeemable from 26th - 31 March 2024. I was really disappointed to have found that it had expired because it looked really good with the blood moon banner. I would not mind if the dead by daylight store starts selling banners and badges in the…
Why does my killer banner show Ash 4?
After a game of killer a little Ash 4 Rank icon appears on the top left corner of my banner on the scoreboard. I’m Silver 1. Anyone know why this is?
Ou signaler sur BEHAVIOUR les tricheur
J'ai rencontré un tricheur qui utilise un logiciel de triche qui allez ultra vite! impossible a rattrapé! j'ai les preuve en vidéo ! merci de votre réponse
Keyboard Issues on Linux
Hi Community! I'm wondering if anyone else is having issues with their keyboard on Linux right after starting an online match, regardless of playing as a killer or survivor after the latest patch. I have been playing on Linux (openSUSE and debían) with no issues until this last patch. Connecting a controller and enabling…
Is it easier to play MM2 killers on PC VS Console.
I play on a Ps5, but I was curious if it’s easier to play M2 killers on pc? Like getting better shots with, huntress, trickster, unknown, or curving with oni etc? (Should I include pyramid head since his is a shockwave,?)
Hi! I can’t seem to play my Dead by Daylight Mobile
upon opening the app, on the loading screen it keeps on loading. Screenshot below the Initialization loading below the Main Title is overlapping. I tried restarting my phone (iPhone 15 PM), uninstalling and reinstalling the app. I also did Fix Client multiple times by to no avail. please help
When you blow gen by missing a skill check, how much progress is lost?
curious :)
Does your MMR as killer not go up if you get a 3k?
Just curious. My friend usually always lets one go but his opponents are pretty silly
Would this work?
So were all familiar with NOED by now, how it makes everyone exposed and you gain haste. Anyway i have just recently bought the plague found my self wondering if my corrupted vomit would instantly knock a survivor if NOED is active.
Bloodsense Map
Sorry I might be misunderstanding something but the in-game description states that objects with auras are revealed to me as long as the map has charges but I'm not seeing this. So a base Crystal bead like effect? When I look at the wiki it says it reveals injured survivors. So is this map just an Empathy?
What’s the spawn logic for Cages?
How does Pyramid Head cages spawn logic work? It’s so weird. I thought it was furthest from me but sometimes it amazon primes the survivor to their teammate.
Anyone know how to fix this I have tried everything, works on my Xbox just not on my pc Xbox app, i have uninstalled, rebooted my pc, EAC is running fine when booted, Fortnite works and runs of EAC, started when game pass ran out and then I renewed it and still getting this.