Chest Spawns Are Breaking Killer Item Spawns
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Chests and killer items use the same spawn locations and when maps are being generated, the chests are being spawned in first. This means killers who have interactive items that need to be by generators such as Sadako to push condemn and Xenomorph/Alien to pressure generators end up having their…
Houndmaster injuring survivors from a distance
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: The Houndmaster was able to damage a survivor from across a room (one of the main buildings on Autohaven) as they were vaulting inflicting what appeared to be a basic attack without being near them PLATFORM: PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Player was running and vaulted while…
Wraith does not get uncloaked or have a longer stun when stunned.
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Stunned a wraith while he was cloaked and he had the same stun animation as he does when i clocked. he remained cloaked and broke the pallet still cloaked. PLATFORM: Steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: On shelter woods, mid map outside pallet
Disconnecting from host
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Every game I try to play I get disconnected then have to wait 30 mins for leaving when I didn’t and it’s not my internet connection.. Platform: console Xbox STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: this started on 1/20/25 ….. VIDEO: PLAYER LOGS: Player logs are required from PC players only.
Deathslinger loses 4 stbfl stacks when hitting the obsession with his power.
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Deathslinger loses 2 stacks of Save The Best For Last when shooting the obsession, then another 2 when hitting them while they are speared. PLATFORM: Steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Have at least 4 stacks of STBFL, shoot the obsession, reel them in, hit them, you now have -4…
Houndmaster's dog falls through the floor, never returns
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Dog fell through the floor, was not available for the rest of the match PLATFORM: PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: I sent the dog into the corner of Lery's Treatment theater with an attack command (tile 1P_LD61) VIDEO: I'm not a streamer PLAYER LOGS: I don't know how to pull that
The Twins Victor locker cannot be opened because the Check Locker
. PC Recently I created a topic in which I presented a video report about the second bug, in which Victor cannot open the locker in which the survivor is hiding because the Check Locker button does not appear, and in that video you had to press pause in order to detect this bug https…
Bloodpoint Incentive not working correctly
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: The bp incentive is only ever on Survivor or entirely gone and never switches to Killer even when Survivor Q times are 2+ Minutes and Killer is instant… Makes me think something is bugged PLATFORM: Steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Literally just launch the Game VIDEO: PLAYER…
Unknowns Lobby Voice lines Missing Distortion
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: The unknowns voice lines in the lobby animation when you pick him are broken. They seem to missing the distortion and it sounds awful. Please revert to previous version. PLATFORM: PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Pick the killer Unknown and let him play his animation and talks…
The Houndmaster's Search Audio is Bugged
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: When using the Search, the audio bugs and loops, getting very loud. PLATFORM: PlayStation 5 STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Loaded into a match… Tried to use the Search feature. VIDEO: https://youtu.be/FxPjZmHN7Jc
Temple Of Purgation Exit Gate visual bug
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: When playing at the Mastermind in Chaos Shuffle, I came up to a survivor who was opening the gate. I hit them with a basic attack, and their character animation did not change, despite the lever animation resetting to the "off" position. They continued to work on the gate, with the lever still pointed…
Blight freezing my game!!
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: PLATFORM:PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED:My game simply freezes in every game I try to play with it, it doesn't freeze the entire game but there comes a specific moment and it simply freezes and doesn't come back, I'm sad because I spent money on this character I hope they fix…
Blight causing my game to freeze
So for probably over 2 weeks now I have had a rather consistent issue with Blight. It used to be every other game but recently it is every game I try to play with Blight, my game suddenly freezes mostly further into the game, but its also happened pretty early into matches. When that happens I am forced to close the game…
Launching game on old GPUs using DirectX 12 freezes the game when playing as The Blight?
For aproximately a year i (and some other players) had issue while playing as The Blight. At some point game just freeze dead so you have to close it in task manager. Recently i tried to launch the game with launch options "-force -dx11" and for several sessions and over 20 matches i had no issues while playing as The…
super laggy servers
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: super lag servers PLATFORM:steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED:super laggy servers VIDEO: PLAYER LOGS:super laggy servers Player logs are required from PC players only.
Store mark bug
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: It is marked like there something new for Yun-Jin, but there is nothing. I checked it twice without any filters. Nothing new. PLATFORM: Steam
Chucky anti camp not working
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Chucky is able to stand 2 feet from the hook, camp, not move and have no terror radius. This has happened in 2 games in the last 2 weeks. I think it maybe because of his height that he isn't registering on the meter. He did this the whole game. I thought it was a once off glitch, but then it happened…
teleport through the wall on singularity
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: epick sleepstream PLATFORM: pc VIDEO: https://www.twitch.tv/prekrashev671/clip/MotionlessBlightedWrenchVoteNay-12chQWv6NTyFMtYZ
Dog constantly gets stuck on everything.
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: The dog gets stuck on corners, walls, air, inside of walls, you name it. PLATFORM: PS5 STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Simply send out snug in chases. VIDEO: Provided below. PLAYER LOGS: Player logs are required from PC players only. I will add more video clips to this tab for…
Unable to snap out of Doctor madness
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: I was unable to snap out of tier III madness for the whole duration of the game after quickly cancelling the snapping out action and the vaulting after. Then I was no longer given the prompt to snap out of it for the whole game, even after unhooking another survivor and being downed and hooked…
Getting hit through pallets is getting ridiculous
Since there are now videos on how you can hit people through pallets, its getting ridiculous PLATFORM: Steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: drop pallet with killer next to it VIDEO: PLAYER LOGS:
Can't recieve bloodpoints and iridescent shards from the free rift
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: I can't recieve bloodpoints and shards from the free rift, although I am level 65+ PLATFORM: PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: I do not know how it occured, it is my first time playing for rewards in The Rift VIDEO: PLAYER LOGS: Player logs are required from PC players only.
Hag - Aura Reveal Add-On Duration Bug
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Hag's aura reading add-ons do not reveal the survivor for as long as they should. PLATFORM: PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: As Hag, use one or both of the [Pussy Willow Catkins]/[Willow Wreath] addons. Place a trap and have a survivor trigger it. The aura reading will not last…
8.3.0 YUN-JIN LEE: Fire moon Skirt
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Yun-Jin Lee: A leg pierced her skirt. Occur always on hook, in all games. The skirt goes inside the legs and gets stuck in them. PLATFORM: Steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Play Yun-Jin Lee, dress Fire moon black skirt PLAYER LOGS:
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: The movements of all survivors freeze if they walk. The same bug was on the 8.4.0 beta test, and now it is on the main servers. PLATFORM: steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Play a survivor, walk, stop walking VIDEO: PLAYER LOGS:
Lich's cosmetic 'Decaying King' has no lit candles in mori
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: The Lich's new cosmetic, "Decaying King", features a lot of candles which can be seen burning in the lobby and while spawning into a trial. However, upon performing the mori, they suddenly go out :(. PLATFORM: PC, Steam, Windows 11 STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Equip the Decaying…
I have Vecna's bloody knife even though I'm only Prestige 4
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: I have Vecna's bloody knife even though I'm only Prestige 4 and should have only the bloody head. PLATFORM: Steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Unknown PICTURES: PLAYER LOGS:
Nurse's animations are completely broken for more than a year now
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: She can't fly out of the basement in every map, only if you stand in the very center, but you won't be able to fly as far as possible from the basement because of this. Her fingers animation during the blink and fatigue and gen breaking animations are still broken. PLATFORM: all of the platforms STEP…
Friend list - Pending Requests bugged
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: I cannot completely cancel pending requests PLATFORM: Steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: I go to the Friends section -> Friend requests -> I press Cancel on a person and the request is removed. On the next restart of the game, the request reappears.
flashbangs are still silent
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: flashbang drops have been silent for months and are still not included as "known issues" PLATFORM: all STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: drop flashbang it has no sound VIDEO: none PLAYER LOGS: Player logs are required from PC players only.
Players can clip into wall in map "The Game"
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: In the "workshop" upstairs (the room with the hole that falls into the bathroom), there is a wall across from the glass command center with lockers. Players are able to squeeze between the lockers and the wall, their bodies halfway hidden inside the length of the wall which could almost make them…
NEMESIS Vaccine locked survivors
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Vaccine locked survivors PLATFORM: ALL STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Need 3 player to test DO NOT USE BOT. Enable "Run to Cancel" . hold shift(running) with out move. hold running key and use Vaccine to other survivors with out move. hold running key and move to Cancel action.…
Ghost Face camera is missing during his mori
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Ghost Face camera is missing during his mori. PLATFORM: All Platforms STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Perform his mori. VIDEO: PLAYER LOGS: Player logs are required from PC players only.
fix audio occlusion
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: audio occlusion is broken PLATFORM: ALL STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Try hearing sounds through obstacles The sounds don't work half the time VIDEO: PLAYER LOGS: Player logs are required from PC players only.
Plague Audio Bug
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: There is a bug where every time the Plague uses her vomit, she makes the swallowing sound she makes when she cancels it. This sound playing all the time is getting very grating as someone who enjoys Plague, and can worsen the emetophobia of other players. PLATFORM: PC/Steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS…
Ripley 8 Hair Issue
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Ripley 8's hair is messed up. She has some bangs and some extra hair it looks like. PLATFORM: Steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Chose the Ripley 8 cosmetic while playing as Ellen Ripley.
FPS affects Vecna's Post Fly Speed
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Having lower FPS will lower Vecna's speed post fly cancel. I have no idea if this is intentional but I wanted to submit it anyways PLATFORM: Tested on PC, affects all platforms https://youtu.be/_HdDel00-4U
The prompt for "Take a chance to unhook" remained
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: PLATFORM: STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: So after I got unhooked the "Take Chance To Be Unhooked" prompt remained for the rest of the match. No idea why. Thankfully I was still able to do gens and stuff, so it seemed that the prompt remained, but that was it. I have included two…
Unsnuffable Totem on Ormond Mine Map
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: A totem on Ormond Mine can be blessed by survivors, but killers (or possibly just Wraith, who I was playing) cannot snuff the totem. PLATFORM: Steam/PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: A survivor blessed a totem, and when I went to snuff it out, it only allowed me to search the…
Territorial Imperative sound notification for survivor
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: I was running down to the basement to get a save while the killer was across the map and got a noise notification that I recognized as the one the killer gets when Territorial Imperative procs. Sure enough at the end game screen, the killer did have territorial PLATFORM: PC - Steam STEP BY STEP…
Chaos Shuffle Tome 1: Patch or Dispatch challenge not working
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Couldn't collect said challenge from the tome even though I downed survivors four times and even more as a killer. In-game, the challenge counted the downs, but in the endgame screen, it said that I hadn't downed any of the survivors even once PLATFORM: XBox Series X STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW…
Tome 21 Lvl 4 Reverent challenge does not complete
Said challenge gets stuck at 4/6 sacrificed survivors, even though I sacrificed 4 more people in 2 matches s after. PLATFORM: Steam
Father Campbell's Chapelle Untouchable Spot
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: There's an rng window vault in the second floor of the Chapelle that allows survivors to fast vault onto some boxes and become unpickupable against killers. Please killswitch the map. PLATFORM: PC, Xbox, PS STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: 1: Head up to the second floor of Chapelle…
Yun Jin Lee lsurprise performance” cosmetic clipping
yun Jin lees “surprise performance” cosmetic clips through her skin in game, when hurt, just standing etc. I’ve provided images of the clipping, my platform is PlayStation 5.
Zarina's modern stravagance torso combined with the new cunning action skin
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: the torso has a gap at the base, it floats PLATFORM: steam - pc STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: combinng the modern stravagance torso with the new dnd cunning action skin at the store shows a gap on her torso VIDEO: PLAYER LOGS: 16/01/2025 - 10pm BRT GMT - 3
Dance with me works for everybody
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Well, the title says it all. I got into a Chaos shuffle match, I got Dance with me and every time a survivor fast vaulted a window, the perk activated and then went on cooldown. The killer even gave up cause they were always losing the survivor they were chasing because of this bug. Basically, if one…
"Smoked" achievement not tracking progress
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: The "Smoked" achievement (In public matches, down 100 Survivors while they are intoxicated by The Afterpiece Tonic) has stopped tracking. The progress bar reached 9% then just stopped tracking altogether. PLATFORM: Microsoft Store STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: VIDEO: PLAYER LOGS:…
Decaying King has unfortunate glitching during Idle animations.
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: The new Skin for Vecna, Decaying King, which looks cool I think has some glitching of the model in the main menu idle animation, because the skin has no hole in the chest for the book. PLATFORM: PC (assume any) STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: 1. start the game 2. select vecna 3.…
Cypress Mori has incorrect description
The Cypress Mori still has the scrapped PTB description of the offering, even though that is never how it functioned:
Game freezes when starting first time of the day
PLATFORM: PC Steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Every day I start the game for the first time it freezes on the first loading screen (The one with the 5 bars Logo). When performing ctrl+alt+delete and restart it starts normal.