Perks in Lobby, can I remove it??
Playing on PC Not all friends have it. Occurs every time. It's always there regardless of if I am playing as Killer or Survivor. Has anyone found out any information about why they released this random update to show perks in the lobby? Located to the right of my character. Its kind of a bummer when streaming and trying to…
Kinship's starting time
I play on Steam This has been bugged for at least months. Every time I run kinship and am hooked for the 2nd time, if there is a teammate withing the activating radius at the time, Kinship activates immediately and the timer starts right away, even while I'm in the animation of screaming. By the time the animation is done,…
Icon display?
I'm apparently the only one with my perk loadout visible next to my character (which is kinda nice) in a lobby according to my friends. No one else I play with seems to have this. I did briefly play the PTB. I wonder if something got crossed? Is this a bug or do other random people have this too?
Ormond - Wesker - The Tree
Go check this out LMAO: Wesker-Dash into the tree - survivor got caught. Only Weskers Dash once again could free her.
The RPD offering is too big
Steam Any time someone puts down an RPD offering, it looks like this: As you can see, the RPD badge is bigger than it should be (and than it used to be), it looks bigger than the other map offerings.
pwyf xeno bug
unsure if this bug is visual or not, but using play with your food on the xenomorph consumes two stacks on a tail attack instead of one.
Locker Bug with no Items
Step 1: Have a Team Mate Step 2:Find a Locker Step 3: walk into the locker Step 4: Have your team mate push against you Step 5: Have team mate run into you Step 6: Walk forward and spam space look at vid for better explanation No matter what you do it wont disable it the only way is to get back into the locker the normal…
Miss Piggy's head traps can be removed on first try, less than 12 searches required.
Sadly i do not have footage, only a screenshot that tells nothing really. The Pig was running a full Hex build including Lullaby if that is any help, i suspect that one might be the culprit since it was the latest change to Pig if i remember correctly. I got the trap of on first try which AFAIK should not be possible,…
Entity is incorrectly eating bloodweb nodes
Happening constantly
Fps issues, stuttering
Platform: PC Steps to reproduce: Play a game as survivor or killer How often does this occur: Every single match since the update This is the only way I can describe this: No matter how much fps you have, it feels like a lot less. I have seen many complaints on the official discord server so I am not alone. It started…
No prompt for glass bead
Map add-on crystal bead is not working. Prompt doesn’t appear.
Thalita bugged footstep audio
Talita always has sandal sound audio for her footsteps no matter the skin unlike other survivors. Please fix this.
Disabled the new Map for Locker Glitch again
A survivor has a flashlight even though you shouldn't have it because it was deactivated. I assume it's because of the special box.
Hatch didn't spawn and exit gates were not able to be opened.
I've registered and set this up on Playstation and have a saved clip of me being the last one in a trial. I had Bill's perk that allows me to see the hatch at a given range. I COULD NOT SEE ANYTHING, and when going to attempt the gate switch, IT DID NOT WORK. I can provide video evidence of these bugs however I am…
Xenomorph's Tail attack is bugged.
PC (Probably any platform) Xenomorph's tail attack is acting weird when hitting any obstacles. The tail goes through objects and not stopping until the animation ends. It happens all the time. Before 7.2.2 patch, if the tail hitbox reaching any obstacles - the animation ends. Plus - Sometimes hitbox not registered with…
PC - The Hillbilly can see through objects when he breaks a wall with his power.
Step 1 : Play as the killer "The Hillbilly" in a public match. Step 2 : In-game, break a breakable wall with his power. Step 3 : Right as his breaking animation starts, you can see the survivors, but not the objects. I have seen this happen on most maps. I'm running; Rapid Brutality, Tinkerer, Shadowborn, Agitation.
Nemesis killswitch locker glitch
Hello, During one of our games in the Coldwind Farm map, with the Nemesis killer, one of the lockers glitched. Indeed, when I entered a locker, during the animation, the killer hit me with his tentacle. The locker I entered glitched and my character had no colision with it, so I could literally enter the locker, without…
Bots hiding in basement
Not a bug as such just an injured bot hiding in basement, not healing, doing gens or rescuing, useless to the team. On sanctum of wrath, was in the basement on my first hook, did not leave, got hooked then rescued in basement - did not leave, did not rescue someone hooked outside basement or me on hook when killer was…
The Mastermind can Fly if hitting an hook with enough haste effect on the new map
PC Steam Flying of the map with mastermind Happen 90% always Alright, so for this perk, you need : Haste effect from bloodlust or Rapid Brutality perk. An hook be on the new Alien map hook is near the main building basement (just at the top) So, yeah you have to use your power (2nd charge is better cause further). And BAM,…
Tome 16 Level 4 - Incorrect master challenge reward
See screenshot. The Master Challenge 'Destructive Investigation' is worth only 50k points. I claimed it to check if it wasn't just a typo and indeed got only 50k added to my points. As this is a level 4 challenge, it should be worth 60k. Platform: Steam, PC, Windows 10.
Recovering From the Dying State Instantly
I had a match where I was put into the dying state by an Artist. They were not slugging, they were just being sporting and letting someone pick me up. The screen then became kind of hazy and my recovery progress jumped up. When I recovered I could not walk, only run. If I didn't run, Haddie would enter a crouched position…
ALL SURVIVOR Ability/interaction perks bugged
Have tried using pallet trap perk, blast mine, and wiretap…perk activates/progresses, prompt to use appears in the correct positioning, I press the button and nothing happens other than the prompt disappearing, and stays gone until I release the button. the survivor is not in any kind of animation, when I hold the button…
Missing Nea Cosmetic: Stripes of Power
Changed my cosmetics before a match, but when I went to change it back to what I had previously I noticed it was missing from my collection completely. The cosmetic is called the " Stripes of Power " leggings and were originally part of the 80's Suitcase DLC (I did not purchase this though). I'm just curious why it was in…
Ghostface Classic Cloak Breaks/Becomes Distorted
Classic cloak becomes distorted when viewing at a short distance (the sleeves and outfit become very stiff and stick out). PC/All platforms
Ghost Face animation bug
Ghost Face no longer puts his knife down while stalking. Let me clarify a bit more, before a certain unknown patch that broke this, Ghost Face used to put his knife down while stalking, normally while not stalking he holds it at the top of the screen, currently he doesn't change his stance even while stalking like he used…
I've hit a survivor inside a locker by hitting said locker on the side.
Platform: PC - Steam Issue: I've hit a survivor inside a locker by hitting said locker on the side. Steps: A survivor enters a locker and about 1 to 2 seconds later, hit the locker on the side. How often: Happened once so far. Here is the locker and the angle. I was very surprised as all I meant to do was to make noise to…
Random disconnects from matches? ban for no reason. Help BHVR
Every now and then, like once or twice a day, I just get kicked out of my match for absolutely no reason. It happens to me both as killer and survivor. Then I have to experience my 24 hour ban because of a server issue/something I didn't do. This is so damn frustrating and I do actually enjoy the game and want to play it.…
Exhaustion Perks
As a Killer Exhaustion Perks do not work on survivors. Several of my matches I've seen Survivors Perks overrule Killer Perks. For example Survivors can use Spirt even though they have Exhaustion on them. This needs to be fix.
PC - The Pig stands up when she resurrects totem (using pentimento) while crouching
When the Pig is crouching and resurrects a totem using Hex: Pentimento, she stands up, causing her terror radius to return, giving the Pig a disadvantage. Other actions such as closing the hatch, snuffed out a boon totem, etc. these actions don't make the Pig get up, so I believe it's a bug.
New locker glitch method.
I do not wish to post the steps here. But I did find a small video of someone performing it. I can email it to a bhvr employee if they wish to reach out to me.
Daily ritual not completing
Was playing against The nemesis. Had a daily that said, “Escape and collect 1 new item”. I had a vaccine in my hand when I escaped and a First Aid Kit (which I found in the trial, I didn’t go in with any items) but it didn’t count towards my daily. Also was doing a tome challenge “Core memory: Terrifying anamnesis” but I…
Oni Weird Grabbing Glitch
Platform: PC Steam Description: I started charging demon strike and grabbed a survivor in a window mid charge, after that the whole model started bugging out and started lacking some animations Steps: Grab a survivor while charging demon strike I could only replicate it once since the rarity of the steps I cant add a video…
Adrenaline heals through Deliverance (Broken while healthy)
If you use Adrenaline and Deliverance together and unhook yourself after the exit gates are powered with Adrenaline on hold, you come off the hook with full health and the Broken status effect from Deliverance does not correctly prevent that heal. Steps to reproduce: Equip Adrenaline and Deliverance Activate Deliverance by…
Perk Terminus Bugged
Platform: PC Description: When an exit gate is opened the Broken effect does not continure for 30 seconds. It remove's itself from survivors either instantly or after 5 seconds. Reproduction: Open exit gate while survivors are injured and affected with Terminus equipped. Occurance: 1 for 1 so far.
infinite toolbox bug
Get a toolbox from teamMate survivor gestures OR a variety of actions
List of Wesker issues.
After playing a lot with Wesker i'm noticing some issues, going to explain them. Issue 1 Description: Survivors sometimes can still sneak behind you after vaulting a pallet with Virulent Bound. You cannot relocate yourself to prevent them vaulting back before you gain control of your character again, making vaultin a…
Hag Is Forced to Look Down When Stunned with Spirit Fury
while attempting to play Hag utilizing the ugliest combination of cosmetics known to man, I was using the Spirit Fury/ Enduring combo. When Spirit Fury activated, my camera forced me to look straight down and moving it back up is very disorienting.
PC - Portraits not matching legendary skins when specating
This happened to me a few times now, as you can see on attached screenshot, a bot that is playing as Maria and is called Maria has Cheryl portrait on player list. I have no idea if it is exclusive to bots as I only have seen it 2 times, both being the bot. The first time it happened was with Sheva Alomar, when spectating,…
Mute Focus Option keeps turning off [PC]
description of the issue Every time I load up the game, the "Mute Focus" option is always set to "off", despite me having had it set to "on" since I began playing this game in 2017. After turning it to "on" the menu, loading into the game will reset it to "off" and need me to reset it to "on" every time I load into a new…
I only tested it on nostromo but if you bring territorial imperative and get more that 24 meters away from the basement the perk remains grayed out and will not reveal the auras of survivors who enter.
Darkness Revealed Activating when survivors interact with locker's.
Platform: PC Description: Darkness Revealed will activate when a survivor interacts with a locker randomly. While playing with the perk equipped and not interacting with a locker, darkness revealed will activate then go on cooldown. Noticed this mostly while running in combination with Iron Maiden, as a survivor would…
Dedicated Server error
Hi DbD! Just now my game om Xbox S stopped, dedicated server error. Second time 2 survivors left, I was in the dying State and the killer left me so it could find the last survivor. It was at the Farm and I was About to die within a minute when the error accured The game gave me a dc so ive lost my points and tools…
Meyers model is JANKED
https://clips.twitch.tv/EntertainingGlamorousTrollGivePLZ-je6yH1E1HzzTdB8v example here, when doing mori, possibly in view on survivors as well. its funny, but definately concerning. seems to only happen on coldwind farm maps.
PC - Skull Merchant 'Encroaching Darkness' skin bug
When carrying a survivor skin clips allowing to see your through your other arm. To reproduce: Play as Skull Merchant, using skin 'Encroaching Darkness' (works in custom match with bots) In game break a wall or, more importantly, carry a downed survivor. Additional information Skull Merchant (with 'Encroaching Darkness'…
Dredge stuck in a locker
I’m playing on ps5 as the dredge when I teleported to a locker and tried exiting but came out behind the locker phases into the wall. I was stuck there until my cool down came back. While you’re stuck in the locker you can attack and grab people exiting the locker (that’s how I got out the first time because survivors got…
xeno ms bug
the xenomorph's normal movement speed after hitting a tail attack still exists, albeit it happens more rarely than before the bugfix. in bugfix patch 7.2.2 it was listed to be fixed but ive still encountered it in game while playing the xenomorph. im on pc, steam
PC - Survivor a-poses when put into the dying state while holding the lament configuration
Step 1: Boot the game Step 2: Play as a killer in a public match Step 3: In-game, knock a survivor while they hold the box Step 4: Notice them a-pose and become unable to be picked up Additional information Characters played: Cenobite and Feng Min Perks played: Cenobites base perks, I don't know Feng's perks though Map:…
Game Crashes since last update
Platform: PC The game crashed two times in a hour out of nowhere. first time going in the archives in postgame. second time in a normal chase as Myers. Edit: Happened now a third time (two times in a row with myers) and i got unfortunate also a dc penalty. The crashed game also slows down the complete pc so massively, even…
ps5 - cant get into lobby or get kicked out
Since the first update after xenomorph was released myself and a friend who use the same platform are struggling into games, if we are lucky enough to even get into a lobby and we join each other it then kicks one of us as we go in to the pre-game lobby, if we manage to play a game it then kicks one of us out straight…
Missing Meg meet your maker skin
My skin from MYM was removed. It was my favorite. How do I get it back?? Thank you