Xbox - Enemies Closer challenge not functioning properly.
I'll try to keep this as short as possible. The whole idea of the challenge is to hide in the killer's terror radius for X amount of time without being caught. However, this specific one that I chose on level IV of Tome 16 Existence keeps resetting after every match. The challenge does not say it has to be done in a single…
The Engineers Guild archive does not give credit if screaming triggers dead man’s switch
log into a game with the engineer’s guild archive vs a killer with scourge pain res and dead man’s switch be in coop with another survivor when another survivor is scourge hooked finish the match without cooping again observed result: no progress on the archive expected result: progress on archive Additional info: I had a…
Locker Exploit still working
Character played: Trapper Perks played: Remember me, Blood Warden, NOED, No Way Out Map: Borgo Frequency of the issue: Countless Description: The two survs were no-clipping Lockers, an abused them to troll... They do not have Flashlights because at this time, they were Killswitched! During this time, when they abused it, i…
Playstation. Bug de rebondissement.
Lorsque qu' "ADRÉNALINE" soigne un segment de santé, la compétence "REBONDISSEMENT" se désactive automatiquement quand bien même elle n a pas été utilisé. Reproduction = finir le dernier générateur en étant simplement blessé. Fréquence = toute les games ou l on est soigné avec adrénaline.
PC - Grass in the air
Hello. A little piece of grass is floating in the air. This is the best screenshot I could've done. Map: Father Campbell's Chapel
The Knight's twisted masquerade mask is still much larger than it's supposed to be
When the Knight's mask first came out people complained that his hair wasn't visible so in a later patch they fixed it so his hair goes down to his neck however somehow his mask was made much larger than it's supposed to be as a result, making it really hard to take seriously. Please revert it back to its original size.…
DC'd player still shown as ingame and no bot spawning
Windows 10, PC - Steam In the match Steve DC'd but he was still showing as ingame for the other players. In the endgame screen he was shown as disconnected. No bot spawned because of this issue. In the endgame chat, the sfw player explained Steve was "thrown" out of the game. This was the second time this occurred.
Black Ward does nothing
Used two addons I had one of each with a Black Ward. My Black Ward was used, but my addons were consumed in post-game anyways.
Singularity bugged
I play on Xbox 1s and ever since the last bugfix patch I have been suffering multiple bugs with him. I’ve had a few games where I have been unable to switch to biopods and multiple instances where when I teleport to a survivor I get a strange animation and appear in a completely different part of the map. I’ve had issues…
xenomorph tunnel bug
i am on xbox series x and I noticed whenever I come out of the tunnel everything (like gens and players) are invisible for about a second after I exit. its not game breaking but it does kinda disorientate me a bit lol
Cenobite Camera Shake Issue.
Currently, whenever you cast out a possessed chain the gateway shakes and moves around before snapping in place. I play on PC but I'm willing to bet it on all of the platforms. To test it just shoot out several chains and it varies in strength sometimes it's not noticeable but other times it shoots your camera around.…
Nurse Blink bug
PC - Could not grab survivors off generators Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as killer in a public match Step 3 : In-game, grab a survivor off a generator after blinking Step 4 : The survivor is able to keep moving even though I went into a grab animation Additional information Nurse A nurses calling, Nowhere to hide,…
Nurse pallet stun glitch
I renember playing as Nurse and when I blinked by a pallet . A survivor would pull it hitting me . Because the noise of the nurse being hit would be made however I didn't get stunned nor fatigued after the blink /stun.
Light-Footed Flashing Icon
Platform: Xbox Visual Bug Severity: Minimal When running the perk “Light-Footed”, anytime the skill check dial passes the Great Skill Check zone the perk icon flashes. Replication Steps: Run the perk “Light-Footed” and trigger any skill check that has a Normal and Great skill check zone while healthy and let the dial run…
Bot stops running near Nostromo Vault
I was chasing a bot near one of the vaults near the Nostromo, and it just stopped before a vault and stood there. It wouldn't vault or move until I went to the far side of the vault. I got it to happen twice in the same match (shown in video) Platform: PC Killer: Legion Map: Nostromo Wreckage
tome bug
The Agitated Advantage challenge on tome 1 level 2 will not complete after hooking survivors in basement while using the perk Agitation.
Bot bugs
I played as Cenobite and used the red addon (Lament Configuration), which “hides” the box from survivors. During the game, it turned out that two players disconnected and were replaced by bots. But there was a clear feeling that the addon didn’t seem to work, the bots simply ignored it and each time very quickly found the…
HACKING/BUG? Unable to down, blinded constantly
Boot the game Play as killer in a public match In-game, picking up a survivor, standing still, player unhooked I was playing Twins, when I for some reason, whenever I picked a survivor up, got chain blinded. I thought this was a bit strange, and thought how that happened since no other survivors seemed to be close to me at…
Saboteur Bug
I was running a build with the Saboteur perk but I also used a Alex's Toolbox with both the green addons (sabo speed and hooks stayed broken longer). Whenever I used the toolbox to sabo a hook, the bar was white and slow, but the toolbox did deplete charges as it should, however when I used the Saboteur perk the bar was…
Rift Level 4 not rewarding
I completed rift level 4 and it didn't reward me with the "Launch" charm or the 25 rift fragments. I attached an image that shows the charm and the fragments are still locked even though I completed the rift.
Rare but annoying Myers chase glitch
First of all, I should start off by saying that I only ever play with Vanity Mirror, and I can't confirm whether this bug is specific to that addon or Myers in general - but several times over the past couple weeks, I've noticed a glitch where Myers cannot initiate chase with survivors until he hits them for the first…
Wiretap/Blast Mine Description
They description for this says press active ability 1 to place the trap, but you need to press active ability 2.
PC - Couldn't place turret
Platform PC First game after update, playing as survivor against Xenomorph, picked up the turret and not exactly sure what happened, but It was not visible and I couldn't place it, even though its aura showed blue and tried to place elsewhere. As you know, it isn't possible to drop the turret and also I couldn't do any…
Hook 6 survivors in basement rift challenge does not work
It says hook 0/6 survivors in the basement. I tried with many different killers in different maps across different games and different survivors. It simply won't go past 0. I hooked so many survivors in basement, it doesn't work.
Inconsistency with Endurance and Save the best for last stacks
Platform: Any Issue: I've noticed that if I run Save the best for last and the survivor uses Dead hard and the survivor is the Obsession I LOSE stacks, however if I hit a survivor who has endurance (for example Off the Record) but isn't the Obsession I DON'T GAIN stacks. Why is there an inconsistency with endurance with…
Bug with perks using ability 2 of Ellen Ripley
I'm playing on PC (Steam) Perks using ability 2 no longer work, they activate but do not offer to use ability 2. For example: - the "Chemical trap" perk is activated but there is no suggestion to set the trap when you are near a pallet.
wiretap or blastmine glitch?
[BUG] PC - Steam
I was playing a 4 squad in.... the Halloween map, can't remember it's name right now. Killer was trapper. I was hooked in the basement and someone unhooked me, and I ran into a trap at the bottom of the stairs. My friend was getting me out, and the killer came down and hit me while I still had borrowed time, and somehow I…
Low profile
Just played a game on swamp, and the perk activated any time another survivor died or left through the gates.
5 people ?? PC / Steam
Invisible wall next to shack in the macmillan realm
neither survivor or killer can go through it,the lenght differ depending on the map It's always on the right corner of the side with the door with the pallet. Happened two time on shelter wood and groaning storehouse https://youtu.be/ijbfDjjk7f4
Oni Blighted Cosmetic Bug (PC)
Platform: Steam (PC) When equipping the Shattered Spike from the Hallowed Blight Collection onto Oni with any other body cosmetic, this will cause the Oni's head to glitch through the front of the mask, causing the mask itself to not be visible when in-game. This only happens when you enter a match, and the bug does not…
Old challenge bug
I’m trying to catch up on old challenges. (Tome 7 - page III) im trying to complete “buried underground” hook 12 survivors in the basement. I’ve hooked now multiple and it’s bugged on 1/12? Can this please get looked at? I’m trying to finish and catch up on very old rift challenges and this one ain’t ticking off.
Switch: Jane's new cosmetic clips
I was really exicted to see Jane getting a new cosmetic, and was really hoping the clipping issue would have been resolved by now. But I guess not.
oni’s mask in endgame
hi devs, im having an issue with oni’s blighted torso in the endgame where it doesn’t show up im pretty certain this is the only issue with only his blighted mask but not certain if it’s an issue with an other torso or not as i only mainly use the blighted one and artists from the fog outfit
Masquerade Med-Kits are Bugged
Platform: Switch No matter what add-ons you add to the kit, you will never get enough charges to heal yourself twice. Gel dressing, bandages, Gauze Rolls, it doesn't matter. You can heal yourself once fully but only about 70% the next try. I have tried this with multiple Survivors. EDIT: For clarity, I didn't miss any…
Can't load into a match
I'm on ps4 and when loading into dead by daylight survivor it says that it failed to make a party, friends on ps5 having the same issue. Cant join friends and can't make custom match but I can load into killer but when I ready up I never load into a game. My games updated to the newest version and it's not a Internet…
Blocked Gens can still regress
Since the 7.1.0 update once again gens can regress from sources like pain res even though they're blocked with deadlock, which shouldn't be possible.
The skull merchant
Hello there, I would like to report that there is a bug containing the skull merchant when you down a player and pick them up to hook them there is a visual big that you can see.
Hi, I wear a lot of pinheads. But I feel it every time I put on a patch. The view of hook capability continues to change. Is it a bug?
Merged: Unable to Play Survivor
This discussion has been merged.
Merged: Party creation failed
This discussion has been merged.
Broken Tail Attack.
There is now a 1/1.5 second tail delay registering in the games hit box. (As soon as the green splash/tail attack is fully extended) Below is the video. https://youtu.be/lhER67NV-Cg
First time encountering this error
Platform: Steam Deck Issue: At the end of my match I got this error. This was in steam decks desktop mode I was also using obs to stream, not sure if that would matter. I have 200+ playtime on steam and this is the first time I've seen this error. A quick search on the forums showed a fellow steam deck player getting a…
Gen Bug
Platform- Playstation Description of the issue- I hit her with my tail attack while she was repairing the gen and after that couldn't hit her she was able to heal and every time I tried to hit her she went invisible. I'm not calling hacking is just was really weird hopefully just a bug
You can exploit lockers if you get hit by the killer at the same time as you try to enter locker
So currently there's 2 ways you can abuse lockers by noclipping, first way which has already been reported is playing with premades and them pushing you inside the locker while you spam space and run, or something like that (i haven't tested) However, the 2nd way you can exploit lockers which has not been reported, is by…
Error with Compendium
Hello, i cannot complete quest Buried underground : Hook 3 Survivor(s) in basement. Even if i already did it. Please try to fix this. Thank you very much.
Renewal Perk acivation is inconsistent with other perks
The description of Renewal states "When you have healed other survivors for the equivalent of one health state, Renewal activates", there are similar perks like Wiretap or Blast Mine that require 50% of the generator to be repaired to be activated. The thing with Renewal is that it ignores the cooperative progress unlike…
Perks in Lobby, can I remove it??
Playing on PC Not all friends have it. Occurs every time. It's always there regardless of if I am playing as Killer or Survivor. Has anyone found out any information about why they released this random update to show perks in the lobby? Located to the right of my character. Its kind of a bummer when streaming and trying to…
Kinship's starting time
I play on Steam This has been bugged for at least months. Every time I run kinship and am hooked for the 2nd time, if there is a teammate withing the activating radius at the time, Kinship activates immediately and the timer starts right away, even while I'm in the animation of screaming. By the time the animation is done,…