PS4 - Blindness from locker lasted entire match
PS4, crossplay off, Torment Creek map against Nemesis. I hopped in a locker because I thought my Flashbang was ready but guess it was only at 99.99%. When I stepped out I got stuck and stuttered on hay bale next to the locker as I made my way inside main building to touch the gen for the tiny bit left I needed to get my…
Xbox series X - Deliverance Perk Issue
When playing a variety of matches I am noticing that once you use deliverance to unhook yourself once you try to run there is a bit of lag/pull back. The character will try to run then come to an almost stop as if you've ran into the corner of a wall or something before continuing to run again at full speed. I have noticed…
PC- Kates Lyrical Godess Head is missing strand of hair near a hat
Platform PC Issue: missing strand of hair in Lyrical Godess set near a hat Step to reproduce: Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as Kate with lyrical goddes set Step 3 : In-game, get hooked or healed or wait for animation in lobby where she is dast her leg when she is turned back
No network connection and empty title screen
In the middle of the match, I got disconnected. This is not on my end, since the stream was still going with zero interruptions or dropped frames https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1130379504 (at about 9:10) It couldn't reconnect for a while and when it did (at around 10:43), the screen was empty apart from the bachground and it…
Benevolent Emblem still bugged after 5.1.1
Platform: All (Screenshot from Series X) Description: Benevolent Emblem not calculating correct scoring events. Survivors Healed* seems to not count towards final score, resulting in lost pips and progress. Steps to reproduce: Heal survivors and add the survivor points to the total. After the game calculates, you can…
Can't kick generator
can't kick generator on lery's from this angle with ghostface other side works fine
Super Annoying Bloodweb Bug
I'm going between my survivors and killers, levelling up everyone at once, but occasionally, right after clearing a bloodweb level of someone, when I quickly click the arrow to the next character, my actions on the bloodweb are severely bugged. Not only can I not click on items in the bloodweb, but also the Back button…
"killer dc" but only you have dc'd
Everytime I play a game today, dbd will disconnect me saying that the killer has dc'd, though thats not the issue. Only I have been dc'd and my friends are still in the game. I almost double pipped in one game, and dbd dc'd me and DEPIPPED ME. afor 3 games. THose are 3 missing pips, which I do not like.
Graphical glitches with the new Legion's Exo Outfit
I'm on PC right now. The main body features Frank's tattoo on the throat, but also features Joe's posture. So I think it's Joe with wrong Skin texture. Also Joe's and Susie's face are slightly buggy through the new mask. You see Joe's lips and a part of Susie's cheeks. Note also; Susie ist holding her knives upside down…
Cleansing this totem gets you stuck in Asylum
Already reported please delete
Moved: Cenobite Blindcrash
This discussion has been moved.
Resurgence BT possible bug?
I had resurgence, got unhooked with BT on, got hit by a camping killer, after my mend, Resurgence was gone and I had to heal from 0. Is this intended or a bug?
When using the syringe it does not show the indicator
When using the syringe it does not show the indicator that shows you the time in which the item becomes effective. -Use a brown medicine cabinet with a syringe and an abdominal bandage.
Lost 2 pips AFter match scored 18k bp ON PC ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Character played: Steve Perks played: Head on, second wind, decisive strike, plunderer's instinct Map: Forest Mother's Dwelling Frequency of the issue: idk
Wraith has a terror radius when cloaked
I just played a game against a Wraith, and they had a normal terror radius all game even when cloaked
PC - Lithe speed boost not disabling after use
What happened: So I was playing Leon with a friend (who was playing Claudette[BlackwaterRevenant]) and 2 randoms(no cross-play icons, so had to be from Steam) and the killer was Pyramid Head (had cross-play icon but was able to respond in post game chat) on the map Temple of Purgation. The match started off with Corrupt…
no prompt to heal a downed survivor at a pallet
ps5 macmillan map, coal tower. the survivor was down but i had no prompt to heal her. this does not always happen though.
Beanie Quin
The Beanie Quin head piece will not stay equipped on Quintin. Once I close the game and open it back up I have to re-equip it...this happens every time, without fail. ps5
Ps4 Doctor Bug
(PS4) After getting shocked by either Static Blast or Shock Therapy, the Doctor was able to hit me and teleport me back to near where I was shocked as if I had just stood still. Is this a new bug or was this just a bad connection? I haven't had another doctor so I can't test to be sure. I have already sent an official…
Xbox One freezing
I play on Xbox One, I’m still experiencing lag and stuttering same as when RE chapter was released. When it was ‘fixed’ it got a little better but it’s still happening, and at important times. Can’t figure out what’s causing it, whether it’s a certain killer, power, etc. It doesn’t happen when I play killer anymore, it…
Dead hard freezes my screen (ps4)
I play on ps4 and when I use dead hard my screen gets freezed for a second or two. In case it doesn't get freezed, I suffer a lot of lag. Many times this is the reason why the killer gets to catch me. This happens when playing almost with all the survivors and in all the maps of the game. Also there are a few performance…
Error 500
No me deja jugar de asesino, aparece ese error todo el rato... Use un ticket de 24 horas para jugar con un asesino y solo jugué 2 partidas con el por qué ya no me deja iniciar partidas con ningún asesino
XBOX- Can’t join a party with friends.
Step 1 : Boot the game on Xbox Step 2 : Join/Invite friends through in game friends menu Step 3 : Both ready up Step 4: Notice you won’t see your friends survivor but they see yours Step 5: Notice you won’t be able to see that your friend has readied up but they can see you have Step 6: Friend loads into a public game with…
Dc-ing while using tombstone on someone puts Myers back in Tier 1
PS4 Steps Required -Tombstone Mori someone -They DC during animation -You end up back at tier 1 with no stalk Due to having to DC for it to work I don't have any means to test how consistent this is.
Instant sacrifice on first hook
I'm not sure if that's a bug. I was the last one alive and got hooked for the first time and got instantly sacrificed. However since it was my first hook and the hatch was open, theretically I could succeed to unhook myself and get the hatch but I didn't get the option to try the unhook.
Bloodpoints not updating after match on console
Previous blood points are not updating after earning new ones after a match. The previous blood points from the previous match disappear after a new match. Profile only updates the blood points from the new match, for example if I had 2,000 blood points previously and after a new match I had 30,000… I only gain 30,000…
New Hack - Bringing Awareness (Watch Dwight)
Part 2 is more relevant and part 1 is mostly context so I will start with part 2 first. This Dwight was reviving people from anywhere on the map almost instantly, had unlimited DS, unhooking people almost instantly, escaped endgame collapse a millisecond before it expired, and this noob still couldn't get a flashlight to…
Getting off the ground without unbreakable or soul guard
Platform: PS4 Description: I was on the ground with almost no recovery on my bar when all of a sudden, I got up even though I didn't have unbreakable, soul guard, or no mither, and I hadn't fully recovered. Steps to reproduce: unsure, it was an Oni on midwich, and I was slugged recovering in front of a hook. No idea how…
fully picked up #########? said i got coop points and healing points
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFCOoeFGn48 why did this happen?????????
The current state of the game: frustration.
I stopped playing huntress because of this, it's just broken, you have to check the HUD every time you "hit" a hatchet. Not to mention even if I hit a person through a pallet I get stun and I don't get the hit. This new validation is not right. Let's also add the Dead Hard for console players. It's getting unfair and…
Dead hard on console (Xbox or ps4 happens in both) playing as killer
When a survivor dead hard through the killer and you try to hit, it lags your game for about 5 seconds, I have friends on Xbox and Playstation that experience this bug and it makes the game really frustrating to play.
Bubba's cooldowns are bugged. His successful Chainsaw Attack should have 1.50 second cooldown, but is idk maybe 3-3,5s. I'm sure it is bugged. Please fix that BHVR
Lithe messed up
I have seen many people getting a big from lithe. These players get unlimited speed. What happens is a player lithes through a vault and quickly taps a gen and then they have lithe forever and can not stop. This is not a hack surprisingly. I have seen survivors get in it my match and then just try to not do much because…
Solidarity does not work if you are holding SHIFT while healing.
I am experiencing this bug on the latest PC version. (3.7.2) Healing an injured survivor with Solidarity equipped will not provide you converted heal progression to yourself if you are holding SHIFT, or presumably the Sprint key, if rebound. To reproduce this bug, equip Solidarity. While injured, heal a survivor while…
Can't Link Steam/Stadia accounts
I click to link and I sign in and it never actually does the linking, it just says it's connecting.
Flicking textures allowing to see through
Some of the objects are flicking depending on the angle/distance you look at them from. For some cases it allows you to see totems that shouldn't be visible from your POV. An example from Autohaven/Wrecker's yard below. Here's a wild Nea doing a dull totem in a generic TL spot. Notice that the totem is fully covered by a…
Grab Crashing
I play killer on Ps4, on two seperate occasions I have been playing as Deathslinger and tried to grab a survivor as they were working on a generator, when I do this I freeze in place with my hand extended halfway through the animation. After a few seconds it boots me back to the menu with a timeout. I don’t know if this is…
Mute Focus Bug
Tonight alone, I have had to turn on Mute Focus in the settings at least 15 times, and it is getting seriously annoying. Why is this bug still in the game.
Desconexión de servidor
Se me sale de la partida por problema de conexión pero no tengo problemas con mi internet ya que mi hermano que también juega no lo echa por ese problema y por ese problema tengo que estar esperando más tiempo para poder jugar una partida
Desconexión del servidor
- Play station 4 - el juego me desconecta del servidor mientras estoy en partida y no tengo problemas de internet, ya no puedo jugar por la penalización. - arreglen sus servidores.
Connection Error when connecting to survivor match and custom match with friends
Whenever I play the game with my friends, we spent 3/4 of the time fighting with the stupid server. For the host, it shows maybe one or two people, but then the last two aren't visible. To the 'invisible' couple, they see themselves being in the pregame screen and everything seems fine, until they suddenly get a connection…
Unbreakable totem
Came across this totem that cannot be broken
It Took 20 Seconds to Escape Through Hatch in Dying State
This happens every time I'm in the dying state and try to escape through the hatch. It happens on PS4 and on the Switch. It keeps trying to "Recover" instead of escaping, even when at maximum recovery. Here's a video of it taking over 20 seconds for me to escape through the hatch today (PS4 Pro): Here's a video from a…
Endless Lithe
At the beginning of the game, I vaulted the window in the killer shack in redwood, and when my lithe ended I kept the speed boost, and even when I walked it made the sound like I was running I didn't know what logs you wanted so I got these ones I have a video but it won't let me send it to you guys Thank you for helping…
PC - Nemesis Power Not Functional Bug
Loaded into a match as Nemesis on an H-shaped Autohaven map (someone ran a green offering for Autohaven maps, I don't recall which Autohaven map in particular it was on). Tried to use his power by holding right mouse button, but every time I tried to do so, Nemesis threw a punch instead. After the second occurrence of…
Pallet Bug
For the past couple of weeks since the 5 year anniversary ended me and a few players have noticed that on occasion when being chased by the killer and we attempt to drop a pallet, the pallet won't drop and we get downed by the killers. This isn't specific to maps and happens randomly during games. Usually when the killer…
Best HUD on Compendium
Please, it's really a pain in the ass, to complete one challenge and have to look for it in every single tome, because you always open the tomes for the last one, but I may have just done a challenge from a different one. You should put all the tomes visibles on top of the open one, with a yellow aura on the tome who has…
dead easy
When I use Dead Hard, it is indicated in the upper right corner that I have used it, but it was not applied as a result. This doesn't happen once or twice, it happens constantly. And it is common to most people.
The End Game Collapse timer is constantly blinking at the left (opposed to only when at the end)
The pulse-like blinking appears throughout the entire duration of the bar now, opposed to only when there's only around 20% left. Platform: PC (Steam) Version: 5.1.1
Soul Guard not working
Soul Guard does not activate while cursed by a hex and does not allow to you fully recover. The endurance effect still applies after being healed off the ground.