Would Nurse still be strong if her blink attacks no longer counted as M1s?
I've always thought it was kind of odd that Nurse can still avail of M1 perks, even though her power is so ridiculously strong. The fact that Nurse can actually ignore all normal DBD mechanics with her power and still insta-down with starstruck or damage gens with surge seems kind of overkill to me. I'm just a lowly pubs…
Should The Ghostface have an add on rework?
I've been thinking for a while now. Since The Ghostface has some boring red add ons, why don't the devs rework one of them? If the killer equips the add on, he will be able to mori any survivor they stalked and succesfully put into the dying state. However, the stalk rate will be 3 times slower and the survivors will be…
Hide until entity takes you or let the camping Bubbi kill you?
So, I had a match against a basement camping Bubbi yesterday. As in typical solo fashion, my teammates threw themselves at him trying to go for the rescue. They all died and I avoided BBQ by getting in a locker. Turns out the doors were close together and Bubbi was standing on the hatch right between them. There was no way…
Does the Pig need a rework or a buff?
I'm making this poll because I'm curious to know what players think about the Pig.
Option to have YOUR selected skin as the killer skin.
Nuts idea, but would you like to have the option? Viewed killer skins could be unique in relation to survivor choice. The fact that we can't see the full skin of the killer when we play as them (unlike survivors) is a shame. The killer skins are impressive but the first person perspective leave for limited admiration. In a…
Early poll on some of the possible Anniversary chapter candidates!
Hello everyone, I hope that you all had a good holiday and are having a nice start to the new year! This is my very first poll I've made so I'm sorry for any mistakes that I make. I decided that a anniversary poll would be a fun one because it's, honestly, rapidly approaching at a shocking rate and I just personally love…
Would you rather play Haddonfield or RPD
Should Pyramid Head get a buff?
When I say buff, I dont mean giving him some new op ability that will ######### over every single survivor, but rather give him some similar treatment that plague got for the new update. His playstyle feels really clunky and his movements feel sluggish, he just needs a bit of polishing around the edges to tighten him up a…
Which of these 4 survivor perks do you think has the most impact and why?
Personally, I think Spine Chill is the most impactful and yes I may be a little biased towards this perk but I have had scenarios where spine chill impacted the whole game.
Is it toxic for Survivors to play to win?
When I say play to win in this context, I simply mean that the Survivors are being as efficient as possible. Whenever they're not in a chase, they're either doing gens, or healing themselves with COH. When they are in chase, they'd be at least semi-competent, and would have dead hard to make distance or recover from a…
Should we nerf boon: circle of healing?
Would mmr be better for survivors if it was based on the number of people that escape
Basically, would mmr be better if it took into account if your teammates escaped or not. 0 escapes = big loss 1 escape = smaller loss 2 escapes = stay at your mmr 3 escapes = smaller mmr gain 4 escapes = big mmr gain
Which year had the best dlcs?
Quick Reminder of each dlc Year 1: Last Breathe (Nurse and Nea), Halloween (Michael and Laurie), Of Flesh and Mud (Hag and Ace), Left Behind (Bill), Spark of Madness (Doctor and Feng) Year 2: A Lullaby for the Dark (Huntress and David), LEATHERFACE (Bubba), A Nightmare on Elm Street (Freddy and Quentin, SAW (Pig and Tapp)…
How seriously do y'all take the forums
This is not to be pretentious, sarcastic, or rude, I just want to get a general idea of the common mindsets, opinions, and ideas of the people on the forums.
If Coh gets a nerf, which one would you prefer its effect?
Thoughts on Bubba?
Ya know, The Cannibal.
Do you think Don Cheadle should be in DBD?
Honestly, do you think so?
Should hope have the time limit it currently has?
Basically, after 120 seconds, the speed boost from hope is gone. Do you think it is a good thing or not?
What Killer would you want to play as?
I accidently messed this up, sorry.
Make 13 ghost chapter!!! Please DbD creators.
Just imagine playn as the jackel or even better the hammer or even better the Juggernaut or widowed lover survivors just think of Monk player and new girl Ra Digga or the son or daughter and mabey a new twist on survivors with the wife ghost as a Spirit costume. These are my thoughts on yalls creation. I can not imagine…
Heather dbd model vs edited Heather model which is better?
they need clean up her model a little bit and make her eyebrows less dark AND FIX HER NECK
What MMR Level Do you think you are at?
Votes are anonymous Just curious to see what people think they are at since there is no way to know for sure without cheating software
Should Trickster be 4.6 m/s?
Currently trickster is 4.4 m/s with a 24 metre terror radius. I feel like he's quite powerless at high loops due to his slow speed, good survivors can loop him for ages. Since he has a lullaby of 40 metres it doesn't help that he has a lower terror radius, in fact it makes him worse because infectious fright is less useful…
Are you satisfied with the new MMR?
What do you want to see in your chat after a match?
I heard for some people is important to get that GG. How about you?
Which Killer was the First to have Voicelines in the Game?
Specify Which Killer in Comment Answer Before going into the Comments
Place your bets, will the mid chapter contain any additional changes?
The Developer Update was pretty awful in my honest opinion, do you think the PTB will contain any more changes? Other than just bug fixes of course.
Hit Validation and Dead hard rework
I know I just talked about these but I think personally they need to be rework cause they are very hard to play against while playing as Killer. I know I’m a bit Killer sided but again I feel that the killer side gets nerf way too much.
Do you have fun playing Dead By Daylight?
Just want to know everyone's opinions on the game. Do you have fun playing Dead By Daylight?
How strong is the killer based on the number of swf players
Should the devs focus on adding new maps or reworking the ones we have?
Should the devs temporarily take down RPD and Haddonfield until they are fixed?
Basically, should the devs take away RPD and Haddonfield until they are reworked and ptb players confirm them to be fun (even if that means that the maps will be gone for good because the devs do not prioritize reworking them)? Most of the player base does not like them, which is why I am making this poll.
What % of Rage Quits do you get in your matches?
Feels like a lot more, but I get about a 25% rage quit rate in trials. I kept track recently and I had 15 consecutive trials with Survivors rage quitting before I stopped counting– either by DC or giving themselves up on the hook. I've noticed that even Killers are DC'ing a lot more lately but that might just be the…
When playing as the Clown, do you ever use his antidote?
By antidote, I mean the yellow gas. I personally use it every game. It almost always has its way of being useful in my games. Closing in distances, catching up in tiles you wouldn't normally be able to with only the tonic, etc. It's a powerful utility in combination with the tonic that people sleep on. However, the reason…
What time do you typically play?
Just curious.
Do you go for saves in endgame? (solo q)
When the five gens are done... but one survivor is hooked (in solo q). Do you go for the save? When i'm the last survivor hooked, i'd rather have my teammates escape as three than giving the killer more kills for no reason. But they always go to save me... and then i feel obligated to do the same (what doesn't always end…
Should haddonfield be removed from dead by daylight?
Killers, what kind of survivor would it be most satisfyingly to kill?
What do you think of DbD Mobile?
So I was out of town for a few weeks and gave DbD Mobile a shot. Overall I think it’s a pretty solid version of the game but controlling the killer on iPad is really hard compared to PC so I’m not sure I’ll stick with it. It got me curious though what you guys think of DbD Mobile. Have you tried it, and if you did did you…
Would you rework all hex perks into basic perks?
A lot of people hate how hexes are too RNG. One game you get so much value from it... another, it get cleansed in seconds; and you get nothing with it. Would you, then, prefer hexes to be reworked into basic perks (with more restrictions added to compensate for the buff obvioulsy)? I like the idea behind hexes mechanic,…
Monstrous Shrine should become a Scourge Hook perk.
Current Monstrous Shrine does literally nothing. It's penalty to luck is multiplicative and almost non existant... and it's penalty for failed unhooking attempts is literally NON EXISTANT. Without MS a survivor can attempt to unhook themselves 3 times... with MS it is still 3 attempts... New Monstrous Shrine: Your fervent…
Red gift or Blue gift?
The voting is over, Blue is the winner. Check this discussion to see what's inside the Blue box https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/299557/i-opened-the-box#latest
New skins for Nemesis?!
We need new skins for Nemesis from the original. Give the opportunity to change the head and combine parts of the skins. PS. Here's a good example to compare how it all looks.
Would you like it if midwich was removed?
Jason Voorhees as a Killer
Hello Community, How would you like to have Jason Voorhees as a killer in the game? We already have Freddy Krueger as a killer in the game. So I believe Jason Voorhees fits relatively well into the game.
Do you feel like the devs should sell more dlcs or add mini-games for KYF?
Clown speed bottle timer
I don't use the speed bottles of clown too much, because the slowdown ones are always more useful to use while in chase (in my opinion). The main problem i have with it... is the fact that it doesn't activate instantly; unlike its counterpart. Do you think that it would be a good idea to make it pop instantly?
Survivor or Killer?
If you had to play 10 matches in a row using a random character and random load out, would you rather play as a survivor or as a killer? Also why?
Dead Hard: For immunity or for distance?
Not that I expect Dead Hard to change any time soon, but out of curiosity, if hypothetically Dead Hard was changed to be either Give damage immunity but not give any extra movement distance Give the extra burst of instantaneous distance but not be immune to damage during it would you still use Dead Hard in either case? (I…
What Do You Think Is The Root Issue Behind Gen Speeds
I think a lot of people, especially killers can agree that gens get done too fast. I think most people can also agree that actual gen speeds are not the issue here, and it's more a side effect of other game issues. What do you think is the root cause behind the speed at which gens are completed?