Should Spirit be changed?
Yeah in my opinion she should definitely be changed and give survivors information on what she's doing. But what do you think?
Do you hate spirit/play spirit poll
Just a poll to see what people think about spirit, whether they hate spirit or don't hate spirit, while also if they do or don't play spirit, no judgement on anyone for what they pick just choose honestly, and if you care too explain your reasoning please do
Do you want old Freddy back?
Title. I already know what I'm going to answer, heh. If you want a Freddy rework that makes him reminiscent to old Freddy, then vote the first option.
How much money have you spent on DBD! 😂🤑
Well then, we may all say that we are poor etc, but when it comes to DBD, it seems that statement is out of the window 😂 You can check how much you have spent on Steam via your purchases tab in steam support, your PS purchases in settings etc. Add it all up and vote on the poll how much you have spent on the game! Lets see…
Should Freddy's power be more interesting?
Just curious if I am the only one that finds Freddy's power boring.
THE coolest killer in DBD - Group D
Who is the coolest characeter in dbd? Not necessarily the strongest or most fun, but all things considered, who is best. Top 2 killers go through to next round. Group decided via random generator. Voting closes Tue 10PM GMT, who will join Oni, Nemesis, Trapper and Clown in Round 2?
Which Killers are the most fun to play against? C
Which Killers are the most fun to play against? D
Which Killers are the most fun to play against? B
Which Killers are the most fun to play against? A
Nouveau mode de jeu
2 tueurs, 8 survivants, 10 générateur, et donc un plus grand maps, surtout pour jouer tueur en coop
Jeff Johanson's Perk Set
In Jeff's Perk kit, I have only seen a handful of people ever use them. Distortion is outdated and it should be awarded tokens for by unhooking. This would blend Jeff's abilities and make them more symbiotic. I truly see no issue with Aftercare, it, in my opinion, is a great surveillance perk that awards cooperative team…
Is NOED outdated?
Aside from minor tweaks to the tiers effectiveness of the perk in Patch 2.3, the last time NOED was changed was in Patch 1.5, which changed the perk to a Hex totem, thus removing the timer and changing it to last indefinitely until the associated hex totem is cleansed. Patch 1.5 released in late April of 2017. NOED has…
Do you think Spirit should be nerfed/changed?
Im just curious
THE coolest killer in DBD - Group B
Who is the coolest characeter in dbd? Not necessarily the strongest or most fun, but all things considered, who is best. Top 2 killers go through to next round. Group decided via random generator. Voting closes Monday 6PM GMT THE coolest killer in DBD - Group B
THE coolest killer in DBD - Group C
Time for the next bunch. Who is the coolest characeter in dbd? Not necessarily the strongest or most fun, but all things considered, who is best. Top 2 killers go through to next round. Group decided via random generator. Voting closes Tue 10PM GMT THE COOLEST KILLER IN DBD - GROUP C
Do you think Bioshock could work as a license in DBD
Does Spirit or Hag take more skill?
Yeah I think Hag. With Spirit at the end of the day it comes done to how well you can hear. Hag you gotta keep you area intact. Recognize wether the survivor is in your lunge range. And learn area movements since you can't just trap loops then survivors will just go around since she is too slow to catch-up. And as well…
Would you prefer mist offerings to be removed and replaced with something else?
So I asked about mist offerings in the discussions and I got some feedback that was mostly negitive. Personally I never notice the effect of the mist at all. So I wanted to make a simple poll to see how people feel about the offerings.
Freddy is broken
I don’t know if it’s me but every single time I’ve ever been in a game with Freddy In my past 3-4 years playing the game his lunge has always been broken... this poll was made because I want to see if anyone feel like Freddy deserves a nerf... even through this rework this has been occurring
Vote to reduce the toughness of killers.
Ok. So we all know the game is losing players due to the fact of overpower killers. This post is an attempt in hopes this will change. Vote to change or keep the same.
Old vs new animations
Part 7: How would you feel about Alien in dbd
Since last time we looked at predator I thought we should look at its more horror-based, insectoid counter part the Alien. And just to b clear I'm talking about the original Alien film. Previous Poll: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/253340/part-6-how-would-you-feel-about-predator-in-dbd#latest
Which Crossover Chapter Do You Want To Be In Dbd?
Part 4: How would you feel about Childs Play in DBD?
So I now have a schedule. Every 4 days I am going to do a poll regarding licensed characters. Welcome to the 4th poll. Now as the title says how would feel about Childs Play coming into DBD? Previous Poll: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/250658/part-3-resident-evil-which-new-characters-would-you-prefer#latest
Part 5: How would you feel about Outlast in DBD
Welcome to my fifth poll regarding licensed characters. Hyped for RE chapter. And I figured since were getting a video game chapter again I might as well make a poll for a video game. I'll be honest I don't know anything about Outlast. previous poll:…
which trickster buff would be better
Do you want more chapters related to Resident Evil?
For example, multiple chapters being released for RE like Lady Dimitrescu and Ethan Winters, etc...
Remove Tricksters Lullaby!
So as a Trickster main, I always used to be confused why survivors were running away from gens when I was so far away from them, with no Spine Chill in play and I use Monitor and Abuse. Then, someone posted on one of my recent discussions that the Trickster in fact has a 32 METER LULLLABY!!! This essentially means that…
What kind of license chapter do you want to be in the game?
Whar kind of chapter do you want for the future?
What is your favorite Killer Weapon (or Variant)?
There are a wide variety of killer weapons out there in the fog: Slashing instruments which cut, tear, and rend flesh, brutal blunt objects which bruise, bend, and break bone. What's your favorite? Mostly thinking about your favorite weapon out of the default options for the Killer Roster, but feel free to mention any…
Worst Survivor Perk-Wise
chocolate or vanilla?
What's Your Favorite And Least Favorite License In Dead By Daylight So Far.
So hello again guy's and this time I am back on another poll, and with this poll being on what your favorite Licensed Chapter is by... Aesthetics. Powers. Who All Were Included. Maps. Balance. Perks. Music. Addons. How Iconic It Is. The Impact That License Had On The Horror Genre. The Impact They Had On Dead By Daylight.…
Would you chase this Zarina
Be honest.
Should Perk Tiers Be Removed?
This is a question that has been lingering in my head for a while and wanted to get the community's thoughts. Maybe with this poll, something could change. I personally believe perk tiers should be removed. It can significantly decrease the grind and can make a lot of the player base happy. With this, you would only have…
Least Fun Killer?
When playing against a killer, we know everyone loves Michael. However, who do you find the most irritating and annoying. Which Killer would make you DC and why... If you don't see your choice, mention who and why. Sorry for not including HAG, didn't expect that much hate, my b
Which Killers play the most similar?
As far as new killers go, uniqueness is an attribute held in high regard and prized above much else even if we don't think about it very often. A strong, viable, and well balanced killer can overall be rated as a decent addition to the roster, but if they only re-use the same mechanics and do not innovate in fun and…
Did you also think the Crown event was starting today ?
Hello ^-^ For some reason i thought the anniversary event started today until the 15th. And then on the 15th there is the DLC. But then yesterday i found a Steam thread asking about it and i found myself checking on Twitter just to read it's in July. I guess for my mind it didn't make sense to have it in a different month…
Sandbox mode for Killers
just something basic. just spawn an outdoor area with a few obstacles. that's it. let us test and practice our killers special powers without having to get absolutely murdered ingame. tried to learn hillbilly's chainsaw ingame for the 1st time and it was a disaster to say the least.
Hello ^^ I don't know if you noticed but with the reveal of the Resident Evil Chapter, DBD logo changed. Not only the text part, that used to be the font Roboto in LIGHT, and is now using a really BOLD font. But the skulls part of the logo is now way less detailed. Here is two pictures [OLD then NEW] I personnally like the…
Should The Wraith be completely immune to flashlights with Lightborn?
thoughts on nemesis?
What is the rarest person in DBD
Old (PTB) or New Executioner chase music?
So this is probably really insignificant but I've always liked the bells in the PTB chase music and thought it added to the silent hill theme. I was very sad when they changed it on the live servers. Curious to know if others want the old music back.
Should there be lobby sounds to show what killer it is?
What I mean by this is should there be a certain sound that plays in the lobby that tells the survivors what killer it is? I.E Doctor's Laugh, Huntresses' singing, or Blight's zombie like grunts.
Help with a Addon Build for Nemesis please (Pt 2)
Like the last one, i'm hoping you guys can help me pick addons for Nemesis. I'm hoping you can give me advice and which build to use in regards to which one smarter and more benefitable - Depleted Ink Ribbon / Serotonin Injector Zombies are faster, revive faster and appear at the exit gates at the end / Oblivious for 15…
Escaping/Catching Computer v. S. Console
From what I can see playing as killer/survivor I have a harder time catching or escaping computer players. Anyone else on console have this problem?
Legion Need A Buff!!!
Interested to see your guys votes :)
Help with a Addon Build for Nemesis please
Depleted Ink Ribbon / Broken Recovery Coin Zombies are faster, revive faster and appear in the exit gate at the end. / One less Vaccine OR Depleted Ink Ribbon / Serotonin Injector Zombies are faster, revive faster and appear in the exit gate at the end. / Oblivious for 15 secs after a zombie is killed Which one is more…