How to make the Trapper really fearful (and viable at high ranks)
The Trapper is the iconic killer of Dead by Daylight, shown on the cover and in the initial movie, and should therefore enjoy a certain respect, a good reputation. Unfortunately, in high-ranking games the Trapper is rarely tackled: he does not exert a sufficient map pressure, he can be worthily defeated by four solitary,…
Lithe Buff
Can we change this perk so that it works any time you fast vault, like Dance With Me and Quick and Quiet? Balanced Landing already works any time you fall, so I'm not sure why this perk is reliant on being in a chase. You won't be fast vaulting unless you wanna go fast, right?
Change Lithe to work more reliably already
'In a chase' is not reliable if a killer can just moonwalk or cloak to break chase. It's been recommended many times before but have it work with any fast vault or at least while fast vaulting in the killer's terror radius.
Hag rose skin idea
Old idea but I really whish we would get something similar to this
No more insane trophies
The Legion trophy was a huge oversight in competence. It's a low-rate rng based ability and it's upsetting that they would require such an obscene trophy. no more middle-finger-to-the-player trophies. If you want trophies that are so difficult to get that you have to work with your opponent(s), then let us earn them in…
List of infinite loops to fix
A loop is a resource given to survivors to prolong the chase and eventually break the line of sight. An infinite loop is a map design issue, a mistake hurting the game balance, which must be highlighted and fixed as soon as possible. Let's use this thread to list and comment infinite loops experienced in the game, to help…
Slight Spirit Buff
Let her use her power at any time like Legion since her base speed is slower. That is all.
DBD hitboxes
This is my first time posting on here, and i didnt know what category to rank it on, so i put it in balance feedback (because hitboxes are somewhat related to balance between the killer and survivor) In my opinion, dead by daylight hitboxes suck. The red stain is stupid, and I think they should use actual character…
Cybil Bennett police outfit for Kate from Silent Hill 1999 game please!
I don't know if there will be license issues with 2 decade year old game but i really want that outfit! For Kate because she looks pretty similar to Cybil.
Mending progress
One of the main reason why Legion don’t have any counter play is survivors need to mend continuously and still loose time in the process. Imo one of them needed to stay after the ptb they got rid of both of them and we now we have moonwalking Legion. And they’re growing in numbers. Don’t know if Legion rework counters that…
Hatch Redesign
The Hatches main goal is to allow a good survivor to have a chance to escape with a bad team. That is a fine design goal to have, however the Hatch does not currently achieve this. Right now it is: A: Unsatisfying for both sides (ex: Hatch standoff, Getting out of a chase for free, ect) and B: Doesn't properly test the…
I want a 120% movement speed killer (let's call it the Enforcer but I don't really care)
I want a killer with 120% move meant. Probably a larger terror radius and a relatively weak power to counterbalance but still. If you want a more specific suggestion then here is what I propose: Speed: 120% Terror radius: 40 meters Power: Spear Whip - Use the M2 button to throw your spear (which is attached to a steel…
Some kind of third gamemode.
I have this issue: when i take good killer with good stuff i usually face chill guys. When i want to just chill and test some silly builds i get those last second switch swf with dses. It's actually not fun to completely destroy survivors, or get absolutely bullied. How about some third game mode when everyone can use only…
Different Types of Skill checks
Honestly wish there was ANYTHING more. So bored of the basic skillcheck. Give us different shapes at least, something to spice em up.
Clown's Power
I love Clown. Quite powerful, but still falls behind with map pressure. Instead of giving him mobility, we could give him something fairly simple to slow down generator progress. Give him the ability to "Trap" generators. This interaction can be either its own or automatically apply to regressing generators when being…
Put the l2 and r2 away
I play on ps4 so I don't know how it is on other platforms but sometimes I go in a game and accidentally press l2 or r2 and I play the game with a whole other survivor or killer. So I like that to go away
Rework Legion to something people wanted
In the trailer we've seen David tricked by Legion mimicking Survivors undetected, which was way different than how they really are. There's no stealth aspect to Legion unless you're using Monitor and Abuse, and even then, barely stealthy enough to sneak up on Survivors like Michael, Wraith, and Pig. People have been asking…
Suggestion Event Halloween
Hello for the halloween event is it possible to add a mod 2 Killers vs 8 survivors?
About the Dying Light perk
Rework it. All it does is tempt killers into tunneling/camping one person in order to bring the game WAY into their favor. It's not fun to play against, and it's too risky to use otherwise as a killer since you might not encounter the obsession until it's too late and only like 2 gens are needed to power gates. Perhaps…
Nurf Corn Please
It's hard to see through it. Maybe make it easier to see through, like thinner?
I wish to practice killer offline
Because this game is difficult
Partnering with Pop Funko!
Please partner with Pop Funko and release some collectibles, starting with dwight and wraith obvioiusly! I will be forever grateful :)
Repair, Heal and Sabotage speed: incomplete list
"Repair, Heal and Sabotage speed" is a formula common to many killer's and survivors' perks: the problem is that it's often incomplete. For example, Dying Light's and Spine Chill's descriptions convey the false idea they affect the same interactions, while the second perk applies also to searching chests, vaulting windows…
Balancing loadouts and reducing the grind
The numbers below are just hypothetical, so don't pay much attention to those and instead focus on the overall idea. Consider the following: * When buying a perk from the bloodweb, all tiers of that perk are instantly unlocked. * Each perk tier is assigned a numerical value denoting its cost. Weaker perks (underused perks,…
I want to practice killer offline
This game is difficult
Legion Sidegrade
So we know buffing the Legion will make him OP AF. And we know that nerfing him will make him trash. So why not do both? Please do not comment until you have read the whole thing Buffs * Deep Wound now counts down during a chase (solves moonwalking by making it redundant and makes Frenzy more useful for actually downing) *…
Refund 50% BP of Red Envelopes
I didn’t want these but I had no choice but to get them. Can you please take them away after them event and at least refund half the Blood Points spent on them?
Give nea tatoos
That's all I want a nea cosmetic in the torso where she got tattoos also great job on the opera colection
QoL Thanatophobia
It's fear of death not fear of pain. A dead survivor should always count towards it.
New Killer Idea
I have been thinking of a killer with a Passive ability rather than an Active one. One that increases the killers overal stats (like increase speed, vaulting speed, destructive actions, etc) but it would be very small like 1% or 2% for very hook or succesful hits. (If succesful hits then the percentage increases should be…
QoL for Autodidact
You know how We'll Make It had a qol change so rescued survivor receives a notification that their rescuer has that perk? What if Autodidact had that but just "If you're injured and you're around a survivor who uses Autodidact you get the notification"
New Killer Idea
I have been thinking of a killer with a Passive ability rather than an Active one. One that increases the killers overal stats (like increase speed, vaulting speed, destructive actions, etc) but it would be very small like 1% or 2% for very hook or succesful hits. (If succesful hits then the percentage increases shoild be…
Make kindred default (except seeing killer within range part)
I'm so done with this, I'm so done with getting hooked and all I see are 2 people on different gens and another healing and I'm legit getting blatantly ignored. Make it default with showing all survivors seeing each other if someone is on hook so people literally don't have to waste a perk slot just to get their 3 hook…
De-Piped Because Killer Disconnect
I was facing a nurse on Shelter Woods when she disconnected for God knows what reason, and when we went to the endgame screen, I noticed something, my rank had went from 3 to 4, I first thought this was a graphical bug, but then when I went to upgrade my bloodweb, it still said Rank 4. I got really mad because my…
Reduce Vault blocker activation to 2 vaults
I'd say this would be a reasonable balance buff. I see no justifiable reason for why Survivors should be able loop structures like the Asylum, the side of the Slaughterhouse or the Foundry any more than that. Survivors are supposed to lose a Killer in a chase and those buildings have more than enough possibilities for that.
Stop taking my items
Stop taking my items when I don’t leave the game. If the host quits, I shouldn’t be penalized for the killer getting butt hurt.
Coldwind Farm - The Thompson House NEEDS another way down
I was publicly humiliated when I kept dropping the survivors on my way down the only exit from the top floor. The survivors were exploiting the fact that if you go all the way to the very end where the chest and generator spawns, it is impossible to bring them to the nearest hook before they escape. When I dropped them to…
why survivor suffer exhaustion?
Survivor cannot recover exhaustion while running, that is common sense, for sure a human cannot run forever but what about killers that still being human? for example the Legion, he runs all the time, gets Feral Frenzy hits you, and then hits you again, after x-seconds recovers his power, hits you again, or worse, he hits…
【PS4】I want you to display the progress status until release of achievement
Like the Steam version, please also display the progress status until release of achievement in PS 4 version.
My complete pig buff/rework(Devs, you can use this if you want)
First: Sry for my bad english. Second: The devs can use this ideas. Would be great, if we get a PTB test week. Players can only play survivors or pig, but the pig has all addons and perks. So players can test the stuff Third: I wrote many pig balance ideas. Finally with all the comments, this is my final version. And thx…
Summer Skins
I would like summer skins. Survivors in flip flops, sun glasses and shorts :)
Balance Prayer Beads
How can they really find it fair to have an add-on for someone who can go invisible with no indication whatsoever where they are but also no idea that they're using their ability? There is no counterplay whatsoever. Every other strong add-on for every killer has some counterplay on some level (exception being nurse and…
Trade/gift cosmetics
I would love to have a feature like you have in other games, where you can gift or trade cosmetics from the game. If you know a friend of your really likes an outfit but he doest have any shards/cells left or is just unsure if he should buy it, you can make them smile by gifting them the cosmetic.
New baseline to finally close the gap between the solos and SWF
Hello Dev team, can we remove these perks and make them base for every survivor? Right now the majority of the player base already have the advantage of these perks permanently only the solos are restricted to the initial 4 perkslots. As a consequence some killer perks also would need a tweek. New survivor base perks:…
An idea for Lithe (Slight buff)
Hello, I think it would be nice to have a passive ability on LITHE (like balance landing), something like a 15% quicker vaulting ability (like bamboozle), but maybe only on medium and slow vaults.
List of all things I want to change in DBD
-Compensation for playing against SWF (either exp or bloodpoints) -Rank reset rewards -Better totem placements or changing totem looks -More maps to older realms -A new game mechanic(a secondary objective that can slow the game) -A better end game (either towards the hatch or exit gates) -Freddy and Cannibal rework…
Please remove the disturbed ward mega loop
Hello guys, have you ever played against a SwF that loop over the two windows in the asylum. I've played with Billy and got looped hard with no way to counter even with bamboozle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6N6o5VrTaqI That loop is horrible.
The overall game feels like it is heavily favored towards killers recently.
A few months ago, the game was pretty clearly favored on the side of killers. Before, pallets were everywhere, pallet vacuums allowed survivors to easily avoid hits, flashlights could easily counter killers picking up survivors, and exhaustion perks could continuously recharge during chases. There were a whole lot of…
Camping is still a problem
Like everyone i've experienced facecamp , hard camp and tunneling as a survivor. I tought it was a matter of rank but i got to rank 1 and it's pretty much the only reason i lose it time by time (that and leavers). Maaking the killers loose points for camping is a step in the right direction but shouldn't the survivor who…
Offerings shouldn't be burned if killer or survivors quit.
Devs, seriously, please do something about this. I have lost countless offerings, especially Red Envelopes because killers keep quitting right after the match starts. This is ridiculous when I'm p3, level 50, and it take a forever to get ONE envelope in a bloodweb. Not to mention, I've lost A LOT of bloodpoints offerings,…