The only problem with the patch is it causing lag spikes every 30 to 60 seconds, making the game literally unplayable for me.
There are only few types of matches left now: As killer I get overrun by survivors, no matter which killer I play. It usually ends sweating for maybe 1 sometimes 2 kills. Did not even get a single 3 or 4 kill since sbmm was activated (except Pinhead adept where I guess I was really lucky) and I just quit playing killer. As…
Since all my killer matches just became sweaty as if there is no tomorrow I just adapted and started playing basement bubba again with interesting results. In most games I get a 3-4K by just camping the first hooked survivor waiting for the rest to come. But the imho most interesting fact is that survivors were getting…
I guess the hardest ones were as already mentioned: Left for dead Evil Incarnate The rest was pretty much only a bit of a grind to do. But since the EGC came Left for dead is imho only doable by luck (which I had with a nice Bubba) and getting Evil Incarnate took a while since many survs suddently start searching for…
Yes, it is absolutely fine, as it has lots of counters.
Works perfectly on Hag where everyone thinks you got Devour Hope :)
Trapper. Just shutting down the strongest loops and hiding traps all over the grass.
Leveled survivors from P3 Lvl 1 to all perks: Nancy Jill Leon Leveled some last missing perks on survivors: Claudette Meg Nea Leveled killers from P3 lvl 1 to all perks: Legion Plague Got missing perks on killers: Doctor Hag Nurse Collected lots of cakes and items and all the crowns :)
I had this once too. Happened on one of the swamp maps. Static Blast worked, but Shock Theraphy did nothing at all. Addons where yellow order and restraint I think.
I think the conditions for the crowns are okay. If Survivor do not have to escape it would be many of them throwing the game after they collect the crown.
I usually don't farm. But sometimes when there are a lot of cakes on the table I just hook everyone twice and let them have their 5K +X escape points.
If a survivor that gets unhooked is bodyblocking me when I try to follow the unhooker, it is not tunneling if I switch target then. Usually, I wait until BT runs out (counting to 12 in my mind) and then we'll see who is the better player. :)
Restraint on doctor. Having that aura reading and illusionary docs is just the best he has.
DS still is mostly used to compensate bad plays like being hookfarmed. I tried it from killer and survivor perspective: As killer I tried to catch the surv as fast as possible after a DS hit and it took me about 10-15 seconds. Okay it CAN be longer if the survivor is really good at chases (in that case I won't even try to…
I prefer playing her aggressive with BBQ(Maybe Discordance), Thanatophobia, Haunted Grounds and infectious Fright and bringing the two apples for two more corrupted pools. Then instantly walking to a pool close to gens were survs are most likely to work on and hopefully begin to snowball very early.
Removing the endgame chat would be one big step in the right direction. :)
Ruin + Undying is still frequently used by Killers I face. I for myself like combining Undying with Haunted Grounds. It allows me to still have Haunted triggered twice instead of three times as it was before. And against Hag everyone does cleanse glowing totems because it might be a Devour Hope.
Ghostface. He has just to boop the snoot,
She is by far the strongest killer in the game. BUT she has a huge skill cap. To be effective with Nurse it requires a ton of practice. So I understand that by mere kill statistic nurse is one of the killers with the worst kill ratio. But if one masters her, than hell is let loose and survs get destroyed. And I dont think…
Don't forget it counters ruin, so you can leave a gen for that unhook or heal without loosing progress
No, it disables whenever you take action, not if anyone else heals you.
Hm... Not many pallets are safe against Doc. Especially not the so called god pallet. (Drey tech incoming)
Don't say Franklins is useless. Its quite fun. Especially when I play it in combination with Hoarder. I always know when someone tries to get an item back. :) And survivors are more than often the kind of survs that always try to get back their items before doing gens. They paid for it, so they want to use it.
I like the new HUD. The only improvement I have in mind would be to make it a little bit less spread over the screen than it is just now in the preview.
That would completely nullify its use with Haunted Grounds. I love the multiple usage of Hounted Grounds with my Hag. :-) Since this is the only Totem Build I play at all.
An issue I had with hag: On one of the new Autohaven maps I was unable to place traps in the basement or on the staircase to the basement
Well it depends on the amount of tunneling I meet at that day.The more tunneling, I bring DS. If there is no tunneling I bring Unbreakable. For fast pickups there is We're gonna live forever. And in every match it is good to have an Obsession. Just for the psychological effect.
I would be afraid that feature would have me playing DbD with the same five people every time :)
Tunneling for at least 2 hooks is way more common than camping in my case. As tunneling happens almost every , at least every second game, camping is way less happening.
As Killer: Depends on the Killer but STBFL is an addiction. As Surv: Resilience. Those 9% can really make a difference
Penalizing tunneling and camping
AS a doc main I have to admit I never used Lullaby even once as there are far better perks to use on doc imho. So the change keeps the perk as uninteresting to me as it was before.
Is it just me or do the reworked maps all look the same? No matter if Yamaoka, Springwood or McMillan, the only differences are the map layouts and maybe the main buildings, but the rest almost looks the same.
Same here, I just quit the game for a while now since the finish of the last tome. Its just frustrating to play as surv, cause its more rounds tunneling than any fair play which made me quit more rounds out of frustration than finishing regulary. And playing killer was not satisfying enough to keep me playing DbD.…
Tunneling killers. Especially when there are some cakes or bloody partys burned.
My only use of DS as killer is to change obsession for my sweet STBFL stacks without bringing a perk for that myself. Survs are easy to bait into DS'ing me when I need it. The way bigger issue I have is with tunneling. They need to do something that makes it quite worthless for killers to tunnel right from the start of the…
With the hag achievement a "The Game" Offering helped me tremendously.
To do that I'd have to hit my obsession what will cost me stacks again. Except my obsession is friendly enough to hop in a locker so I could grab 'er out of it.
DS is not useless. As Save the best for last addict I need to be DS'd at least once in a match to get a different obsession to keep my 8 precious stacks AND hitting my former obsession. :-)
This seems to be in the game since one of the last few patches. I found out that if you fail the first skillchek and continue to hold M1 (or whatever is repairing for you) the second skillcheck will still be activated. Just don't let go of the gen.
This hapens on other maps with that hill too Just had the same issue on Crotus Prenn Asylum (The Clown map) This is game breaking and needs to be fixed ASAP
I am a huge fan of the Resilience + Spine Chill - Combo. That 9% (+ 6 if the killer watches you) doesn't sound much at first. But if you see that it is added to almost every action you take as surv including vaulting and opening the exit gates it's what makes this great for me. As Surv my favourite build is: Spinechill,…
Interesting point trying it with different order of the perks. We will try this tonight. The endurance effect is a nice benefit on top and can help a lot, especially in situations where one is slugged and being picked up by a mate while being chased, so you don't get instadowned again. And btw, this perk can be a good…
I tend to ignore survs that want to show me their flashlights. I have no use for them, so I won't buy any. And buttdancing cost them precious time, so I don't care about that as well. But if someone comes straight at me with his borrowed time to block me for his mate, I will always accept the noble offer and chase the…
I love Any means necessary. It is so rewarding to hit the killer with the same pallet for a second time :-) especially when it is the shack pallet.
That would be interesting to know if an ingame report is enough in these cases. Filing an additional support ticket for every insult I get seems a little bit much.
As doc main I personally don't like to play him as Impossible Skillcheckdoc. I prefer to hunt with him. So I use BBQ, Save the best for last, Pop goes the weasel and Nurses Calling on him (Some perks may vary, but STBFL and BBQ are mostly fix) His best Addon imho is Restraint Class III. If you face Blendettes, out in…
Why would I want to have that? If I know or guess a survivor is there and my blast didn't hit, I'll go and check the lockers. Thats fair enough for me. Forcing survs out of lockers would be way to strong and make Docs power even less counterable. Even as doc main I would say no to this idea and just take Iron Maiden and…
Definitely Quentin, for I never played him.
By the way, did anyone find the golden toolbox on the reworked Lery's map? Or did it stay in the same spot?