Yeah that’s part of why I enjoy her so much, combined with the high yet rewarding skill cap, but most of all it’s hitting those juicy snipes by predicting where the survivor is moving/standing. It’s like blind hitting people through walls on Pyramid Head, but even better and more versatile. They’re probably unhappy in…
I have relatively limited experience with her as I’m just getting to grips, but I don’t actually find the hold w boring. The survivor running away is always under threat of a snipe, and you can use this to your advantage to either snipe them outright, which is highly satisfying, or to zone them into a bad position, which I…
Killers who camp typically don’t care what the survivors think of them. Example when I camp to generate pressure or bait the survivors into altruism, I don’t concern myself with how they perceive it, I’m just playing the game as intended and using the tools available to me. Being camped is boring and I can sympathise with…
I don’t see it. Her power can be used in multiple ways and she has a high skill cap which greatly rewards improvement. I’ve seen people say it’s because her power is an amalgamation of other powers, though the same can be said for many killers, and I don’t see why that should make her inherently boring regardless.
It’s not in bad faith, the point is to demonstrate that camping is legitimate therefore survivors are not entitled to free unhooks.
Hmm fair enough, when you put it that way it seems more reasonable.
Deadlock is decent but it’s not even that strong.
Why would the killer leave the hook if someone (or multiple people) are coming for the save before they’ve even had a chance to? Also, why would the killer leave the hook when they’ve got it right between a strong 3 gen? Etc etc
Camping is a valid action/ strategy and vs the majority of the killer roster, it’s easy to counter. Why should survivor’s be entitled to free unhooks? Also with roll back, grabbing off the hook doesn’t work half the time anyway.
I get that, but all they need to do is hit a skill check. After a handful of matches the majority of people will be fine, and if they’re going to leave the game after a few matches because of bad luck with tunnelling then it’s probably not for them anyway. I’ve honestly no issues with removing the skill check, but being…
Tunnelling is a valid action / strategy. Being able to deny this is very powerful, and as it stands, a simple skill check is a low requirement.
Everything in this game punishes new players, even skill checks on gens for example. Why should killers be punished for tunnelling new players, which is a valid action, when the new players can just learn to hit the skill checks, just as they must learn to loop, etc.
Most perks have requirements for either one side or the other. I could give plenty of examples. DS has a simple skill check requirement, for the massive upside of being able to break free from the killers grasp. It’s more than reasonable. edit: to clarify, I’m referring to active perks, not passive perks. Also, my exact…
Playing any m1 killer to a decent degree takes considerable skill. But I agree if you mean mechanical skill (outside of m1 mechanics.)
Tunnelling is a valid strategy / way of playing. Most perks require you to actually do something to get use out of them, so I don’t think you should be able to avoid being tunnelled by simply equipping DS. Skill checks are a mechanic in the game after all. Everything in DBD is punishing to new players. Your friend just…
Deathslinger had (and still has) one of the worst 1v4 in the game. Even though he may have felt bad to face in a 1v1, nerfing his 1v1 (whilst making it feel clunky to play him) without compensating in other areas was a bad call. He felt bad to play vs in chase specifically. But now he feels bad to play all around. And his…
If you’re decent in chase and get lumped with bad teammates often, try running this build: Bond, Kindred, Open Handed, Prove Thyself. Kindred combined with Open Handed means people seldom get left to die on hook because your team can see the killer for miles. Bond combined with Open Handed shows you where your teammates…
Bond is one of the best solo queue perks in the game and when combined with prove thyself, can outright win you the game regardless of bad teammates.
He actually has quite a few decent addons. The zombie detection range + fov is probably the best.
Ultra is a disadvantage because the visibility is lower. It’s a shame consoles don’t have some graphics options.
Remove overheat, reduce stun duration when hitting objects with chainsaw.
Map design is an issue. However, on any given map, there’s a significant contrast in power between solo queue survivors and a SWF of equal skill using comms. The majority of multiplayer games are designed and balanced around comms - DBD is not, and is in fact designed and balanced around a scarcity of information, hence…
I find her to be pretty fun. She has a high skill ceiling so there’s lots of room for improvement and her power does multiple different things.
Yeah comms are the most OP thing by far. Luckily not everyone utilises them efficiently, but when they do, it pretty much breaks the game for all but the top 1% of killers, and even they’ll struggle occasionally.
I can get onboard with that,
That’s actually a good idea.
1) There aren’t many insta-down killers, none of them can insta-down all the time, and even if they do manage to pull it off, you can just stay injured. 2) It doesn’t matter because DH steals so much pressure from the killer, by that point in the match, the advantage has already been decided. 3) Staying injured just means…
For killers, strong = OP, average = strong, weak = balanced.
Hmm 5 changes is ofc very restrictive but if I had to choose Built in comms with the option to disable/ mute + something to compensate for when people don’t want to use them Significant buffs/reworks to the majority of the killer roster Rework DH Buffs/reworks to the majority of survivor perks Reduced grind
For killer: lethal pursuer - often equals out to the same value as corrupt but with faster results and less counter play, meaning you generate pressure faster, thus translating into greater pressure over a given timespan. (Depends on the killer though. S tier for Hillbilly) infectious fright - even on killers with low…
Some proper winter gear would be cool.
You underestimate how seriously people on these forums take…everything.
It’s very difficult to give survivors new meta perks without making them OP as the current meta perks are already incredibly strong. You’re left with three major options: 1) Introduce perks which are as strong as the current meta, which either won’t be used or will be used in conjunction, making the meta even more…
Dead hard takes very little skill when utilised for its most powerful effect which is gaining distance. Just pressing a button as you run towards a window or pallet is not exactly a big task. However, there’s still a decent difference between an average and a highly skilled survivor when it comes to overall deadhard…
One issue is that comms are so powerful, any SWF with average/decent skill who actually play to win, should only be matched with high MMR killers, however there aren’t enough killers at that level to be able to do it without excessive queue times, because there just aren’t enough killers in general, resulting in not only…
Maybe a little 🥲
Relax, it’s just a game innit. If you’re not escaping, are you really playing skilfully? The only metrics that matter are kills and escapes, everything else is irrelevant. Anyone dying to afk pig is being outplayed.
I think some people are missing the OPs point. When a survivor is being tunnelled, sometimes the rest of the team will band together to try and prevent it. This can make a nice change of pace. Instead of slogging from gen to gen, checking lockers and bushes or eating a billion pallets, the killer can chase one survivor and…
Hmm it may be boring but according to the devs, if you’re not escaping, it’s a skill issue.
It’s a…horror themed game 😂
What’s the issue exactly?
To get rid of camping the whole game would need to be redesigned.
As long as it’s only once per trial, I see no issues with that.
You just turn during rush then turn again during the attack animation.
No worries it’s an easy oversight to make.
He’s only half right. The licence has expired but they aren’t exactly getting rid of him, they’re just removing the ability to purchase him like what they did with demo.
People often say this but it’s just not true. I think it started with some youtubers and now everyone just repeats it. Overheat is noticeable even if you play efficiently. If you want to consistently curve at tiles and use your chainsaw for mobility, you’re going to overheat.
Alien with ai controlled face huggers, stealth, mobility and acid. Instead of hooking it puts the survivor in a cocoon. Ripley.
With m1 killers it’s often a damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation. What’s the usual advice if you’re stuck in chase for too long? Drop chase and find someone else, right. But what do you do when you’re stuck in the next chase for too long? Doesn’t matter. The games already over by that point.
Status icons + a ping system and then buff all the weak, outdated killers accordingly. There’s also an argument to be made for making perks like Kindred and Bond basekit. But the majority of the killer roster would need serious work to compensate.