You are complaining about the green orb being visible, but you forget that its a small orb so you can use a line of the scenario to hide it and mind game, or you can use the speed to fake going one direction and then going the other when the survivor tries to dodge, then follow the survivor with audio and drop it. Thank…
I just realized that you don't scream on the killer terror radius, so there is that too
They are doing this that way because they didn't have the time to implement anything else by release date. I hope they make it so you can despawm them with CTRL
Depends on the killer: Nurse, spirit, hag, blight, freddy, twins... yea maybe they can win in a balanced map if they play better. But don't spect that from Myers or trapper
It doesn't matter if its LGTB. The only think that matters are those 3 useless perks that they are gonna give us.
1- If you dont want to talk, then I dont know what u are doing here. 2- If you think that everyone who doesn't want a gay survivor in this game is a monster that hate your existence... as I said in my other response, you have some serious prejudices.
I'm not saying there is a valid reason to be againts it. I'm saying that SOME people have other reasons that pure hate. Some of them just hate gay people, for sure, but you can not prove that ALL OF THEM. Unless you know everyone of them or you can look into their hearts with some kind of magic, I'm affraid you can not…
My god. I'm not portraying anything. I'm telling you "ey, when those guys say that, they feel that way, and they think that thing. Maybe if you talk to them with that in mind, if you address that point and you treat them as human beings and not some kind of monsters, then you can make them change". What you said was that…
Well that was why I made this post. I see people fighting eachother without understanding what the other part is saying. I think that I understand why there is hate on the LGBT topic, so I pointed out. That way, the next time someone is talking to a guy hating this representation, he will understand why does the other guy…
Your point was that I was defending them because I was giving them a chance to conversate, so yeah I think I perfectly addressed your point. Maybe you don't understand what I said because you don't understand how dangerous you point was.
Oh yea I was waiting for that. Because seeing someone as a human being and talking to them is something horrible. If they have an opinion you consider is bad they should be silence. Because instead of letting bad ideas come out to light and then pointing and them and telling them "NO YOU ARE WRONG" we should ban them from…
Well to be honest I only read the part where u said "Sorry, why should we leave our politics out of *our* game?". So my response was to that statment.
Just becauase you understand someones point you are not defending them. If you dont understand their point, then you can not talk to them. If you understand why they hate this, then you can have a conversation about why they are wrong. If you dont understand them, then the only thing you can do is fight. And I dont like…
If you read carrefully you will see that I didnt defend anyone. I said that because some pople feel that way and then they are hating on the new dlc. Thats why the title goes "Why all the hate...". I'm just doing this post because some other posts say that "half of this community is homofobic", and I think they are not,…
I think that when someone says that "we should leave politics out of our games", is not talking about politics in CoD or MGS. Have you ever seen some of those Hollywood celebrities telling people what they should vote??? Well, I think that this is not okay. I love economics, history, and politics. And yea having it in my…
Well well well. At first I was going to start with something like "looks like schools in north america are even worst than they are here in Spain, because you cant understand a 10 lines text". But English si not my first lenguage, so I will just assume that you missunderstand me because I can not explain my point in a…
I don't think nobody cares about it. But many players are concern about them giving us a boring low tier killer and 6 boring useless perks BUT WE ARE INCLUSIVE!!!!!!
Its going to be on the 5 year aniversary (this or the walking dead). I hope that it is some kind of grey alien (because an easter egg from the reworked autoheaven realm). Im hopping him to have a power similar to the old freddy. Damm I miss him a lot.
Maybe the next killer or the new survivor perks need that space (we will see next week)
Billy and blight
To be fair they are working on this "early game feature" that has evolve in something more. Maybe they are balancing things with that on mind. I just hope it doesn't take a year to come.
Where the ######### is plagues buff devs
We will get ptb next week 99%
Im with Demo right now, but I love Wraith. Always play with windstorm because running that ######### fast being sneaky feels so dam good for me. Also Ghostface is ######### nuts. Also loving oni. But ninja myers... god I hope they make a killer like him. Like being stealthy and slow but creating fog or something.
Too fast at the beggining of the game. Survivors should have more objectives to complete in order to scape. Then it would be funnier for both sides.
Ghostboy is better, but mayers is more easy. Gostboy more fun 100%
What's your philosophy when deciding the new killers that you are bringing on??
No you can not stop an infinite with doc
What rituals??
Depending on the killers power
Well It 2 just came out, you can beat your ass that It is comming
I dont unserstand why everyone can reveal him. Maybe if only the survivor being stalked could reveal him... Also 30 seconds CD is the most stupid thing in the game.
Ghostface is a really good killer, but he takes a lot of skill. If you wanna invest time in a killer wich looks bad but hes actually strong, GF is your pick. Also, has some good perks. I mean, furtive chase is bullshit, but the other 2 are good. Bubba is really bad, but theres a rework comming in some months, and all his…
Just this pleas devs
Its a parody of S(urvivors) W(hith) F(riends)
Its amazing how you talk like knowing something and you just say one stupid thing after another lol. Ignoring the troll, for me every killer need a buff except nurse billi spirit hag and maybe huntress. You can argue about freddie and mayers being well balanced and maybe we can get an agreement.
If finding survivors were a strong power then doc would be high rank. And guess what. Hes not. He needs buffs. Reduce the spoting distance, reduce the cooldown, and make him M1 survivors without loosing al the stalking on them.
Yes they will
Tofu and another streamer are working with them for consulting, so maybe they are fixing things before the ptb rage. Remember the Ghostrafe ptb lol. Also, I think that they will bring more changes and buffs to other killers, so lets see.
Freddie is my boi. I dont know why are you saying plague. I mean I love her but shes just an human with a cool puke. Looks like ghosts are more powerfull
I think that its not about the gen time, but about the game time. They have a late game task (the door) and a mid game task (generators). We need an early game task and maybe another mid game task.
Thats exactly what Im talking about. Ive p3 her playing only herself and I think that survivors need more reasons to clean. I think being oblivious is the perfect thing, as if they 4 are sick, then they have a hard deal
Im afraid that this is not true. You dont need to be the 0.001% to know that half of the killer rooster is useless.
What the hell do u think this game is? No mans sky? Of course is hard to survive. Have you seen Nightmare om elm street? Or halloween?? Maybe you should ask for more rewards, wich is a fair thing. If Im not wrong, they are changin this (check the roadmap Im pretty sure that its there). Also, notice that a killer can kill 3…
Oh thats true, didnt think about the totem time. I think that Im most worried about my favorite perk nurse's calling
No yu are wrong. Those are 2 separate status effects
Its sad because healing is one of the main tools to slow the game down, but then they have to leave other perks I guess....
This killer is probably the most balance killer they have made and you have no idea what youre talking about
They said in the designer notes that the demo will be able to go undetectable. The obliviuos thing goes when a survivor is working on the portal.
I dont uderstand anything on this post. Do you think that being stealthy with wrait will make the survivors oblivious?? Because thats not the point at all.