The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!



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  • Personally I'd argue for the most part that the game is survivor sided in a casual sense, however the game can become massively killer sided simply by camping. The camping and tunnelling mechanic makes the game killer sided imo since it's so easy to just use lethal, down a survivor a just camp at the hook all game. Even if…
  • Personally I don't mind mother-daughter ring unless it's paired with the cherry blossom add-on, which literally shows the spirit where a survivor is while she's phasing. I'd say cherry blossom is more op than mother-daughter ring tbh but I don't really have a problem with spirit anymore since hardly anyone plays her since…
  • I've said this a few times before, many people play for the one on one interaction in game, especially people who have played the game for many years. Dead hard is one of the strongest chase perks because it's an amazing chase extender and allows people to make up for their mistake (most of the time). If this perk was to…
  • Simply don't look at the end game chat and turn off steam profile comments.
  • I truly doubt dead hard will ever get nerfed, I do agree it is op, as someone who shamefully uses it, it's come in clutch so many times it's disgusting. Older players or more experienced players prefer to play more for the 1-v-1 interaction, rather than doing gens, totems, etc, so if dead hard was to get removed it would…
  • Hex perks were always 'useless' if you want to look at it like that. Boons give survivors a reason to care more about totems. Doesn't mean they didn't before. Perks like Detective's hunch, counterforce and small game were totem perks that could counter hexes.
  • I mean the fact that people can literally download apps or software to use hacks is so bad. There's definitely been a massive rise in cheaters since mmr has come out. The game has been out for over 5 years and nothing has been done about it.
  • Oh no lol, plenty of people were toxic when the pride charm came out. I remember comments on dbd's instagram of people saying they were going to tunnel/facecamp anyone that used the charm. I don't know if they actually did this or just said it to annoy people. But yeah people still manage to be toxic, even over a charm.
  • Silent Hill 2 if you've never played it. It's more atmospheric horror rather than jumpscare kind of horror, but the story is amazing, a real masterpiece.
  • I've had before on Groaning storehouse where there has been 4 pallets in the centre. Two double pallets. RNG shouldn't be like that. Thankfully I was playing survivor but the killer hated me after that game...
  • Man I get the idea of being helpless, especially as scratched mirror mikey because it's unlikely you're getting a comeback. I was livestreaming some scratched mirror for one of my friends and I was like should I use an rpd offering? I wanted to see what rpd scratched mirror was like and he agreed with me. Put on the…
  • Whether your key was real or not, at least your item actually was a key, the dude tunnelled me when I clearly had a vaccine 😂 It is funny now, but at the time I was so annoyed
  • Got tunnelled to death by a ttv because of a stupid mistake he made. If I ever need a reason why this community sucks, it's because of this one match. So I'm against a Nemesis and this Zarina was crouch camping pallets and of course getting hit over them because of his tentacle. She used 2 vaccines at 5 gens, one of them…
  • Quentin main here. People forget about all of his perks (poor guy). Wake up is situational value but can be super good, especially if you're in a hatch closed situation and you need to get a gate before the killer comes. People dislike it because it's situational but ds and unbreakable are situational since you don't know…
  • I play chill I'd say tbh. I used to constantly rely on meta last year, refused to play without ds, unbreakable, dead hard. Came to the realisation that if someone is gonna tunnel you, they're gonna tunnel, ds just wastes their time. Dead hard doesn't work most of the time, when it does my xbox just freezes (old gen console…
  • I agree but I disagree. If it's endgame or if you're losing then go for it. If someone is being incredibly toxic then go for it. If someone rinsed you in your first chase and you can't risk having another chase like it, then tunnel. BUT if it's early game (4/5 gens), game flow is going well, and a weaker survivor had a…
  • Intentional AFK'ing is reportable and bannable, but when someone reports in-game then most likely nothing happens. It depends how often you get Haddonfield and how often you intentionally afk. Tbh you should just try to play anyway and if everyone escapes then don't feel bad because it was likely because of the map. That's…
  • While I do see your point, having legacy re-released would take away the exclusivity of it- basically what you just complained about. I do think it's ridiculous that stuff like Dwightcrow has been re-released and outfits from certain events, but that same idea applies with legacy. Really I don't think legacy looks good,…
  • Literally that lmao. If people could actually just accept a loss then they would get easier games.
  • I’m a survivor main. I loathe this perk. It’s such a cheap perk, and rewards the survivor if they mess up or if they get outplayed. It’s a good idea for extending chases, but if it takes for you to use dead hard to have a good chase then you’re not good at survivor. I have plenty of long chases without using dead hard.
  • They were just mad they didn't get Dead Dawg Saloon (since it's deactivated rn)
  • If I play a killer, it's because I want to play them for their power. Addons help to enhance it, but if the main addons I used got changed, it probably wouldn't stop me from playing certain killers. Quite honestly, I'm excited for the addon pass, the sneak peak we got of the spirit addon change and trapper addon change…
  • No I don't play to lose, but if I am losing, I'm not going to sweat and do anything possible to win, because if I won through sweating and going out of my way to win, then all it would do is increase my mmr and keep putting me in games where I have to keep sweating and tryharding.
  • I really think that pink keys and purple keys need removing, and then green keys should exist but only for the aura use (but get rid of the addon where you can see the killer), since I like the idea of an item letting you see auras of survivors and then maps for the auras of generators/totems, but I would never use a key,…
  • I agree. I main survivor and I lobby dodge key users. Either the killer will be toxic because of the key (understanding, but still makes the game difficult to win if someone is tunnelled out) or they just ditch the whole team and leave you to die. Key users suck and it's 100% the most skill-less thing in this game.
  • Lol, you really uninstalled the game solely because of the existence of spirit? That's so stupid 😂
  • So.... don't try to win at high mmr? The amount of people complaining about high mmr is ridiculous. Just take a loss and be happy about decreasing your mmr.
  • I do. I've just been laughing at all the people raging about spirit. The amount of people saying that it's always survivors that get what they want is hilarious. People really looked past the trapper buff, and I've only seen posts from people unhappy about the spirit change, and I've not seen any posts from people happy…
  • It's easy to be toxic as survivor. All you have to do is just press a button over and over. It's why I only play survivor really because I can't stand playing killer for that reason. But remember that killers can also be toxic, and toxicity will come from both sides, it's just likely more common as survivor since it's…
  • There's nothing they can do about it really. They have the censor feature on PC, but that doesn't stop players being angry. People will always be annoyed when you don't play the game how you want them to. The only thing you can do is find the humour in it really, how sad does someone have to be to literally make death…
  • Not 'at all times', the only way to see her in phase is through dust on the floor. If a survivor is at a loop then they won't be able to see her footsteps until she is right behind them. Realistically, the only way survivors would be able to see where she is is when they are in a deadzone like on autohaven or crotus prenn,…
  • There's a difference between nerf and balance. Spirit's power has changed in no way, and she can still phase and catch up to survivors. The only change is that survivors know when she is phasing, something which they should have been able to know from her initial release, which pretty much only gets rid of the crappy…
  • I get that it's very boring, especially with the bleed out timer being 4 minutes, being slugged can feel dull. I normally just go afk and get crows on my survivor, the constant sound cues from the crows hopefully at least annoy or distract the killer, I especially do this if the killer is slugging for the 4k because I hope…
  • I took a break for a couple of weeks a month ago or so, before MMR. Very rough time, very rough games. Consistently getting camped, consistently bad teammates, consistently getting tunnelled. The game that made me have that break was against a Nemesis and there was a Zarina who used 2 vaccines at 5 gens without even going…
  • Oh my god... it's been that long? Oh wow. Hopefully a map will come with the new survivor in the midchapter?? I don't get why they don't add more maps to existing realms. I reaaaaaaally want more Grave of Glenvale maps (Dead Dawg).
  • There should hopefully be some buffs. This is the first post I've seen where someone is actually enjoying the killer. I'm glad you enjoy playing him, and some future buffs could make him better for you.
  • SWF is so misrepresented in this community. Yes you get those sweaty SWFs, yes they're an absolute PAIN to play against. But people almost forget just how many casual SWFs there are. If the killer is told that they're playing against a SWF, they might put on a toxic or tryhard build, and purposely play aggressive to a team…
  • One of my friends plays on pc and salt is so much more common, so I prefer not having post game chat on console.
  • I'm a survivor main and hate keys, they reward bad survivors, and most key users just hide all game and don't help the team so they can get their precious hatch escape. I recently went into a game as survivor and my teammate had a key with a hatch offering for shack. Hillbilly killed everyone except me and the key user, so…
  • Meg has the most cosmetics. Maybe they could give her nicer skins, but she really doesn't need new skins. Yui hasn't had a new skin in a year (not counting the rift beach outfit re-release). They need to start focusing on cosmetics for survivors in massive need of them. Finally they're adding more comsetics for Elodie, but…
  • Nope. Pinhead can't load into matches. RPD is disabled... again. Several maps are STILL disabled (rip Dead Dawg Saloon). I main survivor and have no intention of playing pinhead, however I escaped almost every match I played against him, with the exception of one, where I let him mori me because I wanted to see the mori. I…
  • We don't need more survivor perks. I'm glad Pinhead got good perks, at least there's something redeemable about him. And if you think pinhead is op (he isn't), how the hell would adding more survivor perks fix your problem with pinhead? 😂
  • But someone has to get hit with noed for the survivors to know the killer has noed. The killer may hook the survivor next to the totem, resulting in a kill because the survivors can't get the totem or the unhook. That single down can change everything.
  • This is why people should wait before buying. It was only within an hour or so of Pinhead's release that they tweeted about matches disconnecting. I understand the hyper but... it's BHVR, nobody should ever expect the game to function after a chapter is released. People also seem to forget that a bugfix patch happens…
  • Probably Eric Matthews. I quite like him. I wouldn't want Jeff because he makes Saw 3 painful to watch, and I wouldn't want William Easton or Bobby Dagen since they're both bad people and I don't root for them to pass their tests.
  • Yes I can do that, but that doesn't take away the fact that it is still time consuming, and at red ranks I shouldn't have to cleanse every totem on the off-chance that a red rank killer is playing noed. I've recently been using detective's hunch and counterforce so totems are quick to cleanse. But it should't be expected…
  • When I go tryhard I play no mither, self care, inner strength and adrenaline, killers can't compete.
  • I use sprint burst, spine chill, iron will and then swap the 4th perk to whatever, most of the time it's kindred. Sometimes I do a head on build (that's slowly becoming my main build tbh). The most meta perk I use is probably iron will, and even then that perk is interchangeable. Sometimes I run sprint burst, spine chill,…
  • Gen rushing is possible- prove thyself, 4 brand new parts, holding gens rather than helping their team. However this is a rare occurrence. The term gen rushing is overused, and it's a way killers excuse themselves for losing, and they'll blame teams who play no gen related perks or items, and are relatively slow on the…
  • I don't see anyone post about this. Imagine if nurse had an addon like alchemist's ring. There would be complete outrage.