Then you've got exactly what you should. Starting today (in about 7 hours) logging in will net you claudettes hat. In a few days the deathslinger's duster will be the log in reward. A few days after will be the claudette pants.
In my case it's usually that i've readied up for queue and immediately change my mind to go for a smoke, click leave, and unbeknownst to me still get thrown in a lobby.
Outfit or just the chestpiece? Because if you've logged in on the right days you should only have her chest unlocked. Her hat and pants aren't until later
This forum really needs downvote back.
Clearly someone who doesnt play console
Do a little teabagging after the pallet save did ya? Cl8ck a flashlight a few times too many? Some killers will tunnel when it is strategically valid to do so but to knowingly throw away a chance of winning the game for one person...there's a reason.
Most killers good hearts got smashed by butts shaking at exit gates. Don't even pretend you've never done it.
Thanks mate. Wish they had given some kind of response on here. Hate the thought of having to get a twitter account too, but nice to know there was a statement somewhere.
They also have a much bigger checkbook now too. Maybe when he gets reworked they can try to get that licensing along with it. "We can rebuild him, we have the technology."
It's absolutely from the movies. It's why I'm surprised they never licensed that mask and suit
You're right. I just want that outfit brouggt to the game and figured this could be as good an excuse as any.
I'm just going to make a suggestion that would combine the requests for a drag queen cosmetic and a cosmetic i've been wanting them to license for years. Now is the time. We need bhvr to get license for the 'Pretty Lady' cosmetic for leatherface.
Now now give them some credit. As the game stands now it won't be dead by december but we've got two mid chapter updates and 1 more chapter worth of new bugs between now and then to consider too.
To be honest i'd be really happy if there was a sound bug involving the terror radius. It would mean at least 1 of the list of sound bugs in the game would be actually fixed in a hotfix. You know rather than being lied about in patch notes.
Or we could make a change in the emblem system to remove any chance of killers deranking if they just take a 3k. Until that day red rank killers kind of have to 4k if red ranks. This is especially true for killers who 'lose' a lot of chases by playing them the way that's strongest. For instant plague whos best tactic is…
If you tap the ps button go to the friends tab and go down to players met (after you finish the match) you'll see everyone in the match you just finished listed there. This will include the killer. Just look for the name that doesnt match anything on the results page.
Something else thats no problem for SWF but ridiculously painful for solo.
They'll just call it a feature since not having a predator cloak mode can be frustrating for new claudettes.
Fixed 9 bugs. They lied their asses off about fixing the silent slug bug . To make things worse they aren't acknowledging any of the new sound issues to the point the games not just harder for killer than it ever was, it's bordering on completely unplayable.
4 survivors to 1 killer. If the ability for killers to capitolize on being able to hear survivors is frustrating for survivors we cant have that. Thats 4 possible cosmetics to 1 that would be frustrated.
It's not fixed. Have seen it several times today already. But am on console so not surprised.
I like how no one in this thread mentioned one of the most common reasons to slug. Avoiding DS from the bullysquads who use the pickup immunity to bodyblock for other survivors in chase or to have grab immunity while pushing a gen.
There's almost always sounds missing or placeholders being used for sound in PTB i wouldn't worry about it. Usually the big one is the new survivor's voice is a placeholder this time cages l.
You're aware you're victim shaming right? "You should look at how you're dressed if you're going to complain about getting groped." While one situation is obviously more severe it's the same mentality.
More incentive for console players to never spend another dime on the game until they start doing some optimization on console and include keyboard and mouse compatibility or console players are going to get decimated by PC players...period.
This is wrong. PC is absolutely decimate console players. They have proven over and over they don't give a damn about optimizing the console ports of the game. Between framerate drops, stuttering, the fact that they won't update it for KB&M compatability on console, console players won't have a chance. If crossplay goes…
I would give the nurse a moving blink marker as part of her base kit rather than an add on. She's difficult for new players to learn already and with matchmaking being what it is new killer players could really use the leg up until they've developed the muscle memory to use her.
I love the Candyman franchise and that is specifically why I would hate to see him in this game. Yes he has a hook for a hand and kills but the character is a psychological terror not a slasher. The game isn't set up for that. It would just be some power involving bees. Some form of teleportation involving the games 'newly…
She's insanely better on PC. KB&M capability alone makes her leagues better due to the accuracy with which you can spin to strike. However, there's the issue of massive amounts of framerate drop and how long you stare at the ground on console versus pc. The difference in those is immense.
The problem is that the survivor emblem system simply allows them too easily rank up and keep that rank while failing to escape. In high red ranks as killer (especially with the current gen rush meta) if a killer doesn't 4k it's usually at best a tie if not a derank. Sooo there's that issue.
"Marked the world of horror since its inception." So perhaps a classic killer what if perhaps we're going to something thats been in many forms of media i.e. novels and such say, dracula or wolfman or something of that ilk.
Search your feelings. You know it to be true.
Who cares it's going to be fun and balanced in PTB. People will buy it in droves. And then it will get nerfed to the point of being useless like just about every other killer released since year 2. Why get excited?
Yeah calling BS on your claim of 1 DS per three matches. Get past grey ranks and say the same thing.
Please ignore the people screaming for legion to be removed. Legion are my favorite BP farmers and are perfect for that as they exist currently. If anything at least don't do anymore untested 'improvements' to the killer.
Oooooh. Thank you so much for a quick response. Been broken a while?
Same issue on PS4. Makes it kind of suck when teying to learn and level her for blood rift
Will give you the same advice killers got when the ruin nerf was implemented without accounting for gen speed and map size. Just pressure gens.
Dude put that card back in the deck. You know full well the comment wasn't based on race but on the issue both sides have with overly immersed players. Community is already toxic enougg without adding race bating to it.
Almost sounds like their goal is more variety in what people bring. Like they're trying to get away from the 3toolbox1key meta
Bbq doctor (any build) pick three gens and just keep putting survivors into madness defending those three gens while occassionally smacking a survivor or two. Juggling in this way doesn't give time for any progress on those three gens. Once the survivors have lost the will to live from this, hook them one time each and let…
To be fair from all the DC's I've seen from survivors in the past I'm under the belief that being placed into the dying state puts a tremendous strain on your broadband. Have devs ever looked into this. Maybe a fix for how hard it is on connections when survivors ger downed?
The bug only effects killers. Tbh you should just get used to calling it a feature.
Killers already have a penalty for downing people too fast. It's called decisive strike.
You know what. If there has to be a small amount of collateral damage (in this case the one or two that are still on dial up but are innocent) to get rid of the droves of DCers i say so be it. PS4 survivor queues have actually improved a little since the penalty went in to effect. Maybe it's from all the DCers not going…
In my experience the best two were. "Really, reported for gate camping enjoy your ban." And "BBQ really, should have known you were using crutch perks." Same person messages started before that match was over but those two were top shelf.
Yeah but those 4 killers are going to be much more powerful regardless of what is done. At least the suggestion i make would give possibility of seeing a variety of killers rather than the big 4 and only ever the big 4.
That would be a good point if killers got matched with survivors their own rank