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  • Nemesis is in a good spot. But I wouldn't mind the AI of the zombies getting a tuning. At least so they stop getting stuck on terrain, sometimes so bad that survivors can hug them from the front and they don't act at all, they just stand there in their own little world.
  • I think the intended way to use Blast Mine is more if you have to leave a gen prematurely, not when being chased off by the killer. That way if the killer comes by while you're off doing your other task, be it healing someone or whatever, and he see the progressed gen he might kick it to apply CoB or other gen kicking…
  • I just see it as the killer watching their pray make a fool of themselves before striking. It's extra fun now since the survivors most often run in to hug you as they use it (FOV tech) and then you get to slap them to the ground for their hubris. The only time it gets me now is when they use it in situations where they can…
  • So far it seems to be Evil Incarnate, since every time I get close some boring survivor will just refuse to leave their precious locker so I can't get the last mori. Maybe when the new endgame mori change comes I'll get it.
  • Well, you mentioned "Dead Hard for distance" so it makes sense people assumed you didn't know of the change to Dead Hard (removing the distance portion and instead giving you 0.5 seconds of Endurance). As for the "Yes it's bugged" comment, that's a troll. The perk works perfectly fine, to the point I'm seeing it more often…
  • I say "ggwp" regardless of the result of the game, even when I get tunneled out in the first 3 minutes of the match as long as my friend is still playing so I have a reason to spectate. Only time I don't is when I play killer and the survivors were extra toxic.
  • Good job! She can be a blast and, as someone mentioned, feels really satisfying when you start to land those snipes.
  • Thanks for the info! I did just reach 100 posts like a couple of days ago but I've been on the forums for one year and one day today :P Makes sense though, hope fully it'll stop soon enough or I'll just have to learn to properly proofread my posts before I hit that "Post Comment" button xD
  • Since you're not actually on top of the person when you do it it's not the same as the teabags of old FPS games. It's just quick crouches but the term teabag has come to just mean that. Edit: Why do the forums keep eating my comments after I make small edits to fix grammar or typos? Last time it came back randomly, I hope…
  • Context is important for "teabags", Since we have no real means of communication in the game I and most others use teabags was a way to say thanks after you get a heal from a team mate or as a greeting at the start of the match. When directed at a killer I'd say one or two teabags is the same if they give you hatch or let…
  • If you sub to Prime solely for a DbD skin you're weird. You get so much value out of Prime, the random little game stuff is just bonuses. You get a free sub to send to your favorite streamer, you get a number of free games each month, you can watch all of Prime Video, you can get free delivery on some Amazon orders. The…
  • To me it's an intentionally vague thing that depends on how you enter the Trial. If you enter through Solo Q then you're just a stranger to the other survivors. You don't know them, you've never seen them before, you only know your objectives because the Entity informed you before the Trial. You will do what you can to…
  • Open Handed does not make the aura reading on Wiretap larger. That said 14 meters is still further than people realize.
  • There has been offers every month for over a year I think for stuff in Destiny 2, not a single one of those has been fully exclusive to Prime Members but also acquirable in the game. The specific bundle they offer is still exclusive. Just like how the bundle of all three parts of the Plagues Rift skin for "free" using a…
  • Up until the big Meta patch in June I had maybe like 10 hours out of my then near 1000 hours on Survivors. Since then I'm more or less a 50/50 player since Survivor got SO much more fun to play.
  • The first thing I'll say is If three gens are done all is permitted, tunnel, slug, camp, do what has to be done to regain the pressure. Also, if someone is hooked after Player A then Player A is free game again. It's only truly tunneling if you hook Player A and then wait until they're unhooked only to go for them again…
  • I've seen it on killers during night time a few times, usually 50% but for a magical half an hour I saw it at 100%.
  • Pretty sure the great skill check area is the same with Unnerving Presence as without, only the good skill check area is smaller. But I haven't played enough survivor against that perk to be fully sure.
  • The loud minority will always be 90% hyperbole. This is why it's good that BHVR is paying attention to data and not just who screams the loudest on the forums.
  • It sure is :D Yeet that survivor!
  • When you hit someone with a Bound as Wesker it will launch you an additional distance. That's what's referred to as the extension as it makes you launch even further than you normally would if you hadn't hit them. Add-ons like the Jewel Beetle halves this extra distance and makes you throw the survivor sooner after hitting…
  • This doesn't seem right, I get matched with both Russian and UK streamers all the time. And there's been some Italian ones in there too. Guess it could be down to VPNs but I dunno.
  • In my opinion her birds work best if you use them one at a time. That way they recharge faster after sending them off or they go away after idling. It's important to remember that the birds deal instant damage if they hit a survivor within the line in front of the bird if unobstructed. This can be great in loops, since…
  • This was the post that disappered for me first, mentioned in the edit below, ignore it, the second was better written xD
  • You don't need a single token of Stake out to hit every great skill check. I'm not even that good at skill checks in my opinion but I've gotten Hyperfocus to 6 stacks and stayed there for several skill checks without Stake out.
  • What happens? The pallet drop on the wrong side, despite you not walking through to the other side yet? You were roughly 1/3rd though to the other side of the pallet, so of course it drops in on the side it did.
  • You realize that it only gives a 10 second aura once after each injury you do. That doesn't exactly do anything in the long run.
  • It's hard to deny that he has some janky moments with his power here's a couple of clips I recorded yesterday:
  • From my experience playing Wesker for about 8 hours yesterday the new grab hitbox is a bit too unforgiving. There were many times where I seemed to just phase through the survivors. As it is now you have to aim so that from your perspective you bound in front of the survivor or it will miss. You can even miss point blank…
  • I can add to the last comment that it happened to be as well. During a custom game with two friends. It was impossible for all of us to interact with the cube.
  • Does this mean that the left arm is actually the head of the creature? :P
  • "If you've already reached Prestige 3 on a character, your dedication will be rewarded. Each character currently P3 will receive an exclusive, unique reward- more details to come soon." Was this actually said? I don't remember that being in the stream so just wanna check the validity.
  • Billy, I swear his chainsaw sprint magnetize to the nearest object 90% of the time. I can make sure I don't press any buttons or move the mouse and he just turn straight into the nearest debris. I also hate playing as Nurse and Blight, I can do decent with them but I don't enjoy how mistakes on them hurts you much more…
  • I can't explain this but it's hilarious :D As someone that play a lot on Nemesis I know this pain. It's always such a nice and exciting moment when the game prioritize the thing you're not trying for, be it to hit that survivor or be it the pallet or breakable wall. It's uncanny how often the wrong thing is hit.
  • The fact there's people that think that the killer shouldn't always end up catching the survivors shows why there's so much whining about killer being OP still despite overwhelming proof of the opposite. It should take time but even the worst chaser should be able to eventually get a down when in a match with similar skill…
  • I don't care about others' MMR, I just wanna see my own so I can compare with friends and have an idea where I place.
  • There has been reports of this happening, yes. It seems something might have borked with Rancor after the last patch.
  • According to this it's just Raccoon Police, which, while cute and hilarious, doesn't make sense and was possibly a hiccup in the translation from Japanese to English :P It's not as bad as in any way but gives me "All your base" vibes :D ... Then again, New York City Police Department isn't NYCPD, and my knowledge of US…
  • They also remove Artist's birds, both on people and while placed idle. They can also be used to burn Wraith out of stealth. They can also be used to remove Hag traps. They can also stun Nemesis' zombies. They can also blind Victor. In terms of ways to use them they're probably the most versatile, even more so than maps and…
  • "Is it tunneling if you wait out BT to down the freshly unhooked survivor? Absolutely!" Only if you also pick them back up and keep hooking them. Downing a freshly unhooked survivor to trigger altruism from the team so you can get someone else down and people off gens is just tactical gameplay. The more time survivors…
  • I fully agree that there should be an option to turn it off, I'm a grown adult I can survive some curse words, people can already wish death and illness on people without getting censored so why would the rest matter? Though, I then also request that it highlights words that got censored for someone else when I say them…
  • I fully agree with the nodding, it's basically the same as tea bagging. Neither is toxic unless used in a way that is intentionally toxic, which is much harder for the nods. Tea bagging after outplaying the other player isn't toxic, it's just cheeky fun for the most part, the same goes for nodding as killer after you down…
  • Flashlights are fine the way they are, though making it slightly harder to blind from the sides wouldn't hurt, but I will forever insist that they should have a minimum charge depletion so we can stop having clickers running around. Especially macro clickers. If one use of a macro click depleted a max battery flashlight…
  • You only see the base points + glyph points in the score screen at the end (for some reason), to see what you got with your offering and perk bonuses you have to check the first page of the endgame stats which only show your own points and current BP balance.
  • I've been skimming through this thread and as a killer main I've come to the conclusion that yes, survivors should have BT and DS baseline. As long as there are still 5 gens to do. In the lore the Entity could be protecting them because it want the trial to last longer. Most of what I hear is that the killer can just…
  • Shrine of Secrets is just to unlock Teachables though, or did you mean you spend shards to get BP from perks you already have?
  • All you need to know is that Grades doesn't reflect skill, just play time. The Skill rating is hidden.
  • Like most others as Killer I consider a 3k or more a win. A 2k is a tie and anything less is a loss. For survivor, the few times I decide to suffer that gameplay, an escape is a win even if it's just me. But I'd also say that getting over 20k BP is enough to be considered a win too, Basically to me both sides can be…
  • Basically what OP what is the old Rank system rather than the new Grade system. I think this is because it seems more than half the player base still haven't grasped that Grades =/= Rank. Grades are a reward system for your game time, not a measure of your skill. It's precisely this reason that makes hiding the grades in…
  • Imo the house areas are still survivor sided, with good loops and nasty hiding places, while the corners and the road is killer sided with lots of open space and few pallets.