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  • I think the tactic may justify the game play. If you have a squad of 4 ultra alutrisic teammates who bring in flashlights and are lined up at every pallet along the way the counter is to slug and leave them on the ground because you know they are going to come save their teammate. However, i can agree with you that the…
  • I would have to assume then that either the other player's connection is poor or there is something else going on. I am a PC player and only have that issue when another players ping is extremely high. Most of the time though they don't disconnect, they just rubberband around.
  • You take some responsibility of risk playing this game. That could be showing your IP, it could be permitting yourself to be abused, to language in post-game chat. The only true way to protect yourself is not to play. However, just because games like F13 have dedicated servers does not mean that it is a simple…
  • PC or console? Also, what is your internet speed?
  • The game is not broken. That wait time is because of the event. During normal gameplay it is normally 5 or so minutes. That escalates when events happen and many survivors thirst for more bloodpoints. While it may not be fun it is just because there are more people queuing up as killer.
  • About that...While they have time to make cosmetics, those are fundamentally way easier to make than new killers. Killers need a different mechanic for their playstyle to be unique and fun. Otherwise, BHVR will get yelled at like Bubba and Hillbilly. They also need to make sure it does not break anything more than is…
  • The problem with your suggestion is that BHVR does not have dedicated servers. If they implement a Dedicated server then you can implement more bans and cooldowns. Until then, hopefully, they have enough evidence to ban people.
  • The problem I have with this is that you may ask for one, then the next person asks for two, then three, then they are all free. The problem isn't that they give one skin away for free, it is that people EXPECT them to give more away and won't be happy no matter what they get. I am not trying to call you out, but even if…
  • Once one of the gates are opened. So 5 gens finished and at least 1 gate open the Hatch closes or no longer spawns. It is still there if you are the last remaining survivor and the gens have not been completed.
  • So to prove you wrong, you are in no way "ENTITLED" to a 4k because you killed/camped/ tunneled the other 3 players. So if a team is terrible, but one player isn't they deserve the opportunity to escape. I know this can be abused. Sure, you will have some urban evading Claudette who will camp over the hatch while 2 or 3 of…
  • Do you really see that as desperation? As a killer main I see two kills as a tie, 3 kills as a win, and 4 kills as domination. However, I am not above carrying survivors to the hatch and letting them go. Nor am I above letting people use a hatch to leave. The thing is that other killers whine about the hatch because they…
  • Here is the thing. THIS GAME WILL NEVER BE BALANCED. Get over the idea that it will be. We can use Miriam-Webster's Dictionary for the definition of Asymmetrical - having two sides or halves that are not the same. So trying to balance this around the majority of players is a bad idea. Balancing this around the sweaty…
  • How do you figure? They still get 1 hook and no matter what the next hook they get they are in struggle. DS means you may not even get them to the hook. I will take the guaranteed hook over the potential miss. @fcc2014 Common sense is lacking I can definitely agree. People don't want to change how they play, "Git Gud",…
  • Then run enduring on your build. Problem solved.
  • Here are my criticisms of this, while we all agree that the hatch is broken, this in no way helps the game. As a killer main, instead of a hatch standoff, I LET THE SURVIVORS TAKE THE HATCH! Problem solved. Really, it is simple. I may hit them to get a few extra points, kinda like the exit gate, but why make it an issue.…
  • Why don't you convince her it is for you, that may work better. It is not bad to be selfish sometimes. Just be open and honest. I want this! Easy. Sure I know funds may be a different story, but again, you will use it. The other issue, unfortunately, is that the reporting system is owned by a 3rd party on the console. You…
  • You were trying to start a fight. The problem is that you are trying to cover up the fact that you are not a good enough killer by saying you won't purchase skins. Remember this game is not 4K steamrolling teams every game. Just get 2 kills or more and you win like it or not. Quit whining about how killers are weak and…
  • You could always move to PC. That will fix your reporting system for all games, not just DbD.
  • You could also just leave them on the ground and put pressure elsewhere. However, you and I can definitely agree that you should play this game how you want not how others want you to play.
  • Look, I am a killer main. I love playing the killer. BUT POSTS LIKE THIS MAKE ALL THE GOOD/GREAT KILLERS LOOK LIKE TRASH BECAUSE YOU CANNOT PLAY THE GAME. I am sorry, but gen tapping is not an exploit. If you think it is, you are playing the wrong game. I bet you are a killer who thinks DStike is the worst thing in the…
  • You are right. I think they just need to get rid of a few perks. DStrike is up there as the first they should get rid of. I would hate this game so much if everyone ran the same damn 4 perks every game. #MakeAllPerks Viable. The only reason you feel that the grind is too much is because you just want a Meta perk.
  • @lyric Is right. Just run deer stalker if that is what you need to keep track of survivors. It does not sound like a game issue that sound like a player who chose the wrong perk for their playstyle issue.
  • Why do you have to give an opinion 24 hours after something comes out? Let's say you slept for 8 of that and took bathroom, eating, and a short rest for 2 hours of that time as well. 14 hours of play not to mention queuing and such is not worth a review. How about you make a comment 1 month from now. Give people and…
  • I could be wrong, but I thought that number was just a generic number. I thought they had lifted the category number past 8K a few months or almost a year ago, but just kept it at 8K for showing purposes.
  • So what is your suggestion? The worst part of any trial is sitting and pressing space bar. I don't think increasing the time it takes will help at all, let alone it is boring to do that to survivors. You could mix it up so that other buttons are used rather than just space bar so it mixes it up a bit. You could also add…
  • I am not really sure what it is your are asking/telling us? The game does not have many mechanics to it. Survivors complete generators and try to escape from the killer when needed. There is nothing else to really do. So pallets and looping are part of the way really the only way that survivors can escape. So in theory…
  • You do realize that they do apply after the trial/match is over right? BBQ - Posting: A deep bond with The Entity unlocks potential in one's Aura reading ability. After hooking a Survivor, all other Survivors' Auras are revealed to you for 4 seconds when they are further than 52/46/40 metres from the Hook . Each time a…
  • I am sorry, but I too don't have this issue. Have you tried running a perk other than self-care and see if it does it too? If so, maybe it is a sign that you have gotten too good for self-care.
  • It is not cheating in any form or fashion. Let's use some actual examples of cheating. How about a program that adds a God Code into the game and a player can hack the speed in which a survivor/killer moves? Yes, they have changed the foundation and code of the game. How about a program that allows the killer to see…
  • Here is where I think the biggest issue lies with your argument. SWF is a game mode - like queuing up as the killer. The two are totally different queues but end up meeting together. You are discussing punishing people in the game for a behavior that is out of the game. Now if you have modified or changed said files that…
  • if you enjoy playing in a swf group why would you need the exp/bp perks of it . If this is a casual group of people playing what a hour maybe 2 every few days together why is this a issue? The BP is why many people grind the game and why even more play as SWF groups. Taking that away and forcing people to play solo queue…
  • However, in today's gaming environment this is not a viable solution. 1. BHVR would need to implement Dedicated servers, which I agree needs to be done, before they could even implement this. There is too much strain on the killer's bandwidth already that we are seeing really crappy network connections in game. 2. There…
  • I just asked if you would like to admit you are wrong. There was nothing personal there. However, your argument still makes no sense. Does Usain Bolt who is naturally faster than everyone else create an unfair advantage? How about Michael Phelps? Those two broke many records, but they are not equal on the competition level…
  • I know the grind is bad, but I think the perks should be reworked first, before fixing the grind. I say this because I don't want to go every match playing against the same 4 perks. Make the other perks great so there are more variable builds, then fix the grind. If all survivors/killers run the meta build it makes the…
  • I know they are working on other game modes, but I think most of them should require Dedicated servers before they release anything.
  • I will give you an intelligent argument here. There is this thing called the social contract written in various forms by Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau. The social contract is a theory or philosophy that the state is greater than the individual. Basically, the "state" being the governing body and the "individual" being the…
  • We can all have an opinion. Someone can argue and debate that Nickelback is the greatest band of all time. It is an opinion. Just like voice comms is cheating. Both Nickelback being the greatest and Voice comms is cheating are both examples of opinions that sane people know is just not true. So you can keep arguing and…
  • What are you debating on changing?
  • I will say this, as a killer main, I let the survivor have the hatch. Now, with that said a few things matter to make this decision. * Is my time worth a few extra bloodpoints? A. Yes. Even if it is 3 hours those bloodpoints matter that much? B. No, the realistic answer. It is not worth standing there for a kill. Let the…
  • The problem with your suggestions is the punish people for wanting to play together. That is my key point. If I want to play solo in this game I could get everything. I could be killer - play it solo now without issue. I can play survivor solo now, and I get left on a hook because I don't have a friend or a partner.…
  • So there are two issues you bring up: * Rank. Rank is bs in this game. It is so easy I could set my 4 year old nephew down and he could make rank 1 in a few hours/days without having really any skill. The survivors and killer basically just need to breathe to rank up. It means absolutely nothing. Now, a short list is true…
  • However, you just pointed out thinking about it one-sided and then complain it is only against killers. In reality, it is not a balance issue, it is a game health and quality of life issue. Before you probably even heard of DbD the game had been released in March 2016 without SWF. Lobbies took forever to play because…
  • No, because it is extremely rare to see the same players over and over and over again. Once or twice maybe, but you will probably see at least another group in between or after a back to back match. What you are failing to see is the history of the situation. 1-2 games is not going to ban you. Now if you are 10-15 games…
  • I call playing killer "Salt Mining" because it is exactly that. If you win, you are called names, cheater, tunneler, camper, etc. If you lose you are EZ and teabagged. Play how you want to play. Do not let anyone tell you what you need to do, because as a killer, all you need to do is have fun for yourself. If you do that,…
  • There is a very easy clarification here. The phrasing may be lengthy, but the word the team is looking for is Harassment. Tunneling, camping, stream sniping in one match is not harassment. That is just a player playing a game. Purposefully targeting a player multiple games in a row to ruin the experience is harassment.…
  • Congratulations on trying to make your opinion heard, but your opinion is wrong. To best argue this point lets look at a common definition of cheat(ing): Cheating is the receiving of a reward for ability or finding an easy way out of an unpleasant situation by dishonest means. It is generally used for the breaking of rules…
  • You did not understand the actual problem that I stated was the cause. Sure, a series of checks is great to program into a game. Where is that held? On the hosting server. So each player has details and information, but the HOST AKA KILLER is the one that is collecting all that data and sending it back to the HQ Server. So…
  • They just made one earlier this afternoon. Stating it will be out early next week depending on the certification process from the consoles. So, they do make announcements and are even upgrading their presence by posting on youtube live and others in the future.
  • If you are a PC user you should just play on PC. Better FPS, Better Controls, Better Experience. I am not digging at the console players, but this game was built for PC. Why would you go to console?