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  • Edit** Oh wow I definitely just did a game and self care botany is 24s so the comment below is correct which is kinda amusing because that means they heavily nerfed Self-Care across the board, plus nerfed med-kit efficiency builds. So the only thing benefitting from new botany is altruistic healing speed and med-kit…
  • The Vigil idea is weird. Mori's are offerings and typically perks don't really affect offerings (even if Ebony is gg). Vigil's problem is it doesn't interact with some of the strongest status effects in the game like the timed Broken and Exposed statused (MYC, H:HG, IM). It also has no interaction whatsoever with perks…
  • Vigil's problem isn't that- "oh man I don't get faster double exhaustion anymore". The problem with Vigil is it's interaction is so niche and the few things is does tangibly effect are effected so little that it isn't worth the slot. It: doesn't effect two of the biggest timed debuffs, Exposed and Broken. (IE Deliverance,…
  • The survivors only get items from chests, would you like to go fetch your killer power from chests? Add-ons require a perk that works on RNG and most of which aren't nearly as impactful as killer add-ons. This post reeks of bias. Point being is some of you guys sure like to boast about the game being asymmetrical when it…
  • Lower CD, or 2 more seconds of active time would be great. There really is not enough well designed maps for mind games to encourage the perk to be significant with 3s. With 3s of use and 40s CD it also relies on combos and cannot stand on it's own IMO. Also for Quality of Life just as Make Your Choice and Blood Warden…
  • -To be clear- I was talking about removing it from Hex category and possibly having it as a debuff perk similar to Sloppy, just timed, not adding a timer on top of it being a Hex. I want to see it used more. Understood about your point with TS. I like playing against the perk as a solo-duo player. So I'd love seeing it…
  • Buff Vigil LOL that perk is so bad
  • *Longingly sighs at the thought of Vigil including exposed timers like MYC, H:HG, IM*
  • If they stick with the idea of the endurance being around while healthy too then it'll finally be worth taking for Billy/Endgame Leather camps. I just hope they make the protection scores actually work so earning tokens is real.
  • DS is a fail-able one-time use perk lol- relax. Enduring still works on pallets smarty! Better with the change, even. Also Stridor actually overrides Iron Will, so it's the other way around. So cut the circle jerk drama session, it's boring. Besides, rationally DS' stun will likely go down to 3 or 4s with this. So the only…
  • I'm definitely of the opinion they need to have a certain radius that they spawn away from generators specifically. Risky spots for risky perks are okay just not near generators, that always seemed silly that I could just hop right back on a gen next to me if I broke a totem while a killer was in chase.
  • Hook positioning hasn't been much of a threat since the hook placement changes, funny enough. I can kill 4 people in the same area in the majority of the maps in the game. HT is just to sneeze on people's already niche team build tbh.
  • Maybe we can finally make maps spooky and dark again if we just nerf Claudette's dark outfits >:^)
  • It happens on both sides. Easier to happen on survivor because of the odds, of course. I can't tell you how many times a killer has rage quite simply for my team doing well, whether that be losing the killer, doing gens correctly to not get 3gen'd, cleansing to deny noed, or when they get greedy and go for the BT rather…
  • Wake Up did not get buffed, I'd appreciate if you'd edit that. Pharmacy is actually the only good Quentin perk at the moment. Vigil is not potent enough to have an affect on the FEW timed status affects such as Huntress and Clown add-ons, and ever since the exhaustion change, doesn't have a meaningful effect on your perk…
    in Pharmacy buff Comment by Panduh May 2019
  • So indirectly buff flashlights and keys, then. Flashlights have been on the weaker side since they got changed dramatically + the pickup speed buff(I won't say those weren't needed changes). Especially since the difference in blind duration with a purple + odd bulb + intense halogen from a regular one is abysmal (~3s ->…
  • The way it activates is very weird. The killer needs to be in the range on the survivor's screen if I'm not mistaken (sorta favor the shooter like OW?) which is confusing. I say this because some killers get hit very far, and some watch the thing miss directly in front of the locker, so that's my guess. IMO the best way to…
  • I just want more base chest spawns, so I get a chance to use builds in case I decide to be responsible and do a ruin gen while everyone runs around like chicken, stealing all the chests even while having an item of their own lol
  • Fifty to sixty bloodwebs per character instead of 170-190? I'm swooning at the thought.
  • Idea looks familiar ;) It's probably the best direction we have to go, however.
  • That's fair. I suppose I just want the game to feel less abysmal when I finally find a Hag and I'm not wearing Urban Evasion, since I usually like running more interesting stuff. Yanno? I think it'd really help incentivize more jukes/mindgames if survivors could move a tad faster in both walking and crouch walking(other…
  • Okay okay, I really like the aura reading immunity. Kinda goes with that same design of no blood and less noise making NM harder to find. I'm curious what others might think.
  • "Working as intended" is kind of a lazy argument that promotes stagnant conversation. Old Decisive and Borrowed Time were working as intended, but they sure didn't feel good to play against. Sure, it makes me jump too and all- and pulling the camera would be okay if it didn't also pull me to run toward the trap. Those are…
  • I think making another perk specifically not work with another is a bit strange. The last bit about dying recovery would be unnecessary. I'm of the opinion recovering a strong exhaustion perk while running isn't something the team wants(it's alright if you aren't). If you were to say better recovery outside of running,…
  • Update! Added thoughts on Ashley J. Williams' perks. New suggestion for Solidarity, updated several texts, some thoughts about Luck(see: Up The Ante comment) Lots of feedback! Get in here and tell me what you think!
  • I just wish the Phantasm Trap wouldn't pull my controls toward it lol That and the fact that it tracks the survivor who trigger it with rotation while it's active leaves some counter-play to be desired. And no- "equip urban immersion or a flashlight every match just in case" is not counter-play.
  • Wouldn't this just create more reason to not heal in this meta? Several killers force you to not heal + the negating MoM's downside by waiting for Adrenaline's heal rather than healing to expose yourself, etc. What's wrong with not having a huge tell-tale to the killer that you can recover from dying anyway? Sure most…
  • A totem counter or pre-hit exposed notification would make the perk feel light-years better to play against.
  • I would agree if it didn't inadvertently screw with Kindred! It'd make the perk usuable only twice instead of giving it to your teammates one last time on death hook. I think if they were still offerings while requiring 2 hooks would still be cool, we all like the animations n all- but getting a game cut short or pretty…
  • I love a good interesting healing perk, but they seem to keep falling short, as with AD and Solidarity.
  • Apologies, was busy, but absolutely. Hopefully this will make it more accessible and easier to directly discuss on, any other suggestions welcome. Added a more simple Autodidact suggestion as well.
  • I like it! I'd love to see similar discussion from people like you, if you'd like to take a look at my document on this thread too! IMO just over half the survivor perks in the game are…
  • Ah thank you! Fantastic feedback! I had actually thought similarly of Lithe, I just thought it would be too controversial to add. Maybe something small for the passive vault speed boost. I'm glad you liked a handful of ideas, and hope more people will agree :)
  • Thanks for the comment! I was hoping for some discussion on ideas in the document, as we need more variety and use in the perks we have currently.
  • I appreciate the added discussion! I was hoping this could be about the current perks and not ideas for new ones! We need more variety and viability in the perks we already have IMO.
  • "Incorrect, the hooks don't spawn that close, idiot survivor main- us victimized intelligent killer mains would know that." is shown photo evidence -vanishes- "Toxic no brain survivor main, you are a fool, the killer 100% used offerings to add more hooks. If you weren't so feeble minded, you would use your own offerings…
  • It only started coming up for me in this patch hence why I brought up the mandatory spin during the drop animation, I think the weird activation regions might have introduced a new bug. So there's a lot more delay from the survivor hitting the action and it ending. That or the infamous vacuum prevented us from seeing it…
  • The point being that there are moments where bad or just toxic survivors do it anyway, and when the hookee gets punished for it, it's very unfair and feels bad, especially considering the killer made the effort to not hit the farming rescuer when the rescuer would either get pulled off or not receive the speed burst due to…