I suppose so, but BHVR have already said that they did not get the show's rights, only the games…
Carmilla is just a secondary boss in Castlevania games and most time it doesnt even have a human form.
If we are staying true to lore, Dracula would be formidable at first but eventually taken out with a stake to his heart when he sleeps during the day. Few points on this… Castlevania's Dracula cannot die to the stake to his heart. Not talking about the Netflix series one but the one in the games. Even if he could die, how…
Oh, for a moment i though more on things like the halloween skeletons that are able to wound survivors. Yeah, i dont see a problem on him being able to throw snowballs on both Bat and Wolf forms too.
I'm honestly not sure of being able to use them on Bat form. The form gimmick is that you are not supposed to be able to attack by any means. Now, on Wolf form? Yeah, he totally should.
Bat teleport is one of the worst teleports in the game already and Medusa Hair addon got nerfed. Shapeshift is 3.5 seconds after the nerfs tho. As i have said many other times, Wolf form needs buffs to tracking. I wouldnt mind the Pounce being hard to aim and hit as long as the form's primary job is to be a "tracking tool"…
Its the same time.
My guy, you are totally fixated about the "Spirit vs Dracula" thing. I just forgot about this discussion but you keep quoting me everytime weeks after the last time. And in fact, this list proves that Spirit is still on the very strong side (which you claimed she was "not very good"). This comparison is mostly dead already…
Hellfire was totally fine before with the 7 second cooldown. It did already punish you if you did miss it and forced you to Wolf while other killers can just spam their M2 with no cooldown. Im fine with it having a cooldown as he has other forms to help him, but 7 seconds was already a lot for a hindered ability like his…
Wesker is decent and his tunneling right now is not better than many other killers. If Wesker can tunnel, a lot of killers can do as well as him.
About stacking both addons, may i ask why not tho? Some months ago its true that trying to stack both of them was bugged and it actually did increase the CD instead of reducing it, but that was fixed and you can stack them nicely now. Or maybe you mean that its better to use one of them and then just using another addon…
Interesting that you mention the "ignores practically every obstacle in the game", while the ability itself is hindered by not ignoring high obstacles. Huntress, Pyramid Head, Nemesis (post buff) are some examples of killers having better ranged M2 than Dracula while they have 0 second CD. Even counting the huntress…
I…dont understand how a 7 seconds CD ranged M2 is "spammable" when other killers have a literally 0 seconds CD ranged M2.
Hellfire was decent before, no nerf needed. Other killers can just spam their M2 while Drac had to change forms because it had a 6 second CD. Wolf form was buffed in the wrong way. He needs better tracking tools, not better Pounce. The orb increased rate doesnt do anything to locate survivors if they dont drop orbs while…
Great, thank you!
I find it kinda interesting that i did explain many points on why they are bots/the same guy but you automatically disregarded all of them and made it seem like i did write that because "people care about the same issue and are voicing their concerns". By just a quick look at those points and a tiny few more, you can tell…
You can see that their names have mostly the same pattern, with most of them with 1 post, lots of them had the exact same amount of upvotes and also lots of the posts were written within 1 minute timeframe between them. They are either bots or the same person creating multiple accounts. Its pretty clear.
Noed or Devour Hope only works for his M1 in Wolf form, it does not work on his M2. Or are you saying that he shouldnt be able to M1 in Wolf form? Because honestly, that form is not even that good to begin with…
And here i am playing killer, predicting a pallet throw, getting some distance from it to not get stunned, and getting stunned 1 meter away from it. Sometimes they seem like a gamble.
What i find interesting is what people have been saying about Spirit of all sudden compared to before. Before Dracula exist: "Spirit is still top 5 killers in the game, even after the directional audio nerf" After Dracula exist: "Nah Spirit is not that good and is easily counterable" ?????? But the best part is that in the…
I would say is 50/50 on killer and survivors fault on that case. Yes the killer chooses to slug when the 3rd survivor is hooked, but for some reason a lot of hooked survivors decide to keep struggling until the end instead of letting themselves get killed, after all they are not going to escape anyways.
And……what does the higher CD on Hellfire has to do with this? With all my due respect, you just seem to be…salty. If he wants to camp with Hellfire no matter if he has 7, 10 or 20 seconds CD, that is not going to stop him to do it?
Hellfire CD nerf was not needed. Wolf form is buffed in the wrong way. Make the tracking better when you need to actually track people: outside of chase. When in chase i can track people with any killer. Right now is just another full chase tool, and Dracula having both of them means he will just use the best one (until…
Wolf form does need buffs to actual tracking. Having that tracking in-combat is worthless on most scenarios: you can just track any survivor with any killer in chase and they should escape very few times (unless they have specialized builds to escape). Tracking should be useful outside of chase, you know….when you do…
Well they have said that they will have the hotfixes to change the rest, but… i dont get then why we gave them feedback in the PTB forum.
Dracula needs more changes to Wolf form. Right now these will not help his tracking potential at all, and it will still be a worse chase form than Vampire. For being Dracula's tracking tool, it surely sucks at tracking. Smaller pounce charge time and orbs appearing 1 second earlier will not help at all and it will still be…
Hellfire was fine. Its already handicapped by high obstacles, had a long cooldown and its the only thing Dracula has in Vampire form. Keep in mind other forms have both M2 and passives, but Vampire form only has the M2 with no special passives. The hitbox its also tight and you can pretty much bait it and dodge like any…
Well, i'm also fine with him not biting, i never see him biting in the games honestly. I like his mori because of how classy it is.
I main Dracula, and while i like how he is, i still have the feeling that it could have been actually more faithful to the source material. In Castlevania games he never transforms into a wolf (in all of more than 20 games, he transforms into wolf in….one of them) and he also almost never transforms into bat or bats. In…
Honestly it just seems like a personal hate against the killer (dont get me wrong, i also have some vendetta against some killers even if they are not very good: i just hate playing against them). Its kinda interesting that you did mention Hillbilly as a "well-designed killer" when after the last buffs he got he is…
Out of curiosity, why? He needs skill to use his power and its not that hard for the survivors to dodge. He is one of the few killers in the entire game that if it hits the survivor when the survivor is finishing the pallet/window jump, he will not hit with the power while almost every other killer hits (before it actually…
Wolf still needs far more changes. Its still terrible at tracking while the form was marketed as his tracking tool, and his pounce is still easy af to dodge and hard to aim. I also dont even understand why the nerf to Hellfire. It was fine already, a ranged attack you could bait, dodge and is still hindered by not being…
Literally all the things you've listed you can do against Dracula you can do against Spirit efficiently as well, her invisibility is massively overrated against survivors with a good headphone. And if you get juked as Spirit you now have a longer cooldown than Dracula and you're getting looped as a 110% speed killer with…
I mean you cannot even see them in Bat form. You also do not see pools of blood, how do you make it even harder for tracking?? The form has literally an extremely hindered tracking. You cannot go and just remove the scratch marks too. That would destroy it both for chase and mobility, as the survivors could now just run if…
Hatch is always called as a "null" thing (even if the survivor escapes, for the killer it does count as a 4k). However that is just not the truth. The survivor gets the BP for escaping but the killer does not get the same BP as if did kill the survivor as far as i know, so its not a "null" thing and it actually favors the…
Latest Otz killer list its from 9 months ago, from patch 7.5.0, where Spirit was already nerfed, and he ranked her at 3rd place after Nurse and Blight. I think the only change we could maybe have in that tier list now that could dethrone Spirit is that Chucky has become somewhat of a monster after the recent changes, but…
Update: It seems to be something void-related. I think it did happen on my next game too, i entered the void, left it and it got fixed. Its like the "void" sound effects and environment are applied outside of the void, hindering the audio.
Honestly i dont even remember about that. Maybe i did, maybe i dont. However im pretty sure you know that giving up on hook at first down or giving up on hook when you are the second to last to die, the other two survivors are dead and the last one is being slugged…yeah, those are not by far the same thing, and you know it.
Im sorry but this is not true at the slightest. I have been playing mostly Dracula-only since he came out, i play with the 3 forms and Wolf is just bad. As the "tracking tool" that Dracula has is actually terrible as tracking and in chase the Vampire form is better in 95% of loops. Hell even in some loops with high walls…
Mori should totally be available if every person is hooked already. Having said that, however… i think you should also blame the survivor who is struggling in the hook when no one is going to come to rescue him. That person can get out asap and so the killer will mori and the match will end. The killer choses to mori in…
The fact that it cannot see survivors opens up a natural counterplay already.
At min 7:00 if you want. He literally says "Hellfire is better than half of the powers that are similar, better than Nemesis tentacle, better than Pyramid Head.." and he even says "..with shorter cooldown". Like WHAT? Dracula has 7s cooldown, Nemesis and Pyramid Head have literally zero cooldown. Maybe with the cooldown…
Isnt the mori animation actually shorter than picking the survivor - moving into a hook - all of the hook + death animation?
Im sorry but, even if i like Scott (he is one of the few dbd streamers i follow on Twitch) that video is full of BS and it seems he just have some personal vendetta against Dracula. Spirit is usually still relegated as the better killer. Usually being put in top 5 killers in the game, and sometimes some people even put her…
The counter to tunneling/camping is to not get caught. So, remove the basekit BT, dont get caught and you will not need it. We can say the same to both Survivors and Killers. Honestly the "the counter is to play better" should not be said.
What i meant is that is not an indicator of Dracula being strong. Its either one of these 3 things: You are not saying the truth by saying you win "80% of the time with a hindered Dracula" The people you play against are honestly absolutely terrible If what you say is the truth and the people you play against are good,…
Again, problem seems to be the Shapeshift, or the Shapeshift + Bat form combined. Bat form as a standalone power is just "decent". Also, different killers, different powers. Trying to nerf it by "mimicking" the other one does not make any sense.
I just said that between nerfing or buffing Hellfire, it should be slightly buffed instead of nerfed, but i dont think it needs buffs or nerfs anyways. Im just saying that Hellfire doesnt need any nerfs. Also, i wouldnt call them "smart" seeing some track record with a lot of killers and very doubtful balancing decisions.
It will be fair if they also buff Wolf form heavily. If not, then Bat form will be "fair", Vampire form will be "fair" and Wolf form will be "bad". On the quote you did mention from me i didnt mention buffs tho?
Time limit on Bat form would be an absolute terrible idea. People are talking about the chase aspect, you are supposed to stay in bat form always for patrol.