Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • Yet again they do this extra non sense when no one was asking.. instead of focusing on more important things such as game balance and bugs. Gj.
  • P36 nurse, luckly i've got more than 2k flans so it's easier to level up
  • The problem with nurse and blight is the addons they have. As someone said, and everyone knows, basekit both of them are already stronger than every other killer with addons.
  • Nerfing her so she won't be able to blink tru' walls = that's not a nurse anymore. I suggest get rid of the range addons, slight nerf to recharge addons, make them not to be stack-able, and her blink attacks to be special attacks.
  • 3 sec dstrike is not new indeed, but that was years ago where the game was a bit different in terms of maps, loops and killer's. 3 second dstrike vs most of the killers equals insta tunnel if someone is not body blocking the guy excluding nurse or blight which prolly will ground both of the survivors in like 15 seconds.
  • It's simple why, surv mains are crying cuz they lose their lovely perk aka press E to dodge and waste killer's time for no reason. And killer mains are crying over their gen perks being nerfed which I think is not that bad, and I'm 50/50 surv/killer. Prolly gens will go faster vs a decent surv team but I'm glad they…
  • Everyone says she's not hard only because they play against brand new players or newbies. Go play vs decent survivors and comeback in this thread after with the results, and then if you really think she's 'ez' go and play vs a strong solo's or a strong swf or a scrim vs good players, and post the videos or screenshot of…
  • Most of people from this forum don't even play nurse / they play against really mediocre or bad players, or when they play against one is most likely a range nurse, which that's not even a good nurse. A good nurse indeed plays only with recharge or without addons. I'm a nurse main since some years and I can say that range…
  • It was fair to make a semi corrupt basekit, at least 30-40 seconds, since survivors have bt base + hope for 5 seconds. Btw, for whoever say devs arent survivor biased -> They removed the BP from BBQ and nothing else they added, but to We're gonna live forever, they removed the BP bonus but added the secondary effect. Fair…
  • Not true. Most of killer's tunnel because survivor objective are way faster than killer's objective. Killer's are punished for hooking survivors. Time to enter a chase, time to down a survivor, time to go to a hook = 1/2 gens at least if you play against decent team. And then what killer's get for that hook? Nothing,…
  • Yep, thats the mains problem with the game. They keep making big maps for some reason, instead of making and cutting em down like coal tower / wreckers yard size. And then maps like the game with 40 pallets, which most of them safe and god pallets. The new map literally is a pallet heaven aswell, a pain for m1 killers; and…
  • As again surv mains that relies on perks to carry their game cuz they have no skill without perks. And yes she will jump on you even if you dead hard, more than before. I'm waiting the day till I will see survivors not relying on perks to carry their game, and just show some skill. And yes there are survivors that play…
  • Just learn to don't care, even if you are competitive player. Just dbd is not properly balanced, no matter what, survivors are the power role in this game. Their objective is way faster than killer's objective (12 hooks which is almost impossible if you go against decent survivors). + if you see that you're going against…
  • Actually, BT & Dead hard got buffed. There are videos and streamears explaining the dead hard situation. So good job devs, pretty good job so far; but let's nerf POP cuz OP.
  • Nurse cannot be stunned while fatigue.
  • Dstrike and spine chill. About ds is good what they do about end game but the stun duration should be 5 seconds, as 3 is too less. Spine chill is a good and fun perk, not as powerful as others .. like nowhere near.
  • At this point, just remove the perk entirely or they should give to it only the iframes or dash when activated. For non-noobs survivors hitting and timing that 1 second is not hard and getting free sprint burst and endurance? Devs are so wild. And most of dead hard users are even bad at the game, that's not even a joke...…
  • They just run into straight line and expect her not to hit them.. Nurse has a lot of bad maps, one of them even macmillan @nurse mains know which one (full of rocks). This forum is bloated with trolls that calls every killer "OP", how about grow some skill?
  • By the time you break those 40 pallets from the game, "the game" should be over, unless you go against brand new players that hide's in corners... The map is busted, 0 mind game pallets.
  • You know why? Because most of them are a joke. People nowdays know to loop and drop a pallet or insta drop a pallet. Devs keep making low tier killer's because they are scared of surv mains complaining, but they should just ignore the complains. Play M1 killer at medium/high skill bracket and you will regret your day. So…
  • Nerf nurse and you won't see anyone playing killer anymore. Shes the only true killer in this game, others are a joke, apart from blight. And she has counterplay, LOS and edge of the map are best against nurse, and also rocks rocks and more rocks. And is not like it's easy to play her, it's one of the most hardest killer…
    in the nurse Comment by dreamsy10 June 2022
  • If they nerf dstrike they are crazy. The perk is nowhere near as good as it was back then. In this form is good, maybe except the locker abuse, or the gate-openin which should disable the perk.
  • Can't wait for DH nerf. <3
  • Tested it, i was on haddonfield. It works on every map I think, you just need to rotate your camera like crazy and you getting stalk, you get the stalk slow but you can know where are the survivors like that... weird bug.
  • Y'all gotta realise killer's camps or tunnels only because gen speed are ridiculous. Survivor's objective is way more faster than killer's objective.
  • This killer is at best a B bottom / C tier. Against decent survivors he will struggle, a lot. But ofc beginners will complain about everything.
  • Nurse is way more harder than blight to play + if you see a good nurse that destroys survivors in 2 min, then means it's a nurse main and with a lot of hours in the game, and guess what, she's winning without relying on sliding on walls like mr. blighty boi. Everyone knows that and if you say it's not true then means you…
  • The best and logic comment from this thread. I never saw a "good" blight to not abuse his exploits. They all abuse them and they think they are good, "takes time and skill". Bro play nurse if you wanna prove something. In 2 hours everyone can learn hug tech, sh17 tech etc... Every mediocre blight can slap on 4 gen perks,…
  • Every game has an ending at some point, I don't say dbd is at its ending but steam charts says that playerbase (at least from steam) are going down, faster. Many players left because: They changed OG maps. Everyone loves the og things, oldie but goldie. The old maps had totally different atmosphere, with the fog and…
  • It seems that it's a random bug, some people from my friend's list got the achievement with him.
  • I have 2 logs from today, don't know which one it is exactly... but the map was Azarov / Wreckers Yard. EDIT: I think the one with 44 mb it is, since I remember I was playing at least for 1 hour and half maybe.
  • Blight addons are busted, they have no negatives to it. And imo is crazy that he's an actual 115% considering nurse is 95% and she has base 2 blinks up to max 3, and blight could have 7 plus 115%. Yet basekit blight, without his exploit tech is fine, he just needs addon nerf and his exploits fixed and he will be fine, but…
  • This topic proves that survivor mains can't do anything without their lil dead hard press E to dodge hit free from a nurse or any other killer. A good survivor will always waste nurse's time, if that nurse fails 3/4 blinks on that survivor, it's already 2 gens gone considering chase time and pre-chase time (time that…
  • As i said, first let's fix the actual annoying and "OP" things in this game which are obv, swf and dead hard. Let me ask all of you this question. How many times per day you see nurse? And then how many times -per match- you see dead hards or how many times you go against a sweat squad? Eh. And yes i'm not here to defend…
  • You guys won't stop until all killer's are nerfed so there won't be any killer in que, don't you? Her addons overall are fine, don't forget it takes actual skill and time to play her even with her "op range addons". If you change her range addons then first time you change the map sizes, since even nurse struggles against…
  • If you wanna talk about broken things in this game, let's talk about swf and dead hard first, huh? Nurse in this actual form is fine, we talk about nurse but blight with actual base 5 rushes and his broken busted addon not, how weird is this huh.
  • Since you can boon it for infinite and still you have the speed of it, no, not at all balanced still. There should be a limit of how many times you can boon it, or reduce "tremendously" the range of the boon or decrease the speed till 10% or so; free heal is a free heal and denies playstyles like hit and run.
  • Blink on top of them, wait a bit, they mostly will use E and then use the second blink to down them. You can also use perks like Fearmonger, on nurse is very good.
  • There isn't "we can't", it's just a matter of time to program such a system. I'm sure bhvr has developers for this, it's just takes time yes and a lot of coding/work but you know the words, hight risk high reward. Such system could benefit this game so much. The actual system in-game report it's 99.9% of time useless, it's…
  • @MandyTalk even when we report tru' website they still not banning cheaters or exploiters. I reported a guy days ago with videos aswell, they responded and didn't banned them, and in the video you can see their clearly hacking. So something needs to be done about report system because is not efficient at all.
  • I'm og, playing it since early 2017. Every game back then it was with ruin. But ye ofc, surv mains gotta come here and argue for their little perk. Dead hard is frustrating to go against, especially if you see the same sh17 over and over and over again. No variety in perks at all. Devs should buff other 6 pages of perks so…
  • I know they said, but knowing them it will take another 1 year at least.
  • This ugly a$$ perk is used every god damn game i see. I rarely see a survivor not running it. Ruin was used every game some time ago and they nerfed it to hell, but this ugly perk nope.
  • At least, can you confirm that the map is being reworked?
  • Nurse was bugged. She wasn't supposed to eat the stun + fatigue when stunned, just the stun.
  • Everyone in this thread is confirmed to be a surv main. Classic thing to cry over any killer. She got fixed from her 39439 bugs, she works as intended now.
  • This has to be so rare, today i was playing like 20 matches with her and this bug didn't happen. Some nostalgia of 'old' blink bug xD
  • I'm on pc and played 3 matches already with her, didn't happened this. Pls not another month of disable
  • The current state of the game favours survivors a lot, if this perk becomes basekit... I wonder there won't be any killers, since is frustrating to go against all meta and basekit bt. Gen speeds are too problematic and also big maps. We keep nerfing killers but the maps and loops we don't look at.