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  • No. "BBQ and WGLF's BP bonuses provided an incentive to play in a fairer healthier way." Uh huh. Sure. If BBQ is such a fair and healthy perk, then there should still be a close to similar number running it ater the new update, right?? Let me know. Nothing to do with the large number of bonus BP for every match,…
  • This thread reminds me of one of the strangest 3 vs 1 interactions that I've ever had. As we all know when a survivor disconnects pretty early, it's basically the killer who guides how the game is going to play out. It's always nice when killers go a bit more gently on survivors but often doesn't happen, etc. etc. I had a…
  • "I'm not replying to any further comments under this thread because I truly don't think that most of you took the time to read why I DCed. Some people seem to get it and I'm not a fan of matches where someone DC's but context does matter." Nah. I've looked at all the comments, people are being more than kind to you trying…
  • What do you do if you don't want a large chunk of what the web offers almost every time but you are forced to spend because you have to? That's rhetorical. I'd love a complete overhaul of the entire web / things to spend BP on - it's very much needed. Here is someone's pretty interesting concept / ideas -…
  • This poster shows the correct way prestige should be illustrated in the end game. I think there's a far better way of presenting the end game info as a completely refreshed, single screen with the most relevant info but hey, there you go. My initial sort of…
  • This is a smart sort of concept and should absolutely be considered for the game. Such ideas are healthly for ongoing (and growth) development of the game. We'll probably never see it though. I suggested something not dissimilar. You'd have to balance them so that the "best" skills were very small gains but that's fine. If…
  • The removal of BP in the two main offending perks is one of, if not he most important outcome of this forthcoming release. It's poor perk design and poor game design. It should have already happened long ago. If you are feeling upset that you are not earning enough pretend currency in a video game, then there are plenty of…
  • Solid idea. Kudos to you for putting a lot of effort into this. I might suggest using the Emblem system as categories (4 for each side) and then placing each perk into the slot that most aligns with the type of gameplay it promotes. You can just put the 4 icons across where you have your titles now.
  • So many entitlted people on so many of these threads. You all have a rough idea of when it's coming out, just be patient and it will be out when it's ready to be out. Moaning about it isn't going to get it out quicker or to a particular schedule that may or may not suit you. Do you all have a brain surgery to go and…
  • On the plus side, at least the OP has put some effort into the post and has thought of an idea past the usual one line of moaning. But, still no. BP's attached to perks is poor design. It's poor perk design and it's poor game design. Perks should be items that adapt the gameplay in particular ways, not the scoring of said…
  • How many threads do we need on this? Like DH? One for each person to have a whine. BP's attached to perks is bad design. It's bad perk design. It's bad game design. Perks should be elements that adapt the gameplay, not the scoring of said game. It's been a crutch for (mostly) killers and SO boring to go against almost…
  • 56k is high even with a white glyph - you likely played well too and had many flans to eat. Well done to you. Ignore the trolls, you're good.
  • "I dont know if cuz of devs languaje not being English they explain themselves too bad or they just think we are plain stupid." Your language, your tone and your attitude really lost me at your first sentence and you really shouldn't be lecturing anyone else on language usage. The language of the change was very clear. If…
    in Devs Comment by keepingitril June 2022
  • Maybe the devs interpretation of a reward is similar to my definition of a "reward", which is strangely similar to your definition. I understand there was likely to be a very (maybe very very) limited range of things it could realistically be and many suggestions were never going to make it (why people kept suggesting most…
  • "They removed the bo from bbq and that other perk for no reason." They removed it because it's poor game and perk design. Perks are adaptations to game mechanics, not the scoring of said game mechanics. It's the single best thing this update brings for the overall health of the game and should have happened long ago.
  • An end game icon is the P3 reward? Really? An icon that I don't care about, that makes no difference to anything, that has decent merit not existing in its' proposed place to begin with? Um. That's what I've been really putting in some hours to bring up my chosen characters? A variation of an image on an end game menu?…
  • Another thread on this. Weren't there enough already? So, I'll say it again. BP attached to perks is poor design. Perks should be items that adapt gameplay, not the awarding of points relating to said gameplay. Killers have been running one perk to get a BP crutch, so it should be that way forever?? And none of this…
  • Another thread moaning about this theme? BP's attached to perks are poor design. They should have been taken out months ago. They should not be basekit. They are a crutch, grind or not. This is the single best outcome of this entire overhaul. Thank goodness. There are many ways of helping new players - justifying keeping…
  • Solid work @CupertinoEffect . Much improved on the original. I particularly like your minimising of the prestige level. Would be interesting to see if the character icons could be coloured / designed post game to represent something, eg. most altrusitic, best chaser, most gens. Or maybe they can replace the status icon -…
  • One step forward, two steps back. Because each survivor is essentially interchangeable, my understanding is that this new prestige number only represents how many times I've clicked through the bloodweb. It's doesn't tell me anything about my ability, skill or otherwise, just time spent and/or allocations of points -…
  • Just returning to my earlier comment, as I've been playing fairly consistently (and mostly decently) in recent times - mostly survivor. To cut a long story short, I stand by my original claim that this should move down to Gold. This is still a solid challenge and more in line with the other offerings. It might be more…
  • It's not bugged, I've been getting them and you can take as many matches as you need. It is a fidgety, pretty circumstantial challenge though. You have to be vaulting a pallet or window; and You have to be healthy and then be injured at some point during this process; and You have to be in a chase. All of the above have to…
  • Hi @MandyTalk, Any chance the 3 Iri Evader / Chaser challenge could be changed to 3 Gold, for 6.0.1? 6.0.2. This feels somewhat more achievable in a reasonable timeframe while still requiring that a pretty decent effort be made. Thanks.
  • All I see is "Hey look, I earn way more as a killer because I run one particular perk like every other killer, therefore survivors should have the same." I'm really hoping said perk (and the 6 other BP perks) lose their BP connections at the rework - it's terrible gameplay design and should have been taken out long ago.…
  • One other small idea @MandyTalk Maybe each of the P3 characters could be rewarded with one each of every (or most) old items, addons and offerings. Just at the back of the options, sort of "archived". I sometimes see an earlier event medkit, toolbox, flashlight or fancy cake and I think to myself, I'd like to have just…
  • Hi @MandyTalk , Have seen your posts on this topic, so know the deal. I was wondering if in addition to said reward changes happening, perhaps some / selection / many / all (older) charms could be unlocked for each rewarded character. Like as a "side reward", not the major component. Thanks!
  • I think it goes on just a touch too long. Maybe 45 seconds.
  • How can the same thing come up again and again. Having BP attached to Perks is poor game design and should have been done away with long ago. A perk should be a modest change that affects your gameplay in some particular way, not the scoring of said gameplay. There are 7 perks with BP elements attached and hopefully they…
  • " 4. I feel like I won this match" No, really, what even is this? There are SO many variables as to how you might possibly respond to this. Just ridiculous.
  • I'm working my way through challenges. I'm looking at "kill the obsession X times" now. The most efficient way of doing this challenge is simply find the person and tunnel and camp them and done. This is a TERRIBLE experience for a survivor. Yes yes, play normally and eventually you'll get it, I know; I want the challenge…
  • Couple more notes to self. Alternatively, she is a young mother figure, but stuck in eternal time. Two alternate power scenarios: There are range of "mini perks" that Mother can equip each time. Just steal from the game - block windows, explode gens, get stuck on ground (made that up), etc. etc. Say there is a range of…
  • Context matters. "gg" can mean two things. it's primary meaning is - this was a good game, thanks for playing with me. It has somewhat also taken on the meaning of an acknowledgement. And "ggwp" also, as we know. Context. Etiquette. If you as killer have just absolutely stomped all over me and my team, it was obviously not…
  • She should be a older woman - shorter but fast and spritely. Like a cross between Legion and Sadako in physicality. She is perhaps (one of) the fastest characters and should be able to get around the map at some speed to hit and activate / adjust her traps. To balance the speed, perhaps her basic attack is a little bit…
  • I see where you are coming from though respectfully disagree for the most part. This game is hardly bringing in sustainable growing new audiences, as we can see by some user stats shared on another thread. There are really only SO many costumes people need time and time again. Maybe the devs should do a costume spin off,…
  • Some good points. All the survivors would be as best balanced as possible so that each had a distinct but moderate advantage. There is no reason any particular survivor should have a bad base. The overall idea is that you'd have a generally decent spread of used survivors. Some survivors are a little more generalist and…
  • If you leave the game for any reason before its natural conclusion, then you lose your BP and get a time out. The game doesn't care if it's in the first minute or the last 10 seconds. The ban system doesn't need fixing because of your scenario and you didn't lose them for "no reason". Next time just wait the extra small…
  • I won't start a new thread for my idea because it's loosely on the same topic, but I'd like to see a randomise charm button. Keep it fresh and charming every single game (or as often as you do or don't want) but done in one click.
  • I've suggested this elsewhere. Assuming the devs are instistent on this new quicker game endings and animations... You down the last person and killer gets presented with 3 options. Animation that kills player. Animation of killer carrying body to open gate, killer acts menacingly and person crawls out. [Setting aside the…
  • This concept essentially just makes them perks which you can sort of turn on and off and as a survivor, my main issue is gens and what I need to do to get them done, not a whole system of do totems have charges. There is a new level of gameplay complexity which could be too much. It's almost a sort of minigame with items…
  • Yeah. Whichever variant of kill or save you wish for. I did think my Entity's Choice was a nice touch to add even another level of unknown. Obviously as a killer, usually I want to kill, but sometimes I might want to save and then sometimes, I can just throw caution to the wind and let the system decide.
  • If the game is going this way, I made this suggestion on another thread. Killer downs last survivor and then has three menu options. Let's say for the sake of the argument, everything's ending in an animation. Survivor gets killed as proposed. Killer has the option to spare the life of the player and the survivor crawls…
  • "In this game killers are designed to kill." "If you want to let last survivor leave, don't down him. It's that simple." Ok then. * "If it doesn't accommodate your specific personal wishes about nice merciful killers," I never said this, nor implied it. I suggested why "not downing the last survivor" isn't as simple as you…
  • Nothing complex about it. If anything this complicates things. Maybe I want to hit the survivor. Maybe I'll want to save them but hit them first. Maybe I won't realise they are the last survivor because I am distracted elsewhere. Maybe they were a bad sport and I might have wanted to save a survivor but not them. Maybe I…
  • If it's decided that the traps aren't getting buffed themselves, then give me more traps (8 - 10/12?) and make them WAY easier / faster to work with. Traps everywhere and the ability to move them quickly. Stepping in a trap while injured should down you (should be already a thing) and maybe there could be some level of…
  • I'm playing against a Legion and there are 3 injured within the first minute sometimes. Nurse can hit me from far away through walls. Plague I am frequently ill. Myers can have me exposed for really long periods very early on. Bubba can instadown you easily. Trapper might be at one injury in the first few minutes - might…
  • Just to add. I might be ok if the rework did not include effects when the number of gens got done but would need a massive buff to trap movement activities, injured survivors going down when trapped and multi-trapped being more serious. And a complete addon overhaul. That might be ok. Not absolutely top tier but a very…
  • Just returning to this briefly upon further reflection and playing and going against the killer. You really should never be hitting 6 traps and even 5 is pushing it. Still have an increasing level of bad status effects from traps, but perhaps insta down after you step in your fourth trap and dead after you step in your…
  • From a design perspective, it's really time for BP gains to be removed from all perks. Well overdue. This is just going to be the most high profile casualty (out of the 7) but it's time.
  • I've written it up with more detail in another recent post but if there was just a single structural change coming from this overhaul, it would be to eliminate bloodpoints from perks. It's just not a great design principle. The perk is run mostly because of something external to the individual game round and that's a…
  • Hi @Peanits, Wasn't sure which thread to put this in but really hope you get to see this - I think it's pretty important. Very pleased to hear about a large perks rework. A perk randomiser or part randomiser would be interesting but that's not what this post is about. I wanted to make two suggestions that I believe are…
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