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  • Franklin's Demise as Killer, for sure. I know it's not meta, but it's so much fun. Nobody never expects it. And as survivor, Adrenaline is my favorite, even tho i don't run it that much currently.
  • It's something completely different to make a NPC, or a secondary character based on a serial killer and make it a playable character. The examples you used never put Jack as the protagonist, the playable character. Never made people try to "be good" using his method. Never glorified and gave points for your brutality. And…
  • No, he shouldn't. And neither should Bubba. But we don't have Ted Bundy, the Butcher of Rostov or the Milwalkee Cannibal on the game because we don't want to glorify them. When you translate some things or references to games, movies and books, you will have real world references, and it's not a problem. But when you start…
  • It's hard to talk about killer balance on the game, cause we have a lot of situational things. Considering only their base kit and perks, a lot of killers can be considered balanced, including our top-tier Nurse, Spirit and Freddy. But a single shared perk or pink addon can change that drastically. Nurse with…
  • Come on guys, do you really want to glorify serial killers? There is no way that it can be a good thing. We have a massive number of interesting characters in pop culture, and a lot of possibility for original characters that would not hurt the memory of REAL WORLD VICTIMS.
  • I remember someone quoting here on another post about this bug. And I also think there was a message running on McLean's stream (he is one of the devs and also a twitch streamer) saying the staff acknowledges the bugs and are working on them.
  • It's a bug, much like the weird flashlight angle. And the devs already said it will be fixed SOON™ I played her for the first time this week and went like "DAMN, the aiming is hard", hahaha
  • Well, i'm not exactly a nurse main, but I'm currently playing something like this and it works pretty well: Corrupt Intervention, BBQ, Surge and Surveillance. If i see a lot of medkits on lobby, i usually ditch corrupt and go for Nurse's Calling. Nurse is all about map control and Surge/Surveillance does miracles for her.…
  • thanks, i'm happy someone agrees with me
  • They reverted the aura changes today.
  • Oh, come on! What is not to love on that "WHOWRGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!"? I still think it's funny :v
  • I agree. It's not entitlement to want to be treated like a respected customer. But to say things like "i pay your wages", "i demand to be shown this or that info", and phrases that imply the staff owes you something larger than respect is the DEFINITION of entitlement. Making suggestions, and even giving criticism is not a…
  • E N T I T L E M E N T But now, seriously... Do you really think that spending (let's guess pretty high) 200 bucks on a game is enough to demand anything? You are not their boss. You don't pay their wages. You bought a license to play the game they develop, that's it. The simple idea that if you paid to play the game, you…
  • No reason to get salty at all. But I have to say that i don't like that rework idea. First game hook straight-mori would not happen, but there is a lot of ways players could abuse the system. Hook-tunneling for stacks and then straight killing the other players would be only one possibility. The biggest problems that…
  • A nice, not gamebreaking and balanced idea is a sight for sore eyes. Kudos.
  • That's one of the things that bother me the most while playing DBD. The game offers you 20 killers with 72 different perks and 22 survivors with 80 different perks. A lot of items and addons. But the real experience is limited to a dozen perks, undefeatable builds, and a lot of sweat and tears. And here on my region (South…
  • I agree that the level of self-entitlement of this community is high as hell, but i'm starting to think maybe some of the players are not wrong when they ask for a little more attention of the staff. The disconnect/rank update forum, for example. We currently have a MASSIVE AMOUNT of people not being able to play the game,…
  • Well, I think that this kind of key binding issues can't really break the game. Otherwise, they would not allow Billy to steer using Q and E instead of the mouse movement. Also, even if it makes she teleport quickly, it would not be a game breaking thing. We have a lot of other things like macros, etc, that can really…
  • Not a huge difference, tho.
  • I don't see why both could not be possible. A pink addon that makes the entity refill your bottles after a hook would not be broken. And the time of reload being proportional to the number of bottles is also not that big of a deal. That's the kind of suggestion that should go to ptb to see how they would affect the game.
  • In any moment i said slugging is cheating. I just said the dc against a 4k slugger is something "tolerated", cause it's just not fun to wait minutes lying on the ground without being able to do anything. Basically what i said is that although it is a little frustrating to experience that, the DC penalties are already…
  • The problem with this suggestion, is that like most of them, it's based on what you want the game to do because of a bad experience of yours, and not exactly what would make the game better. "That happened to me, thus we need this change so i can have a better experience." As you said before, there is situations where this…
  • Don't get me wrong, but this is the kind of change that would break the lore and ambientation, creating some weird gameplay style. Trapper-boi could really get some buffs, but we need to discuss things that are a little more realistic. Some players already talked about this and some interesting ideas were thrown over the…
  • I just used an example, not a throughly thought idea. The mechanics don't need to be purged, just tweaked a little :P
  • Just imagine a "Nostromo" map, with a random space pod opening instead of the hatch. And some jungle gyms with breakable lab stuff. It would be an awesome chapter.
  • You got part of my point there. And I heavliy agree with you. Just putting survivors and killers of the same rank to face each other doesn't mean a guaranteed balanced match. But to change the MM system into a "really balanced" system would require a full rank/pip-system rework and a heavy change of criteria. And thats the…
  • Rank and matchmaking issues are way more complex than you think. But i don't think you're ready for this conversation.
  • definitely alien. Awesome killer and surv, great potential for even an indoor map. I really don't get why people complain that much about that possibility. It's not like the game is really attached to reality...
  • Or we can make little tweaks that turn them into situational mechanics. Moris would not be so problematic if they only could be used after 2 hooks. It would be a little like PH's power. You can save the time for the last hook, stop flashlight saves/wiggling out and quickly get back in a chase while giving up the potential…
  • When I play seriously, i like to play with something like Ruin, Thrilling Tremors, Surge and Surveillance. But my favorite builds are a little memeish. I really like to play "item-keeper trapper", for example. I take Franklin's, Save The Best For Last, Monitor and BBQ when survs bring a lot of items. Both iris and honing…
  • "HOW DARE YOU". Wow. Why am I even impressed with this level of self-entitlement?
  • Nostromo is the only indoors map that i really think i would enjoy. Imagine going out to space or entering an escape pod instead of the hatch. It would be awesome.
  • The level of self-entitlement of the fandom is TOO DAMN HIGH.
  • (WUT, my answer just vanished. Or was it deleted?) I really didn't get why are you so offended. Nobody here was bragging about being experienced players, we are just trying to give you some advice. There are some ways to discover if the killer have BBQ, if that's your problem. You can use Distortion and see if a token is…
  • I really didn't get why are you so offended. Nobody here was bragging about being experienced players, just trying to give you some advice. There are some ways to discover if the killer have B&C, if that's your problem. You can use Distortion and see if a token is spent when a friend is hooked. That way you can react…
  • I'm laughing out loud with Spirit and Huntress' nerf 🤣