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  • What reward (if any) would keep you in a game that you would otherwise leave? The prospect of better teammates. Similar to the old emblem system, it encouraged trying the best and remaining active in an already lost match to pip up and get better teammates who are actually doing something. Nothing else would work for me. I…
  • I hate this perk and slug play style too, but was pointed out to me just recently that Knock Out only works on basic attacks, therefore if you notice the killer is playing Knock Out for a boring 1-hook everyone slug, you can counter it by hopping into a locker before going down, so you're wasting a bit of the killer's time…
  • I'm in a similar boat. I really loved the game (playing since 2017) and would still like to enjoy it, but I can't. Solo queue survivor. Too much of a crap experience, since MMR more than ever as once you've lost enough to play with survivors who just don't do gens and go down in seconds during chases, the bad games just…
  • Chaos Shuffle. It brought the second-last DbD match that I actually had fun in before I quit DbD. I loaded into the match and got Solidarity and Autodidact … hey cool random build, I'm the healer this round! Except … one of my teammates got No Mither. Well, ok, still two to use my perks on … Wondered about the weird action…
  • I would appreciate this to play another match with the same teammates (or some of them, not killer though). And after three matches, give the option to exchange Discord contact details so we can stay together if we‘re a good team. Would have the potential to solve my biggest issue with the game.
    in What if... Comment by rha July 27
  • I think "no" for the near future and "possibly" in a couple of years when the current game designers leave the company and new ones come in. The problem with the current ones is that they listen too much to the community and have adopted the common opinion here which is also in the original post, "Isn't this entirely out…
  • The real problem is that they made the event opt-in this year. I think that's a blessing, not a problem. I take it as BHVR finally acknowledging that they don't care much about survivors having a good time when they're designing new events, but at least they don't pretend that survivors don't exist and let me play in…
  • Is there a reason you're playing the event? I must admit I have no first hand experience (I plan to play a few event matches so I can get Kate's and Yun's masks, but only as killer, and I'm waiting for fast queues and queue bonus, right now it's 150% on survivor all around the clock even late at night), but from what I've…
  • Well they can do whatever they want, I've seen other drops for other games limited to streamers who were in a similar program for that game as well, though it was more like one of three drops being exclusive to them and the others could be earned on any channel. For me it turned out more as a show-off of how embarrassing…
    in !DROPS Comment by rha June 15
  • I play 100% solo. I hate it, it frustrates me and makes me depressive and aggressive. Why I do? None of my friends play and I don't know where to find people "compatible" with me and who are at my skill level which is somewhere … in the middle. I'd be as much afraid of ending up with people who are so … mediocre at the…
  • Could easily be one of my most anticipated chapters I couldn't wait to buy, but won't be. Haven't played D&D in a long while (sadly). When I still did, I loved the Ravenloft setting because I was never into generic fantasy. For those not familiar with D&D, it's D&D's Gothic horror setting. If the new chapter was connected…
  • As for what the "potential pitfalls" … the main pitfall is that your method will actually work if the survivors are altruistic enough and you get 4ks with it. Then MMR decides that the altruistic bully squads are no challenge for you and gives you the comp squads and you're getting bullied even harder. (Just for the…
  • What do you mean by "MMR system does work"? When I would say "MMR does work" I would mean that it assigns all players to their proper MMR and if someone has higher MMR/lower MMR than me then he's better/worse than me, at least within a small margin of error. You'll have a hard time convincing me that MMR is functional in…
  • I hope the developers take this kind of thing seriously. I really hope they do, but in a slightly different form (completely redesigning the perk and pinning the current version on their wall as an example of what should never happen again), because it's IMHO all their fault for releasing this perk. I personally hate the…
  • That's my main issue with this game for awhile, killrate stats being the only thing being considered while balancing the game does not mean that it is fun. I just wish they would instead balance for close matches first that are not so quickly clearly won or lost and feel like they could swing into either side's favor at…
  • I don't know, I'm so tired of getting absolutely nothing new or exciting on the survivor side for months and month. Anti-facecamp? Haven't seen a single survivor jump off the hook in my games yet. Anti-3-gen? Haven't saw eight regression events on a gen yet, only the higher base kick regression + removal of gen tap is…
  • Yes. Did the devs ever say what exactly those stats even means? Is that 48% only 4SWF of all high MMR survivors against a high MMR killer (that’s what most seem to assume)? Do these numbers include matches the 4SWFs play against killers below the softcap or even „lesser“ killers when matchmaking screws up or due to…
  • Because root cause of this problem is people being ######### and not some game issue. You can't fix bad people, only thing we can do is just properly punish those people so game won't get harmed. No, maybe some throw because they get hook first, but to some extent it's - increasingly - the game. I am one of the folks…
  • When I play killer I'm happy to get people who play for fun or go for some shenanigans, like Head On duos or No Mither/Sabo/Breakout squads. However, I only play for fun as well when I'm playing killer, and I'll also make sure that if there are others in the match who want to play seriously they're not disadvantaged…
  • As others said, that's not what killswitch is for. I agree that something needs to happen but that should be something like only allowing a player to equip this perk in a 4SWF or notify players in the lobby that someone has equipped it so that you can dodge the lobby if you don't want to lose the match. In the meantime,…
  • True, I wish MMR was intelligent enough to recognize solo players with enough experience/game sense to consider these kind of things and match them together, solo queue would instantly be a much better place. Instead I am matched with completely new players who are doing nothing even when there's no terror radius. I tried…
  • I'm playing since 2017 and felt most at home in purple ranks as well, the #1 problem right now for me that I'd like to see addressed to be able to enjoy the game again is MMR. I didn't know that in hockey seasoned players are put in a team with beginners who are still learning. Maybe they should have modeled it after…
  • Great you can enjoy it, I can't even get a game going to judge it for myself. I can't find a SWF so I was - reluctantly - trying to play solo to see for myself what it's like. I was just sitting here just lobby dodging and dodging and dodging. The game was mostly handing me lobbies with P0 and P1 Claudettes and Megs in…
  • Wish I could just take it lightly, but my big problem is that this is a multiplayer game and what I've always got in the back of my mind is that with every 4k at 5 gens shitshow that unfolds there's the killer player on the other side who wins almost every game and has the time of his life feeling an unstoppable, powerful…
  • I‘d be down to trade teammates who run this Invocation perk for ones who prefer being useful for two minutes in a match.
  • It's not like there's just one strict way to do MMR and matchmaking that's set in stone and must absolutely be like that or else the universe will implode. And, surprise, MMR is also something that's in the dev's hands and could be changed. Yes I agree with you, but if I think of "doing something to help solo survivors"…
  • I'm currently not playing. My reason is the state of solo queue as well. The big issue for me is MMR/matchmaking. The killers I get are mostly 100% beatable, I just get teammates that are considerably worse than the killer. And the best thing about MMR is that nothing about that will ever change because "by construction"…
  • Actually a rough figure only in the context of the post, I was uploading my screenshots of every single game to Nightlight for awhile and got my stats from there until I was depressed enough and stopped. The people playing where MMR put me are most likely not even aware of the existence of Nightlight and thus not uploading…
  • 20% sounds quite realistic for an average day in my experience. On a rare excellent day I manage to be around 28-29%. A bad day is around 10% and I have had a day where I did not escape a single time. And just for the record, I also kept track of how many of my teammates escaped, not just me and the overall escape rate in…
  • IMHO it's definitely MMR, at least the current version. I'm at low MMR because I lose an insane amount of matches, and many, many killers I go against are not really good, they still get a 4k because the matchmaker manages to find three more survivors who are even worse. I'm not super good at this game myself and if I can…
  • Well once the killer gets the first hook this fundamentally changes the game dynamic and everything slows down, with the right perks you quickly find someone to chase next and someone else must go for the hook save so there's only one left to work on a gen (in solo queue you may have two competing for hook save and gen…
  • Yeah, and Empathy is the third must-have for me, to find teammates who are injured and hiding behind a rock at the other end of the map so I can bring them back into the match to make it a 4vs1 again. Or excessively self-caring ones. Most would consider Bond the better info perk, but I love Empathy.
  • Cool perks, they save me money (don't feel any motivation to buy the DLC) because there's absolutely nothing of any value here for me: Champion of Light is probably the best and good enough, but only for people who use flashlights (which I don't) I see zero reason why I would want to use Boon: Illumination because if I…
  • That survivor who loops the killer for five gens and dies while the rest escapes has been dealt with, they introduced "team-based MMR" with the Knight chapter and the dev update said in this case when you're the only one getting killed you lose almost no MMR. Whether a killer gets one kill or no kills shouldn't make a big…
  • Sigh. I really wanted to hope for BHVR bringing improvements to solo queue experience (IMHO mainly MMR needs changes) so that it's fun again without having to look for people to play with. After reading this I want to go looking for a SWF right away. this game is not a true 4 vs 1 unless you're in a SWF Actually I had a…
  • The boon perk does have synergies if you use it with „Better than new“ though, then your teammates know where to run to make use of the bonus chest unlocking speed you give them.
    in Alan Wake Comment by rha January 9
  • The boon would have nice synergies if you pair it with „Better than new“ though so then your teammates can see where to run to make use of the chest unlocking speed boost they get.
    in Alan Wake Comment by rha January 9
  • I loved the event, particularly the snowskulls were a lot of fun. Used them a lot as both survivor and killer. I appreciate that there are now more events coming with a themed tome (keeps up interest in the event and makes the rift less grindy), and that the challenges are actually chill and not like "sacrifice all four…
  • Yes, including this one. Even had to read the description because I didn’t know what it was doing. Why would I use it? Typical BHVR design. Survivors are already not doing gens, why would I want to use a perk that incentivises my teammates to run around and loot chests instead of doing gens? If it had a gen speed bonus…
  • No idea if someone promoted it but I got plenty of knockout killers heavily slugging who play for mori (Onryo) or bleed-out (other killers) since the 2nd day of Christmas. And that at lowest MMR (previously I almost never encountered any).
  • As Survivor: it feels like everyone's just switching their brains off and treating it as an extremely casual game while I am trying to get a fair win/lose ratio and therefore want to get out of low MMR, which is impossible and therefore incredibly frustrating if my teammates just playing merely to have fun without…
  • Then the second game is a full slug/condemn knock out Onryo. Guess they're just out there today. I regret playing this evening. I had two slug/condemn/knock out Onryos in three games. The third one was a Good Guy who was hard camping, tunneling and slugging from minute 1 and I assume my teammates were a 3SWF because nobody…
  • Very much as usual, except because of Christmas vacation I can play a bit more in the mornings when games are a little bit better than in the evenings. Overall, it's the marvels of "MMR working properly as it's supposed to" (as the devs appear to think considering there are no changes planned for the next six months): one…
  • It's not just killers, MMR also punishes survivors (in solo queue at least), it's just on the opposite end when you're handed down to low MMR. No, the game is not balanced around bad players as it is claimed here so often and even worse, there's no way out of there because you need to consistently win your games to be…
  • For me personally, a balanced match would be one where both sides make steady progress without the match becoming pointless for one side early on because you're going to lose. In that sense, hook states and gens completed would probably be a good indicator already (at least I can't think of anything better right now). I…
  • I'll be completely honest, I 100% would have killed myself, too. You say "I get that it was a bad start but yall still had a chance, I wasn't gonna end the game at 5 gens with 3 slugs, I'm not a comp player" but 99.99% of killers happily take the 4k at 5 gens and solo queue is frustrating enough. I need to play for hours…
  • Yeah, I believe a skill check frequency reduction is coded into these perks. I once used Scavenger for a tome challenge (I think it was empty a recharged toolbox or so). Brought a brown toolbox without add-ons, used it on first gen, and after using it up there was not a single skill check for the remainder of the gen. It…
  • I doubt that's reportable, I know several extremely competitive "I'm one of the 0.001% top survivors in the world, look at my escape streak record" streamers who do exactly that basically every single game - they have their full loadout dedicated to emergency escape (Sole Survivor + Wake Up + Clairvoyance + one more, often…
  • It would be better to design the game so that it can’t be so completely pointless to keep on playing because the outcome is already clear shortly after the start of the match, or balance the game so that you can’t run into endless loss streaks (particularly speaking about solo queue here) because the occasional bad match…
  • Maybe once every few months, but that may be because I don't care about hatch at all and wouldn't even look for it if I was the last survivor. Too much RNG and no MMR increase, so I don't bother. Therefore if it's down to two survivors, I will usually let the killer find me and then kill me on hook so that the other…