You will never win as killer if you're not tunneling at high level play
I'm dumbfounded how people don't understand the root cause of trying to kill someone as fast as possible. Some survivor mains take it as a personal attack to their ego and think the person just wants to ruin "their" fun but the reality is the time difference of hooking survivors without them dying compared to generator…
Understand the reason why killers will camp and tunnel a survivor out
A unhooked survivor is injured and faster to kill which means 1 less survivor will be on generators from that moment forward and the game won't be so incredibly difficult. This new update is basically forcing you to go for the unhooking survivor but there is no incentive. Here is an idea to give killers pressure even if 4…
Playing blight is infuriating
When will the devs fix the the insane amount of sliding on blight? I tried to learn how to play blight but I just can't from the amount of hits/downs I've been robbed from sliding to god knows where and ruining my whole chase.
Why does nemesis power give survivors a speed boost
I think this is the first ability in the game that does no harm on the first hit and gives huge between the survivor and killer which is absurd. I think the speedboost should be removed and the contaminated status effect needs a buff considering how useless a 0.25 second slow is... Also zombies feel way more docile and…
Why do killer perks have so many drawbacks for little reward...
Hex ruin and pop goes the weasel are the most used because they have the highest effectiveness for regressing gens better. But the devs decide to nerf pop goes the weasel? Instead they could've buffed surge to have no cool down and instead of 8% make it 20% by any attack or how about the new perk the regression can be 30%…
Downed exploit
Was playing plague and winning then survivor ran and stood near this wall on on fractured cowshed and couldn't pick her up. She gets up and last gen is done. I managed to slug them all. Guess what unbreakable slugged 2 and they keep healing finally 1 escapes I hooked the other and the last survivor runs in my face to…
Shouldn't dying light be put basekit and the perk itself changed to something else?
Going for max hooks is what's more rewarding and what I usually try to do but it's made quite difficult because survivors last quite longer than if I were to just hook 1 repeatedly and thus gens start flying like crazy. It should be a percentage above the hook circle thing of the slow getting higher each time there is a…
Why have footsteps became bassicly impossible to hear?
Just looked at some old clips and footstep audio is significantly clearer and more audible than today's footsteps. I feel like i barely hear survivors compared to a couple years ago.
This backwards logic lol....
We've heard your complaints about games ending in 5 minutes we have decided to nerf pop goes the weasel so you'll have less time to chase or kick generators." lmao here another one "we've heard your complaints about DS and Unbreakable being virtually uncounterable We've decided to nerf pyramid head because he's strong…
Pyramid head nerf with 0 compensation
The pyramid head nerf wasn't needed but ok if survivors don't like it when they die fast it becomes "unfun" lol and immediately gets nerfed. So if they nerf the cages then where are buffs to other parts of pyramid head his garbage add ons? Nope hemmorage is too strong...what about his ranged hit? It's so easy to dodge the…
Pyramid heads add ons and perks are a joke
Both the ultra rares are a joke and are useless the very rare are meme level trash an add on that gives hemorrhage is apprently strong enough to be a very rare add on same for blindness lmao and don't forget killer instinct! And why do the devs think oblivious and undetectable is that strong to be pink or purple like what?…
Demogorgon buffs to make him more viable
1. Let him replace portals like hag 2.reduce the coolown of teleporting by a couple seconds 3.increase undectabke by to around 4 or 5 seconds and silence all demogorgon footsteps for the time he is undetectable My thought of how he should be buffed I think his shred is fine as is it's just his portals that are kind of not…
Gens rush and perks as killer
Honestly there needs to be something done about how fast generators go right now some bandaid fix so the devs can work on something later just like bloodlust. Just increase the time it takes to complete them and make some change to survivor objectives and remove the increased time if a fix to objectives or change will ever…
Decisive strike change needed and lockers with d strike needs to go
Seriously this needs to go. If I think a survivor has decisive and is unhooked right in front of me I slug them and go for the unhooker but if I'm like 20 meters and the rescued guy has decisive they just go in a locker so I can't down them and not get striked it's basically an exploit. Another change should also be made…
Anyone else move their screen with the hit animation?
Something I do whenever I hit someone lol when I play Freddy I move my screen up and slowly down with the animation.
Reworking generator skillcheck and adding new mechanic.
Starting to work on a gen you will need to go find tools or fuel. After starting a gen a skillcheck will appear every 10 seconds. After progressing to 25% skillchecks will be every 8 seconds but the red line travels the circle faster. After 50 percent of the gen completed there will be a skillcheck every 5 seconds with 2…
Body blocking
In the report section it says body blocking is bannable does this mean body blocking to take the game hostage? Or can people get banned for body blocking pallets and other survivors body blocking someone else on purpose.
Ghostfaces needs buff bad
-15 seconds power cooldown -Spotting ghostface takes 3 seconds -absouluty no sounds when in stealth mode so survivors wont be alerted by like 4 very loud audio cues...
Ghost face needs buffs not nerfs
Right now breaking him out of stealth is way to easy I just aim him in the middle of my screen hiding behind a wall abusing my 3rd person camera and his stalking time takes way WAY to long 5 seconds of hoping the survivor not seeing you especially in high ranks is impossible. The survivor should be facing the killing and…
Imo there's only good killers and bad killer no middle tier
If a killer can't even manage to kill 3 survivors as the "assymetrically balanced op killer" the killer is garbadge if I can kill survivors that are good than the killer is good like nurse. " Mid tier" is just a bad killer that do well agaisnt bad survivors because the survivors made to many mistakes and low tier killers…
Can we please nerf killers already survivor isn't fun anymore ree
Nea morid me to op!!! April fools
A really simple fix for hex totems.
5th perk slot designed for 1 hex totem. You can use multiple hex perks but those builds aren't good and 5 hex perks is just a gimmick. The killer can place their hex totem anywhere except the basement. I don't get how this isn't in the game yet. Killers who are smart with placements can make them last longer with this. For…
More volume options
Devs can we get an option to turn down chase music? Can we also set sound effects volume and ambient music volume? Just more volume options because I'm almost deaf from how loud chase music is and it drown out every other sound in the game. And that ambient music that sounds like a rave party in the background doesnt let…
So is the sound suppose to be this way? I played 1 match and I don't hear footsteps groaning or breathing. It feels like it's way to quiet or it just turns off. Also I'm constantly hearing survivor breathing on my neck but no one is there literally ghost breathing which just throws me off even more. So will this be fixed…
Double pallets
Did the devs add this back or is this a bug.
Plague buffs to compensate for her massive nerf
Being slowed from charging the purge, holding it and finishing using it is ridiculous. If her holding speed will stay at 110 then increase the projectile speed of her puke and make her charging speed faster. Or just revert the change. Looping vs the plague is horrible there's basically nothing you can do to try and hit…
The plague nerf :(
Reduced speed while holding vile purge. So looping make it impossible to to the puke and down combo. This change seriously needs to be reverted trying to land the puke is really hard from being so slow no one like 110 killers and also the puke hit boxes seems to be really weird and incositent. Really unfair how the devs do…
Anyone notice that weird backwards vacuum pallet?
Survivor loops me runs AWAY from the pallet then gets sucked backwards like the old vacuum but reversed and a bit smaller range from what I've seen and then the survivor pulls it down. Its happening alot is it just some weird lag thing? My internet is good though so what is this it's really annoying.
The plague nerf :(
She walks slow when charging up and Is slow when holding the vile purge now after the changes and walks even slower after finishing shooting her vile. Seriously? I can't do anything when survivors are looping it's ridiculous. Please revert the change a keep her 115 when holding her purge. Only hit boxes are really weird…
Did they really nerf the movement speed for holding the puke
######### sakes man how am I suppose to use this in loops? They do a really harsh nerf and they keep the bug where the fountains basically makes the survivor impossible to pick up wow just wow.
The killer related to the halloween event
From what I remember chapter 10 was suppose to have a killer related to those needles with the flower liquids not Canadian teenagers with rulers. Or maybe I misunderstood it could be any chapter.
1 or more survivors winning from losing...
Hatch and keys literally reward losing. Survivors fail their objective to complete 5 generators and open exit gate but they know they will lose so they use a key and they all escape or 3 die and 1 gets a free escapes. Really? I feel cheated when I do so well and survivors just get a free ticket out of the game because they…
Small change for moonrise update for killer side
When hooking a survivor destroyable lanterns are revealed to you. I cannot find find these lanterns fast enough before they save the survivor.
How come no one's talking about the hillbilly shadow nerf?
Stopping the chainsaw takes way longer than before and you move slower when putting down the chainsaw.
Trapper buffs to make him actually viable.
Trapper starts with all the traps on the map. Trapper can reset disarmed traps. Traps hitbox and trap size needs an increase. Escaping from a trap will no longer be rng but take 10 seconds freeing yourself or 5 seconds with a teammate. Trapper no longer steps in his own traps. (How tf does he steps in the traps he places?…
How is this totem change not a thing still?
Literally change hex totems so they don't spawn but you place were you want them to be better hiding spots no matter what every game. Also the "improved totem placements" didn't do ######### every game my totem ends up on the other side of the map where survivors spawn and it gets destroyed in a minute.
A nice change that I would like to see for the pigs ambush
Her crouching movement speed would be 105% and her charge up timer would have to be reduced to 1.5 seconds. The roar effect happens when you hit a survivor and increase the dash speed or increase how long the dash lasts by a couple seconds. But seriously the crouching movement speed needs a buff it literally slower than…
"Huge optimization patch for console"
The frames ######### sucks they're still #########. Playing hillbilly with 2 frames on he chainsaw is horrible bloodlust literally makes the game look like it's just crashed/froze for 5 seconds which makes me lose the survivor every single time. And just losing the survivor just like that after line of sight is lost after…
A buff to hooking
After the first survivor has been hooked you gain a 5% increase in every action including a 10% speed boost for 5 seconds. 2 hook on a diffrent survivor and action speeds are 35% slower for 1 minute. 3 hook on different survivor action speeds increased to 20% for 2 minutes and gen regression becomes 100% faster. 4 differen…
I can't hear or see anything now
I'm on console the frames have improved alot scince the last time I played but the new graphics and some areas really REALLY dark like the generators in the basement on springwood or haddonfeild Claudette are almost impossible to see now and it literally feels like an exploit using her. Also the chase music seems to have…
Good basement/basement perk changes
Teritorial imperative remove the 30 second cooldown and the 32 meters requirement to see the survivor. Monsterous shrine add a new effect when youre transporting a survior and is 32 meters close too the basement or attic you'll receive a 10/15/20% speed boost for 5 seocnds. Add new location the attic. It will be like the…
Pliz ban tinnlers and campers uhh
"Tunneling" is a stupid made up term for entitled angry people. The killer is just going for the weaker and easier to kill target theres nothing wrong wih that it's the killers objective. Survivors constantly make it extremely hard for killer abusing exploits gen rushing looping infinites and being extremely toxic and…