Do gens go too fast?
I have found this to be a controversial topic, many claim that gen speeds need to be reduced and hook timers increased to give trials a more drawn out and nuanced feel, but to me this sounds ridiculous when killers can get all 4 survivors slugged, hooked, or dead just as fast when abusing add ons or offerings of equal…
Killer Concept: The Babyface
I know Happy Death Day isn't a horror classic by any means, but I thought it would be cool to design a Killer based on Babyface from Happy Death Day. I tried to keep it balanced while also doing justice to the killer's capabilities in the movie, enjoy! Stats 4.4 m/s Movement Speed 0m Terror Radius Power Quantum Flux: Press…
My Old Idea
I found this discussion idea in an old doc. I'll put it here so you guys can see this. I just realized exactly what the devs need to do to make the game more fun for everybody! Tunneling and camping are hardly problems thanks to DS and BT, so I won't go over those. Genrushing needs 2 simple fixes in addition to the…
Demo QoL Change
I can't bring myself to play Demo despite how cute he is. I don't have CI which is crucial on him because I don't play trapping killers nor do I think Demo being a trapping killer does justice to his appearance in the show. He is currently slightly above Trapper but far below Hag in terms of power level, so a sizable buff…
Queue Times Are Not Evidence of an Absence of Killers
Just wanted to let everyone know. The only things that we know for certain affect queue times are swf and swf matchmaking. Swf need more room in a lobby so a lot of lobbies are closed off to them. Swf matchmaking begins searching at the highest rank in the party, and since roughly 50% of all survivors are swf, 50% of all…
Why My Opinion on DS Has Changed
I used to constantly cry for DS changes, "It's unfair, free gen time!", "It's used outside of tunneling scenarios!" etc. But now I genuinely believe that DS should be left alone. Make sure to keep the insults in the comments original. DS: Is it avoidable? The latest patch got me to play killer a lot more, and there was one…
Dull Totems Incentive Suggestion
Killers now break objects 5% faster for each dull totem standing on the map, or The killer gets a 1% movement speed boost when a generator is completed, they lose this boost entirely when no dull totems are left standing on the map and NOED now gives 5% missed attack cooldown reduction per rank instead of a movement speed…
Is SWF OP or is Solo UP?
Just wanted to quickly gather opinions. Should swf be nerfed or solos buffed is another key question. Let me know your thoughts iin the comments. Personally I play mostly swf as survivor, so I may have some bias. I think solos are UP because I like many think dbd would work well as a team game. Perks and objectives should…
Just the Facts: NOED Needs a Change, Here's Why
It's not really the intention of this thread to start a flame war or add to the echo chamber, so I would appreciate it if you wonderful people would keep your comments slightly constructive. That's all I ask. On to the topic..."Waffle, wth? Why does NOED need a change, it's the only perk to counter genrushing!" NOED needs…
Just a Little Nitpick
Anyone else find it weird that the devs won't add colorblind options because people might use it to gain an unfair advantage, even though swf is enabled? Swf is an accommodation for people who want to play with friends, but can also be used to gain unfair information. How are colorblind options less viable?
Y'all Really Hate Chests, Huh
On the forums I see that the biggest complaint about keys is that they can be found in chests. If you have no complaints about them, there's no reason they shouldn't spawn in chests like every other item. Besides, chests are niche enough as is and I would take Plunderer's over Head On or even Prove Thyself any day.
Spine Chill Deserves a Buff
So the latest patch has been a hot topic on the forums lately, but oddly enough no one mentioned the Spine Chill nerf the devs tried to slip past us! Perhaps the devs tapped it because more players were realizing its potential, but whatever the reason a nerf was definitely unjustified. I bet you're wondering right now how…
What does this mean?
×Column 'UserID' cannot be null|Gdn_Database|Query|insert GDN_UserTag (RecordType, RecordID, TagID, UserID, DateInserted, Total) values (:RecordType, :RecordID, :TagID, :UserID, :DateInserted, :Total) on duplicate key update Total = Total + :Total2 Random message from the forum, wanted to see if anyone has a clue
After playing a couple hundred NOED games as survivor as of late, I have come to a very clear conclusion. Cleansing dull totems is not the best way to counter NOED. It takes 70 seconds for the cleansing animations alone which is nearly enough time to finish a gen. Instead of giving the killer a free gen, I suggest not…
DBD Could Be Great, But...
I decided to create a thread about the pros and cons of dbd, and maybe start a discussion on what issues are most important and ways to go about fixing them. Pros: Diverse cast of survivors and perks to choose from Multiple unique and interesting killers and powers Horror tropes and icons represented Intense gameplay with…
People Really Think This Game Is Survivor Sided?
Optimal killer versus optimal swf the winner is not always survivor. The outcome of a match is determined entirely based on killer and map at that point. Sure most killers are weak and most maps are strong for survivors but that doesn't mean the game is survivor sided. This mindset is unfounded and outdated. I don't think…
What's up with God Windows?
They reduce interaction between killer and survivor and they aren't balanced at all. Why do y'all think god windows were implemented and why aren't they being removed?
Why did it choose them?
The survivors' lore entries are often vague about why the Entity chose them specifically...what aspect of each survivor caused the Entity to want them specifically? Or does the Entity not care? Discuss.
Maybe gen speeds are a problem?
So I just had a realization that gens shouldn't go faster than base speed. Fixes: Nerf toolboxes (10% bonus cap?) Nerf great skill checks when repairing (maybe only .6 seconds each?) Nerf skill check chances when working together (Should be 50% less with 2 people and so on) This should prevent gen rushing and help game…
Is BT balanced?
So I've been hearing a lot of calls for a BT nerf lately and I want to know...what makes it so powerful? Imo BT is pretty balanced, heck it doesn't even punish camping with insidious, wraith, freddy etc. How could BT be balanced better if it's too strong rn?
If you could buff one perk on each side?
Each side has a perk that's nearly useless but has a really cool name/intention. Which perks would you like to see buffed? Bonus: How would you buff them? Survivor-Deja Vu: Keep its current effect and add "within 5 seconds of being unhooked, press the active ability button to teleport within 4m of one of the generators…
Why don't solos have voice comms?
It makes no sense why this isn't enabled by default like in other games.
The problem with this suggestion
Too many people are calling for DS to deactivate when another survivor is hooked. This would enable tunneling and make the perk useless. Survivor gets unhooked, killer downs them, killer downs unhooker, unhooker gets hooked, unhooked gets hooked aka tunneled.
Let's be real here
Baby survivors no like ruin. Ruin gets nerfed. Baby killers no like DS or BT. Where are their nerfs?
Did anyone else notice?
All my survivor dailies that used dlc characters got rerolled. This happen to anyone else?
My toolbox suggestion
The biggest problem with nerfing items is they need to have the same impact as keys, or at least be worth receiving from chest searches. I would like them to increase great skill check size and maybe some of them increase great skill check bonus or skill check chance. Sabotaging can stay the same but all gen speed bonuses…
Next Survivor Nerf
Which survivor perk needs to be nerfed next? How would you nerf it? Decisive Strike: Timer counts down 3 times as fast while in a locker, healing, or repairing generators. When another survivor is hooked half the remaining timer. While no other survivor is hooked the timer does not tick down while you are in the dying…
People still don't get it?
People still think a couple people who claim to be quitting on the forums are what is causing survivor queue times. I'll put it simply for you: it is much, much easier to rank up as survivor over killer. In addition, many survivors are swf and when survivors are swf they are all bumped up to highest rank so that increases…
Adam cosmetics
My official request for more Adam cosmetics. His perks are among my favorite survivor perks in the game and he came in alongside the strongest killer in the game. Show the man some respect.
Why not appease the masses?
I see a lot of killer players on these forums and they are constantly thinking up new ways to improve the game. Nerf gen speeds, make ruin more consistent, nerf maps and DS...It is all suggested so many times I can't understand why not just do what they ask?
Would like to make one thing clear
I admit it. Survivor is more fun than killer (well, swf is. Solo is hell). Unlike killers, survivors don't need to accomplish their goal. And as survivor I don't feel much pressure to get myself out. As survivor I just want to play a fun game where everyone made plays and got chased. I would rather this game be killer…
Ruin Idea is Great
I have actually requested this a few times myself and am glad to see the change. There was really nothing else it could be. While it is sad this change does not come with the crucial base game changes I also requested, getting this implemented asap is better than waiting. Maybe Ruin change is sign of future map changes.…
Killer perks to encourage healing.
Currently, Thanataphobia, Blood Echo, and Bloodhound are the only perks that punish survivors staying injured but the latter 2 aren't competitive at all. I think anti-injured perks need to be in greater strength and number in this game. Killer Perk - Hex: Savory Juices All injured survivors are affected by Savory Juices,…
So I Tried Solo Survivor...
It was awful. First game got tunneled then mori'd. Second game got tunneled. Solo survivors can't even power through Ruin. Back to swf and killer for me.
Balance Change to Encourage Diverse Perk Builds
Put simply, replace a survivor perk slot with an ability slot. Give each survivor 3 unique abilities to choose from. Prevent ranked matches from loading with multiple copies of the same survivor (for QoL and immersion). Some ideas (Vault speed bonuses can't exceed 20%): Dwight - Manager: You can see a counter in the bottom…
About Moris and Keys...
So I have some ideas to fix both of them what do you guys think? Moris: Keep yellow mori the same. Green and red mori should keep hook requirement but also have additional requirement to have hooked all 4 survivors that can be ignored if the survivor you're trying to kill has been hooked twice. Make more killer offerings…
Can anyone explain?
People say Nurse is not fun to play anymore but I don't see how when they gave her so many fun add ons.
Why can't there be more objectives?
The game has been do gens, unhook, get out for a while. Most people can agree another objective would be a great help to the game but still they won't add one. It would be great for changing the game: Lessen the power of toolboxes More varied, fun game play for survivors Increase the power of maps Lessen the extreme…
No One Escapes Death Basekit
Temporary second objective for devs to try: Once the exit gates are powered a dull totem becomes a Hex totem. While this totem is standing all survivors have the Exposed status effect and and the killer has the benefit of 25% less cooldown for missed basic attacks. Then NOED could be changed: Once the exit gates are…
Devs Stop Releasing New Content
Take some time. Sit down. Talk. We'll wait here patiently while you get the game fixed, then you can add more problematic maps/perks/killers later when you can afford to do so. No need to rush. We understand :)
No One Left Behind Bugged
It says in the perk description it activates once the exit gates are powered but it only activates when an exit gate is opened in game. Is this a bug or did they just write the perk description wrong?
Survivor Abilities
Do you think the devs will make survivors more than just skins? How could they do it? (Without breaking the game)
Some Survivor Perk Ideas
I just got here so some of these might already suggested but here goes (no images or flavor yet) Disclaimer: Vault speed bonus can't exceed 20% for balance purposes. New Features: Friends - After cooperating with, helping, or being helped by a survivor you become friends with them and they become friends with you if…