PC - Nemesis tentacle doesn't react the properway
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as Nemesis and tier up Step 3 : get to tier 2 and see that the tentacle/animation is not the right way Step 4 : Tier up to tier 3 and Nemesis is doing an animation that is normaly used when you have hit a survivor with his fists and the animation of the tentacle is playing at the same…
Ps4 to Ps5 trophy progression not working
I almost have 100% on Ps4 trophies I bought a Ps5 late November and I had zero dead by daylight trophies on the ps5 version When I first logged on I got the most random trophies like adept Jane for example until it stopped after like 10 trophies Then dead by daylight had an update and i recieved half of all my trophies I…
Rare bug?
Platform is on PC. I am reporting 2 bugs as I believe 1 bug leads to the other bug happening. Bug 1: Account error bug.(Steam exclusive?) Create a BHVR account and link steam to it and merge steam into it. Link any other platform.(In my case XBOX.) Launch dead by daylight, upon reaching the signing in part of the loading…
Weird bug. Maybe an extremely rare bug.
I am on pc. I will be reporting 2 bugs on this 1 post. The bug occured when a match ended while I was playing survivor. Let's talk about the account error bug that I believe led me to this bug. BUG 1: Bug that has to do with steam exclusively and occurs once you link your steam to a bhvr acc, merge it and add any other…
Prestige Bug?
Today I P1 Dwight and didn't unlock his tier 1 perks for anyone. Over summer if I P1 a character I would unlock the tier 1 perks for all my characters. But, today its saying that i have to P3 him
Survivor names size is bugged
So I reported this bug already but I wanted to add some further information so the team can deal with it. My old post: https://forums.bhvr.com/dead-by-daylight/discussion/404387/survivor-name-text-size-bugged# This bug occurs on all Windows systems where the main display size of the system is not set to 100%. The Windows…
Onryo Bug ? maybe - with tape turn of all other TVs
Hello, i saw the new Onryo in game. And as a survior i could pick up a tape to bring it to a tv far away. But on the way i can (with the tape in hand) switch out all aktive TVs !! Thats a major disadvantage for onryo. This can not be intended?
disconnecting randomly
happened to me three times today, once when i was playing clown and was holding a bottle, and two other times when i was playing survivor, my internet was working the whole time it was happening.
Ps5 Perks, items and outfits not saving.
Me and my friend play on ps5. We log on change our perks, items, and outfits to what we want to use. we then log off and when we get on next everything reverts back to what it was before. the only thing that we use that's the same is one perk, adrenaline.
Blight very buggy
The blight command line after using its power and entering the fatigue state needs to be revised Happened on platform: PC This is a problem that was in PTB 7.5.0 After interrupting or completely using his power, the bight repeatedly places 2 to 4 syringes in his arm, which wastes a lot of time, in addition, in rare…
Face to face camping
There is this bar while hanging on the hook, wich filles up, when the Killer is close to onself hanging there. But this bar is often missing. I have seen it at the nurse, xeno, chucky, Hillibilly, Legion
Knight is still bugged
So basically knight is still bugged, after i tried to DS him i got stuck in the locker. "action" starts at 0:33 or something.
PC - Unreachable Memory Shard
Description of Bug: Step 1 : Selected Memory Shard challenge from Tome 18 Step 2 : Complete 1 generator Step 3 : Walk towards memory shard Step 4 : Notice it was under ground and unreachable Additional information Claudette Deja Vu, Small Game, Borrowed Time, Unbreakable Crow Map First time I have ever encountered this…
When gen os regressing you can place it so you cant remove it you have to wait they repair regressing off or is it intentional?
Chainsaw stats are bugged for everyone
hillbillys chainsaw downs stat is bugged and have been shot up 100k+ and some people into the millions as of 7.5.0, mine was around 4.2k before the update and is now well over 400k and myself and alot of other people would like it too see it be fixed. I made a brand new account and family shared the game from my main…
All Platforms - Typographical Error
Enter the store Select Oni Select the "Fire Moon Warrior" outfit Select the Celestial Kanabo The "Celestial Kanabo" is listed with the description "Ornamented kanabo cleansed with moon water to keep it from rust." While this item name and description use the word "kanabo," it clearly meant to use the word "katana." For…
Hit validation seems to be broken (especially with Wesker)
Hit validation doesn't seem like it's been working for a while, hits are going through pallet stuns, and in Weskers case, not only does he get the grab hit, but he slams you on the pallet you dropped in front of him. This has happened to me twice now. Wesker dashes into dropped pallet and gets stunned, gets grab, then…
Hillbilly Steam Achievement Tracking (Bugged Feb 2024)
There is currently a bug on Steam with unlocking the achievement "The Grind" in which "In public matches, with the Hillbilly, chainsaw a total of 100 survivors." There is a discrepancy in which the chainsaw downs are tracked getting the achievement on Steam, where some players are gaining more chainsaw downs tracked…
No Terror Radius While on Hook
Periodically, and seemingly without reason, there will be no terror radius while hooked. I've played with others in a voice call and each time confirmed the killer still has one. I've also been able to visually see the killer's red stain and there's been no oblivious status effect circle on the right side of the screen.…
Nintendo Switch- HUD Bug
Whenever I'm disconnected from the party, I go back to the lobby and the play option is faded to gray as if readying up is not an option. Pressing X does nothing. I have to restart the game just to ready up again. This has been a bug for almost a year.
Survivor name text size bugged
Since the last update the names of survivors are bugged in the lobby. Their hitbox for the mouse cursor are placed in a weird place beside the actual name. The name hitboxes in the playerlist after the match are also broken for me. My Screen: Full HD 16:9 Sony TV (yes I play on a tv with my pc)
Hillbilly Chainsaw Downs Stat Bugged
Hey, local Billy main here. Just wanted to bring up a bug that might have gotten missed that has been happening since patch 7.5.0 got released. For some reason, the stat to track how many chainsaw downs to get the achievement is now bugged. For example, before the patch went live, I could check a 3rd party site DBD stat…
Felix's Rainbow six siege collab skin has a texture bug. The face is not covered in mud and blood
The blitz skin for Felix has a texture bug that doesnt show the blood and dirt on his face. When I purchased the skin it has blood and mud on his face.
Self Heal bugged showing no progress
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLQ5BXvlPIg PC, Red forest, Killer was huntress
The connection to the party has been lost
After a few games, I have this error. This error does not allow me to play with my friends. When I try to go to their lobby, nothing happens. Six months ago, I made a report on this error, but it has not been fixed. It's a pity that the developers don't pay attention to this
"No Network Connection" error ever since the 7.5.0 update was released (PC / Steam)
I've had nonstop No Network Connection errors ever since the update on Steam was released. It started before I ran the update (was logged in using the old version) and then I ran the update and it has not fixed it. I exited & restarted Steam, restarted Windows, verified the integrity of the system files and nothing seems…
Bug on a cosmetic Kate denson sunshine queen
So I wanted to buy on Kate a cosmetic called sunshine queen and when I bought it and went to play I noticed that the leg is getting out off the skirt Its like it's bugging can you pls fixed that if you can this happens when I run ,move , vaulting windows
Hi. I just had a Game where i was facing a knight. I was repairing a Generator and he downed someone. in case he had BBQ and chilli i jumped in a Locker...... Well I wanted to. The Locker fell on the Ground and I was kinda standing where it would have stood but like totally visible. I could exit normally and enter normaly…
Malecek's Malice Tome Challenge Bug
Hits using the second Assassin summon using the Treated Blade add-on do not count towards the tome challenge, "Malecek's Malice."
Gabriel Soma Fire Moon Engineer Set
Everyone has this set in their inventory owning it or not. And on top of that the set is broken. Boot up game Go to survivor Go to Gabriel's cosmetics
Oni slam bug
PC - played Oni and his slam after demon dash is painfully slow, near the end he goes in almost slow motion.
game on ps5 is not saving character changes
Can anybody help me??? My game suddenly stopped saving the changes I make to the characters, it doesn't even save changes to clothes, advantages, amulets or complements... I've already updated the ps5, the Internet is already wired, I've uninstalled and reinstalled the game several times, I even downloaded the ps4 version…
Haddonfield Hook
I was on the hook behind the basement house on Haddonfield and two separate players were not getting the prompt to remove me from the hook. This was on PS5.
Stuck in map - Wretched Shop
Got stuck in a garbage tile outside the main building in wretched shop in front of a hook after a lunge on Chucky, not sure if its Chucky specific or not but I was totally unable to move with power, lunges, or getting a hit.
Flashlight hitbox is broken
Hello in order to blind a killer (due to a bug) you have to aim somewhere left of their head. It is a lot harder to do. This should be fixed in a hotfix, not in 2 months when the chapter comes around. Thank you.
PC - Rift challenge "The Light, it burns!" fired for me even though I didn't do it
Was playing Alan Wake today with the necessary perks and everything, alongside another Alan Wake. Turns out as soon as the match starts, I get the 1/2 notification, even though I was just running around looking for a totem to bless. Then, whilst the other Alan Wake and another survivor are running from the killer (Chucky),…
• Platform PC • Description of the issue ACE VISCONTI COZY BREAK SKIN MUSIC IS BUGGED ALSO LEG PIECE SHOES IS BUGGED • Steps to reproduce (if possible) USE ACE COZY BREAK SKIN • How often does this occur EVERY TIME
Tome 18 - Challange 'The Light! It Burns!' instantly completes at the start of the match
I had the mission 'The Light! It Burns!' selected, I entered the round again a huntress. All I did in that match was go to a chest, then the 'first blind' got checked off in the mission and then instantly the second one. I only heared the huntress, haven't seen or blinded her. Game was played around 16:15 (GMT+1).
I am once again asking you to fix weskers coat
Weskers coat is sticking to his butt and breaking his cloth physics. It is really breaking my immersion and this bug has been present for almost a year. Please fix this.
Shirt skin shirt skin [Hillbilly cosmetic bug]
On Steam, in game the arms are invisible other than the fur.
Perk set-up keeps reverting to perks used before PTB went into live servers
On all killers, the perk setup keeps changing into the build you had before the most recent update. It is not a big issue but is quite annoying.
Wesker speechless
I have noticed that Wesker doesn't speak his Voice lines anywhere near the level he did before the update. it is unsettling for him to be that quiet and was one of the biggest draws to play him. please tell me this is unintentional and will be looked into/fixed. it isn't Wesker if he isn't trash talking survivors as I get…
Dedicated server is not responding
Out of probably 10 matches i've played today i got this error like 4 or 5 times, servers do be shitting themselves right now
save the best for last is bugged on slinger (ACTUALLY bugged)
currently, just hitting a shot on the obsession instantly loses you 2 stacks. even if you break the chain with a leftclick and thus never causing the obsession to lose any healthstates. the moment you hit your speargun on them and enter reeling mode, you lose 2 stacks. this clearly shouldnt be the case as it mentions when…
STBFL is buggy.
The perk completely bugs a lot of killers. - Deathslinger: When you shoot the obsession, you instantly lose two tokens. -Trickster: Each kunai thrown at the obsession causes you to lose two tokens. -Nemesis: a tentacle hit without damaging the obsession causes you to lose two tokens. - Artist: A crow shot at the obsession…
how do i fix this error, it has been coming up almost everytime i try to play the game since the upd
Cannot wiggle free
On multiple occasions, my wiggle bar has disappeared in game. Clip below: Xbox ID: Indigo AC
PS5 - loadout/log in issues
Since the update every time I open the game it seems to reset itself to as if it was the first time I’ve opened since the update. no matter what killer I play as last the next time I load it opens as the trapper (last killer played before update) any loadout changes I make to any killers aren’t saved and go back to the…
Temple of Purgation - Impassable gap only for the killer
Platform: Any. Description of the issue: A very specific map generation on Temple of Purgation creates a gap that survivors can pass but the killer cannot. Between Moselum tile and a very specifically rotated Hill_02 tile. In front of the temple. So not only you need to get the combination of tiles in front of the Temple,…
PC- Rite of the Demogorgon will not complete, stuck on 4/5.
Play game with Demogorgon and the Rite of the Demogorgon daily challenge will not complete no matter how many times you hit survivors with a full charge Shred. I did like 20 hits, all full-charge to be sure, and none of them counted for the last one needed. It's still at 4 of 5 after 5 matches.