Hag Trap and Clown Bottle Sounds are Global
This bug has been in the game for multiple years at this point, going back to when Nemesis was similarly bugged. Examples: https://youtu.be/0tgPb3Ki_I4?t=194 Notice if you go back a couple years, the sounds are only if you're nearby. Examples: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJPoYAfUZ1Y
hook stage got bugged
I got hooked for the first time , got the 4% slightly before reaching stage 2 but the thought i already hit stage 2 (it showed it in the hud). when i got hooked the second time i went to the struggling phase but the game assumed i was dead so it didn't let my teamates resque me(they didn't get the prompt)
PC - The Nurse Can Blink Out of Bounds on Hawkins National Laboratory
For easier replication of this bug, be sure to use a Plaid Flannel addon. A Nurse can just barely be able to blink onto the lip of the hole that one can drop down from on the 2nd floor of Hawkins. With a little wiggling, you can then walk out on top of the ceiling for the map and blink down on survivors from right on top…
Oni Cosmetic Bug
PC While in game and post screen, the Oni is missing all parts of his cosmetics that are affected while in Blood Fury. (Horns, chest plates, shoulder plates, etc) This happens with all of his cosmetics. What its meant to look like: What it looks in game/post screen:
Claudette Morel 's cosmetics have bug
Why Claudette Morel these legs cosmetics with boots still makes track shoes sounds when running? I know it's not a big deal but sounds like an easy fix . This legs cosmetics ,it is ankle bootie,so it should be make heels sounds when running.But now it still makes track shoes sounds when running. And this torso cosmetics…
fast skillcheck while repairing
Platform: pc description? we were playing against a docter. He had coulraphobia, sloppy, merciless and monitor and abuse. Tunneled first surv out, then went for the second one constant. Managed to heal her one time while my friend took chase (badham preschool map). In that time, i did get affected by coulraphobia. got very…
Random Obsession Switching
I've seen this issue before, but this is the first time I was able to get a clip for proof. The first time I've seen it was the Nic Cage PTB. It's literally just a reasonless obsession swap. (Mikaela (not obsession) gets hit and a player in a torment cage becomes the obsession). In this clip its The Executioner using:…
Epic Games Not Giving Out Adept Rewards
Platform: Epic Games Description of the issue: I did the Adept Challenge for Wraith and did not get the reward for it. Steps to reproduce: Do the adept challenge on the Epic Games Account. How often does this occur: All the time. Here's proof that I did not get it.
trails of torment kill fps
so im playing on switch and whenever i use trails of torment the fps just Drop rapidly to like 2-3 fps. when i bought pyramid head this never happend but now he becomes basically unplayable. this happens only when i try to move around (when im trying to create a path) update:it looks like this only happens on the mcmillan…
Bot broke on tile in Wretched Shop
Platform: PC - Epic Games Description: I was chasing Jill at a 4 lane, she dropped the pallet, then couldn't move past the short wall on either side of the pallet. Steps to reproduce the bug: First time I've seen it happen. I tried to replicate it in another match, and the tile / bot worked as it would normally. How often…
Bug report
Sometimes I don't know why but when I'm picked up the recover button still appears for the rest of the game is happend a couple of times
Failed to Join Party PC EPIC Launcher
I load up the game, click on survivor, get a loading circle on the right hand side and then get error message "failed to create party". I am on PC, launching game via EPIC.
PC - Forsaken Boneyard breaking Ghostface cosmetic, revealing his location while stalking
Ghostface Masquerade Ghost Face cosmetic breaks on FORSAKEN BONEYARD When playing a match on the Artist's Map I was told in endgame chat by multiple survivors that whenever I was stalking, the hearts on the back of my cosmetic were just flying straight up to the sky, revealing exactly where I was. As if I was running…
Hack the Mainframe Achievement is Bugged
Steam I have completed the gen next to the command center on Shelter Woods and escaped twice. Once through the hatch and once through the exit gates and neither time granted me the achievement. This has happened twice. The last time I experienced this issue I wrote down the time of my game. sometime between 1 and 1:15 on…
Bloodlust lost on stun
Platform: Steam: When you get stunned especially by palettes you lose bloodlust even though your chase is still active. Regardless of the Bloodlust level a stun will always remove 1 level of bloodlust. Steps to repro: Start chase Get Bloodlust 1 Get stunned by a palette and lose bloodlust. Happens every time.
Got stuck and unable to move as The Mastermind
I got here by dashing meg aganst the wall Downing her Recreation with a friend without the hook on shack
Bug in the trophy " nerves of steel "
I am Spanish. I play on steam (PC), in the trophy says that you have to complete 500 skill tests, but it shows 0/500 even though I complete them.
Second Wind bug
Xbox one The perk Second Wind does not work with the perk Deliverance. Log into came, equipped perk on Quentin with Deliverance, does not heal once unhooked with Deliverance, only when unhooked by others. happens every game
badham preschool vault bug
you cant fast vault from this side it gives medium vault when you try to fast vault from this side
Huge frame drops from using Pyramid Head's power
I'm on Ps4 and I just played a match of Pyramid Head and whenever I tried to use my power I just got huge frame drops and a lot of lag whenever placing the trails. It was on Shelter Woods if that helps at all and replicating it should be pretty simple.
PC - Low Amp Filament Incorrect Description
Step 1: Choose to play as a Survivor. Step 2: Search for the Low Amp Filament Add-on in the Add-on section. Step 3: The description will state that it decreases Flashlight Battery consumption by 24% when it should be 20%.
Pig has a problem with her mask
if you go to the pig store and click on “Mask” and then select “Reverse Trap”, Amanda will not have eyes and jaw
PC- Perk Bug. Off the record is bugged was playing with friend, he got hit after save in basement almost immediately, didn’t register the perk for some reason, next game he had off the record on he gets unhooked and hit a couple seconds later, the perk timer was going down but there was no endurance effect on the left…
Store Say's The Nightmare has 2 Cosmetic pieces
Platofrm: PC Descripton: Character cosmetic section of the store lists The Nightmare/Freddy as having 0/2 outfit options avalible. Reproduction: Go to the store charcater select page. Occurance: everytime.
Stuck in Dead Dawg Gallows due to being launched via Rushed Locker Exit
Title Stuck in Dead Dawg Gallows due to being launched via Rushed Locker Exit Description I went to open a locker to activate Ultimate Weapon, apparently there was a survivor in it, but they did a rushed action to leave the locker, and it launched me upwards. This occurred under the Gallows on Dead Dawg, and I got stuck in…
wesker throw rpd bug
Rugby david king Skin bug
I'm confident this will be fixed somehow. It's a very popular choice for us. Occurs on all platforms when equiped with his shirtless skin.
Hex plaything cannot see aura within 16m
you cannot see the aura of the hex at any distance. No it is not another players hex, I cleansed it and oblivious immediately went away. https://youtu.be/sPjDr7TmSns?si=oIjAVIahDriOswBU
Locker displacement bug
Several times while playing, I have encountered a bug that somehow causes the locker to displace. Sometimes the hitbox isn't touchable, other times it can still be interacted with but displays its contents (hatches or people) floating above it midair. Unfortunately i was unable to snag a cap of the people floating but was…
cosmetic missing
all cosmetics that were available before bying the character disappear after bying this character using DLC
Completed tome 14 challenge but can't access it now
Xbox one - Just completed 8 great skill check challenge and now everytime I try to go to tome 14 it won't open or give me the completed challenge rewards, first 2 trys it took me back to menu and now won't open entirely, please fix this Thank you
Jogo crashando sem parar
Jogo esta crashando a todo momento, já verifiquei os arquivos e continua assim Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x0000007031f2e004 d3d11 {0x0000000000000000} + 1113585 bytes dxgi {0x0000000000000000} + 939617 bytes dxgi {0x0000000000000000} + 543553 bytes dxgi {0x0000000000000000} + 541036…
Hay bale blocking hook on Shattered Square
I was unable to hook a survivor on this hook on the Shattered Square due to a hay bale being too close to the hook.
Current Trickster audio and animation issues- This is a mixture of feedback and bug reporting
Many of you will know me as that console Trickster main who has been all over the Trickster rework forums. Usually backing up the veteran players who know this character in and out. You will know that I have been playing Trickster for about 6 months now, and really enjoy this character, always have. I’m not posting this to…
same here
Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x0000000000000010 nvwgf2umx {0x0000000000000000} + 1973514 bytes nvwgf2umx {0x0000000000000000} + 21917135 bytes nvwgf2umx {0x0000000000000000} + 21916975 bytes nvwgf2umx {0x0000000000000000} + 21871613 bytes nvwgf2umx {0x0000000000000000} + 26407498 bytes…
Pain res still goes on deadlocked generator
A while back this interaction was fixed in that it would previously still apply the pain res regression to the highest progress generator even if it was deadlocked. The intended change here was that it would correctly detect the generator as blocked and would damage the second highest progress generator. Currently on live…
(PC) - Trickster's Main Event breaks if activated late
I played Trickster on Toba Landing the day of writing. After downing a survivor and hooking them, I noticed a second survivor far away. I chose to activate Main Event which I had planned to let time out. When I hit CTRL, I noticed that the bar around the power icon had already completely emptied, but still allowed me to…
Bloodwarden never activates
Blood warden does not active if paired with no way out. I have had 1 person on hook, then opened the gate myself, and no bloodwarden laster person just ran out instead. I have had 3 people on hook at once, and still had someone finish the 99% on a gate, then run out. I have had multiple instances of gate opening then…
Plague delay time between projectile vomit and profane censer strike is too long.
Plague Profane Censer Strike - Calling for Faster Profane Censer Strikes! I've got to say, playing as Plague in Dead by Daylight is a total blast, but there's this one thing that's been bugging me and it bugs me a lot- that pesky delay between spewing projectile vomit and swinging that Profane Censer! It's like waiting and…
Disconnected from match when playing as killer and winning
This has happened a few times, but it has just happened my last match , I currently have a 30 min disconnect timer when i never disconnected . Youll be dominating a match as killer vs the survivors, then when your cleaning up the match disconnects you and give you the killer the penalty . I think somehow the survivors can…
haystack blocking a hook on "the decimated borgo"
I was playing on the knight's map and i don't know if it's something that should be a thing but hillbilly couldn't hook me on one of the hooks
Oni can still turn 180 with his power
I don't think this is new for anyone, but he can still move his camera 180 degrees, recently, they removed this on The Good Guy, what is justifiable, but, why The Oni, which has this for so long, can still have it? I'm just posting this to see the response from the devs because I know they're aware of it
Bugged hook on Shattered Square, stuck underneath. Xbox Series S
I was playing a game on shattered square and got stuck underneath a hook when crouching and hiding from the killer, The hook was behind Killer Shack and no amount of moving or hits from the killer allowed me to escape. I died as a result of this. Please Fix :)
Bot broke in Killer Shack on Mother's Dwelling
Platform: PC - Epic Games Description: I chased Jill, saw Ace and Elodie healing nearby, went to them instead. Blinked after the Ace, who had made it to Killer Shack. He was doing a little dance at the pallet of Killer Shack. So I just watched him. Steps to reproduce the bug: Chase bots into Killer Shack, and watch them…
Nurse can't blink through railing thing on Mother's Dwelling
Platform: PC - Epic Games Description: I was playing as Nurse against bots. I loaded into the Mother's Dwelling. Chased and downed Jill, then I went to chase Nicolas Cage, he out of the main building, around the stairs, and towards the middle of the map. I attempted to blink after him, while looking through the railing…
PC - Nowhere to Hide was working on Legion
I was playing Legion for my ritual. I didn't bother changing my perks and Nowhere to Hide was still one of the four. I didn't expect it to work, but when i kicked a generator after my Ruin was destroyed, I saw Ace's aura nearby. I thought it wasn't killswitched so I mentioned it to my boyfriend who told me he was showing…
Chase music doesn't stop
Platform: PC - Epic Games Description: I was playing against bots, I downed one and the chase music didn't stop. It happened before but I didn't record it, this time I did. I played the match normally and downed the survivors because I was mainly just warming up. I hit one with a hatchet, as they vaulted a pallet. The…
In Hawkins there is a transparent wall that blocks the killer's projectiles
In Hawkins, "the space directly above the cage near the large stairs" blocks the killer's projectiles.
Match disconnects from server when picking up survivor
This has happened on several occasions now, and it's getting real tiring to get booted and have 0 points while the survivors still get theirs. Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as killer in a public match Step 3 : In-game, down a survivor. Pick them up. Step 4 : Match disconnects everyone from server. Killer and…
Double Loading Screen after match ends
I dont know how to describe this bug but it has been happening for so long and I cant take it anymore. About 75% of the time, when i finish a match, I press the continue button to exit the after match results. Then it takes me into a loading screen just like normal but its an EXTRA long loading screen. Then it brings be…