Unfair matchmaking penalties
Ive encountered an issue on Xbox where (as survivor) I would be forcefully removed from a match due to a connection error or something other, but that isn't the problem. The problem is the matchmaking penalty that follows. This has only happened to me twice, but I would be very greatful if it stayed that way.
Complete mess- Spawn together, endgame start, survivors in wall
So i start the game normaly, lobby all normal. Spawn at Macmillan estate together with survivors at one spot. i down 1 person hook him. Someone is opening a chest in the air. Survivor gets unhooked, all survivors get downed, endgame starts, 2 survs die right away to endgame, 2 ppl are unable to be picked up, endagme start…
Bug in HillBilly animation from the survivor's side
When HillBilly starts a chainsaw and goes forward, his animation (the way he shakes this chainsaw and shakes his head), his animation speeds up several times and also speeds up when he runs with a chainsaw. If Billy stands still and starts the chainsaw, then his animation slows down several times and looks like he's in…
Demogorgan Teleport Stuck in environment
I have played several games as Demogorgan and when I use a portal to somewhere either elevated than the base floor or anywhere in general there is a chance that Demo would emerge from the environment props or floor several feet away from his portal. Once in the swamp I set a portal at the top of the platform where one or…
I am currently stuck inside of a hook.
please help im scared.
[PC] Cannot untrap Survivor that is trapped on the edge of a T Wall Loop.
I was playing with @Fibijean the other day and she got trapped on the edge of a T Wall Loop. I tried to save her and untrap her, but as the video shows, my actions were not being registered. Both our names are censored because I don't want to be identified in-game. Character played: Feng Min vs. Trapper Perks played: Prove…
Game Won't end after killer hooks survivor
Hooked and can't die During a normal match on my first hook i was hooked but didn't actually go into the sacrifice phase and the game said i was still on the ground without bleeding out. Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as Survivor in a public match Step 3 : In-game, Get hooked Step 4 : Notice the game won't end and…
Survivor gets stuck after unhook (video proof)
Platform: PS4 Description: a survivor is sometimes unable to move after being unhooked. Also, if they go into the dying state and another survivor is hooked on the same hook where they were, the first survivor can't be picked up until the newly hooked one is saved. Steps to reproduce: I can only speculate that this happens…
Jane Romero stuck inside locker agaisnt doctor
PC After a vault Jane gets stuck sinde the locker as if she was outside of it I, as Doc was able to only shock her. Couldn't grab or hit
Wasent refunded after buying dead hard in shrine
I bought dead heard in the shrine but then my game lagged out so I restarted it then my bp was gone and it took all my shards and it shows that I bought dead hard but dosent give the bp
not able to put on addons om mobile
For the last 5 games as killer i have not been able to use my addons. I equip them in the lobby but when i get into a game they aren't there. Any help?
Unable to vault this window
Playing Legion on Father Campbell's Chapel, I was unable to vault this window spot. Didn't lose me the game, but still worth mentioning.
Can't heal
I was playing with a lvl 18 survivor on PC and she was downed when we were the only two left. I couldn't pick her up in her dying state or when she was injured. It didn't give me the option to pick her up ("M1 to heal" kind of option.). I pressed Left mouse button and it still wouldn't do it. Another survivor apparently…
Tome 3 Thai language description error
description text is : @# PC
myers bug
the add-ons of myers don't work . he has some add-ons that are supposed to "moderately increase his movement speed while stalking" but when I chase survivors and stalk them to gain evil within he slows down to his default speed of 4.2
Can't Run After Being Hit Bug
Platform: PS4 A couple of times within the past week, I've had a bug where, after getting hit by the killer, my character goes into a crouch position and cannot run away, only crouch walk. I also don't get the initial speed boost that would help me gain distance. It is not a controller issue. This only happens after being…
Iron Will Bug
I have tier 3 Iron Will. Sometimes, it randomly doesn't work and I'm whimpering like I have tier 1, and other times, I am not even using Iron Will and my injured character is silent anyway, as if I am using the perk. Sometimes, the bug will come and go within the same match. Has this happened to anyone else? Platform: PS4
Game breaking Lag/Freeze
Greetings Reader, I play Dead by Daylight on PC, Windows 7 with and AMD Graphic device. I do not remember the exact components but the PC is mediocre and able to play any game i came across so far with high graphic settings and 30-40 fps. My Problem is, that upon starting the game all works fine up until the Start menu…
Disconnected from nowhere
I'm being disconnected from nowhere and my internet is normal. Date: 01/06/2020 Hours: 19:56
Broken matchmaking
Though finding a lobby takes too much time (up to 20 minutes) matchmaking is really bad. There can be three 1-7 rank and one green rank survivors against 20-11 killer for all day. There is no interest to play on high ranks against baby killers and unfair for them.
Failed Sprint Burst activation
I think it probably had something to do with the failed skill check https://youtu.be/51CNoTCaRXg
Injured noises with iron will while healthy
Ps4, has occurred twice. Using iron will together with second wind - upon changing from broken to healthy with second wind my survivor starts making injured groans which last for about 10 seconds. Other two perks were resilience and for the people.
Bloodweb Level Up Crash
When leveling up bloodweb on any character, the bloodweb gets stuck and I cannot do anything except ready up, click back, settings, dailies, rift challenges and friends. The only way to reset and get back to level up the bloodweb is to either ready up in a game or go into the rift to select a challenge so it resets the…
Naming Convention/Continuation Errors between Nea's Rift and Store Cosmetics
The naming convention of the neon bobs with a bang from the Street Rebel collection usually is "_ Punk Cut", however, both the name and description of the new cosmetic in the Rift take the naming conventions and description of the Pixie Bobs from the Stockholm Syndrome line of cosmetics.
Starter ritual not working
Hi,my starter ritual isn’t working the blood dance and unhook 2 survivors are not completing no matter what I do , they cannot be completed and i tried multiple times , can somebody help please ?
PS4 - Sound glitch when revving chainsaw
Hi, I have recently been playing the killer Hillbilly and when i rev my chainsaw to tap the button it has the sound glitch like cannibal where the chainsaw would continue playing the chainsaw sound until I had to rev it again so that i could listen properly. Perks i had on: Enduring lvl 1 Map: The Game Frequency: Quite…
Hooking/sabo bug
I was playing huntress on haddonfield and was in the middle of the hook animation and the Ash ran up and Sabo'd the hook while I was literally hooking the survivor and it stopped the animation and forced me to DC. I couldn't move and got a DC penalty for it when I didn't DC. This is unfair.
3.7.2: couldn't hit a crouching survivor
just had a game where a survivor snuck up behind me and pushed me into a corner, and thus was pushing against me, but when I turned around I couldn't hit them unless I moved my view all the way down. We were on even ground. If my reach can hit a survivor a meter away in front of me, I'd expect it to hit a survivor…
Phase walk sound missing.
Played a few games against spirit recently. When she enters phase walk she makes no sound. Sometimes the sound is audible if she enters phase walk in a chase.
Meg outfits and maybe others...
So on console, at least xbox we got a bunch of free cosmetics I believe when bill was added or the sweaters were. Anyways I had some meg outfits that were taken away like zebra pants(dont know if thats what it was) but there was a shirt with a cat for the streamer amora and a really bright jacket with leaks of neon paint,…
Dwight the brave
PS4 • Spent over 60 seconds very near killer undetected however the challenge did not complete • Steps to reproduce (if possible) - try it • I completed definitely twice, maybe a 3rd Am I the only one or is it a bug, running bond, self care, prove thyself and borrowed time. 1st killer spirit and 2nd clown. The clown was…
Basement chest, glitched behind the chest.
first one of my friend fell behind the chest by a mistake. I wanted to steal his item but i was able to heal him and then he just glitched up the chest and fell behind it. I tried to rescue him and fell in there too, another one tried but she failed too xD. Just watch the video
Some Rift Challanges Not Working
• Platform - PC • Description of the issue - My Problem is that some of my Rift/Tome challenges aren't giving me the reward once I complete the Challange. It's refusing to actually say that I did the challange. When I've spent 2-3 days working on the same challange. • Steps to reproduce - Try to complete the hide within 10…
I was playing with some friends, we were all bringing bloody party streamers then i get disconnected at the start of the game for absolutely no reason while still talking to my friends and checking that it wasnt my internet that went down, i ranked down from rank 4 to rank 5 i lost a purple flashlight with green and yellow…
Survivor Injured Sounds
I was playing as Claudette against a Wraith last night on PS4. I was not using Iron Will, but my injured sounds were completely silent as if I were running Iron Will 3. I'm not sure if it sounded that way to the killer or to the other survivors. After healing and later getting injured again, it seemed to reset and my…
Gamebreaking exploit that gives survivor the upper hand
There's this bug/exploit I've faced for 4 months now. I had 5 games (1 of which I just had), where if I catch the exploiting survivor, they will always get me stuck in my post hook animation, thus eventually leading them to wriggle themselves off me. This recent game I had led me to the conclusion that this is not a bug…
Botany Knowledge bugged?
I came back from a few months break and now I noticed that this perk has 0 impact on self care, still 32 seconds heal which is horrible. Didn't it also buff self-care back in the days? I could have sworn it took selfcare down to 24 seconds. The description also doesnt say why it should not affect self care. I am playing on…
Game Crashing/Random Disconnections
Look, that's my last try, as I don't get a response in the other topics, neither in the tickets I've sent. We (all the players) need a solution to the disconnection issue. It's gamebreaking and I've not bought the game to get a soft-ban for something that isn't my fault. And before anyone says "fix your internet", it's…
Illegal use of Cheat Engine to Unlock Paid Content
Seems like a lot of streamers have been reporting hacking lately. Just found this video blatantly published on YT of how to steal content illegally. I can't understand the language but in case you are not aware this is quite recent:
Unable to hook a survivor
During a match on Mother's Dwelling I stumbled upon a survivor who I couldn't hook. Trying to hook him resulted in me being stuck in the beginning of hooking animation (and just stuck with the survivor on my shoulder) that then leads to the survivor wiggling out. In the video below you can see me trying to hook the…
[The Yamaoka Estate] Bug with a basement hook
• Platform PC • Description of the issue The killer caught me and carried me to a hook in the Basement, which was located in the house of Yamaoka (he had the "Agitation" perk). After I was on the hook, my character teleported upstairs and was there. Visually, he was on the surface, but actually in the basement, because…
Killer on pallet after stun
https://clips.twitch.tv/AbstemiousAlluringHawkSoonerLater Killer stunned. and he was on top of pallet. then continued to climb over environment objects
not a bug but wrong wording
Im taking the survey for PH and found the wording for new survivor perks are wrong. someone needs to fix this asap!!!!
PC - Survivor Model Hanging at Ground Level While Hooked in Gas Haven Basement
This has happened in 100% of the games I've played where the below conditions were met, but that 100% is only one match so I can't confirm whether it is consistent or not. Steps to reproduce: Play a public match as killer on Gas Haven, with the basement in the gas station. Hook a survivor in the basement (I believe this…
Addons not working
I play Ghostface, but When I use them, I can equip addons and they appeatr in the finding lobby screen but when i get into a lobby they unequip and go back into my inventory and they dont appear at the endgame screen This is only when I use Ghostface. It works on Billy and Trapper This is on mobile. I have Sceenshots Dbd…
Survivors holding game hostage by standing on hooks
Survivors are able to get on the hook so the killer is forced to dc to end the game.
Mobile - Killer add ons disappearing after entering pre-game lobby
Currently I'm experiencing a very frustrating issue on the mobile version of Dead By Daylight. It seems that whenever you queue up for a match and enter the pre-game lobby as killer, there's a 50/50 chance that your add ons will be taken away. Since the lobbies on mobile fill up quickly, there is rarely ever time to react…
Bug in Plant map, able to see scratch marks on the floor
Desktop When spectating in match, was able to see the scratch marks on the floor for all the players in the Gideon plant map.
Screen Bug
PC when i start a match in campbell, asylum crotus prenn or red forest my game gets the black screen among other bugs, here are the screenshots https://prnt.sc/src4fb https://prnt.sc/src5fb https://prnt.sc/src5va https://prnt.sc/src6bc
Not able to leave game as killer without Disconnecting
This is the second occurrence that this happens today. I believe both times was with Wraith and with Ultra rare add ons. This is extremely frustrating as I double pipped on both matches and received the rank up as killer but lost all add ons and ALL blood points as well as being barred from queuing after each match. I made…