Torment Creek - Inaccessible Totem
A totem on the Torment Creek map cannot be accessed to be cleansed by survivors. The totem is between a hay bale and part of the combine harvester in the centre of the map. After the game, I asked other survivors in-game who said they were aware of the totem spot, and knew that there was a way to cleanse it by dropping…
The Shape's Sound, Collision and Camera Bugs in Tier 3 [PC]
PC While in Tier 3 of Evil WIthin, Shape does not produce footstep sounds. Also, while attacking, The Knife has no collision with enviromental objects. And at last, while attacking, there's no camera shake at the end of attack, thus reducing immersion significantly. Play Shape, get to Tier 3 of Evil Within. Every match,…
PC - Uncleansable Totem Location
What to add in the description Example Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as survivor in a public match Step 3 : In-game, on the rotten Field map, check the totem at the farming vehicle (don't know the exact name for it, check screenshot) Step 4 : Notice the totem can't be cleansed, because the survivor can't go deep…
Haddonfield bushes
Platform: PC Description: Ever since the 4.3.1 update there are bushes in almost every gap in the fences, making the fences extremely long and it creates infinites. Steps to Reproduce: Play on Haddonfield. How often does this occur: Every time when playing on Haddonfield.
Cannot change killers in lobby, survivors can
Hi, Im having this terrible bug where i cannot change my killer while i join a lobby. But when survivors prepare themself, they somethimes are able to switch survivor 2 seconds before the match starts. I think its crucial that you can change a killer depending on the survivors you face? This surely cannot work as intended…
bloodweb perk bug - lvl 50
i keep getting 3 perks in every lvl 50 bloodweb instead of 4 on pc.. it doesnt happen all the time but its quite often
Can't play with friends, lobby issues
No matter how much we restart the game or lobby 90% of the time my friend and I try to join a party there's a whole host of bugs. One of us doesn't show up on the other person's game, one of us being ready doesn't show or register on other person's game, only one of us gets loaded into a match lobby without the other when…
Ps4 framing/stuttering/lagging
Some things after the patch smoothed out, but still any interaction with anything like windows pallets freddy snares doc blast...its all lagging out like crazy making it impossible to run a tight circle on anything...
nevermind...i think i made a mistake
Nea top cosmetic from System Smasher makes pants clip torso
Platform: PC Issue: The top of the Nea cosmetic Truth to Power from the outfit System Smasher from the Rift makes pants clip the lower part of the torso. It does this with all the pants cosmetics that I own. Mostly in the back but also the front. I know Nea is buff but damn.
2 in 1 : Survivor stuck on Trapper shoulder + Visual bug
• Platform : PC • Description of the issue : 1- Survivor stuck on trapper shoulder 2- visual bug (blank flat area on screen) [visible at 14 seconds on the video] • Steps to reproduce : 1- The Trapper downed a survivor near a pallet, he placed a trap in his back. He grabbed the downed survivor, i came in front of him to…
Pyramid head stuck making carving noise after casting POTD
PC When I use rites of judgement as pyramid head, and use POTD, the noise made when carving a trail is still played. I also occasionaly get slowed like I'm still carving a trail. All I have to do to reproduce it is cast a POTD. I can usually make it go away by starting to carve a trail and canceling it before the bar…
Getting stuck on top of hill in Ironworks of Misery
Platform: Survivor on PS4 Map: The Macmillian Estate - Ironworks of Misery Video: https://youtu.be/v7axBz333_g I just walked to that spot and got stuck and couldn't mend, since I was deep wounded I had to hold the sprint button to not bleed out
Hatch Bug
Unable to open Hatch when it spaw on ormond in middle with key ... no screen . no vid i dont rec ... same bug as https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/202757/ps4-pro-unable-to-open-hatch-w-key#latest
NEW PLACE TO GET STUCK ON HILL Macmillan groaning store house
Was crouching around the rock to avoid the killer then got stuck, couldn't get out on my own, another surv had to be standing close to me.
Yamaoke rocks are climable
Several rocks in the yamaoke map are climable on the pc version. It was possible for me (the killer) to also get up there but with a lot more effort then the survivors
PS4 Pro - unable to open hatch w key
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as survivor in a public match Step 3 : In-game, carrying pink key, found hatch, tried to open hatch Step 4 : character goes through the jumping motion to go thru hatch, but the character repositions itself during the jumping animation, back to the normal standard position, and unable to…
[PC] I got no login reward
I just logged in and got no reward for doing so. It is after 11am (4pm where I live) but no rewards. I played a bit around 1pm but stopped way before 4pm. So I did not accidentally miss it.
Harvester totem bugged
Rotten fields harvester. Totem is inside the harvester and cannot be cleansed.
[PS4] Lost all my builds and skins sets
When I logged in my DbD account today, every perks and skins on all my survivors and killers were reset to default. 0 perk equipped, 0 addons, default appearance. The dailies I had also reset. I had only a new one when I had 2 yesterday. I logged out and back again. Still missing my previous builds or skin sets.
please fix skin yui ps4
The Hag Trap Glitch
This is a bug that happens every now and then but it can really hurt the rank. My perks were Blood Echo, Bitter Murmur, Ruin and Devour Hope. Just playing Hag until i get better perks. So my problem is, every now and then in a match i cant place traps. It plays a 0.1 second animation and it doesnt place the trap. I hold…
Dead dawg saloon Exit gate bug
On dead dawg saloon, at least in one of the exit gates, the flashlight is bugged. In roundabout the last 1 meter of the exit gate before the area where you escape the match, whenever you try to flashlight looking in one direction, your character model (but not your camera) including the flashlight will turn around 180…
PS4 - Doctor music missing
I've played against 6 doctors today on various maps, not one has had the Doctor music playing. I played against an Oni and he had his music.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7O677GpTWw&feature=youtu.be Context - I was not able to use the wailing bell at the start but I can M1(Mouse1) I had bloodyparty streamers on so I just gave the survivors bloodpoints, I accidentally grabbed a survivor and then I can't drop her and she can't wiggle out, I can't hook her, I…
No animation
Have no animation heal deep wound and WakeUp other survivors!
Missing Blood Points from Match Total
Playing on PC through Steam. Playing as Feng, teammates were Felix, Kate, and Claudette. All four players had match blood points that were 13,163 blood points HIGHER than the total blood points. Match total: 82,532 Total Blood Points: 69,369 All four players received this same deficit Has happened on various maps, most…
De-Ranking when someone leaves in loading
I just deranked from not getting enough BP after someone had left in the loading screen. I suspect this is a bug.
Trapped In The Closet 🎶
PC / Steam Playing against a clown, I jumped in one locker and managed to Head On him. Afterwards, whenever another survivor would get hit (by smoke bottles, actual hits, being hooked, etc.) I noticed I would levitate off the ground as if I was being picked up. Jumped in another locker, and became stuck. I could use my…
PS4 framerate bug testing! PLEASE READ
I felt this needed a new thread to explain my testing. Hoping the Devs read it because I've asked a lot of people and some experience it as bad as I do and others not as bad. Okay so... I have a PS4 Pro and my girl has a OG PS4. We're side by side. On the PS4 Pro the framerate does what everyone says it does in beginning,…
Hello. I removed everything that was here. This was supposed to be a bug report but I see that the issue has now been fixed. Please kindly close this post or maybe remove it instead? Thanks
I honestly thought it is some kind of bad 1st april joke. People (including me and multiple of my fellow discord members) encounter some bushes that fit exactly where the entry/exit point of a loop would be, creating a God loop window as a result. You can see from the images, 4 or more of those God loops appeared because…
Can't heal other survivors fully
I've had two games where I'll heal someone and it'll automatically stop at 99%. It takes me two to four tries to get that last percent. It's not that the other person is moving away or that I'm letting go. This is on PS4. I'm thinking it's more of a fluke thing since it doesn't happen every day I play, but it makes it…
Auto haven wrecker stuck on hill.
Do not see any open reports of this, so posting mine. Using Bill on PS4, crouched behind rock on top of hill and slid down to between two rocks and got stuck. Killer found me and hit me twice to down me. Became unstuck after that.
PC - Other players consistently crash when playing with me
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Survive with friends (I join or create party, doesn’t matter) Step 3 : find match and wait for it to start Step 4 : one or more other players crash during loading ADDITIONAL INFORMATION I don’t know if the map matters. It seems my character or load out doesn’t matter. This happens... 80-90%…
Mori after survivor escapes
Platform: PC Issue: Right when I was escaping, the killer downed me and I fell into the exit screen but somehow killer said he was able to mori me even as I was crawling away into the fog. The killer said he was bugged after and followed me into the exit zone, it also counted as a death for me (the survivor). The killer…
Survivor Model mimicking movements of killers and downed survivors
I know the title sounds confusing, but here's the issue: I was playing Detective Tapp against Hillbilly (i was premade with 1 other survivor) and the game started off normally. Towards the middle of the game my friend (nea karlsson) got downed and picked up. I was in about a 50m range and suddenly Tapp played the animation…
Getting stuck on nothing!
Switch bug reports
Platform- switch Leatherface's chainsaw- when in a tantrum the icon on the power part of the hud is blank and doesnt show the graphic of leatherface holding his chiansaw Freddy- downsides of addons are not shown so it is impossible to tell what addons he is using. Fog- way too thick and is extremely low poly. Mcmillan…
Build to last wrong numbers
PC, 4.3.1 While using perk Build to last lvl.1 (30% add) I use First aid kid (24 charges). So in theory i must have 24 + (24*0.3=8) = 32 charges (2 full heal). But in practice - it was NOT enough for 2 full heals (near 1.8 was). use Build to last and first aid kid. Try to heal yourself twice. Also check enother lvls of…
Surveillance not triggering
I'll start with acknowledging that I probably just don't understand how surveillance is supposed to work somehow or another, if so I'm listening. Normally I use surveillance with ruin so it's pretty straight forward, they get chased away from a generator it triggers white, eventually they go back to it goes yellow, no…
Major screen glitch
This has happened to me several times now, whether on the menus or worse in a match forcing me to die or leave because I can't see anything going on. I'm on xbox one. Not network related because even when I plug directly into my 150 mbs ethernet it still happens. It usually occurs when being idle for a while and turning my…
Whats up with all the hackers ????????????
Whats up with all the hackers these days ? Instant rewived players all over unlimited times Instant self revive Flying Super speed God mode Hackers are all over lately, just today i've had 4 lobbies with hackers...4 lobbies within a few hours.... - I mean who even uses hacks in a game like this... It's sad really.
Cross Progression Auric Cell amount is Off
Hello, I just purchase Auric Cells on my Stadia account but the amount isn't showing on my steam account. I had bought some cosmetic on stadia but the amount isn't close and I am afraid I would lose it if I purchase anything on steam. The one below is the stadia and above is steam.
Game is really dark
I don't why my game is this dark. I tried turning off my GeForce Panel settings, that didn't fix it. I tried verifying my files, that didn't work either. My game was fine yesterday, but today this just started happening. I went into the survivor tutorial to see if this affected in-game and yes, it did. For now, I can't…
Stuck on hill edge (not bottom corner) Survivor & Killer
Platform: PC (Windows 10/Steam) Description: There is a spot on one of the hill tiles (used in MacMillan Estate, not sure if anywhere else) where survivors and killers (tested with Blight) can get wedged inbetween some rocks on the ledge and be unable to leave, only move in place. Only way to get survivors out is to down…
Infinite grab bug
Happened to me today. Platform: PC. Video: Seen a few topic about it on forum, but they all still unanswered by mod or devs. For exemple:
Compound Twenty-One
Compound Twenty-One isn't giving me the as listed 8 meters and is instead giving me about 4 meters. Noticed it during a chase where the survivor was in a corner and had nowhere to run as I was rushing and compound twenty-one wouldn't reveal their aura within that 4-8 meter range. The survivor didn't have any aura blocking…
Nintendo Switch Invisible Wall And Climbable Rocks
Platform: Nintendo Switch On the new MacMillan Estate map: There is an invisible wall where a pallet spawns sometimes next to the main building. The pallet appears to spawn next to nothing, but can be dropped and floats as if there is a structure next to it. I frequently get stuck on this invisible wall while in chase…
Hi. It seems to be impossible to accept steam friend request with DBD gamepass account and, also impossible to invite Steam players. The button hasn't any effect. Regards.