Wesker power is bug and question
sometime infected can escape by the gate but sometime can't escape sp finally infected can or can't escape?
Healing other survivors with a medkit does not count for the Benevolence emblem
I encountered this bug on Gas Heaven against The Clown, and all four survivors escaped. At one of the exit gates, another survivor and I healed an Ace Visconti player with my ranger med-kit shortly before escaping together. After the match had ended, I checked my emblems and saw that the healing had not been converted into…
stutter after unhooking self
Hi - whenever I unhook myself, either through deliverance or by luck, there is a noticeable stutter. Is this intentional? It doesn't seem like it. I couldn't find any posts about it, except for one, and there was no response to it. So I'm not sure.
Got stuck as killer during a sabotage attempt
When carrying a survivor and about to hook them, I'm not 100% sure but I think what happened is I pressed Space to hook at the exact same time as another survivor started sabotaging the hook. This resulted in me being frozen and completely unable to move or attack until the sabotage was completed. I've had this occur…
Spirit's War Hammer Titan head piece causes lag
So whenever you phase as spirit with the War Hammer Titan skin equiped you get quite noticable frame drops. The head piece seems to be the issue here, the smoke coming from her head causes performance issues when looking at it and when you initiate a phase you are forced to look at your husk for a frame or two. Moonwalking…
Myers Vanity Mirror doesn't give bonus Brutality Points
Deviousness Bonus Hit works fine, but not the brutality bonus. Not gonna bother testing Scratched Mirror but probably affected by the same bug.
When playing Spirit, player doesn't hear any sounds.
Platform-PC Step 1: Select Spirit. Step 2: Enter a game. Result: While playing Spirit player won't hear any sounds made from generators and survivors. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Character played: Spirit Perks played: Does not matter Map: Every map Frequency: Every game
Lethal Pursuer does not extend itself by 2s to the intended 11s
Reposting because the earlier one didn't properly output the score indicator for bug reports. Step 1: Equip Lethal Pursuer. Step 2: Enter a game and start a timer the moment the camera spin ends (when the match actually starts). Result: Lethal Pursuer’s aura reveal at the start of the game will end after 9s instead of 11s.…
Freddy invisible when he shouldn’t be
Hello! Just today (Sept. 23) I encountered a bug involving Freddy. While I was being carried and hooked, he was completely invisible. I’m fairly certain that if Freddy is physically carrying you he shouldn’t be invisible. When I woke up after being hooked, I could see him after he started to move away from me. I play on…
Survivors can vault a pallet back from the same side the Legion is on after they have vaulted it
nuff said. Let the pallet sides be A and B Step 1. Vault a pallet as a survivor from pallet side A to pallet side B; Step 2. Let the Legion vault the same pallet, side A to side B; Step 3. Do not move as the Legion. Actual result: Survivors can squeeze in to vault the pallet from side B to side A in this situation, even…
Daily Ritual bug
I got the daily ritual "level up Evil Within 4 times" and I did that, made it to level 3, 4 separate times, and the ritual did not complete and didn't even show progress
"Guardian" perk description bugged
see above
Pc-healing while on stairs
You can not heal someone while on any platform that is not flat,on stairs you both have to be on the same level kinda to heal. I m not sure if it is intended but i can not see the reason it would be. I run the perk for the people and it was very annoying to see that i can not use it on people on stais....
Locker grab bug
If a Survivor disconnects while the Killer is grabbing him or her out of the locker, the Killer's viewmodel disappears until someone is hooked. Bug replicated with Huntress using Iron Maiden. I don't know if it happens with other characters and/or without the perk. Attached video in .7z.
Twins - Discordance/eruption bug
I noticed while playing twins that the yellow generator FX coming from my perks lingers indefinitely. I don't know wich one caused the issue between discordance and eruption. Both have been activated multiple times without any weird effect (Eruption didn't activated on all generators that stayed in yellow), only the FX…
Invisible wall/section on Eyrie of Crows
Platform - probably all Map - Eyrie of Crows Description of the issue - Invisible wall or a section of "branches/bushes" that are not there. Steps to reproduce - just walk/run by the mini walls on Shack side 4Head Frequency of the issue - probably frequent, only saw it once so far Video -…
No starting perks for Nancy and Steve on PS5
No starting perks for Nancy Wheeler and Steve Harrington on PS5 (Neither new nor old style) WHAT TO ADD IN THE DESCRIPTION Example Step 1 : Boot the game on PS5 Step 2 : Play as survivor, choose Steve Harrington or Nancy Wheeler Step 3 : Open Loadout Step 4 : The starting perks for Steve Harrington and Nancy Wheeler are…
Infinite wiggling on Killers Shoulder + stuck in a wall against Wesker
WHAT TO ADD IN THE DESCRIPTION Example The Mastermind used Mad Grit and after he hit someone with me on his shoulder, i couldnt wiggle off. The wiggle bar was at 100% but i only continued wiggling, without getting off of his shoulder. Later in this game, he smashed me in a wall with his power and i was stuck in there,…
Nintendo switch in game shop bug
for some reason this happens quite often when I leave the game running for a while and I want to look at the in game shop or maybe even purchase Auric cells I get an error code about something along the lines of "purchase unavailable now" the solution to this problem is either reseting the game or just going to the eshop…
Several DLC missing after reinstall.
My SSD was running out of space so I had to reinstall Steam on a different one. I didn't reinstall DBD, as my games were installed in a different drive, I only reinstalled Steam, and set the game path to what it previously was. And now I'm missing several DLCs, and the associated characters -9 in total- are greyed out.…
Wesker's Brutality Points are Bugged
platform PC- Steam; Nintendo Switch description Title. Using Wesker's power on survivors to change their health state, be it through direct collision, instantly picking them up due to full infection, or throwing them into an object does not grant Brutality points. You can see this during my post-game scoreboard: The 10k…
Weskers power does not count as a third seal hit (fixed in ptb !)
Its a very simple bug but surprisingly I have not see anyone mention this.
The mirror in the chest blocks the re-looting of the chest
Everything is as written. A mirror from someone else's challenge exchanged for an item in the chest blocks the repeated looting of the chest with the help of perks (Appraisal, most likely Residual Manifest). I think the mirror should fall next to the chest, working like with boxes with a syringe and spray
[PC] Myers Daily Ritual bugged
Unable to get any progress towards the Daily Ritual for Myers in which you must increase your Teir through stalking 4 times.
The zombies of nemesis need fixing
(platform, im playing on PS4, but this happening on PC as well i have seen youtubers and streamers have the same problem) The zombies are still on bugging and stucking on random places random times, most of the time there are games where they are going to stuck twice or thrice and they force me to go there and kill them so…
Uncleansable totem on Badham Preschool
Platform: PC I came across a totem that couldn't be reached on Badham Preschool. It was in the middle of a street by some trash bins and a pallet. I took a screenshot but I forgot to save it.
There are dozens of different cube(=lament configuration) spawn locations in each maps. In general, cube is spawned far away from killer and survivors. However, this rule is not observed in Lery map. In Lery map, the cube spawns almost definitively in front of the exits. Unlike other maps, this is not fair. It is a great…
PC/Steam - soundeffects suddenly gone, only music playing
I was trying to play a match as Ghostface on Cornfields when I noticed how all regular soundeffects were gone. No footsteps, no survivor sounds, no pallet or stun sounds, no gen sounds, simply nothing but the audio of the chase music whenever I encountered someone. On a sidenote, the only soundeffect which I was able to…
New 'Jesterfied' cosmetic for Clown clips into his vision.
Fantasic outfit! I'm a huge fan of half and half jester style suits like this and love the black stripes! However when looking down sometimes, particularly after downing a survivor parts of the cosmetic clip into the killers vission, making it a bit difcult to grab the survivor you just downed in some cases.
Crusty lobbies
Is this game ever gonna fix its pre game lobbies for xbox its beyond a joke trying to play with swfs and the game cant register who's in the damn lobby you even Google the problem and their are complaints from July 2021 gets a bit tedious everyone having to restart the whole game just to play dont care about cosmetics and…
Rebecca face bug
I'm not sure if this has been reported yet, but when loading into a match Rebecca's face is bugged and looks all messed up.
killer grade on Devout bug
I played as pyramid head and I hooked and send to the cage 9 times without they tried to pull themself but only silver it should be the red grade?
You can have a really fast vault now.
Platform: PC Description of the issue: you can have a very fast vault by equipping the perk We'll make it as Survivor. Steps to reproduce: after you unhook a survivor, the perk We'll Make it activates for 90 seconds. If you heal a Survivor right before the perk deactivates and you hit a great skill check, you will get this…
[PS5] Survivor - Can't heal others after expending Common Medkit w/ Bandages, Butterfly Tape
EDIT I found the bug 😅 Turns out my brain can't handle DBD and studying for a psychology major at the same time. I wasn't pressing the action button, so once my Medkit ran out, the button I use for items doesn't do anything 😂😖 Deepest apologies, devs! --------------------------------------------------- - I equipped a…
Lethal Pursuer not benefitting from its own effect
• Platform: Steam • Description of the issue: In the patch notes for 6.1.0, the last time LP was changed as far as I can tell, it say that the perk effectively reveals survivors for 9/10/11 seconds instead of the 7/8/9 it reads in the description. This because it should benefit from its own secondary effect that extends…
ALL PLATFORMS - Nemesis power bugged visually and audibly
When versing a nemesis it's quite common his power has no animation or sound until the whip has finished. To be specific for you, when nemesis begins to pull out his tentacle on the survivors side this often isn't visible nor does it make the wet squishy sounds its suppose to (this makes impossible to know when hes using…
Lobby joining bugged
I have been noticing this since Monday but my friends and I are struggling with inviting each other into SWFs on the Steam version of DbD. We have to repeatedly restart the game and join someone in their lobby. If someone tries to send an invite through game or Stream invite, the game will break and we have to restart. I…
Female survivors faces are bugged
survivor disconnecting right as killer finishes the mori progress bar hard locks the killer
The killer cannot move, attack, use power or interact, just stands still unable to even move the camera. Just happened to me as i was player Wesker, any logs I should attach? PC, Steam
Charms for prestige, black in the game
For survivors and for killers, charms are displayed in black
PC/Steam - Archive sound effect and missing entries
While listening to some entries, every 5 minutes (approximately) there is a sound effect of the archive playing. Always the same sound. The game is in French. ----- Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Reduce the sound of music to 0 Step 3 : Go to the archive and a random entry Step 4 : Listen to one entry and wait. And in…
Charge bars
I'd like to report a bug that charge bars for some reason are based on ping where as before they weren't. It is very odd to have this as it is bc if it is a feature that makes 99% billy chainsaw a gamble same for bubba or any charge bar that needs 99ing. please fix and make billy not a pain, and map collision also needs…
里昂的閃光彈和首腦者的噴霧劑(Lyon's Flashbang and THE MASTERMIND's first aid spray)
閃光彈和急救噴霧一起拿取,會融合成一個。 (Flashbulbs and first aid sprays taken together will fuse into one.)
PC/Steam - Exit Gates Making Opening Noises When Fully Open
I played as Deathslinger on the map Blood Lodge, and as I was chasing a survivor out the exit gates, the doors kept making the opening noises, with the squeaks and grinding gears and whatnot. I was able to reach the other gate before the remaining survivors left, and that gate was silent. I was able to ask one of the…
Wesker can use his power into a window survivor is vaulting and still do not do damage nor vault it
Happens when the survivor finishes the vaulting animation, you miss out on a hit (one part of his power) and on a window vault (another part of his power) Similar thing happens when Wesker tries to vault into a pallet that was just dropped - even though on a screen a pallet has been completely pulled down, the visual…
You can fall threw the wall on Léry's Memorial Institute when hit by The Mastermind against it.
On the map of the institute (view title for full name) you can be hit threw the wall by the Mastermind if he grabs you and smacks you against it. Game was played around 5:40 pm CET. Edit: I got reseted to one of the exit gates, where I started the match.
RPD Bug Rebecca
Had this happen twice now, first time i was maybe its lag, but nope, started filming it this time. Both times was with Rebecca running basicly the same line at that spot in the video. W10 + drivers fully updated 2080S 8700K 16GB - high settings in dbd
Terminus and 99,9'd healing
I was healing, and like 0,01 seconds away from being fully healed when the last gen pop'd,my adrenaline activated along with the Killer's Terminus. When Terminus wore off,my bar was stuck at 100%,I could only heal tap and my teammate healing me did nothing even after 16+ seconds. Also this is the 7th Twins I saw…
Wesker stuck in bound at gate (PC)
If Wesker grabs a survivor at the corner of the escape threshold and the game registers the hit, but the survivor escapes on the very frame they're grabbed, Wesker will get stuck indefinitely. This would probably occur rarely as its very frame reliant.
Small rock an Ormond
There's a very small hill on Ormond where a pallet is a killer can climb over it including survivors but if a killer can climb over it well that can be a free hit or down.