I don't think it does. That's just your perception and that is easily skewed when you get emotional, which is clear from the fact you created this thread
Not going to lie, from this and your other comments in this thread it sounds like you're overestimating your abilities. You know, a 15 second chase can sometimes feel like 3 minutes, where's from your teammates perspective you died instantly.
I had to go to work anyway, so just put down my controller and left. Was curious to see what the other person would do
No one. There are no winners in a situation like this. That said it seems I came home first and the other person was still afk when I ended it
Over 10 hours. Old hatch stand off. Went to work, had drinks after, came back home and the game was still going. I guess the other guy did the same as me
I've been playing since 2018 at red rank (not that the rank matters honestly), so I've been around for a while. Once you gain some experience you start to have less of a problem with gens. That's why I suggested to take off the meta build (which has carried you above your skill cap) and try to learn how to actually play…
Play better.
I hoard items on survivor and addons on killer. Only use addons/items when I want to do a fun build (e.g. jumpscare Myers, crossmap Billy etc.). If you play without addons for a long time you find out that you don't actually need them if you learn to use your power. My opinion is that they are there to change up the…
Mate you're running the most meta build and still complain that the games go too quickly. Maybe practice a bit more or switch roles and learn the game from the other perspective
I'll support the game if they make it playable on console (ps4), as right now it's an unplayable laggy mess - much worse than it used to be. The community is fine. The gameplay is fine. What lets me down is the inability to play a game that I've paid for, because it's so laggy and glitchy
Like many others said you don't need to know how mmr works to be able to go up or down on purpose. I think the reason it's not shared is because they want to make it sound more complicated than it is. I wouldnt be surprised if its still based on the old pip system
This usually happens when someone spends the whole game licking the walls of the map and hiding without doing anything. This frustrates both the other survivors and the killer, resulting in everyone wanting you caught and sometimes helping each other to make sure it happens
The thing about noed is - it's very easy to tell if someone has it. 1. If the killer isn't good in chases and struggles to get people downed, they most likely have noed 2. If a killer stays near a hooked survivors, even though other survivors aren't pressuring the hook, they most likely have noed Confident players don't…
What's the point of this post? People say all sorts of things
Yeah, you shouldnt over commit unless youre really enjoying that chase.
Firstly, the bleed out timer is 4 minutes, not 5. Furthermore, closing hatch triggers EGC which lasts 2 minutes. Factor in getting to the gate, trying to open it, getting found, chased and downed, you're already looking at around 1.5 minutes on the ground max (assuming you only lasted 15 seconds in that chase).…
All it requires is for a killer to over commit to a chase and survivors who don't care about having fun/playing the game and just want to get out as quickly as possible. It's the killer's fault for not knowing when to abandon a chase and the survivors' fault for not wanting to interact with the killer.
I'll agree with you that if the other person doesn't engage, then you should stop. That's how it usually happens in life. It's a bit different in video games though, since most of the people who keep bashing you even if you don't respond in kind are children who don't know any better
People talk trash all the time. In any competitive scene, regardless of whether it's in real life or on a game, you compete both in whatever the activity is and on a psychological level. It's just the way it is. It's true that some people don't like engaging in trash talk, in which case they can just ignore what their…
Well essentially what you described is a player making a pretty decent error and losing because of it. Nothing wrong with that.
Honestly.. You created a forum account just to post this thread, which I guess is an effort to get attention? Why?? I don't understand how people can take this seriously at all
Yeah, it does counter trapper, but there are plenty of perks that counter specific killers' kit, so OoO isn't any different here - e.g. DH vs nurse, iron will vs spirit and so on. It's pretty annoying, but there are plenty of offenders in that category. On your second point - a lot of things in this game are OP. Thing is,…
My man! You must be fun at parties! Seriously though, sorry to burst your bubble, but you're the problem, not the solution. Also, unless they're an absolute potato, a person using OoO usually wants to get chased, so by trying to make their game 'unfun' you're actually giving them exactly what they want 😉
Survivors always have a head start. It's called your terror radius. That's unless you're playing a Stealth killer, most of will be undetectable anyway. The thing is, survivors often choose to stay at a tile, instead of using their head start. If a good OoO team has used that information against you, so you can never get…
And here is the problem - when people see someone with OoO, they lose all capability of rational thought and their vision turns red. Tunnelling a decent player who's using OoO and then camping them out is the best way to get 1 kill at most, and that's if you're lucky, regardless of whether they are playing solo queue or…
Sorry man, can we just agree to disagree? I really can't be bothered typing out a 3-page reply, that's why I'm not acknowledging every one of your points. Regarding your question as to whether I have a problem with demo - my problem with him is that he makes my game run like a sideshow, so I can't really play him unless…
Thank you, I hope it helped!
Get over it..
Depends on what you mean by looping. A lot of people today use getting chased and looping as interchangeable terms. That said, if you're one of those people, then this must be a troll post. Chasing and getting chased is the only skilful interaction in this game. On the other hand, if you mean looping pallets literally, as…
As other people have already mentioned above. They've brought it back to what it was originally intended to do. The other interactions that require skill checks were brought after huntress and made the perk pretty inconsistent and also confusing to a lot of players using it. For example, think of a new pig player bringing…
Where we're at a disagreement is that you think pig has a problem and I don't. Simple as. We can go around in circles all we want but my point will stand - you can use pig's power as long as you take the time to learn how to use it. Crouch or Dash-spamming won't make pig any more fun to play, she'll just not require you to…
On your first paragraph - my point was that she has ways in her kit to already deal with open pallet loops and other common situations,so she doesn't need a buff for those. Furthermore, with practice she can also deal with chases where most other killers struggle. She's just as good in a chase as clown, but she also has…
Well, with pallet loops that you can see over you can still force a survivor away without losing any distance by just using your crouch and baiting a dash. Not really a skillful play, but it does work on good survivors. One example of where the dash is really good are loops without Los (e.g. Jungle gyms) it's always pretty…
Some people are so sensitive
The sooner people realise that this game will always be riddled with bugs and exploits and accept that they shouldn't take advantage, the better
4 objects? That's more advantageous to you than it is to them. Might be a bit distracting, but the best advice I can give you is focus, don't get emotional and play normally. This match is much easier to win than a swf with 1 object - all of that's assuming that you're around the same skill level. If they're better than…
I'll only drop God pallet if it's hag and basement. Otherwise, I'll just leave shack after I use it for a bit or take a down if I got outplayed. The value of having shack pallet up is that you can go back to it over and over again and earn at least a minute for your team every time you go there. That's much harder to do…
I like your optimism, bob
I understand what you're saying, but in my opinion it will lower her skill cap, not increase it. There are not that many killers left that require some thought and practice to use their power. I'd hate to see pig turn into another freddy
Yep, as long as you fill out all your other emblems, you only need 10 or 11 hooks to get merciless at Red rank. Also, the lower the rank, the less you'll need to do, for example, at brown ranks as long as you get a game to last around 7-10 minutes, get a couple of kills and several hooks, you'll get merciless.
Why create a thread if you won't listen to people's feedback?
Tunnelling, aka having tunnel vision, aka ignoring gens and other survivors in favour of a single survivor for whatever reason is never a good idea. Look at the big picture - sometimes the person who just got unhooked is in a way stronger position (or way better in chases) than the person who unhooked. Obviously this…
Why do people take everything so seriously? Next, are we going to get survivors checking their pulse to see if they're alive, because their TV clearly says they're dead?
I think you're wrong. Firstly if someone played the game just occasionally, they wouldn't feel the need to come to the forums and seek advice about it. Secondly, the guy you're replying to was giving OP very sound advice, which if applied translates into real life quite well. Thirdly you talk about corporate greed and how…
Practice, mate. As someone else suggested, if you want chill games and don't want to invest the time learning, just play customs with a few friends
No worries mate. I don't want your efforts wasted, that's all
I'm only responding because it looks like you took the time to research and then formulate a well informed argument. I'd advise against it with this kind of person. Judging by their grammar and way of expression, they're not the type that will understand anything you try to say unless you go down to their level, which I…
I wonder what it is that causes certain personalities to panic as soon as they lose a gen. Of course you'll lose if you play in panic mode. Get more practice, understand the game and you'll see that gen Times have nothing to do with why you're losing.
there are four survivors and 1 killer in a game. Statistically it's more likely that at least 1 survivor will act "uncivilised". It's not about the role - it's about the person who plays it
No one who's decent at the game or has played it for a while cares about pips. Furthermore, when the MMR actually gets implemented, pips and rank will be taken out of the game, which would make this sort of punishment completely irrelevant.