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  • I disagree with almost all the suggestions here. Removing the distance or the immunity frames? Either effectively kills the perk. If you remove the i-frames, then it's just a really, really bad sprint burst. Remove the distance and the killer will simply recover and down you before you have a chance to accomplish anything.…
  • Ehh, until the hacking situation is better resolved, I take all my killer matches with a grain of salt. I wouldn't be surprised if hackers can make your traps glow hot pink and auto disarm when nearby. I mean, I can't say for certain that's a factor or not, but it wouldn't surprise me, especially if you're playing on the…
  • Well, currently if you hook a survivor on any of the current scourge hooks, it triggers all the scourge hook effects. So, to allow room for future Scourge Hook perks, it works the way it currently does. Otherwise we'd eventually end up in a situation where a killer could run 4 scourge hook perks and nearly every hook on…
  • If you're playing against NOED killers and NOED is getting the killer 2+ extra kills, it just means you're playing at the lowest MMR with the worst players in the game. Once you get a little bit better, you'll come to realize that NOED is actually pretty weak (basically 1 kill if you're lucky), easily counterable, (break 5…
  • Let me get this straight. You've gone from, "Solo escape is not possible" to "Can you escape from all matches?" as if the two things are correlated. It's a false dichotomy. Anybody not cheating simply cannot escape every match, nor should they expect to. And just because they can't escape every match doesn't make solo…
  • You answered your own question. "The hatch doesn't spawn at two survivors". That's the reason some killers slug in the scenario you laid out. They are deliberately preventing the hatch spawn. However, if the killer opts to hook in that same scenario, then it's out of the killer's hands. Either the survivor dies outright…
  • Not being gold yet has 0 bearing on you going against super sweat teams. Your Grade (being not quite Gold) has nothing to do with your MMR (Match Making Rating). In other words, you could be among the highest MMR players and be in Bronze IV or you could be Iridescent I with very low MMR. "Grade" is not an indication of…
  • If the survivor is in a situation where it's not possible for them to drop the pallet early and the killer has Spirit's Fury activated, then they should get hit. Not every contingency should be counterable. I stand by this because generally speaking, against good survivors, (hell, even just okay survivors), it's so easy to…
  • I agree, you won't always be in a situation where you can drop the pallet early and in those very specific situations, you should absolutely get hit. In every other situation though, drop the pallet early.
  • In spite of the OP's complaints, things are leagues better than they used to be. Given the choice between a killer and survivor staring at each other for literally 10 minutes to see which one will flinch first and what we have now, there is no choice. Things are in a pretty damn good spot now when it comes to the hatch.…
  • Let's see. I'm solo survivor when I play survivor so my games tend to end up more on the frustrating side. Dying on my first hook because survivors are too afraid to go for rescues are a pretty infuriating loss. Though almost as infuriating is when I run the killer around for a fairly lengthy time only to ultimately get…
  • OoO doesn't really affect Freddy any more than most other killers. It's far less oppressive against Freddy than say Ghost Face or Wraith. With respect, I don't think this was a Freddy issue but rather a SWF simply taking advantage of OoO issue, which is problematic all on it's own. It sucks though that you ran into a…
  • Let's see. You're playing Plague and want a Ruin replacement. You're already using Pop and Thanatophobia so that's already slowing down the game a fair bit. My goto suggestion would be Sloppy Butcher to slow down healing and the game but since you're playing Plague, if they're healing that means they're cleansing so that's…
  • You're suggesting I'm whining about whiners. You need to understand what whining is to see just why you're wrong. I'm addressing a problem and offering a solution. That's not whining. However, you and every single person that upvoted you on the other hand, not contributing anything to the discussion, are a glowing example…
  • Pallet vaults are always fast vault. Window vaults should be slowed by the snare.
  • I'd love to see Erma! Who can say no to that face!? All joking aside, I've been advocating for Samara for a long time. I think she would be a good fit in the game (though I have no clue how she'd actually kill people since in The Ring she simply 'scares' people to death). I also think we could go with some public domain…
  • Okay, are we actually at a point where every other thread here is a complaint thread about NOED and yet now we actually have someone complaining about survivors that actually cleanse the totems? Have these forums always been a whinefest or is this just a recent development? Coming to these forums lately have been so…
  • Not every interruption of a hex cleanse happens at the very last second and yes, every second matters which is why this perk shaves off 1.4. It's meant to help survivors. That's the point. It would still take 12.6 seconds to cleanse a totem. Saying that even with TotH you usually only ever stop a survivor at the last…
  • Yes, survivors can use maps, if they have them and the add-on that lets them track killer possessions. This perk doesn't even come close to the level of power a map that can do that provides, which is why I'm not sure why this perk would even register as problematic. A 10% speed increase reduces the cleanse speed from 14…
  • The perk only lights up when near a hex perk, so it wouldn't 'pop all the time' as you're suggesting. I'm thinking you may have misunderstood how the perk would work, though I thought I explained things pretty clearly in the original post. Also, I agree that Small game is a good perk. You could use both of the perks…
  • Good survivors wouldn't need to run this perk, so I don't think Ruin would go down any faster than it does now (against high ranked survivors). Also, not sure what you mean by 'would pop all the time'. It would only 'pop' when near a hex perk. There's generally only 1 hex perk per game unless the killer is running haunting…
  • I love how people say that NOED rewards bad players. It's like they actually believe it too! NOED does one thing and one thing only. Punishes bad/lazy players. NOED can only activate if the survivors allow it to. Period. If a group of survivors are too bad or too lazy to be bothered with destroying the totems on the map…
  • I mentioned this suggestion in a different thread, but I think a 'whispers' style perk for survivors that let them know when they're close to a lit totem could be a good idea. I personally don't think it would be a big deal for survivors to know when they're within 32ish meters of a hex totem and I think it would help…
  • Definitely looks like the SB exploit. The most you can do is report it whenever you see it and hope they get banned. It's not an ideal solution but it's the best we got. Odds are, there will be a fix during the next update (probably when the Freddy rework goes live).
  • There's no need to include free DLC with the game. Splinters already exist within the game that give people without the DLC the ability to play many of the killers they don't already own. Between the ones the game comes with and splinters found in the occasional bloodweb, new players have access to many ways to experience…
  • Increasing the number of hooks is pointless. If a survivor needs to be hooked twice (or in second stage on the hook), then they were going to die on their next hook anyway, making the ebony mori obsolete at that point. Though I'm not opposed to making a change to it either. Ebony Mori's are very powerful and an argument…
    in Ebony moris Comment by Casm July 2019
  • This has never really bothered me as a killer. In fact, I'll generally get a chuckle out of it, thinking 'Well, that's one way to escape. lol' It's just not that big a deal to me.
  • So, how many OoO survivors have you run into in the last few weeks? I've seen one, pretty much just as I predicted and it was a Laurie trying to get her achievement. Ghostface is less prominent now and less survivors are running the perk. This entire thread has been nothing but complaining about a problem that never really…
  • The simple fact that we can unlock the majority of the killers, survivors and cosmetics without spending a single cent beyond the base game is already extraordinarily generous and the prices for all of them with RL cash are definitely fair. I don't see any need to adjust how the shop is currently set. Just my 2cents.
  • When I first started, I thought that ranks mattered. I was so innocent back in those days.
  • What you've just one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point, in your rambling, incoherent response, were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy…
  • I'm not trying to be rude or disrespectful, but many these suggestions are just really awful and would really harm the game were they to be implemented. For starters, people need to get out of the mindset that there are 'must-have' perks. I haven't run BBQ on a killer in a good while and lately I've been preferring Pop…
  • A simple 'no' would have sufficed.
  • If he's crawling out of the game with DS still activated, you accept you lost and move on. You can't and shouldn't be able to stop every single contingency. If it reaches that point and they hit their DS, you've lost. Accept it.
  • It's amazing people are complaining about DS now. 60 seconds of armor? Risk free? I'm not sure what game these people are playing but it certainly isn't DBD. Assuming you aren't tunneling, it shouldn't be too difficult to find another survivor to focus on while the other gets rescued. If you're good enough at the game…
  • Whoever complains about noed is some survivor that gen rushed and wants to be rewarded for bad play while failing to take the time to locate and cleanse totems and then dies once the gens are complete. It's the same reason why you'd bring insta heal med kits, it's because you aren't the best and getting actual skill isn't…
  • Playing as the Killer vs SWF is the hardest role. Then I'd say it's almost a toss up between solo survivor and killer but if probably still have to edge on the side of the killer being slightly harder. Then solo survivor, then swf. The only reason I think killer is slightly harder than solo survivor is because every…
  • I think I have to disagree that the dynamic between Ghost Face and OoO needs any kind of change. OoO is definitely problematic for Ghost Face as it's an exceptional hard counter to him to be sure. However, like was said, OoO wasn't really run much until Ghost Face came about and it's only being run now because Ghost Face…
  • I had a daily ritual for Spirit yesterday and I've not put many points in her. She literally has no Ruin and only Rank 1 of PGTW. So, that's what I used and I'll be honest, I was surprised at just how good even Rank 1 of that perk is. It definitely prevented the gens from getting done and only the final survivor escaped…
  • I think protection hits and/or escaping the killer should add MoM charges. Once a survivor has been in a chase for X amount of time (lets say 6 seconds or so) and then breaks chase, the perk would gain a charge. This incentivizes survivors running the perk to not only protect other survivors but encourages them to attempt…
  • And bring back hatch standoffs? No thank you.
  • Ehh, there's definitely some arguing going on but threads like this are good for healthy discussion so both sides can illustrate their viewpoints. I'll be the first to admit when I'm wrong but so far I haven't seen anything compelling to suggest that NOED is actually a problem. The most problematic aspect about it is that…
  • I'm not entirely sure what camping has to do with NOED. Camping largely counters itself. It's a self defeating tactic and not viable as a game-winning strategy for any killer. In fact, the only time camping becomes remotely relevant is after the gens have already been completed, at which point it's more about trying to…
  • So you're argument is, cleansing totems makes your experience as a survivor inconvenient? Maybe even more difficult? That sounds like a 'you' problem tbh. If you die to NOED, you should have cleansed totems. If you die because you are cleansing totems, then you deserve to lose that game.
  • I actually tend to agree with the OP. NOED isn't a problem. Is it a crutch perk? Sure, but so is Adrenaline and a ton of other perks. Besides, NOED can be countered so it's not worth crying about. I remember having a conversation with JenDenise during one of her streams and we were debating NOED. I effectively said the…
  • I agree with most of what's being said here. It doesn't make much sense why the obsession needs to change. The only benefit I can see from the survivor's perspective is if a game starts with no obsession, the killer is not going to know if anyone is running DS until after it's been used. Otherwise, it seems to be a pretty…
  • I'm of the opinion that if you are playing a Dying Light build, then ensure that you do not tunnel once you've killed your obsession. The perk will never deactivate and you won't have an issue. Problem avoided.