The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!



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  • I think they need to rework all the perks so that certain combo's give an extra buff to a particular trait and a debuff to another. Like a sprint burst with balanced landing gives an extra 2 seconds of run but suffers from an exhaustion that has a loud heavy breathing or track marks that stay for 2 seconds longer. That…
  • Wolf74 and yeet are correct on what they said. I am a survivor main and I know what your referring to but yes it is a slight lag issue. That and the survivor hit box's are like a mini weiner. There is a dev video that shows it and your character could be hunched over but the hit box extends above his head by about half a…
  • Hospital map has the basement in the center with multiple doorways leading into it. Doesnt it also sometimes have a hook in the center room as well? How is that not enough? I haven't seen a killer ever struggle to get someone into the basement from the center of that map. Swamp map isnt that bad if you know where the…
  • It would be an interesting idea. I don't use lockers, they suck. I have seen only a few survivors use them and the ones who do abuse them as it is. I have watched from the hook as survivors sit in lockers waiting for the last player or two to die so they can run to the trap.I think if you make them any better you will get…
  • I agree with this. I love the idea of the nectar to earn stuff but it has caused the greedy to come out in force and there is no fix other than to ride the storm and wait it out. I will also refrain from playing until after the event. The costumes are not cool enough to deal with that crap.
  • A minimum distance between her traps would be nice. It would cut back on the circle problem a bit and not really nerf her. I mean if you can cover an area in two traps then why should you place 6 in one spot? it seems a bit silly to allow them to be placed that close together.
  • So why keep chasing the same person if you cant catch them? I have had this happen as well so i go after the ones on the gens and ignore the looper unless he runs in front of me then I will take a shot at him, but will keep the focus on the gens.
  • Same here lol I cant blind the killer at all but those survivors who hit me get me before i even have a survivor picked up off the ground.
  • As a survivor I totally disagree. Killers are supposed to be hard to beat. The devs said so. Should survivors have some good perks to help them out? Yes they should. Would I like a better speed boost? oh yeah most definitely. It will only hurt the game though. Killers need to be able to outperform at least 2 survivors in…
  • Yeah I have seen a total lack of cooperation from players who only want nectar. I watched one run to every flower on the map before he ever touched a generator. It sucks they care more about filling up the vial, but funny as you watch them being the first to die and then get toxic to the other survivors saying they didnt…
  • You should use the remember me perk to slow down gate opening time if you think it is too fast. It might help you out a bit
  • I would give up inst heal to get rid of mori in an instant, but that would weaken the killer too much. I know when I see a killer use mori I change my tactics up instantly. lol I never use insta heal and I dont think it should be a thing. I have no problem with a fast heal but not instant, maybe if it was changed to be…
  • Yeah I agree toxic players suck and groups of them suck even more. Its a game lets enjoy it. I dont think you will ever remove toxic players though no matter what you change.
  • Key word "if". personally I have had it happen to me twice. I dont play everyday but on the days I do I put in 4 - 6 hours easily. If it is as much of a problem as you state wouldnt I have had it happen a bit more? I got about 100 hours as killer and about 250 as survivor and from both sides never seen many gen rushes…
  • They just need to remove the limits on the wiggle so it can actually be effective and not capped out. The hook struggle yeah do away with that one
  • Ok so you complain about SWF but want to give survivors the ability to place traps? Lol Really? You would get destroyed as a killer. I would have traps set before you could get your first downed survivor to a hook. The whole game would turn into a who can pick on the killer the most match. One runner and three trappers…
  • You only hook them 3 times if it is a fast unhooking otherwise most of the time it is 2 hooks to kill. If they are unhooking that fast you should be able to turn around and give chase unless your using billy and shot across the map. I try to 3 hook as much as possible for the points. It kinda upsets me when I only get two…
  • You push for only rewarding the killer for 4k and just watch as the campers double if not triple in numbers. You think your getting shafted on points take away any unhooks you get and let me know how well your totals are then. You don't think that running should get awarded? why is that not distracting the killer while…
  • It would never work. A reward for the killers leaving would be more motivation for the few who just want to insure they get enough points for a pip. The others dont care they play to just troll or "teach the survivors a lesson" as I have read on several post. As a survivor I dont like the idea of hanging there for that…
  • I agree with you mostly but I would say give it a 3 dc's before any ban would start. There is a rare chance that your internet might drop due to a storm and then an actual RL event causes you to have to leave for a few minutes. So three would keep majority of people safe from an uncalled for ban. Now anyone that dc's more…
  • I agree put a timer on it and double the points for killer in this time. I have had a few of those survivors as well just hide somewhere and not come out. I go afk, bathroom/drink break. If you beat me you beat me no need to be hostile and make me not want to play anymore.
  • So first I want to say no to punishing killers for camping. A reward system of points for every x amount away from the hook would be better. Second you killers sure do cry a lot. I play both, I see both and yes to me campers suck. I could care less if the other survivors gen rush and punish the killer. the hooked survivor…
  • All dc'ing needs to be punished. Both survivor and killers do it in game and in lobby. It ruins the game and there is no need for it
  • Still not sure why all you killers hate SWF. I get more hooks, kills, and points during a SWF than I do against a bunch of solo players who dont care that the other guy is being chased hooked or killed. A few times i got gen rushed and came out with less points. Is this like a high end killer problem? As a survivor so many…
  • Do you really think this would help? I have seen matches where the survivors suck and almost instantly got caught every chase and the killer still camped. To me it would seem like rewarding the killer for leaving the hook with points per x amount of distance would be a better idea to discourage camping.
  • This is true but I was referring to the part about it causing a gen rush and countering that which hangmans trick doesnt counter anything with a generator
  • I got caught be this a few times, normally at the beginning of the match before I knew which killer it was. After that not a chance of getting within 20 feet of me while being cloaked. Distortion, grass moving, How much more do you need to be able to tell he is there? Far from being op, I would rather face wraith with this…
  • So instead of saying no how about give the killer a perk that could counter this? Like an increase in skill check difficulty and frequency for every toolbox used in a match with a increase to its regress if a skill check is missed.
  • they need to be banned. plain and simple. doesnt matter if you were camped, tring to derank or not. I can unhook a survivor with a face camper as long as I have a second survivor coming in to distract the killer and I will take the hit so they can get away. Did this 3 times to the same killer who kept face camping. We…
  • The only way that it could be done that would either reveal the map or mess with load times would be a simple option in the perk menu. A main building option, meaning the farm house, paddle boat, school. Or the secondary option being the small shed. Do you really want to give the killer an advantage like that? As a…
  • This is a very helpful video. I am still going to say survivor hit box's are crap. They need to be more shaped to the body. An arm hit is an arm hit and a miss to the head is a miss to the head. On top of that regarding the op video, the chainsaw hit box should of hit those walls so many times during that attack its not…
  • I can see your point, but I think no one including killer should spawn near the hex. That way it is fair on both ends. As a Survivor looking for the totem I watch the killer if I see the killer is constantly going to a certain area that is a red flag telling me the totem is over there and the second the killer is in a…
  • this is by far the funniest thing I have read today lol a bit harsh but yeah I couldn't say that would be a good idea to allow killers to mess with the pallets. Giving killers the ability to use pallets against survivors would be like giving the survivors the ability to knock a killer into a hook getting him stuck for a…
  • Thats the funniest thing I have heard all day. So tell me then why have I seen it happen to other players? Why have I watched them talk about it it chat? Both survivors and killers have mentioned this after a match. Not sure why I am arguing with what is probably the best killer ever who is so good the devs designed the…
  • Punishments and bans all around is what I say. dc'ing due to trying to save a pip or because swf teams are better than you are ridiculous. You cant handle playing against a team find a new game. you are mad that you got caught and dont want to lose a lvl? Sorry find a new game, I hear there are openings on minecraft…
  • The dr is far from op. Its mostly just annoying that a handful of killers just randomly shock everywhere to find someone and not actually look for them, but I guess that is there play style. Although the sound he makes when hit with a pallet is quite concerning. lol maybe make it sound a little less "pedo" sounding.
  • killers don't need a nerf but they do need a few areas tweaked a bit. Like hillbilly's chainsaw hitting through corners and hooks. They need to fix the collision box's on that thing. Way too many times have I been hit even though i am around a corner already. Hag sucks only thing wrong with hag is there needs to be a…
  • So what about a new perk that would allow the killer to slow repair speed x amount per kick. lets say like 3/5/7 first one slows it by 3% second by 5% and third by 7% this way the looping survivor will have to spend that much extra time to repair and it makes it a little more rewarding for the killer.
  • 100% agree and needs to have more levels of prestige.
  • Interesting Idea but how about a new perk that would make them all glow so survivors didnt know which one is which and add a few seconds extra to the time it takes to break the non hex totems. This would give you extra time to be able to use the hex totems, plus the survivors get a challenge and pushes for more points…
  • Pumpkin huh lol Well I have to say you are one of the first to have an opposing opinion and not get pissy. I can see your point, but I still think you should be able to build a character who has a higher chance to wiggle free. You can have characters set up for speed or stealth why not one that can free themselves from the…
  • oh I have and yes it sucks but I dont cry to the devs and say fix it or I will go tell mommy. You deal with and go to the next match. That was a stupid, I repeat STUPID move on the part of the devs.
  • Why is the survivor seeing the box any different than the killer seeing generators? I think if you remove that than there should be something added to the game as a balance whether it be a survivor perk that slows down the timer or a skill check that can be triggered to add 5 or 10 seconds to the timer and have a one and…
  • What you say about them being useless at high levels is interesting. Personally as a crappy killer most survivors dont even touch my totems and they still leave the match being on average lvl 15 killer.(I dont kill very often lol) As a survivor who plays around the 8 to 12 killer range find the killers guard them like…
  • Killers technically have more to do with chasing around 4 survivors, being able to hit, hook, trap, kick boards/generators multiple times. survivors are really limited to gens, unhooking, throwing boards and a few totems/box's. Killers earn their points most of the time through the number of actions they have to perform.…
  • So Where does it actually state that is the purpose of the wiggle? I cant find anything officially that says the wiggle feature is only to force the use of hooks that are not in the basement. If that is the case then why is there boil over? it seems to me like the devs want you to make it tough on the killer so he doesn't…
  • What I would like to see is a lvl of perk that can only be obtained once you reach prestige 3. That would give people incentive to keep leveling up the character more and maybe make it character specific so that its unique to that character at lvl 3 only for both survivor and killer.
  • Well the reason I will argue one over the other is simple the beginning items can effect an entire match. the killer perks are only after a loss of a player if that player is in some sort of coms. So we are dealing with an absolute vs a maybe at best. I mean 1 survivor has to die before the killers perks even have a…
  • So are you saying that because of the killers being weak in your opinion they dc when they see the items being used? If so that is a load of crap that would be the same if I drop every time I saw the black ward, since killer mostly use it when running ultra rare items. honestly I don't see much point in either side being…
  • I do use this perk lol that is why I get so close to getting off sometimes, i do think it is hilarious too watching them hit walls but in a open map like the cornfields it doesnt do much good other than to block the aura of a hook or two.