@Ketrab2703 Oh, wow. I was told it wasn't that way.
Yall are so damn dramatic
Its been happening to me too. It's really annoying.
Yes. Please. BT is clearly intended as an anti-camping perk, there's literally mo reason for it not to be distance based.
OMG I have made several posts about this on Reddit and they all have gotten shot down. I am so happy to see other people with the same opinion as me.
If you die 10 seconds from being on hook the game is either already over or you killed yourself. Not a good comparison. I've been playing DBD for years and I've literally never died from bleeding out on the ground without a Survivor at least attempting to save me once. Nor a good comparison. A good comparison? KEYS. Not…
Are you slow? They're the same model, just the one in DBD live intentionally has reduced detail so that the game can run properly.
It's hard to say because while I want it to be at any point in the Trial, I could see a situation were someone kills themself at the end of a game so I don't know.
There's already coding in the game that does this. For example, all players don't loose Benevolent when a player suicides.
They're not forced to play the game. They can still disconnect.
Purposely killing yourself to circumvent the DC Penalty doesn't sound like intended gameplay, but exploiting.
I like some of these ideas, while I'm not a fan of others... I really like what you did with Status Icons and Power/Items and their Add-Ons. But like others have said, moving everything to one aide of the screen is not it. I also personally would leave Perks and progress bars where they are, but I definitely think a spin…
That's a good point.
So how do I report a bug like this?
LOL The equip all was one of my points.
I think these are cool too. Not sure about the SWF thing since that's more balance than QOL.
I mostly made this post because I'm tried of going to look at my Tome collection and it starts playing an entry, even after I've unchecked the box billions of times.
Why can't Ghost Face's just be buffed (Not OP) and have Ebony Mori be nerfed?
Console Player: I'll go and do that right away :(
Agreed, except the hair Claudette has in the opening cutscene is her base hair.
Pallets for sure. Even if Survivors don't fall for the pallets, the tend to just avoid all pallets in fear >:)
Ah yes. A token "DBD is dying" post.
The new general Survivor Item changes are such a cool QoL change.
Ah yes. Another token Survivor vs Killer post.
The Pig. Especially if you use her Box Add-Ons.
@FireHazard Okay thanks :).
Damn I don't play on PC so I can't access the game files. Do you know if anyone else has already done this?
Another generic "Ruin nerf bad, Killer unplayable" post.
Boo hoo.
If a Survivor was Oblivious, they'd be affected by Caulrophobia no matter how far away they are from the Killer.
When was it nerfed?
Now what about OP Key's!
While FNAF has a bad stigma, so does DBD, and I think introducing a whole new fanbase to DBD is never a bad idea. But it could only be a paragraph and I feel Springtrap would be the only animatronic that could fit as a Killer in DBD.
It's an Update, not a rework.
Agreed. I really hope the Dev's add an Unranked gamemode.
Ah yes, another "every change is bad and the Dev's hate us post".
Well the speed decrease Stack with other Dream Demon Add-Ons, Thanatophobia, Dying Light, etc.
I'm not saying every Haste perk needs a passive, but Lithe could use it, Balanced Landing clearly needed the reduced stagger, but it doesn't need the reduced noise caused by falls. That's fine that it doesn't, but ideally if Exhausted just cause Haste not to trigger, than I could see the reduced noise just being a passive.
Well personality I wish Exhausted just prevented Haste from triggering, and I personally don't care if different Haste perks have passives. Like I wish Lithe made Haste duration gauges pause while falling.
Yes it's a genuine glitch. I've faced it on PS4 myself when playing Killer. I attacked a Survivor as The Demogrogon and somehow it broke them.
Facts. Though I understand why the Dev's have added distinctions between Basic and other attacks, because Feral Frenzy and Hunting Hatchet attacks are very different from Basic attacks, but Ambush and Pounce attacks are much more similar to Basic attacks than something like a Chainsaw attack. I just feel like a simple line…
I thought about the Night Shroud similarities to Skulking too, but I didn't change it because I feel the whole Reveal aspect of Night Shroud mostly exists to counteract Ghost Face's Stalk. With the movement speed increases I gave Skulking, it's actually mechanicly more similar to Wailing Bells cloak than Night Shroud,…
Ya I understand, I like being able to keep my 8 Token by Ambush attacking too, but I figure if I'm going to rope Ambush attacks with Basic attacks, I kinda need to be fair and include all perks, not just the ones that IMO are unfairly excluded from Ambush attacks like Franklin's Demise and Sloppy Butcher.
My assumption on why the Dev's don't do anything is because to be frank, there are so many potato Survivors. I was playing solo at high rank on PS4 today and had Trial that were being lost at 5 Gens.
I personally don't think it's her cosmetics, she is literally just ugly. I used to main Meg but that girls ugly face made me quit her.