Isnt there a bar on the side of the pregame lobby thats either green yellow or red that tells the ping? Or am I mistaken
Pain Res?
So they performed good in comp dbd, lets think about that. In that tourney teams could have only 1 DS DH UB. Need I say more? Not to mention every killer had certain survivor perks banned against them.
People still dont understand this but they are gonna do whats best for making money. If survivor isnt fun they will lose more money compared to killer not being fun. Its about money always will be. Thats why they straight said theyre not gonna buff killers against swf and they wont nerf swf instead they will buff SoloQ to…
Youre forgetting that there is no way to play toxic in game per BHVR. The only toxic thing to them is end game chat insults. Just because you tunnel or camp doesnt mean you should be insulted after the game.
I forgot to hit the quote button LOL
You get it for 20 seconds?!
This would work, test it out in a PTB. If its bad scrap it and if its good, live servers here we come. Its just the amount of tokens you get per match? Maybe have it like a token for every gen completed?
Youre truly wasting your time trying to explain this, nobody is gonna listen. KILLER BAD SURVIVOR GOOD HAHA GG EZ.
Most likely because they are playing to win and are uber competitive. Lest we forget how easy it is to actually get to red ranks on the survivor side, so a lot of them are boosted.
If you could walk around the map holding my hand while I do gens that would be great, thanks for asking. Finally a fair and nice killer in this game.
You are better vs more experience because you know what to expect. You can somewhat predict whats gonna happen. Newer players arent predictable at all. Their pathing is all sorts of cracked. That might just be the issue here.
If I am the one hooked and I see everyone sitting in the gates, sure Ill pack it in. Some people do it for the points others hope to be unhooked. Its not incredibly hard to go unhook someone from basement if everyone is still alive. The amount of times I left the exit gates to go get someone only to have them "give up" and…
Its not embarrassing I block hatch and walk away. If youre gonna hide in a locker and wait for hatch with 3 or 4 gens left you can get bent. I had a swf try it the other day. One of them DCed so the hatch would spawn and he could escape. It spawned next to me and I blocked it. It was glorious watching youtube while he…
I think they are in a better position now to punish people who suicide one hook since they updated the struggle mechanic. In the end I dont see it happening either way.
Ill stand on hatch and block hatch if thats what youre playing for. Finish them gens and walk out idc, youre not getting hatch. (petty AF i know)
So using perks and add-ons in a game is toxic? Weird. Bodyblocking taking protection hits is toxic too? Even more weird. The real TOXIC thing is DBDs matchmaking. Using perks and tea-bagging is not. We should learn the difference between toxic behavior and non-toxic. Is there any positive notes you can take away from this…
While we are at it lets remove gens from the game as well. We can just turn this game into a game of hide and seek. If youre not found in a 20 minute time-span you escape. We will just rename the game Hide and Die, it will be a smash hit.
I pick the parts out that I dont agree with, everything else I do. When I get facecamped after looping the killer for a long time, I laugh. Their facecamp is my champagne. Even if I die I still won because I wasted the killers time that much during chase and after. When I get the basement bubba treatment I laugh because…
Please enlighten me when I said it was ok to bully people? PLEASE DO. I said if it is getting them BP then no it is not. Its not the players fault they are trying to maximize the points they can get. Anything after that, ok. Until your BP is maxed youre not bullying. I have ran around looking for totems after the gate was…
I actually DONT play like that but its nice to assume things on the internet. just because someone gives you a counter doesnt mean they are that. I was quoting you with the party game line either way. i never said anything that you are saying. If the survivor is doing things that gets them BP then your arguement is not…
If they are able to leave and get more BP for themselves, why not? Its kind of ironic that you bring up the fact its a party game yet youre complaining about how others decide to play the game. So saying if someone doesnt play a game YOUR way is self-centered is literally the pot calling the kettle black. Fun is how you…
What do you perceive as "sadistic" behavior in a video game ABOUT killing? The mindset that people playing video games have to make it fun for you is a tad self-centered dont you think? So dont walk to the exit gates? Let them tea bag while you clean up pallets or pull up youtube. Its really not that big of a deal. How can…
Tunneling is ANNOYING AF but that doesnt make it toxic nor make it bullying LMFAO
A majority of the replies to this is talking about in game objectives being toxic? How? It is your job as a survivor to finish gens and not let the killer get kills. If a killer gets a down and you body block them long enough and make him drop your TEAMMATE you did one of your jobs. The toxicity is messages during/after…
Games are for entertainment though...
I dont dodge at all, however my slugging/tunneling/camping goes up based on things.
Idk how they would enforce it tbh, thats the only thing I can think of that would buff solo and nerf SWF.
If we could see numbers about SWFs altruism it would help. In my experience solo is much more selfish play vs SWF. You rarely see a member of a SWF killing themselves on first hook too. The stats that BHVR has released makes it seem like killers are this OP thing running around and thats just absurd. I play SWF sometimes…
Not the issue? So that 5th perk of knowing where the killer is and doing at pretty much all times isnt an issue? Thats laughable, I didnt realize we had comedians in here. Only reason why "SWFs" are fine is because they play overly altruistic. If they didnt SWFs would pub stomp through the game. It clouds the stats against…
Yes, it gives an unfair advantage. Its literally textbook cheating. Since its not in the game but should be makes it not cheating? It should be an add-on but its not and until it is it will be cheating.
If we are getting anything anime related I want Raphtalia. Period. THE END.
Damn weebs
Yeah everyone is just exaggerating but the killer base seems to be dwindling more and more....weird. Add in the recent chest glitch that was just fixed keys all the F-ING time.
I dont have an issue shelling out the money if the content is good. Maybe it enables them to get better ones in the future?
So youre complaining about the rarity? You wont even buy them anyway. I dont see no issue with the new huntress skin it looks amazing. Its a skin, relax.
In my 2000+ hours I have never run into this issue. Feelsbadman
No, because as everyone else said if youre doing any of those things youre not being tunneled. Survivors just want their 60 seconds of immunity back so they can abuse it. There was nothing like going after the rescuer then downing them and hooking and seeing the person who was rescued just sitting on a gen near that hook.…
Rank 1 Solo Survivor bud That 1 streamer has I believe 20k escapes but yes lets downplay his experience because hes a streamer. LOL This is gonna go in a circle and we will never agree. Im moving on. So live server Freddy cant be countered by waking up? ######### Wild.
English please
Survivor is 100x easier than killer. Survivor mains lord and savior even said it. Again, if youre not running iron will every game youre wrong. Easily one of the best survivor perks in the game. Not hard to learn? Alright go give a person with 50 hours of killer gameplay and put them against a 4 stack and see how they…
I thought just saying run away would be good enough but this is legit. *golf clap* The way spirit is talked about youd think anyone could pick up spirit and 4k because sPiRiT iS Op
First off, if youre not running iron will youre wrong. Second, when she stops moving just run away. Thats the simplest move. She gets punished for "not moving" Are we gonna nerf all killers into the ground who give survivors a hard time? I swear people just want an easy game. When do we start nerfing the plethora of issues…
And yet standing still on a jungle gym works....weird Shhh it is written in the book of David 2:5 "Thou shall not play Spirit but just complain about being mind gamed" It is also written in Claudette 3:16 "If I cant loop the killer thou is OP and shall be nerfed"
As someone who plays on Xbox Series X..... Git Gud
I havent played killer when playing DBD either nothing but survivor since this bug. Its a breeze when playing now, no stress. I should just put in my application to become a Entitled Survivor main.
Want it fixed? Stop playing Killer. If nobody is playing killer there is no game thus forcing the fix much faster. Personally Ive been on a DBD break while playing outriders. :D
Hoarder: Keys will not spawn in chest, you still recieve a noise notification when survivors interact with chest however range is cut in half 16/24/32 A Nurses Calling
Ive noticed an increase in survivors whining since the DS change. (its not a nerf, you just cant abuse it anymore boo hoo)