I used to play killer primarily. It was easier to not rely on other teammates or get taken out too early of a match. But I haven't played in months. I think my last match was Dredge during the Knight chapter. Less motivation to keep playing and games weren't as fun. I watch videos on YouTube to support Spookyloopz and…
I haven't played in a long time. Last 2 chapters were pretty meh, but 2 big games came out at the same time (Splatoon 3 and Pokemon ScVi). I'm a switch player so these are two of the biggest games imo (although ScVi fell a little flat IMHO). But in my mind, Splatoon 3 is a very similar game, but with several improvements.…
I used to play 3 hours a week on average. Maybe it's 15 minutes now at best. I had no interest in chapters starting with Wesker (not really a RE fan). Knight and SM weren't really interesting. I did, and still do, enjoy Dredge though. But with that being said, there are other games which, frankly, are more fun. I do play…
It's just a game tbh. If you decide to slug at 5 gens and let them bleed out, then you probably should feel bad lol But seriously, I like to think of Wreck it Ralph. "Just because you are Bad Guy doesn't mean you are a bad guy!"
2022 was decent with killers if you think about it. 1. Sadako: iconic, stealthy and adds slowdown to game with tapes. Perk wise, we got the excellent Call of Brine which is meta right now, Floods of rage (excellent Scourge hook for aura reading) and even Merciless Storm (paired well with Tinkerer before nerf and Doctor,…
Doctor: easy to locate survivors but power has a learning curve due to distance and detonation delay. Wraith: he's okay to use. He moves fast when cloaked but the speed debuff while uncloaking hurts. Dredge: my main rn. He's simple enough as M1 but darkness helps him tremendously. As mentioned before his perks help finding…
How do you know if they were SWF? Assumption or did you ask? Wouldve been interesting if you added time of day and timezone. You probably would've seen some interesting trends. One more interesting thing to track is offerings. If you see a team of all flans they could either be casuals looking to farm or gen rushers…
I'm playing Splatoon 3 rn. I really feel it's a better game overall compared to DBD. It's sweaty rn in both games, but the ability to move on to next match quickly is a huge plus. You also have other modes for more sweat in anarchy battles, no sweat in Salmon Run and even Tabletop Turf Battle is fun. I hope the devs take…
I'm finding myself gravitating to other games in preparation of Q4 releases. Specifically Splatoon 3 and Pokemon Scarlet. The latter isn't really a direct competition, however the former is absolutely an issue for DBD Switch Players. Its an online multiplayer game without an official end for the most part. New weapons and…
This is very true. Dying Light is in the same vein as Devour Hope. It rewards good actions on the Killer's part, namely hooking. I am a Plague main and can tell you that Plague's weakness is either in chase (no corrupt purge) or pressuring gens. Thano helps balance her weaknesses. I run Prayer Tablet with Corrupt and…
Overall I enjoy the update on both sides. Killer: Im not sweaty and can try out fun builds. LP, STBFL and even full Hex builds (not Ruin lol) are fun to try. Survivor: I've been having fun with Deja Vu. I'll be working on a solo gen as Deja Vu is up and then a gen will pop giving me another round of Deja Vu. I'm working on…
Killer: fun overall. We can experiment more leading to different builds. Lethal Pursuer and Aura Reading in general feels really good. My pre update main build was Corrupt/Thano Plague, so she feels really good, but people are haters lol Survivor: I do enjoy it, but I think meta is shifting from BT meta to Prove…
Same for me, same region too. Killer queues are almost instant. I think the longest I've waited is a minute lol
Killer: Plague Prayer Tablet/Hematite Seal Corrupt/Thano/Thrilling Tremors/Fearmonger Demo Lifeguard Whistle/Barb's Glasses STBFL/Jolt/Spirit Fury/Enduring Survivor: Head On/Inner Strength/Overzealous/Flash Bang
I think it's just a different meta tbh, not good or bad. I played killer as Plague and Demo. Demo with STBFL felt really good with just 4 stacks. Faster recovery and shred allowed me to close distance quicker. DH is probably the biggest difference as they can't DH for distance as I shred after an M1. Plague felt similar as…
Thano by itself isn't an issue and on most killers it's healthy tbh. However the two that use it to the fullest (which was true pre-update as well) was Legion and Plague. Most killers need to pair it with Sloppy to get the additional slowdown. However, these two killers powers give slowdown without the need of Sloppy.…
My Plague build is pretty much the same lol Prayer Tablet build Corrupt Intervention Thanatophobia Thrilling Tremors Fearmonger I did try Demo with STBFL and it felt really good.
I'm going to ask a dumb question, so bear with me. Obviously tier 3 perks are best, but are they 100% necessary? In some cases the differences between tier 1 and 3 are so different (i.e. Ruin). But some perks the difference is so minute. Some examples; Boon: Shadow Step (2s difference after leaving area) Built to Last (2s…
BBQ helped with the grind and especially helped during blood events. 32k match 32k because of BBQ 32k because of blood event 169.6k because of 5 flan offerring This comes to 265.6k BP. 4 matches should put you at 1M BP. So it helps, but as you said offerings, dailies and events help more.
I had Gas Haven and Coal Tower almost the entire time lol so I was happy as killer lol
I think we should be able to sell add ons/offerings back. Maybe 10 brown for 5k as an example. I target browns once I get my perks and/or desired add ons for killer. After that I go for browns to minimize the cost of leveling up. Even map offerings I hope go away. I loved voting on maps for community event. It reminded me…
I play on Switch, and I wouldn't say I'm terrible lol I think it boils down to the following; 1. Some Killers are harder on console (Nurse, Blight, Trickster, etc.). So if you are getting beat down by a Switch Nurse, you need to respect them immensely lol game is optimized around PC players, which is fair the game came out…
Gen slowdown perks and secondary objectives help offset somewhat. Secondary objectives being totem hunting, Cenobite's box, pig traps, etc. One of the best way to get survivors off gens is Devour Hope. It can snowball very quickly. If you pair it with Undying/Haunted Ground then it's going to be funny very quickly how fast…
I agree with this 100%. If you don't want to eat a DS or UB the try not to tunnel or slug. There's more incentives to cleanse totems other than preventing NOED (boon perks, inner healing, haddie's new totem perk). Even off the wall stuff like Clairvoyance can be niche, while still encouraging survivors to cleanse. I wish I…
I haven't played against a Dredge yet. I played Dredge when he celebrated out, but I haven't seen one throughout the event even as survivor. I see survivors making more mistakes (deadharding into walls especially lol) so I can see why it's frustrating for survivors. Nightfall impairs the survivors and reduces one of their…
They can't do anything for 80s though. So I hope survivors run this as it means I'll have one less survivor doing guns for the next 80s. If they do any conspicuous activity they lose it. I mean OTR and Mettle of Man sound interesting for a body blocking build since it could be a clutch move in endgame when you expect a…
More likely reason is that massive changes like that essentially creates a new game. So there's no need for DBD 2. Those games won't make me stop playing DBD honestly. However, Splatoon 3 is a different story lol It's multiplayer with no end, just like DBD. Biggest difference is turf war is casual mode, and they have…
That's a decent idea and a good indication of how hard a match I'll have. If they're asking for Doctor or Plague on me, it's going to be a sweat fest lol
I suspect that they will use one of the following; 1. Your best MMR. If you are getting 100% bonus BP, then you are by definition going to want to maximize those BP by using your best killer. 2. Average MMR with last X amount of killers played. So if your average MMR for last 3 played killers is 1000 it'll use that number…
15s with a 7% haste speed if you run BT on top of base kit. I ran BT and Guardian and they are a great combo to prevent tunneling. Even Monstrous Shrine perk only activates if you are more than 24m away.
It is low BP though for killer with 2K and a mori (?). If you just slug with Victor then it would make sense for high kill rate with not a lot of BP. That is essentially Twins in a nutshell so qmy testing they are doing most likely didn't result in an overall change in playstyle. We didn't see the emblems so we can't…
Doctor is in a decent place tbh. CoH hurt him, but then he has a few things working for him. I used to run Static Blast cool down and range add ons, but honestly Shock Therapy add ons are so much better in chase. Doctor is flexible too and can run multiple builds. He can do impossible all checks (tier 2 madness and…
You could use both for intense early game pressure. But, I think high mobility users benefit the most from Lethal Pursuer (Nurse, Blight, Wraith, Spirit, Billy). Even Huntress can have fun Lethal Pursuer is map is open. I also like to use it for Dredge with his add on that makes the game start in Nightfall. Survivors think…
I prestiged Doctor at first by accident. Once I lost all my perks I was so upset. Yeah I got a bloody weapon, but it cost me 1M BP lol Right now I'm making sure all killers are level 50 so once new system goes live, I can pop a level and unlock at least the basics on the killers. @MandyTalk I know there's going to be a…
It's a new killer thats been live for less than 48 hours. Survivors are still learning to play against him. He's a complicated killer to go against because you have 2 issues; transporting to lockers and Nightfall. Is not the transporting that's an issue (Sadako/Freddy did this and then Wraith/Spirit/Nurse can close the…
I only played 2 games last night, so bear with me lol I used an add on combo where it's Nightfall from the beginning and last 12s they are exposed. I got lucky with the RNG and got Lethal Pursuer. You can't teleport in the beginning, but it creates so much pressure in the beginning. I do want to pair it with Corrupt and…
I'm Plague, Trapper, Legion and GF main so I guess I'm pretty chill lol
For now though it's probably best to not prestige though right? If we prestige now we lose all of our perks. But with the patch that won't happen. I would think getting every character to 50 and then stopping until the patch would be the ideal situation?
First can I say I didn't realize META stood for "Most Effective Tools Available"? Lol if I didn't see than in the stream I wouldn't have known that lol Im not really hoping for nerfs per se, but I would love some perks to become base kit in some manner (I.e. Corrupt, BT) and then the perks themselves can stack on top of…
This is very close toy Plague build. Corrupt/Thano/Fear Monger are so good on Plague, but I run Prayer Tablet as her add on. Survivors get infected faster, gens are infected for like 70 secs, they trigger Thano for slowdown, become broken, oblivious and exhausted lol Last perk I run is Thrilling Tremors, but any decent…
I don't play Hag so I can't comment too much, but some of the middle tier are in a decent spot rn. Doctor especially is solid. If you make any significant changes he will either become too strong (i.e. can damage using special after x amount of shocks) or too weak if you mess with his add ons. Some interesting passes are…
Hillbilly, Trapper, Clown I've been enjoying Plague a lot lately. I think her recent add on pass helped a lot. She's fun too
I think madness should come with a debuff to healing/actions. Remove the ability to do anything in tier 3 and give me debuffs similar to Hex:Pentimento. Tier 1: 25% reduction in action speeds Tier 2: 50% reduction in action speeds Tier 3: 75% reduction in action speeds To offset it the speeds you'll give survivors the…
I'm pretty content with add on/powers for the most part. Plague and Trapper had excellent add on passes/updates. Personally, I'd like to see Doctor add on shake up to help counter the healing meta. I.e. add on where each tier of madness slows your healing. Tier 1: 15% penalty, tier 2: 25% penalty and then Tier 3: you can't…
I like this idea. Ranks have been gone for what 6 months now? We still see people complain on FB that they are getting matched with red ranks at the end of the month. Id be down to see Portraits. There are times when I see a Steve in game and I go to post game and see a player with Renewal or Guardian and can assume . It's…
I like the realism mode idea. Im also down for randomizer mode. 5 people go in, and everything is randomized (killer, survivor, perks, etc.) The only control you have is you put in your preferred role and map.
Yeah but I just hate the witch hat one. She loses her glasses and looks terrible. Which is a shame because I love that hat
Mikaela and Elodie are my mains. I like their backgrounds. They both introduced some fun perks (Deception, boons, etc.). But I've been enjoying Mikaela and her Halloween event outfit (minus her ugly witch hat/no glasses look)
I play builds that are more fun. I'm not a top tier player and I can't see rank or rewards for rank. My only motivation is to have fun games. So meme-y builds are fun. I play Prayer Tablet Plague normally so that's fun. I had a match as Wraith on Wreckers and got 1K before last gen popped. They were sweaty and try hards.…
I'm a dad too so ik how it is. I only play when I know he's out. Son is 3.5 now so he's been sleeping the night usually once he's out. I play at 10PM. On the off chance he wakes up, I'll let him try to go back to sleep by himself when I hear him on the monitor. If they are screaming, then you have to go. AFK at least…