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  • Nothing like waiting 10 minutes to get into a 5 minute game where the SWF just bullies you lol.
  • Kinda like how you face the same 4 killers with one of two combos of 3 slowdown perks because otherwise the game is over by your third hook. That's assuming you don't eat 30 pallets first, lol, or they have 10 gym tiles chained with pallets you have to break.
  • Unlike the killer you're not forced to deal with their #########, you can ######### on hook with no real penalty. Killers can't do the same when 4 survivors are clearly a SWF with Object of Obsession and/or every pallet pre-dropped while the gens pop and they're helpless to do anything but get clicked and teabagged at…
  • Hag isn't just for camping, the traps can be used creatively around drops and loops. Also, there's an absolute ######### load of counter-play aside from brute forcing it with flashlights that aura read all your traps and delete them faster than you can place them lol.
  • Honestly I'd rather see the blood web just have rarity tokens exchanged for addons (either for items or powers) of the same rarity. This whole lets spend 5 million blood points just so I can play with the addons I want is kinda rough
  • They're also basically useless without specific perks like M&A on Deathslinger, and even then it's a 110% killer that survivors can just outzone since they're only strat is typically a 3-gen on any non-indoor / small map. They can't afford to be runnin' all over the map lookin' for chases. Twins is a cool concept, but one…
  • Agreed. Also the chains are pretty useless in a chase. It doesn't matter if the cooldown is super short if they don't accomplish anything lol, they should be twice as hard to break with twice the cooldown or something along those lines because right now you're standing still, the survivor is making ground, and then they…
  • No, it's when you're trying to bodyblock the survivor from dropping a pallet because they absolutely messed up looping and get stunned anyway lol. It feels almost as terrible as lunging through a pallet and hearing them scream bloody murder but no damage done because hit validation laughs in your face every time now.
  • Maybe MMR will give you less braindead teammates, one can dream. When I play killer survivors are invincible bodyblocking maniacs that pre-drop every pallet while their buddies slam gens. When I play survivor they're braindead half the time urban evasioning lol. Granted I'm only r6 survivor, r1 killer :/
  • Pinhead is simultaneously a worse version of doctor and twins lol. His chasing power doesn't do anything in a chase - he stands still while summoning a chain that doesn't prevent you from doing anything other than a fast vault - but you can still vault. So it's a neutral or even negative in chase. Especially since they're…
  • Exactly this. They can guarantee more loops out of any tile, be invincible and guarantee a fast vault, etc.. they can do whatever they want or even screw up badly in a chase and just completely ignore it.
  • I mean, yea, also survivors auto-win at the highest level without restrictions on perks or anything if they're a decent enough SWF. Nobody's saying this game is balanced or ready for MMR. One can pray BHVR fixes things but it's been years. Just find the fun where you can lol.
  • There's no easy way to determine skill, via coding in this game. The biggest issue is everyone at the top is just gonna be Nurse, Spirit, Blight. It'll make an already stale meta the boring status quo where every game you're in it's the same pile over and over. You're gonna see the same perks in every game because they're…
  • Lol, survivors won't listen they'll just call you sweaty for running those perks not realizing that if you don't run those perks the game is over in 2 minutes, 3 if you non-stop hook people without tunneling (have fun with DS) and even then at least 2 of them will teabag at the exit gates until the timer runs out. Assuming…
  • This. It's not just the i frames, or the distance. It's both. It's dead-harding through a well aimed hatchet at shack vault, it's dead harding to a pallet every single time you screw up in a loop extending the chase by at least another 15-30 seconds and your buddies pop the gens. It's a ridiculous perk. Sure if you're in…
  • I'd rather see Mori's removed as offerings because there's really no guarantee to using them (as opposed to stuff like map offerings usually, fog and xp offerings which most people use) Just make the one that lets you mori a single survivor by your hand as base kit. Not the last one, not the first one, or x bloodpoints, or…
  • I'd like to see you play Legion some day, lol. Most of the killers are punished in some way for using their power or require significant effort to get it. Because pallets and god windows/loops and so on isn't enough counter play for survivors, or long cooldown 1-3 conditions required perks aren't enough counter play for…
  • This, Blight was fun for like 5 games but over half your rushes you'll run into like 5 different things and then just lose your rush, eat the stun, and have accomplished nothing while giving survivors ground. Also if someone wants to use a bunch of their charges just to go for a hit let them, if they whiff they've got that…
  • Sure that might work on Nurse, Spirit, Hag, and other killers that can actually follow up and down people, but aside from the "already benefit from starstruck" gang you're basically just forfeiting half your perks for the situation and delaying hook saves (if you camp, which is dumb) for like 30 seconds. You're missing the…
  • So spread out like you would any other killer and congrats, he just wasted at least half a gen's worth of progress finding one of you and by the time he ends that chase 2-3 gens pop.
  • The only thing survivors really "lose" in this is the ability to all run the same skin and abuse decisive strike for 20 seconds worth of free gen time or abusing obsession perks like STBFL.
  • It's an ultra rare, it's fine. Unless you mean seeing auras, in which case.. it's only 12m, if you're running all over the map looking for auras just for them to SB/DH away anyway that's so much wasted time lol. 12m is just enough to see into an adjacent room on Lery's basically.
  • I actually agree with this, gives killers at least an option when a haddonfield or whatever SWF brings key and map and doesn't wanna play the game - other than just dodging that no doubt toxic af lobby of course.
  • "Training Wheels" trying playing around midnight EST without that loadout lol, you'll be absolutely bullied and gens will be done regardless of how fast you hook people. Even if you get a hook every 30 seconds, which is insanely generous considering time finding survivor, first hit, second hit/down, and walking to the hook…
  • Well yea, the silent or non-directional bell is borderline mandatory to play Wraith lol. Otherwise everyone just exhaustion perks or holds W / vaults away the second they hear it. Same thing with Legion lol, oh no there's a terror radius and I've probably got killer instinct on me, better hold W because there's nothing the…
  • Lol, the totems will spawn next to survivors spawning in, next to gens they're going to want to do, or in killer shack or gyms etc.. which they'll want to loop anyway. Don't use hex perks unless you're playing Nurse or Blight. Even then, bring Pop for backup because they'll still be cleansed quickly because people assume…
  • I'd rather have the 5% base kick or 1 c/s base regression. Then we can finally nerf / move on from this extremely stale ruin + undying + tinkerer or corrupt + pop + tinkerer meta. The fact that most killers literally cannot play the game without the above combinations isn't just boring or feels bad, it shouldn't have been…
  • 3 Gens need to be oppressive, that being said, you can just leave the 3-gen and heal/reset ad infinitum and rotate out whoever needs to waste the killer's time as even 15 seconds worth of chase at a time is more than enough for the remaining survivor or two to make progress on those gens, reset, etc. Yeah it's annoying…
  • I mean 2-3 gens are done within 60-90 seconds even without perks/items; usually before you can even cross the map and get your first down. You either snowball, stall, or lose. People seem to forget that the vast majority of killers are basically powerless against survivors just spreading wide, and having to spend 2-3 of…
  • Yea, the forum deleted my reply which sucks but anyway the killer is almost always going to be outnumbered, and it takes no time at all for any survivor to stop regression - they can even repair while you chase their buddy next to the gen they're on completely undoing whatever 2-25 charges of regression might've happened…
  • I disagree that regressing a gen to zero quickly is a bad thing or OP At the end of the day, it takes no time for a survivor to stop it and there's going to be more of them than you. Most of these perks have little to no impact as is so buffing regression doesn't really make them "problems" it just makes them useable.…
  • They won't activate on unhook if you hold crouch lol, straight up. You can still interact with whatever you want, heal, repair, unhook, cleanse totems, it's specifically running/sprinting next to a trap that sets it off.
  • I think something simple like making combat straps base kit and spawning the key after they've searched at least one box would be simple enough to implement and at least slightly reduce the RNG of her traps so people aren't popping their trap off on the box right next to the hook.
  • It's not a BS hit if they can't use half a brain cell and drop the pallet early or time the stun lol.
  • I don't think straight up removing the ability to pick up a teammate until they use a perk is a good idea, but DS/UB is still a pretty OP combination that will consistently cost killers games, even when they're not being run by survivors in the game because they're simply so meta/ubiquitous. Unbreakable will single…
  • The primary function of BBQ is insanely easy to counter, either by going in a locker, getting within 40m, or hiding your aura behind the aura of a generator. It's one of the easiest perks you can just "assume all killers have' and completely deny lol. Besides, survivors have We're Gonna Live Forever which has a pretty…
  • Absolutely not. It's already a game defining perk even if survivors don't have it killers have to assume every survivor has Dead Hard, Decisive Strike, Borrowed Time and Unbreakable. It will literally cost killers games even without them tunneling lol. The stun is ridiculously long and reliable especially if you're…
  • How long is it taking you to delete traps lol, any loop that's trapped is nearly instantly safe
  • Yeah I'm not saying one is way better or worse, I'm just saying they have different strengths and it's not a straight forward comparison. I strongly think that commonly available items shouldn't straight up remove/counter killer powers. It feels especially bad on killers that have to waste time "setting up" their power…
  • Lol that's a good way to lose as Hag, basically the same thing as face camping. Set a wide net and try to herd survivors. Trapper has their own tools so it's not a totally fair comparison with Hag because his traps can't just be flashlighted, crouched over, or set off on purpose mid-chase/carry by the half dozen. His traps…
  • Pretty sure games like VALORANT and so on can determine if someone D/C'd by alt-f4ing (ie it just sends a close command to the program) or ending task vs "hey, our server is actually having issues, a bunch of people just dropped simultaneously."
  • I'd actually rather have less maps but have them play really well. Remove RPD and Haddonfield instead of Hawkin's. Redo totem spawns on the maps so they're not literally next to gens or survivors as they spawn in. Once we have a good baseline, then add maps and maybe playtest them properly / make sure the map is fun for…
  • I don't care so much about infinite tier 3, I care that he doesn't even have to down you to mori you, doesn't even have to hook you ONCE to mori you. That's wild man.
  • Yeah this is ridiculous. I got randomly DC'd earlier today and told I couldn't reconnected despite having internet (Talking to my duo friend on Discord she was still in the game) and I got back to a 5 min penalty. If it happens more than once that's straight up bad. Like really bad. Like 15 minutes, half an hour, or…
  • Fair point, Corrupt can often screw up and have 2 gens blocked on one side and 1 on the other which makes it largely useless. So maybe have it block 4 or 5 gens instead of 3 in exchange for the halved duration. That way the survivors are given incentive and kinda know that whatever gen isn't blocked is "the 3 gen" and is…
  • This. If you think Tinkerer is OP you don't know how to play against it. All it does is tell you a gen is almost done. If it procs 2 or 3x you're just done for. There's nothing you can do in that situation but pray you've already killed someone and are near another down to force someone to come for the rescue and maybe get…
  • There are only two hex perks worth even debating running. Ruin and Devour Hope. Undying to preserve them but really it's just another 30 seconds or so. The rest either don't do anything, or don't do enough to warrant being a totem in the first place. Even if the totems don't spawn like the images above (which lets be…
  • 4 zombies if they just fixed the damn pathing would be wonderful. That's (albeit broad strokes) intel in various parts of the map and they can potentially harass hooks/gens which if people are contaminated means it takes 2 people to work on that gen because one has to lead the zombie away and it isn't just getting…
  • Where there's Decisive Strike, there's Unbreakable or Soul Guard or Adrenaline or whatever. Or a team mate to heal or with We're Gonna Live Forever lol. It's never just one perk :/ Survivors can really shut down the vast majority of options killers have for generating or keeping pressure with little effort, even if DS and…
  • I don't think it'd be that useful for the killer outside of chase, but it'd be hard to balance something like that in chase too since it'd effectively shut down looping for a moment. It has potential though, maybe your next basic attack after hooking a survivor blinds the person hit as though they were flashbanged or…
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